Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Nightmare Chapter 43


“Yes, me.” I smiled. That’s all he said. I guess he didn’t remember my name, or maybe he didn’t even know it. “I guess you don’t remember my name,” I said to him. He shook his head no, and I watched as his Adam’s apple bobbed. I giggled seeing how flustered he was. “It’s Annalisa. But everyone calls me Anna.” I answered.

“Anna,” he whispered.

“I guess we have some things to discuss,” I said to him with a warm smile. “I guess you’re wondering why I came back to Earth after having returned to Heaven for only a short time.”

“I guess you can say that.”

“Well, it’s simple. We’re mates.”


“We. Are. Mates.” I repeated and enunciated each word.

“You? An angel?” he questioned. I nodded my head. “But … I just …” he stuttered and pointed back to his ex-mate, Sierra, who was stomping on the ground like an angry bull in a market. “Nevermind.”

“I know she was your mate just a few moments ago, and that you rejected her, Sylvester. I’m your mate as well. But as an Angel, it is forbidden for us to pursue a mate who is taken by another. Even though I knew you were mine, I was not yours, yet. So, I returned to Heaven and, as promised, I watched over all of you as well, along with the other angels in Heaven. Although I do admit, I particularly kept my eye on you. I wanted to be sure that you were not hurt. Once I saw you betray your pack for her, I was saddened and felt like every feather was plucked from my wings. But then, I heard your rejection, and flew down here immediately thereafter,” I said as quickly as possible. Sylvester raised an eyebrow at me, and I knew I had lost him. “Okay, let me try this again …” I began to say. But before I could get out another word, I felt strong arms embrace me, and warmth covered my entire being.

I felt as if I was completely on fire, but I wasn’t being burned. I knew at this moment that I wanted this man. I would give up my immortality ten-fold to be with him. I had always longed for my mate but assumed it would be another angel. I also never thought I would ever find him having been held in captivity for over twenty years. I never could have imagined in a million years I would be mated to a wolf. And one as beautiful as Sylvester.

I felt a sudden chill when he broke our embrace, but he looked down at me with his beautiful silver eyes. His eyes reminded me of the gates of Heaven. His eyes showed me the way to his soul, and all I saw was good. This was a good man, and he belonged to me.

“Anna, are you real?” he asked me and looked at me all over.

“Yes, I am, Sylvester. I am very real. I am here, and I want to be with you.”

“Do you want to have a family with me?” he asked suddenly. I was taken aback at how forward he was. But what I saw in his eyes when looked to me for a response was nothing but desire, and the carnal need to know. He desperately wanted a family. It wasn’t just something he wanted. It was something he craved and longed for. Who was I to deny him that?

“I want whatever you want. If you want me to bear your children, I will gladly give you my body. We will create new lives, together.” He gently embraced me in his arms again, and I added to it by using my wings to cocoon us together.

“A minute ago, my heart was shattered into a million pieces, and my entire body felt so empty. But now, I don’t think my heart has ever felt so full. Thank you, Anna, for coming back.”

“Nothing could keep me away,” I whispered and squeezed my wings tighter.

Good luck, child. I heard the voice of the Holy Ghost.

Thank you, my King.

I felt my immortality diminish, but I never felt more alive.

“Wait, what just happened?” he asked me.

“The Lord has taken my immortality.”


“It was a sacrifice I had to make to be with you, Sly,” I replied and leaned into his chest. He was so big and burly. I felt so safe.

“Are you what they call a fallen angel then?” he asked with his voice full of concern.

“No. I’m mortal, but I am still an angel. I still have my wings, and this …” I snapped my fingers, and my halo appeared above my head. “Fallen angels lose their wings and their halos. They become human. I’m still an angel, I’m just not immortal anymore.” He just blinked his eyes and was lost again. So cute. “You think too much, darling. Just go with the flow.”

After a few minutes of explaining everything to him again, Sylvester finally understood everything. He was a ditz, but he was my ditz. What I needed to do now was salvage his relationship with his pack. What he did was not out of malice or selfishness. If there was one thing I knew about werewolves, is that they live for their mates. Dorian and the others were no different, and that was something I was going to drill into their heads.

