Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Storm Chapter 30

{Dorian’s P.O.V.}

I turned over in my sleep and was met with empty space. I opened my eyes, and sat up,

“Allie?” I turned on the lamp and saw that I was alone. I got up and put on some shorts and went over to Allie’s office because that was the last place I saw her before I went to bed. I opened the door, and sure enough, Allie was passed out with her head on the coffee table, and her schoolbooks and notebooks all over the place.

Allie had finals this week and has been studying nonstop and pulling all-nighters. She has gotten through two of her courses so far and had two finals left. Unfortunately, these were two of the harder courses she had. At least that’s what she said,

“Allie,” I gently shook her.

“What!? I’m not late for school am I!?” she started to panic.

“Whoa! Calm down baby, it’s only three in the morning,” I tell her.

“Oh…Oh, okay…Okay,” she takes a breather and looks down at her notes. “Ugh, I still have five pages of notes to look over,”

“What classes are your last exams in?” I asked her

“Uh, Physics I and Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering,”

“Didn’t you take that class last semester?”

“No, I took Introduction to Applied Computing last semester,”

“Baby, you need to sleep,”

“No, I need to study, I can sleep later. I need to get an A in these courses,” she whines and slaps her face a few times to wake up.

“Baby, didn’t you say you only needed to get a C on both of these exams to get an A?”

“For Physics, yeah, but for Intro to C&E Engineering, I need to get at a minimum of an 80,” she went back to her notes and ignored my presence.

“Give me a k**s, and I’ll leave you alone then,” I said and bent over. She gave me a quick k**s and went back to studying. I hated sleeping alone, but I knew that her studies were important to her. Only one more day and she would be off for an entire month for the holidays.

When it came time for Allie to go to school for her last finals, I dropped her off myself. During finals week, Allie tended to be really clingy and didn’t want anyone else dropping her off or picking her up. It didn’t help that she was running on almost no sleep. So, she was more grumpy and needy. We got to the campus a little sooner than expected, so Allie straddled me in the car, and we kissed for a few minutes.

“Okay, baby, that’s enough. Go to class,” I tell her gently pushing her away.

“One more minute please?” she begged.

“Allie, we can k**s all you want when I pick you up later,” she pouted and reluctantly agreed. She went back to her seat, and I got out of the car to open her door for her. She got out, and I grabbed her bookbag. I gave her one last k**s,

“Good luck, baby, I love you,”

“Bye, I love you too. Drive safe,” she replies, and I leave.

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

As I watched Dorian leave the campus and go to work, I dragged my sleepy a*s to my first final of the day and second to last final of the semester, the hardest one yet. I made way into the class, and sure enough, f*****g Trent was smiling at me. He still hits on me to this day, and I know for a fact that we’re going to have classes again next semester and the semester after that. Having the same major and having started at the same time, only made it inevitable.

I sat in the front row because I knew that the professor would let us leave as soon as we were done,

“Alright class, you have two and half a hours to complete the exam. Once you are done, place it face down on the desk, and raise your hand, and I will come to get it from you,” he gave a stack to each first chair in the rows and we passed them down the line. Once I got my exam, I wrote my name down, and the date and got started.

An hour and a half later, I was still on the last question and I just about wanted to cry because I couldn’t figure out the damn answer,

Use Terzaghi’s Equation to determine the Bearing Capacity P.ult of the strip footing?

Dammit, what was the middle part of the damn equation? I couldn’t remember for the life of me, I covered my head and closed my eyes and mind linked someone who knew the answer,



I need your help.

Aren’t you supposed to be taking your finals right now?

I am, Sully. I need help with Terzaghi’s equation. I can’t remember the middle part.

Luna, I’m not going to help you cheat on your exam

It’s not cheating, I just need the middle part of the equation to solve the problem.

That’s still cheating, Luna.

Sully, I’m begging you! It’s the last question on the exam and then I’m home free. I can’t leave it blank or just guess because it’s minus ten points if I do.

Why no question?


Why no question?


I was met with a block. What the f**k? I thought to myself. Why no question? Why no…I finally understood what he meant. I made a mental note to give him a big hug and k**s on the cheek when I saw him at home. I answer the final question and flipped the test over. I raised my hand, and the professor came and took the exam from me.

