Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Storm Chapter 24

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

I ran downstairs and waited for Dorian so we could greet Deacon and his brothers. After Dorian finally made it downstairs, we went outside together. Just as we made it out front, they pulled up to the front door in their rental SUV. I was trying so hard to contain my excitement. Once they call got out of the car, I looked up at Dorian and he nodded at me,

“HI, D!!!!” I screamed and ran over to hug him. I jumped into his arms.

“Oh s**t! What’s up Shorty?” he squeezed me in a tight hug and then put me down.

“Hi, Lolo!!” I said hugging Apollo. “Hi, Luci!!” I moved onto Lucian. After I hugged all three of them, I punched all three of their arms.

“What the f**k!?” All three of them shouted.

“That’s for ignoring me for three f*****g months!” I shouted back. All three of them gave me an apologetic look. “Had I not texted you yesterday, you probably weren’t going to even let me know you were in town,”

“No, we honestly weren’t,” Deacon replied.

“It’s a good thing she did then, otherwise you never would have known Heather was in town, and your a*s would have been f****d,” Amber said to him, and he nodded in agreement.

“Oh, speaking of Heather. Lacie and her friend Cianna, the Gamma’s daughter are going to be staying here too,” I tell them.

“What!? Why!?” all three ask. I explain to them how Lacie and Heather got into a fight, and how Heather being the b***h that she is, kicked out her own sister and Cianna and that they were basically stranded with nowhere to stay because of the holiday weekend.

“So, yeah, that’s why?” I tell them.

“I guess, it’s okay then. I don’t mind Lacie, she’s chill,” Deacon said, and Apollo and Lucian nodded.

“Who is Cianna though? I know you said she’s the Gamma’s daughter, but I don’t remember meeting a girl by that name when we were there,” Lucian said.

“That’s because Cianna was on a work trip when you guys were visiting,” Amber replies. “Cianna is the HR coordinator for the Shaw office in Florida, so she was out at a job fair in Orlando,”

“Nice, she seems like a good kid,” Lucian responded.

“Oh yeah, she’s a great kid and so is Lacie as you guys remember. They promised to keep you guys being here a secret, you can trust them,” Amber says, and the guys nod. Just then, I saw Dorian’s eyes cloud over,

“Speaking of, it looks like they’ve arrived at the territory border,” he says.

“Ha! The Uber driver probably just thinks this is a huge a*s neighborhood in the middle of the desert mountains,” Brandon says. A few minutes later, the Uber pulls up on the other side of Deacon’s rental. I hear two doors open, and then close, and then a few seconds later a trunk closes. I see the Uber leave, and the girls come around the back of Deacon’s rental, just then, I see Lucian tense up, and his eyes go black,

“D!! LOLO!! GRAB LUCI!!” I shout but before they can register what I said, Lucian was gone. He pinned Cianna to their rental,

“MINE!!” Lucian growled.

{Lucian’s P.O.V.}

I personally wasn’t all that excited hearing that Heather’s kid sister and her friend were going to be here at the same time we were, but what could I do? Shorty said it was fine, and Amber has faith they will keep us being here a secret, so who was I to argue. I saw the big man’s eyes cloud over,

“Speaking of, it looks like they’ve arrived at the territory border,” he says.

“Ha! The Uber driver probably just thinks this is a huge a*s neighborhood in the middle of the desert mountains,” Brandon replies. A few minutes later, we hear a car pull up on the other side of our rental, and I could hear doors opening. I caught a faint smell of freshly made coffee. The kind of coffee that was freshly ground and you can’t help but inhale.

I heard the closing of a trunk, and the car driving away. Just then, I saw Lacie and another girl with her that made my heart stop. She was beautiful. She was a brunette like Lacie but had caramel highlights and it was just past her shoulders. She had to be about 5’5 or so because she was taller than Shorty but still small. She was little on the thicker side, but not overweight. She was more average, which I was perfectly fine with because I didn’t like skinny girls anyways.

