Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Heat Chapter 85

Two months later

{Allie’s P.O.V.}


“What baby?!”

“I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!” I slipped while getting out of the shower because my sense of balance is all f****d up being four months pregnant with Alpha twins.

“What happened!?” Dorian shouted as ran into the bathroom.

“I slipped getting out of the shower and now I can’t get up!”

“f**k Allie! I told you to be careful!” he helped me to my feet and double-checked that I wasn’t injured.

“I’m sorry! I bumped the shower door slightly and it completely knocked me off balance,” I said holding on to his arms. Maxine’s spell has been working wonders, and no one can tell I’m pregnant. If anyone has tried to hold my hands or hug me, I would make some stupid excuse to avoid it or just avoid it general.

The twins were driving me crazy. They were so big, I was waddling like a penguin throughout the house, but no one could tell. I’ve gotten to the point where I can barely walk because I am so huge. Although, I do have it better than Brittany. C.J. called two weeks ago and said that Brittany has suffered a broken pelvis and three fractured ribs right now. She still has two or three weeks left before Dr. Boyd can do a c-section.

Dorian told C.J. about my pregnancy and he has promised to keep it quiet. I think Brittany needed some comforting, so speaking to another pregnant woman has helped her get through it. She’s definitely a strong woman. Even with everything her pregnancy is doing to her, she tells C.J. she loves him and that she loves her their daughter. Yes, they’re having a little girl.

Dani gave birth to her daughter a week ago, and Andre is in love. Dani thinks that Andre loves their daughter Monique more than he loves her. Monique looks just like Dani when it comes to physical features but has Andre’s blue eyes. She’s definitely pretty. Sawyer is obsessed with her.

I spoke with Casey about a month ago to check in on Hank and his weirdness, and she says that it hasn’t gotten any better. Dorian and I still can’t figure out what Hank is up to. He reports to training like clockwork, when we need him he’s always available, yet he’s lying to Casey about traveling. It honestly doesn’t make sense.

Mikey and Lucas continue to work on the rogue but it’s getting harder and harder. The rogue was starting to give up. Give up in a sense that he was refusing to eat and drink. The guys have stopped torturing him because they’re trying to keep him alive. I’m terrified of when Tucker may attack because everything has been so quiet. Almost too quiet.

Sam has been coming over a lot lately, and we spend a lot of time together in my office or in my room. Sin, Leah, Dani, and Katie spend more time together because their all future in-laws to each other. It doesn’t mean we don’t love each other or aren’t friends anymore, it’s just the new clicks we have come up with. Honestly, Sam and I can’t do much anyway since we’re both so pregnant.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Dorian asks while helping me get dressed.

“Yes, baby. I’m fine. We are fine,” I say holding my super large belly.

“I don’t understand how your sense of balance is so f****d up Allie,”

“This is your fault!” I shout.

“What did I do!?”

“You got me pregnant again Dorian Shaw!” he rolled his eyes and helped me to my feet. While we were walking out of the closet, there was loud banging on our door,

“What the f**k?” Dorian went to go answer it and Mikey, Lucas, and some other person I’ve never met rushed in. “What the f**k are you guys doing here?” Dorian asked.

“Shut the door, man,” Mikey said.

“Luna,” the other guy said to me. I just held out my hands in confusion.

“Gizmo, this is Amos, he’s the second in command to Hank’s team,” Mikey said.

“What are you guys doing here?” Dorian asked again.

“Amos thinks he’s found the mole,” Lucas says. We all look at Amos.

“Alpha, Luna, please excuse my early morning intrusion, but this can no longer wait,”

“Amos, why do you claim to know who the mole is?” Dorian asked. I waddle over to him but to Amos, I just look like I’m walking.

“I’ve been investigating someone ever since I witnessed them trying to tamper with the interrogation room keypad. I started to follow them around and found that they have been leaving the territory at odd hours of the night. And during rotation when we are out tracking, they would return a couple days later than the rest of the team every so often,” Amos explained. I was just looked at Dorian and we looked back at Amos.

“If you saw someone tampering with the keypad, why didn’t you say anything before!?” Dorian shouted.

“Alpha, please. I wanted to be sure that this person was indeed betraying us. I didn’t want to tarnish their good name solely based on a hunch,” he said.

“You are 100% sure that this person is the mole?” Dorian asked.

“Yes, Alpha without a doubt in my mind,”


“I followed him one night and was able to get close enough to capture this photo,” he pulled out his phone and gave it to Dorian. I looked at Mikey and Lucas who were looking down at the floor. There was hurt in their eyes.