“Have a great holiday Allison, it has been a pleasure,” he said while shaking my hand.

“Thanks, Dr. Hendricks! Happy holidays,” I grabbed my bag and bolted. Trent was still taking his exam and luckily, we didn’t have physics together. I took a breath of fresh air when I got outside and sat the picnic tables outside of the science building to do some last-minute studying for my physics exam.

That exam was a cakewalk since it was mostly math based. Plus, it was an open note and multiple choice. Had I known that I wouldn’t have studied so hard for it? I texted Dorian to let him know I was officially done, and for him to come to get me. It would take him at least an hour, so I decided to hang out with Brian Cho while waiting at the pickup spot.

“Ggeutnatdah!!!” I shouted in Korean (I AM DONE!!!)

“Noona haengbokhae?” (Big sis, you happy?) he asked

“Dangyunhajee! Nun ahn haengbokhae?” (Of course! Are you not happy?)

“Na ajeek sooup hana namassuh,” (I still have one more class,)

“Oh, that sucks,” I tell him.

“I’ll be happy when I’m done with this one, then I’m going back to Reno for a month,”

“Any big plans? Other than Christmas and New Years of course,”

“My dad will be giving me the Alpha title,”

“Oh wow!! Congratulations!” I said and give him a huge high five.

“Thanks, I’m excited. I wish he would make it an open ceremony so I could invite you, but he said it’s supposed to be family and pack members only,”

“Yeah, Dorian said his ceremony was like that too. But hey, when you’re Alpha, you should give my husband a call, I’m sure you guys could work out some kind of business deal between our packs,”

“For sure! Being aligned with Desert Moon is every pack’s goal,” he said with enthusiasm. “When I first told my dad about you, he got super excited. He didn’t know that the Luna of Desert Moon was Korean,”

“Well yeah, that would be kind of hard to tell since my last name is Shaw on paper,” we both laughed. I was about to say something else when Brian’s jaw dropped

“Whoa,” he said. I turned around and saw Dorian pulling up. “That’s a nice car,”

“That’s Dorian,” I said and stood up from the table we were sitting at. Dorian put on his hazard lights and came over to us. “Hi, baby!” Dorian leaned down and gave me a k**s. He immediately looked at Brian and glared.

“You’re a wolf,” Dorian said catching onto Brian’s scent.

“Yes, Alpha Shaw. My name is Brian Cho,” Dorian look down at me and lifted a brow.

“Dorian, Brian is the future Alpha of the White Lake pack in Reno,” I said trying to clear the air.

“Oh, well it’s a pleasure then,” Dorian said while shaking Brian’s hand.

“Damn, that’s a strong handshake,” Brian said wincing in pain. “I heard that you were big, but I didn’t think you were this big,” Brian said looking up at Dorian.

Brian happened to be on the shorter spectrum. He was maximum 5’9 or 5’10, so taller than me, but a lot shorter than Dorian. Brian was buff but wasn’t ripped like Dorian. I couldn’t help but laugh.

“How did you end up with a mate half your size?” Brian asked.

“I got lucky,” Dorian said putting his arm around my waist. “You ready?” he asked me, and I nodded.

“Bye Brian! Christmas jarl bonae! Saehaebok manhee bada!” (Have a great Christmas! Happy New Year!)

“Noona doh!” (You too big sis!)

Dorian opened the car door for me and put my bookbag between my legs before closing the door. When he got in the car, he pulled me into a really deep k**s.

“Oh, what was that for?” I asked as he pulled away.

“Just congrats on finishing the semester,” I smiled at his answer and he took my hand in his and we left for home.

{Dorian’s P.O.V.}

One week later

“Where are they!?” Allie shouted at the computer.

“Allie, calm down,” I said to her from the couch in her office. She was sitting at her computer refreshing the webpage.

“The grades should have been posted by now, it’s already past 11:00 A.M.,” she whined.

“Baby, it’s 11:02, calm the f**k down,” she sneered at me and kept clicking the mouse every few seconds. She was continuously refreshing the damn webpage.

“Ah! They’re up!” she shouted, and I went running over. “Calculus-A, Physics-A, Gen. Chem- A-minus, and Intro to C&E…WHAT?!?!?” she froze her in her chair, and it looked like someone just ran over her puppy.