She had copper-colored eyes, plump lips, rosy cheeks, and thick thighs. I couldn’t wait to put both of my heads between her thighs. My wolf, Rocky was going mad,

Mate! That’s our mate! Go get her!

He didn’t have to tell me twice. I heard Shorty shout for my brothers to grab me, but it was too late. I used my wolf speed, grabbed my mate, and pinned her to the back of our rental. I heard her whimper in pain, I must have pinned her too hard, but I couldn’t help it. I rubbed my body all along hers and inhaled her fresh coffee scent and a growl erupted from my chest,

“MINE!!” I said

“LUCIAN!!” I heard Deacon say my name. “PUT HER DOWN! NOW!” he commanded. Even though we were brothers, he was still the Alpha, so I had to listen to him. I took one more breath of her amazing scent and released her.

{Cianna’s P.O.V.}

“I wonder how many hot guys there are at this place,” I tell Lacie as we pull up to the pack territory.

“Will you stop with that already Cianna. We’re going as guests because Allie was nice enough to give us a place to stay, don’t be causing trouble while we are there,” Lacie says to me.

“Boo, you’re no fun,” I said and crossed my arms. At 21, I was also still waiting for my mate. Our pack was a decent size, but it was hard finding a mate. When I had heard what happened with Heather and her mate, I was appalled. Heather and I used to be friends, but I grew tired of her immaturity and stopped being friends with her. Lacie and I have remained best friends, so I had no issue with her playing Heather this whole time.

If you asked me, Heather deserved it and more. I mean, I get being excited to have your mate, but to stalk him, disrespect a Luna right in front of him, that happens to a close friend of his, and then mark him without his consent, hell no. That s**t does not fly with me, so I wasn’t surprised to hear that she had been rejected.

When the Uber driver pulled up the territory, we were at a gate. The territory looked like a neighborhood in the middle of the desert concealed by mountains. It was actually pretty insane. The driver went all the way to the back and ended up a big a*s house. This thing was ginormous.

“Here we are ladies,” the driver said. Lacie tipped him, and we got out. We couldn’t see anyone because he pulled up behind another SUV, which I assumed belonged to Deacon and his brothers. We pulled out our suitcases from the trunk, and as soon as the driver pulled away, the smell of brownies hit me again. It was so strong, but I couldn’t figure out where it was coming from. Lacie and I walked around the back of the SUV.

As soon as we turned to face everyone standing there, I saw someone come right towards me using wolf speed, and he pinned me so hard to the back of the SUV that I yelped from the impact. It actually hurt, but that pain was soon replaced with delight when my wolf Celeste started to purr and whimper with joy as the smell of brownies flooded our senses. Our mate, he was right in front of us. I took a deep breath and just enjoyed being in his embrace.

I could hear him breathe deeply as he inhaled my scent, and I was immediately starting to get wet, oh how I wanted him deep inside of me. I had been with a few black guys in my day, so being mated to one was not surprising. After he inhaled a few times, I heard him growl,

“MINE!!” YES! I thought to myself, my mate accepted me, and I accepted him. I had to be the luckiest girl in the world.

“LUCIAN!!” I heard a voice. “PUT HER DOWN! NOW!” he commanded. So, my mate’s name is Lucian. I loved it. He put me down but never took his eyes off of me, and I never took my eyes off of him. His eyes were black and filled with l**t. He wanted me, and I wanted him.

“You have to be f*****g kidding me,” I heard Lacie say.

“Oh, this is very bad,” I heard another female voice. I looked to my left and saw a group of people staring at us. I then noticed two people who looked exactly like my mate. I looked back at my mate and back at the other two, and then it hit me.

“Oh, s**t,”

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

All of us were sitting in the conference room trying to figure out what the hell just happened. It was so sudden, and no one saw it coming. Not even me. Because I had only met Cianna for a brief moment down in Florida, it wasn’t enough to feel Lucian’s essence, so I had no idea that she was his mate. In a way, not knowing back then was a good thing. s**t would have been really bad if Cianna got to have her mate while Heather didn’t.