“WHAT!?!?” Dorian roared in his Alpha tone after looking at the photo. He was seething in anger and his eyes went black.

“Dorian, who is it?” I asked, but he didn’t answer. I grabbed the phone from him.

“Gizmo, no!” Mikey shouted but it was too late. The photo that Amos took showed Hank with Thomas Harold, Tucker’s youngest brother.

“Oh my god,” I whisper. Dorian snatches the phone and throws it again wall. Amos didn’t even care that Dorian just smashed his phone to bits. Dorian grabs me by the shoulders,

“You are never to associate with Casey or her children ever again!” he shouts in my face. I nod my head.

“Dorian there is one other thing,” Lucas says calmly.

“What?” Dorian gritted his teeth as he stood up straight. I leaned against his chest.

“We believe that…Hank built the bomb for the Tucker,” I stand up straight and look at Lucas.

“WHAT?!?!” Dorian is shaking and I feel Bandit coming to the surface. I grab his hands and try to keep him calm, but it’s not working.

“Lucas, why do you think that?” I ask quickly to get an explanation before Dorian blows a gasket.

“Hank has knowledge of explosives. Not the way Andre does, but enough to get away building something that shitty,” he explains.

“Luna, I also ran Hank’s and Casey’s financials, 11 months ago, there was a purchase for a camera, on Casey’s credit card,” Amos says.

“Gizmo, the product number for the camera purchased matches the one from the device and was purchased a week before the general reveal party,” Mikey adds. I had no words. I was shocked. I trusted Hank. We all trusted Hank, and all this time, he’s the one who has been helping Tucker. He built the bomb that killed my Lavender. He has had the audacity to act as our friend when in reality he was our enemy.

“What the rogue has been saying all this time makes sense now. Keep you friends close but your enemy closer,” Mikey said. I looked up at him. “The rogue has been insinuating that someone close to us was the mole this entire time,”

“What Casey told me a few months back makes sense now too,” I say with no energy. “Casey told me that Dorian was assigning Hank’s team to more away jobs to find Tucker and that he would be gone for days sometimes. He has been lying to his own wife,”

“BRING HANK TO ME NOW!!” Dorian screamed. The guys left our room. As soon as the door closed. I fell to my knees and started bawling. Dorian kneeled down and hugged me tight. I held my swollen belly and just cried. I cried for my baby, I cried for Dorian, I cried for me, but most of all, I cried for Casey and her children. She was about to lose her husband and her pups their father.

{Casey’s P.O.V.}

“Hank, are you going to leave again anytime soon?” I asked him as we sat in the living room of our home.

“It all depends on the Alpha honey,” he replied.

“Well, you’re home now, right?”

“For now, yes,”

“I’m kind of in the mood for homework, if you get what I mean,” homework was my keyword for s*x. Hank’s eyes turned black and he growled as he pounced on me. We were laughing as he was starting to act like a horny animal when our front was forced open.

“What the f**k!?” Hank shouted. We both stood up and saw that the door was completely off its hinges and there stood the Gamma, Delta, Lucas, and Amos, Hank’s second in command.

“What is going on!?” I shouted. I could hear the screams of my pups upstairs. The crashing of the door woke them.


“Honey, what the hell are they talking about!?!?” I pulled on his arm, but all I could see was anger in his eyes.

“I love you, Casey,” He pulled me into a deep k**s and then pushed me down onto the sofa, shifted into Hondo and took off through the backdoor. Immediately, the Gamma, Lucas, and Amos shift into their wolves and took off after him. The Delta stayed behind.

“WHAT THE SAM HELL IS GOING ON!?!” I scream and tears stream down my face.

“Casey, go get your children. You are ordered to report to the packhouse,” the Delta said to me. Because he was now ranked, I had no choice but to obey. I go upstairs and go the get kids. He takes me to the car and takes me to the packhouse. What did Hank do?

{Hank’s P.O.V.}

When the Gamma, Delta, Lucas, and Amos came through the front door, I knew immediately that I had been made. The only thing I could of at that point was Casey and my children. They were innocent, and I didn’t want them to witness this. Casey pulled on my arm, confused out of her mind. I did the one thing I could do,

“I love you, Casey,” I tell her and pulled her into our final k**s. I pushed her down onto the sofa, shifted into Hondo, and took off. I heard growls from behind me as I see Mitch, Lucas’ wolf Quentin and Amos’ wolf Storm chasing after me.