“What is it?” I asked. She pointed at the computer and started to cry. “B-minus,”

“AHH!!! I studied all f*****g night for that exam! Getting a B-minus means I failed the exam Dorian!!” she started to bawl.

“Allie, come on, don’t cry. Getting a B-minus is still really good,” I picked her up and held her. Allie took her studies so seriously, and I sometimes wonder if I had made a mistake getting her this damn scholarship. She became very anal and self-destructive when it came to school. She held herself to such a high standard that she would breakdown at anything less than an A-minus.

“Yo, what is with the crying?” Brandon asked coming into the office.

“Allie got a B minus in one of her courses and is self-destructing,”

“She got a B in government during the summer and didn’t care,”

“f**k OFF BRANDON!!!” Allie screamed and cried even harder.

“She did care actually,” I tell him, and Brandon held his hands in defeat and left. “Come on, baby, that’s enough. It was a hard semester, and you’re still trying to get back into the swing of things. You have a lot going on in your life while going to school full time. You’re a Luna, a wife, a mother, and a blessed wolf, on top of being a student. It’s okay to get a B every now and then. You’re still doing an amazing job baby, and I’m so proud of you,” her crying turned to sniffles.

“You are?”

“Of course, I am. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“But I wanted an A…I studied so hard,”

“You did, and that’s why I’m proud. You put forth your best effort, and that’s what matters. You said it yourself that class was your hardest one, right?”


“Well then, getting a B-minus in your hardest class is a win in my book,”

“I guess,” she mumbled.

“Stop crying, and take the win,” she pulled her head back and nodded and then put her head back on my shoulder. I held her for a few more minutes and then we down for lunch.

“Babe, why are your eyes puffy,” Sin asked her.

“I got a B-minus in my engineering course,” she sulked while eating her food.

“Seriously? You’re crying over a B-minus? b***h, I’d kill for the kind of grades you get,” Sin replied.

“For real Allie, you need to stop holding yourself to such a high standard,” Sam said. “Look at all that you do on a regular basis, on top of going to school,”

“Luna, Sam is right. You’re doing an amazing job, and one B-minus isn’t going to hurt your GPA all that much,” Lucas added.

“Cheer up Gizmo, there’s nothing you can do about it now,” Mikey said.

“Tu fais un travail fantastique dans vos études, Allie!” Andre said in French. Allie and Dani seemed to be the only ones that knew what he said.

“Merci Andre,” Allie replied.

“For those wondering, Andre said that Allie is doing a fantastic job in her studies,” Dani translated. I was going to give some words of encouragement again when Allie’s phone received a notification. She pulled it out I saw her eyes dart back and forth, then they came wide, she clicked on something, scrolled through her phone, and then a smile started to form on her face. She jumped up from my lap and started to shout for joy.

“AHH!!!” she shrieked at the top of her lungs. “YES! YES! YES!” she started to fist bump the air.

“Baby, what is it!?” I asked her. She looked at me with a huge smile on her face. She ran over and showed me her phone, it was an email from her professor,

To: Students of Dr. Hendricks

Course: Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering

Date: December 8, 2018

Students, it has come to my attention that was a mistake made by the Teaching Assistant when your final grades were put into the system. Some of your final exams were misentered; therefore, altered your final grades for my class. I have informed the business center and admissions, and they will be adjusting your final grades accordingly.

I know that someone of you may have been upset at the final grades you currently see, and some may even be confused or angry. I do not want you to have to wait for your correct grades, so I have attached your final grades below. Please look for your student ID number and your corrected grade. I apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused some of you.

I look at Allie, and she clicks on the attachment and shows me her student ID number and I see her corrected final grade, I look up and smile at her.

“What’s going on? Why is Gizmo happy all of a sudden,” Brandon asked.

“Her class TA f****d up, and it screwed with all of the students’ final scores, including Allie’s. Her teacher sent an email saying that the school is fixing the issue, but he sent their corrected final grades,” I tell them.

“So, what does that mean for Allie?” Leah asked.

“Allie’s B-minus is actually an A,”

“WHOOOO!!” everyone cheered for Allie. Allie started to cry happy tears.

“Come here,” I say, and pull her onto my lap. “I’m even more proud of you,” I tell her and k**s her.