We walked over to them hand-in-hand, but didn’t expect to walk right into a situation. They were all worked up, and the vampire Delta, Andre, was seething in anger.

“What’s happening?” I asked Sly.

“I don’t know,” he replied. We ran over to the group. “Alpha, what’s going on?” he asked Dorian.

“What are … What the!?” he was thrown off guard when he saw me. “Anna!?”

“ANNA!?” I heard Allie the other girls exclaim.

“I’ll explain later, Alpha. Why is the Delta so angry?” Sly asked.

“We just got a call from home. Vivienne has been kidnapped,” Dorian explained.

“Who is Vivienne?” I asked.

“She’s the Delta’s younger sister,” Sly answered me.

“Pack up! We need to get home!” Dorian commanded.

“I need to find her!” another burly man said. He, too, was angry. I looked up at Sly.

“Vivienne’s mate.”

“Take my hands, you guys!” Dani said. They both grabbed her hands, and they disappeared in a puff of orange smoke. I had heard of vampires shimmering but never witnessed it firsthand.

“I’m sorry, Anna, but our celebration is going to have to wait. Vivienne is a ranked vampire. She’s practically royalty of her father’s coven,” Sly told me apologetically.

“She’s part of your pack which means she is a part of my flock. Angels love all creatures. What can I do to help?”

“Anna, why are you here?” I heard Allie ask before Sly could answer me. I looked at her and smiled. She c****d her head to the side, and immediately a smile formed on her face. “No way!!” she exclaimed. “You’re Sly’s second chance!?”

“WHAT!?” everyone else shouted as well.

“I’d like to think I was his first, but apparently your goddess felt the need to mate him to another before me,” I answered honestly.

“A wolf mated to an angel is rare,” Dorian said hesitantly.

“An angel mated to anyone other than an angel is rare, Dorian,” I replied. “But it’s the truth. As an angel, I cannot lie. At least not deliberately.” Everyone was silent and appeared to be stunned, except for Allie. “Listen, there are a few things I want to discuss, but it’s obvious that whatever is happening back at your pack takes precedence.”

“She’s right. We need to find Vivienne before Andre and Jed tear down the state looking for her,” Dorian said.

“This Jed person, he must be worried about his Luna,” I said without thinking. Everyone’s eyes widened like saucers and they stared at me like I was crazy. “What?”

“Did you just say ‘Luna’?” Allie asked. I nodded my head.

“Jed is an Alpha wolf, is he not?” I asked. Without even so much as a nod, Allie slapped Dorian’s arm.

“I told you!” she screamed at him and he winced from the sudden assault.

“Hold the f*****g phone!” Brandon shouted. “Are you telling us that Jed is an Alpha!?” I nodded my head again. “How the f**k!? We’ve been his friend for over a decade! We’ve only known him to be an Omega!”

“Anna, are you certain!?” Dorian asked.

“Yes. Angels have the ability to sense power and authority. It’s how I knew that Wyatt wasn’t the prison guard when you two and William first came to free us. Although I only witnessed Jed for a brief moment before he left with Dani, his aura screamed authority. Not as powerful as yours, Dorian, or Wyatt but enough for me to discern he’s an Alpha wolf. How did you not know this?”

“I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! You never believe me!” Allie yelled at Dorian.

“We don’t have time for I told you so, Allie!” Dorian shouted back. “We need to get the prisoners back to Wyatt’s pack, and we need to board the jet and get back home. There’s no telling how much damage Andre and Jed could have already done trying to find her.”

“Anna, you’re obviously coming with us, right?” Allie asked as she smiled with glee.

“I will go wherever my mate goes.”


“Dorian, we have the transports ready. We heard what’s happened back at Desert Moon. You all go. Olivia and I will make sure that everyone is transported to Wyatt without issue. Good luck to you, and it was a pleasure fighting alongside you,” William said to him, suddenly appearing out of nowhere.

“William, the pleasure was all mine. Good luck to you as well,” Dorian replied. When William took his leave, Dorian turned to his pack and made his commands. His power was unlike any other I had ever seen. He just screamed Alpha male. It would take a lot of convincing to get him to trust Sylvester again, but I prayed that my mate’s punishment was not severe.

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