Faster Hondo! I tell my wolf.

This is all your fault, Hank! You were weak! You gave in to the temptation! And now our family is ruined! You have taken me away from our mate!

Hondo shut the f**k up and…

Before I could even say another word, we were tackled to the ground. We rolled a few times and shook it off. Then, we saw that we were surrounded by my entire team.

WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? I shouted at them.

We’ve been ordered by the Alpha to take you in, Hank! Amy, my only female tracker shouted.

YOU BETRAYED US!! Albert roared.

I am your team leader! Stand down! I commanded.

You were stripped of that title! Amos is our new team leader! Cedric said.

I was about to fight my way out when I heard a powerful growl. Mitch, Quentin, and Storm had caught up. I was completely outnumbered.

SHIFT BACK NOW! The Gamma commanded. Hondo had no choice but to comply. I shifted back, and so did everyone else.

“HANK!! HOW THE f**k COULD YOU DO THIS US!? TO DORIAN! TO ALLIE!” Mikey screamed. I stayed silent bowed my head. “ANSWER ME!” he commanded. I had nothing to say. I betrayed my pack and my family. No matter what I said, this was only going to end one of two ways. Banishment or death.

“For almost a f*****g year, we’ve been looking for Tucker! And you’ve known where he is this entire f*****g time!? You built the bomb that killed a future Luna!!” Lucas shouted.

“Hank! I looked up to you! Why!?” Amos yelled.

“Hank, do you realize that your actions have sentenced Casey and kids to banishment!?” Mikey said. I look up in shock.


“The moment you got involved with the enemy, you sealed their fate!!” he replied.

“If Casey is banished, she can’t even go home to her family!” I yelled. Casey was innocent. She didn’t deserve to be banished. My pups, how could the Alpha do that to my pups?


“Please, spare my wife and pups! I will plead with the Alpha! Do not punish Casey and my pups!”

“It’s not Dorian who is banishing them, it’s Allie!” Lucas says.

“Why is the Luna banishing my wife and pups!?” I asked.


“I didn’t set off the bomb!”


My team members jumped to retrain me, but I fought back. I wasn’t going down without a fight. I needed to get to Casey, I need to protect her. I tried to push past my men but was met with a fist to the face. It made disoriented and I felt myself being restrained. I looked up and was met by Mikey’s pissed off face. The thing I saw was his fist.

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

Dorian and I were sitting in his office waiting to hear back from Mikey. I was so angry I was shaking. I couldn’t that Hank was the mole. He gave the rogue the pass to get into the company that day, and he even tried to play it off. He was the one who said there was a mole in the company, and it was him all along. How could he do this to us? To me? I’ve been nothing but kind to him and Casey. Granted she and I didn’t end up being as close as I had hoped, but I had no ill against them.

I look over at Dorian whose eyes are still black. They haven’t changed since Mikey and the other’s left to go arrest Hank. As we were waiting for news, Brandon burst into Dorian’s office with all the girls following behind him,

“IS IT TRUE!? HANK IS THE MOLE!?” Brandon asked. Dorian and I just nod.

“Oh my god, how could he do that!? Why!?” Sin asked.

“People are saying that Hank is the one that built the bomb, please tell me that’s not true, man! Please tell me that Hank didn’t kill your baby!” Brandon begged. Neither Dorian nor I could answer. We just sat in silence, the girls were crying, and Brandon was pacing the office.

“Dorian, Allie,” we heard Andre. We all looked towards the door and saw that Andre brought Casey and her pups.

“Brandon, you stay, Leah and Sin take her pups, and get out,” Dorian said. Sin and Leah take Casey’s pups. All of the girls and Andre leave the room. I was about to leave, but Dorian stopped me. “You stay,” I nodded my head.

“Alpha please, what is going on? Why is Hank under arrest? I don’t…”

“SILENCE!!” Dorian roared in his Alpha tone before Casey could finish her questions. She tensed up and tears fell from her eyes. “You want to know what’s going on? Your husband has betrayed this entire pack! He has been conspiring with Tucker for almost a year!” Dorian told her. Brandon and I just stood in silence.

“Please, there has to be a mistake, Hank would never do that,” Casey was pleading as she continued to cry.

“Casey, Hank is responsible for the bomb that killed the Luna’s baby,” Brandon said. Her eyes widened in horror. She looked at me and tears just streamed down her face.

