Departure with a Belly ( Victoria Selwyn & Alaric Cadogan’s )

Departure with a Belly Chapter 195

Chapter 195 

Then, Fiona took her phone out with a silly grin on her face while Victoria scooted 

closer with a doting smile

Okay. Let me have a good look and see if this man is worthy of you.” 

However, Fiona clicked open the photo album, but couldn’t find that picture at all

That’s weird. I was sure I took a picture. Although it’s not that clear since I was 

standing far away, the entire atmosphere was perfect. Judging by his aura, I’m sure

he’s not an ordinary man, Victoria.” 

Alas, Fiona still couldn’t find that picture after scrolling for some time

Argh! Where’s my picture? Why is it gone? I tried so hard to get that picture!” 

Victoria grabbed her hand as she saw the frustration in Fiona’s eyes. Hey. It’s okay if 

you can’t find it. You can take as many as you want once you’re together with him.” 

Fiona’s gaze suddenly turned miserable at that. I don’t even know when that’ll 

happen. I took that picture while I was hiding in a corner. Even though he was 

drinking, he was very alert. S’it! It’s probably because he looked over when I was 


Chapter 195 Concerned About Her Love Life 

about to take the pictureI probably forgot to press the button.” 

Fiona felt sad that she let that opportunity slip by her fingers just like that

Besides, he doesn’t usually go there. I’ve only seen him a few times.” 

If that’s the case, why don’t you go ask for his number the next time you see him

Be brave!” 

Who do you think you’re talking to here? He didn’t even answer me.” 

Victoria was speechless. She was certain that the man Fiona had her eyes on was 

an ice king

It seemed like he was troubled. My heart ached for him seeing how lonely he was 

when he was drinking.” 

Victoria stayed silent. Sure enough, a woman in love would be blind. He was just 

drinking and still Fiona’s imagination ran wild


What about this, then?Fiona suddenly grabbed her arm and suggested with 

smiling eyes, You should join me tonight. I’ve been waiting for him for two weeks 

and he hasn’t shown up. You’re my lucky charm. Maybe I’ll see him when you come 

Chapter 195 Concerned About Her Love Life 

with me!” 

No.Victoria rejected her suggestion without a second thought. I’ve got to stay 

home with Nicole and Nathan.” 

They’re both good children. I’m sure they can stay home without parental 

supervision for a while. You’ll only be out with me for two hours at most. If you’re 

still worried, you can ask Mr. Hudson to come over and look after them.” 

You were the one who asked Mr. Hudson to rest. Are you saying that he has to 

come here again to help me look after the children when he’s just reached the hotel 

not too long ago?” 

So what? He’s Bane’s employee. He’ll do anything for you. You’re going to be his 

sooner or later anyways.” 

That last sentence made Victoria change her expression. Fiona, don’t ever say that 


Gosh. I’m just joking. I don’t understand you. Bane’s a great guy. Why don’t you like 

him? He has his mind set on you. Do you really not feel anything for him after so 



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Chapter 195 Concerned About Her Love Life 

Victoria was at a loss about how to explain this to her and sighed helplessly, Just

Don’t joke about this anymore.” 

Okay. Okay. I’ll stop it. So, are you going with me or not?” 

No.Victoria turned around and left

Fiona immediately chased after her and hugged her arm. Oh, come on. Please. Go 

with me.” 

When they passed by a room, Nathan just so happened to come out. So, Fional 

urged him, Nathan, quick! Tell your mom to go out with me tonight.” 

Then, he lifted his little head and looked at her, Aunt Fiona?” 

Fiona was still insistent about going out with Victoria but got sidetracked by 

Nathan’s cuteness and turned into a kooky aunt

Oh, my, my. Come here and let me kiss you.” 

Victoria just looked at them, utterly speechless

In the evening, Victoria was cooking, and Fiona went to change her clothes and 

planned to help Victoria out in the kitchen


Chapter 195 Concerned About Her Love Life 

When Fiona passed by the living room, she took a glance inside and stopped in her 

tracks when she saw Nathan sitting in front of the coffee table

The night was fast approaching, and the rays of the setting sun reflected off 

Nathan’s delicate yet sharp features. 

The young child sat there focused on studying while a sense of maturity and 

indifference that didn’t match his age showed on his young face

Fiona stood there and stared at Nathan with her mouth agape in disbelief

Was it because she’s not seen that man in the bar for too long, so she was 

imagining things

Why did she see the shadow of that man in Nathan

After a few seconds, Fiona rubbed her eyes

“I’m probably just hallucinating from the lack of sleep.Then, she turned around and 

went to the kitchen to help Victoria

Nonetheless, she was still flustered by that scene in the living room

His side profile and that aura he emits. How could they be so alike


Chapter 195 Comcemed 

When she was washing the vegetables, she couldn’t help but ask, Victoria, can I ask 

you a personal question?” 

Victoria stopped cooking and turned her head to look at Fiona helplessly. Is it about 

Bane again?” 

Fiona immediately denied it, No. No. What I wanted to ask had nothing to do with 


If it’s nothing to do with BaneThen, ask away.” 

As long as she’s not asking about my love life.. 

Really?Fiona was still a little concerned. Can I really ask anything?” 


Victoria was fine as long as Fiona didn’t talk about Bane. It felt as if she was going

to explode if anyone mentioned him in front of her

Before she left, her father had asked about her relationship with Bane. He event 

questioned when she was going to open up to Bane

She didn’t want to listen to his lecture and started packing her things before 

returning to her room to sleep

Bane did treat her well. Everyone knew this. That was why everyone just presumed 

they were together

Regardless, Victoria didn’t like that presumption because nothing should be 

assumed, especially feelings

So, she didn’t like that people felt that she should be with Bane just because he 

treated her well

Just ask. As long as it’s not about Bane, I can answer you.” 

Alright. I’m gonna ask now.” 

Fiona realized what bothered Victoria the most now was Bane. So, she was chill 

about the other matters

If that’s the case, she could finally ask her question with confidence

Alas, as she thought of the question she was about to ask, she still took in a deep

breath, mustering her courage. I actually wanted to ask this a long time ago but 

was afraid it’ll bring up bad memories. Since you don’t seem to mind anymore, then 

I’ll ask” 


Chapter 195 Concerned About Her Love Life 

Victoria had a bad feeling when she heard that, but before she could stop Fiona, the 


question had already escaped her mouth, What I wanted to ask about is the identity 

of Nathan and Nicole’s father” 

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Chapter 196 Numbing Himself 

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