I look around the room, and we were all in shock. Cianna figured out who Lucian was, and Lucian realized who she was, and things got a little awkward. Even then though, Lucian and Cianna were sitting next to each other, and I could tell by the angle of their arms, they were holding hands under the table.

“Okay, obviously, things have taken an unexpected turn,” I say breaking the silence in the room.

“Ya think!?” Amber exclaimed. She and Ronnie were probably in the most shock, along with Deacon, Apollo, and Lacie. I was about to say something when there was a knock on the conference room door. Brandon goes to open it, and he is talking to someone outside, just then, I hear Lacie gasp. I look at her, and she tenses up and glares into the air. My eyes bulge out of my head and then I hear the door slam.

“Gizmo, you need to go out in the hallway,” Brandon says really fast. I couldn’t believe what I think was about to happen. Dorian and I leave the conference room and Aries, Mikey’s bounty hunter friend and newly established pack member were waiting for us. I didn’t know him very well, but Dorian did.

“Aries, why are you here?” Dorian asked.

“I’m sorry Alpha for disturbing you, but I had to come,”

“Why?” Dorian asks, and I could see Aries beginning to become uneasy.

“Oh no,” I say. I cover my face for a second and look back at Aries. “Aries, look me in the eyes,” I tell him, and he does. I look at him a moment, and sure enough, I can sense Lacie’s essence coming from him. “s**t,”

“Luna?” I ignore Aries and just look at Dorian.

“Lacie,” I tell him. He closes his eyes and lets out a big sigh.

“Do you think she knows?” Dorian asks.

“She does, I saw her tense up when Brandon opened the door,” I reply.

“Alpha? Luna?”

“Dorian stay out here,” I tell him, completely disregarding Aries, and I go back into the conference room. Everyone is staring at me and Branon gives me the eye and I nod. He hangs his head because he knows that this just got even more complicated. “Lacie?”

“Yes, Luna?”

“I’m fairly certain you’ve sensed who is outside that door right now,”


“You have to be f*****g kidding me!” Amber shouted. She looks at Ronnie and they just hang their heads too.

“Lacie, I have to let you know right now, he is a low-level Omega,”

“So?” she responded quickly. “Luna, I don’t care about rank. I care about heart and respect, I’m not like my sister,” she says. I let out a sigh and nod my head. Her answer was sincere, and that’s all I cared about.

“Lacie, come and stand behind me, and stay behind me,”

“Yes, Luna,” she gets up from the table and stands behind me. Lacie was a few inches taller, but as long as I was in Aries’ way, he couldn’t tackle her and attempt to f**k her.

“How did he even know she was here?” Brandon asked.

“He probably caught her scent lingering in the house and followed it. If my 16-month-old son can do it, then a full-grown wolf can do it,” I reply. I sent a quick mind link to Dorian, and he led Aries into the conference room. As soon as Aries saw Lacie, it was game over. His eyes were black, and I could tell he was fighting the urge to knock me over to get to her.

“You will remain calm, that is an order,” Dorian tells him. Thank the moon goddess.

“Lacie, you will slowly, go to him,” I tell her.

“Yes, Luna,” she replies. I step aside, and I see she has the biggest smile on her face. She slowly walks over to Aries and they just stare into each other’s eyes. “Hi,” she says to him softly and sweetly.

“Hi,” Aries reciprocates.

“My name is Lacie,”

“I’m Aries, but you can call me whatever you want,” Lacie immediately blushes. I look over at Cianna who is smiling with pure joy to see Lacie also found her mate on the same day. It reminded me of Sin and me when we found Dorian and Mikey the same day; although, it was underway different circumstances.

“Lacie, you understand that this is a problem right?” I ask her and she looks at me with sadness in her eyes.

