Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Heat Chapter 11

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

It has been a month now since I woke up from my mini coma. Everyone has been waiting on me hand and foot, and I started to use a legal pad and a pen to communicate since Sin is the only that knew how to sign. Dorian has been working from home and using a VPN while at the pack hospital. He refuses to leave. He even had the hospital put in a futon bed for him so he can sleep in there with me. I still can’t hear either, so Dorian writes everything out on his phone for me.

He tells me on a regular basis he loves me and that they’re still looking for Devin and the pack member who assaulted me. He constantly asks if I remember, but I tell him no. Unfortunately for him, I’ve been lying since day one. I know it was Jessica, I remember clear as day and she knew Devin. But I didn’t want to tell Dorian or the others yet. I want her to think she has gotten away with it. I want her to think that I am too afraid to say anything. Sorry b***h, I survived being beaten and assaulted.

Although Sin and I were unable to teach the boys Spanish or Korean, teaching small phrases in sign language proved to be easier. Dorian’s favorite is you are beautiful, and I love you. He uses those often, and it just makes me smile. My throat has healed faster than anything else, the swelling went down a lot, and I am able to make sounds without it hurting too much. Dr. Quinn says that my next x-ray will determine if I can get my jaw unhinged. That would be nice.

My ribs have healed, and I am able to walk around, but with some help. On the occasion that Sin or Dorian aren’t around, Brandon, Mikey, or Simba are there. Simba has because my new best friend and Brandon and I have gotten super close. He plays Texas Hold’em with me, and Simba as a newfound love for Uno. Even though I can’t say anything, I call Uno with a sound. Sin and Mikey are doing well together too. She told me about how his parents and Dorian came by to see me right before I woke up and I felt at ease knowing they approved of me. I asked if they would come again, but they apparently left the country to meet up with Brandon’s parents in Italy or something or other.

I was sitting in my hospital bed reading a book, and Dorian was sitting next to me at the small table working on emails. As I was reading, something started disrupting my train of thought.

*tick tick tick tick* What the f**k?

*click, click* What is that?

*tick tick tick, click-click*

I look up from my book and start to look around.

*click, click, tick tick tick tick*

Why did it sound like a typewriter was going off in my head? Then I started to hear tapping sounds. What the hell? I look over at Dorian who is completely oblivious, but I see his hands. The clicking and ticking noises were from typing on this laptop and clicking with the mouse. Wait, I can hear his typing? I looked down at his feet, and I see him tapping it. I can hear him tapping his foot!

When I realize that I can hear small noises, my eyes grow wide. I grab his arm to get his attention.

“What is it, Baby?” Wait, can it be? “Allie?” it was muffled and unclear, but I could swear I was hearing Dorian’s voice. I grab his arm and sign to him

Dorian! I can hear! I can hear! He looks at me like I am crazy. I forgot he doesn’t know sign language. I get frustrated and grunt at him. I ask him for a pen and paper. He grabs my notebook and my pen.

I can hear Dorian!! I write down and show him.

“Baby, you can hear me?” he asks

Not clearly, it is muffled, but I can hear something! I show him what I wrote. He signals for me to wait and he runs out of the room. He more than likely went to go get Dr. Quinn. While I wait, I decide to test myself and start to tap the pen on the railing of the bed.

*ding ding ding* I grin and start to tap my pen everywhere around as I take in different kinds of sounds, I can make with the pen. It was good to hear again. In the corner of my eye, I see Sin and the others come in, with Dr. Quinn following.

“Allie babe, can you hear me?” Sin says while signing at the same time. I nod

It is not clear, but I can hear and make out the words you are saying I sign back. I hear her repeating what I signed to everyone. I see Brandon and Mikey high five and Dorian k****s my forehead.

“Luna?” I hear Dr. Quinn and look at her. She smiles when she realizes that I heard her. I smile back. I was genuinely happy I could hear. Being temporarily deaf really sucked. Even if I was faking the amnesia of my attacker, this though, I was not faking.

“Allie, we are going to do a quick hearing test okay?” I give her a look because I did not understand it all. I grab Sin’s attention,

Tell her to speak slowly and clearly so I can try to understand I hear Sin’s voice as she repeats it to the doctor.