“Allie, please. You can’t believe that. There has to be a mistake!” she was hysterical. Why wouldn’t she be? She tried to grab my hands, but I pulled away.

“Do not touch me,” I tell her with venom in my voice. I know she had nothing to do with any of this, but I was disgusted by her.

“Please, what’s going to happen to Hank? Please, tell me what’s going to happen to my husband?”

“Hank is being sentenced to death,” Dorian told her coldly with no remorse.

“NO! OH MY GOD PLEASE NO! ALPHA PLEASE! PLEASE! MY PUPS NEEDS THEIR FATHER!” She was on her knees at this point begging Dorian to reconsider. “ALLIE! ALLIE! PLEASE! PLEASE ASK HIM TO RECONSIDER! I CAN’T LOSE MY HUSBAND! PLEASE!” she crawled over to me and was hanging onto my ankles begging. I couldn’t help but cry for her. But I knew that there was nothing I could do. Dorian wouldn’t change his mind. Even he did, the Elder’s wouldn’t. Hank killed the heir of an Alpha and has been helping an enemy of our pack stay one step ahead of us.

I was so angry. Even though I felt bad for Casey, her husband was responsible for the death of my unborn baby. Tucker may have been the one who ordered the hit, but Hank provided him with the bomb. Hank was just as responsible for Lavender’s death as Tucker was. Hank’s actions killed my baby. He took my baby from me.

“Brandon, get her off of me,” I tell Brandon. He comes around and forces Casey to her feet and pulls her away.

“Allie, please,” she begs.

“Shut up Casey! You don’t get to beg for us to feel sorry for you! Or for Hank! Your husband KILLED MY BABY!!” I screamed. “Hank doesn’t deserve to live! He deserves his punishment ten times over!” she flinches at my words and cries even more. “He deserves to die and more! His punishment will not just end with this execution!” she looks up at me and my eyes have gone black. “Casey! I, Allison Shaw, Luna of the Desert Moon Pack, hereby banish you and your pups! You and your pups are now classified as rogues!”

“WHY!? MY PUPS ARE INNOCENT!? I’M INNOCENT!” she screams. Her tears have stopped and now she is pissed. Of course, she is. I just banished her and her two toddlers. Does that make me a b***h? Sure, it does. But it will teach every pack member from here on out that if one person f***s up, their entire family will be punished.

“Because I do not want any remnants of Hank in my pack!! The karma from his misdeeds will spill onto you and your pups!!”

“Luna! If I’m banished I won’t be able to go back to my old pack!”

“You can blame your shitty excuse of a husband for that! GET THE f**k OUT OF MY PACK!!” I roar in my Luna tone.

“Brandon! You and Andre take Casey and her pups to their home and give her thirty minutes to pack. You will escort them off the territory after that,” Dorian commanded.

“Yes, Alpha!” Brandon dragged Casey out of the office who was still screaming and begging for me to reconsider. I just ignored her and sat down on Dorian’s lap. I looked at Dorian whose eyes were clouded over.

“Who did you mind link?” I asked softly after his eyes turned back to normal.

“Mikey and Lucas, I informed him of your decision to banish Casey and her pups,” I nodded. I leaned against him, held my belly, and cried.

“You did the right thing, Allie,” Dorian says to me softly.

“How is banishing to young pups the right thing?”

“It’s never easy making these kinds of decisions baby. Honestly, given what Hank has done, Casey would have been bound for banishment from the Elders anyway. She and her pups would have been hated by the entire pack if they stayed. It’s best they’re banished and live on their own,”

“Why would Hank do this? Why did he betray us?” I asked.

“I don’t know baby, but I’m going to find out. He doesn’t get to die yet. He can suffer the emotional torture knowing his family are now rogues and physical torture when I beat him for information,” I was about to say something when Andre ran in,

“I just received a text from Lucas, Hank as been captured. It also appears that Mikey informed him of his wife’s and pups’ banishment. He is not happy,”

“Allie, you will not be involved in anything that has to do with Hank’s punishment. Do you understand?” I nod my head. He gently stands up and helps me to my feet.

He’s about to walk out the door when a sudden sharp pain shoots across my abdomen.

“AH!” I grab my stomach. I immediately fall to my knees and then onto my side.


“AHH!!” I feel another sharp pain and fa and then I feel the sensation of me wetting myself.

“Baby, what’s wrong?!” He asks.

Dorian!” I hear Andre but am too immersed in pain to even look at him. “I can see her stomach! The spell has worn off!”

“Dorian, my water broke!”

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