“Luna, I don’t understand,” Aries replies.

“Aries, that is Lacie Hamilton. She’s the other daughter of the Alpha of Amber and Ronnie’s pack down in Florida. The one where…” I say and point to Deacon. Aries looks at Deacon, looks back down at Lacie, and then back at me.

“Oh s**t,” he says

“Yeah,” I say. Lacie has the saddest face, and Aries notices. He immediately pulls her into a hug, and she relaxes.

“Who else thinks this is completely f****d up right now!?” Sin exclaims. Everyone raises their hands.

“Luna, what do we do?” Lacie asks on the brink of tears. “Please don’t tell me I have to give up my mate because of my sister,”

“Same!” Cianna shouts from the table. “Heather’s s**t shouldn’t have to define our relationships with our mates!” tears fall from Cianna’s eyes.

“Ronnie, we have to call Bernie and tell him, this is too important to keep them in the dark,” Amber says, and Ronnie looks at me and Dorian, and then to Deacon. We all nod in agreement. I have Lacie and Aries sit down at the table, and we wait for Bernie to call the conference room. Dorian and I sit at the head of the table and we answer the call,

“Dorian, what is…Lacie!?” Bernie says and Corinne is in shock.

“Cianna!?” Melanie calls out.

“What are our girls doing at your packhouse?!” Henry asks.

“Dad, Heather, and Lacie got into a huge fight because Heather was being a b***h over the whole Deacon thing. So, she kicked me and Lacie out of the hotel room and we were stranded because of the holiday weekend. Beta Amber was able to get permission from Luna Allie for us to stay here until our flight on Sunday,” Cianna explained.

“If that’s the case with you two, why are the Yellow Moon brothers there as well?” Bernie asks.

“Bernie, they were coming over to our house for dinner when the girls called telling us of their predicament,” I answered. “I allowed them to say with us so long as they kept Deacon being here a secret from Heather,”

“Why are you having us call you then?” he asked. The girls looked at their mates and they all held up the hands, showing them holding each other’s hands. The silence that fell across both rooms was just out of this world.


“Yes, daddy?”

“Is that your mate!?” Lacie nods.

“Cianna Devine, are you telling us that you also found your mate!? And it’s one of the Yellow Moon brothers!?” Henry shouts.

“Yes, dad,” no one said word for a few moments. Just then, I see Corinne wave into the camera,

Allie, how can this be happening? Lacie is mated to a member of your pack, and Cianna is mated to Yellow Moon? I translate out loud.

“I don’t know Corinne, we are in as much shock as you are,” I reply to her.

“Daddy, you’re not going to make me reject my mate are you?” Lacie asks with tears in her eyes.

“No, sweet girl. I would never. It’s surprising that it happens to be a member of Dorian’s pack, that’s all. Allie, I’m surprised you didn’t know of this sooner,” he says to me.

“Bernie, I don’t have a close relationship with Aries. He’s actually a new member, and I haven’t had a chance to get to know him,”

“What about our Cianna?” Melanie asks.

“I didn’t meet Cianna when I was visiting. If I remember correctly, I was playing with baby Cody when Cianna came by and said her pleasantries, I wasn’t actually paying attention to her,”

“That’s right mom, the Luna was busy playing with Cody when I went up to her,” Cianna confirmed.

“Lacie isn’t an issue, we have no problem accepting her into our pack. We are more concerned with how Heather will react when she finds she Lacie has found her mate, and who just happens to be from our pack,” I tell them.

“You leave that to us; we will deal with Heather on our end. My concern is Cianna and the fact that she is mated to, I believe that is Lucian,” Bernie replies. Everyone looks to Deacon for answers. Given that his pack and Bernie’s are technically enemies, this makes the situation very sensitive. It is clear as day that the situation at hand is making Deacon uncomfortable and he has to think hard.