“Allie, we are going to do a quick hearing test, okay?” she annunciates and I nod to every word. Once I realize what she said, I nod and smile. I watch her as she takes out the machine. We did this test a few times now over the last month, so I knew what I needed to do. The machine would shoot small beeps at different frequencies and I would raise my hand if I could hear them. The higher the frequency I could hear, the worse my hearing actually was. There are some that only dogs or animals could hear.

I know she started the test and I was patiently waiting when I heard a *beep* and I left my hand. Then came another, and then another and another. I raised my hand each time I heard it. This went on for a few minutes, and I knew I had missed a few.

“Well, this is a good sign Alpha, her hearing should be back to normal as early as this evening or tomorrow,” she said it so fast, I didn’t catch it all, so Sin signed it to me. I tapped Dr. Quinn to get her attention and point to my jaw wondering when I can take the wires out before she spoke, I look at Sin for translation.

“I just got back your x-rays and I will go take a look right now with the orthodontist. We will know in another hour. I will be right back,” I nod, and she walks out.

“Allie,” I hear Dorian and turn to look at him. He was looking at me with so much love and desire in his eyes. God, I loved this man. I made a promise to myself that I would not tell him that it was Jessica who attacked me until I was fully recovered. I already know that this would end in an argument and him being mad at me, but I was determined to have him see it my way.

“Allie,” I hear Sin and look at her. She signs to me,

Can you remember who did this yet? I shake my head. I felt horrible for lying, but I had my reasons. I only hoped that they would forgive me for it. I let out a small yawn.

“Baby, are you tired?” Dorian asks. I shake my head and sign that I want to wait for the doctor to come back. He nods and k****s me on the forehead.

All of us sit there as I took in the sounds of everyone’s voices. Eventually, Simba came and joined us, and his voice just added to the sweetness of hearing. After about an hour had passed, Dr. Quinn came back in.

“Well?” Dorian asked

“Good news! We can take the wire out today. The orthodontist will be right in,” I smiled as big as I could. A few minutes later, Dr. Vaughn, the man who put my jaw back together after Jessica broke it came in.

“Allie, let me get these wires out so we can hear that voice of yours again,” I happily nod. He removes the wire from over my mouth. I feel a few clicks as he unhinges it. This allows me to open my mouth slightly so he can reach in with the wire cutters. I hear two more clicks.

“Okay, I need to open as wide as you can and do not swallow,”

“mmhm,” I respond. I slowly open my mouth as wide as I can, there was some stiffness, but something major. He reaches farther in and starts to remove the brace inside my lower jawline. Soon, he pulls it out and I smack my tongue and swallow the saliva that I had built up in those few seconds.

“Baby?” I look at Dorian. He is waiting for me, Dorian. I clear my throat

“Dorian,” I say with my voice cracking. The smile on his face said it all, and then he crashed his lips into mine for the first time in over a month. My god, he tastes so good.

“Well, honestly now, Allie,” Dr. Quinn started to say. We all look at her. “Now that you are able to walk, talk, and start eating regularly again, I feel comfortable releasing you today. You will still need to be on bed rest, but you can go back to your room,’


“Yes. You have healed quite well. You are a very strong young woman, and I am proud to call you Luna,” she bows. “Let me get your release papers, and you can meet me at reception,”

I turn to Dorian who has a conniving smile on his face.

“I am going to k**s you until the sun comes up tomorrow,” I giggle.

After a few minutes, Sin brings me my comfortable clothes and I am released. I slowly make my way through the packhouse, where I see people gathering around but leaving a clear path for us. They were all cheering, clapping, hooting and I see Casey who blows me a k**s and is crying.

“This is all for you, Baby,” Dorian says in my ear so I can hear him. The cheering is loud and gets progressively louder. I guess my hearing was coming back faster than I thought it would. I was afraid that the packhouse hated me. After all, Jessica did. I knew her issues were personal because she wanted Dorian, but I was not sure if all these werewolves would accept a human as their Luna. But I guess I was wrong. Tears flooded my eyes when I realized how accepting they really were.

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