“Alright Gizmo!! All A’s!” Brandon shouted and pat her on the back.

“Ha, okay, I feel so much better now!” Allie said and started to eat her food normally.

“Did I hear that Allie got all A’s this semester?” my father said as he came with Demarco and Daisy holding his hands and walking on either side of him.

“You did,” I reply.

“Did you hear that kiddos, your momma got perfect grades,” he said to the twins. Allie got up and kneeled down to hug the twins.

“Mama,” Demarco said while hugging her neck.

“Kiki,” Daisy said and walked over to Sam.

“Oh, little girl, your daddy is going to be so mad,” Sam said picking her up. “Keegan isn’t here right now, he’s with the nanny,” As if Daisy knew what she said, she pouted, and tears filled her eyes.

“Daisy,” I said, and got her from Sam. “Why must you look for Keegan, when daddy is right here?”

“It’s strange,” my dad started to say. “When she is with us she can say, mama, dada, papa, and nana,”

“She can!?” I exclaim.

“Yes, she knows who you are son, but whenever she’s in the packhouse, she immediately looks for Keegan,”

“That’s just like Demarco,” Allie says. “He says mama just fine when I’m right in front of him but the moment he senses Danica, he pushes me away,”

“Sawyer and Danica are with my parents right now,” Brandon said

“Ah, no wonder Demarco is attached to me,” Allie replies.

“Daisy must sense Keegan in the packhouse which is why she’s looking for him,” Lucas says. “Boss, may I?” I hand Daisy over to him, and he leaves to take her to Keegan. “OW! DON’T BITE ME DAISY!” Lucas shouts from the living room. We all laugh at his outburst.

We all went back to eating lunch, but Allie sat on the floor of the sitting area next to the dining room and played with Demarco. I loved watching Allie bond with our pups. Even though my parents had them most of the time, Allie made sure to always play with them. I watched as Demarco lunged himself into Allie’s arms, and Allie’s smile that forms when he does, makes my heart race.

“Okay, big boy, mommy’s getting tired, how about I have Sylvia take you to the nursery with your sister and friends okay?” Allie says while getting up. I watched her eyes cloud over, and a minute later, Demarco’s nanny came down to get him. Allie gave him a k**s on the cheek, and they left.

“You’re such an amazing mother,” I tell her as she sits on my lap again. Allie was going to say something, but Lacie came into the dining room.

“Hi, Lacie,” Allie said with a big smile.

“Hi, Luna, I’m sorry to intrude,”

“Please, you’re not intruding, what’s up?”

“I found myself a little lonely, with Aries being away for work and all,”

“Come, sit, eat!” Allie said getting up and pulling Lacie to the empty seat at the table. It’s actually Allie’s seat when she has to sit in her own chair. Allie had an omega bring Lacie a plate of food.

“Thank you. I’m just so used to being in a big house full of people that being alone was getting a little depressing,” Lacie said and started eating.

“Lacie,” she looks up at me. “You are always welcome in the packhouse, especially when Aries is away on assignment. We have plenty of guestrooms that you can utilize so you’re not lonely at home,”

“Thank you, Alpha, I appreciate that so much,” she said with a big smile, and I nod.

“If it makes you feel better, Aries only leaves for contracts when he is specifically asked for, which is very seldom these days. He plans on retiring soon anyway,” I tell her, and she just nodded.

“Aww, you miss him,” Sin teased.

“I love him, Gamma, of course, I miss him,” Lacie replied.

“Lacie, it’s been close a month, it’s not like you two just met,” Leah tells her.

“I know, I’m just used to seeing him every day already, we haven’t been apart since we met,”

“Lacie, if you feel up to it, do you want to help us ranked females with planning the Christmas party this year?” Allie asked her.

“Me? But I’m an Omega now,”

“OH PSH! I don’t care about s**t like that,”

“Luna, I was actually wondering, would it possible for me to work in the packhouse?”

“Why? Aries is rich,” Mikey said to her.

“Yes, Gamma, I understand that, but I want to be able to contribute somehow, plus I’m bored,”

“Unfortunately, there aren’t any availabilities right now,” Sin replies and Lacie pouts.

“Well, there is one opening,” Allie says tapping her chin. I look down at her.

“What?” I ask.

“Lacie, would you like to be my personal assistant?”

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