“Bro, you’re not actually going to make me reject her are you?” Lucian asks. Deacon closes his eyes and thinks a bit longer. When he opens then, he lets out a deep sigh.

“No, I would never do that to you, brother. If the Gamma’s daughter is your mate, then she is your mate. Your happiness is what matters to me,” Deacon answers. I could see the relief on everyone’s faces. “However,” Deacon looks straight at Bernie. “Although this means our packs are back to neutral grounds, this does not change how I feel about Heather. She is still banned from my territory and if she even thinks about coming near it, I will not hesitate to have her executed,”

“I understand Alpha Brown, I will relay the message to her when she returns home on Sunday,” Bernie answers.

“I don’t understand, how have you not run into her?” Henry asks.

“I was helping them avoid her,” Lacie answered. “Every time we went anywhere, I would let Amber know, and she would text Deacon, so they could go in the opposite direction,”


“Come on, Dad! You know as well as I do she is completely unstable and insane. She still blames the Luna for being rejected, she blows up Deacon’s phone day in and day out, and if she had caught wind of him being in Vegas the same time we were, she would think it was fate bringing them back together!” Lacie exclaimed.

“What do you mean she’s been blowing up his phone!?” I asked and looked at Deacon.

“Why the f**k does she blame Allie for being rejected!? Sin asked in a really angry tone.

“That’s not important right now!” Amber shouted.

“Amber is right. Sweet girl, I need to ask you, do you plan on coming home first?” Bernie asked.

“No, daddy, there’s no point. I found my mate, and he’s here at Desert Moon. I’ve accepted him and he’s accepted me, this is my home now,” Lacie answered. I could see Corinne tearing up. “I’m sorry mommy, but if I go home to pack up my things, it’s just going to end up in a huge fight between Heather and me. I am honestly sick of her s**t. I want to be happy with my mate, and I’m not going to have her bad attitude and immaturity keep me from it,” Corinne nodded and blew her a k**s. Lacie blew one back.

“Very well sweetheart, please stand,” Lacie stood up and directly faced Bernie.

“I, Bernard Hamilton, Alpha of the Snell Island Pack of St. Petersburg, Florida, hereby release you, Lacie Amanda Hamilton,” You could tell from his broken voice that Bernie was sad but happy for Lacie at the same time.

“Mom, dad?” Cianna said into the camera.

“I guess you plan going straight to California with your mate?” Henry asked.

“I’m sorry, daddy, but you know if Heather were to find out I’m mated to Deacon’s brother, she would never leave me alone. I can’t let her know until she’s back in Florida and away from me. I’m also going to change my number as soon as I get to California. I’ll text you guys as soon as I do,”

“We understand sweetheart. Your brother will be heartbroken seeing his big sister suddenly leave, but we will let him know it’s for a good reason,” Henry says.

“Lucian, please take care of her,” Melanie says.

“I will Melanie, I give you my word,” Lucian puts his hand over his heart and gives them his word.

“Cianna, please stand,” Bernie says.

“I, Bernard Hamilton, Alpha of the Snell Island Pack of St. Petersburg, Florida, hereby release you, Cianna Devine,”

“Lacie,” Dorian says her name. She stands in front of Dorian and me. “I, Dorian Anthony Shaw, Alpha of the Desert Moon pack, of Las Vegas, Nevada, hereby grant you membership to our pack,” I watch as Dorian’s eyes cloud over and so do Lacie’s. Dorian’s first welcome message was always through the mind link. Lacie smiled and bowed her head.

“Cianna,” Deacon calls out to her. Cianna stands and faces Deacon. “I, Deacon Malachi Brown, Alpha of the Yellow Moon pack of Olympic Valley, California, hereby grant you membership to our pack,” Deacon reached out his hand and Cianna took it.

I watch as the girls turn back to their parents and say their tearful goodbyes. Lacie signs I love you to Corinne and Cianna bows her head to her parents.

“Allie, please watcher over our baby,” Bernie says.

“I will,”

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