Departure with a Belly ( Victoria Selwyn & Alaric Cadogan’s )

Departure with a Belly Chapter 168

Chapter 168


When Alaric saw the person claiming to be the children’s mother, he didn’t

reply as his gaze darkened. Just like that, he looked indifferently at his

phone with his gaze lowered, and he didn’t do anything else.

However, the people in the meeting room were discreetly looking at him

because of his actions. Even the person presenting in front of the projector

was beginning to stutter.

The intern had never encountered such a scene before, and she was so

terrified that she gripped the pen in her hand, wishing she could just bury

her head into her notebook. Terrance was shocked at first, but he calmed

down after that.

He was a veteran in the company, having encountered every possible

situation. After all, there was once when the two children were

live-streaming during a meeting, and Alaric simply took out his phone in

front of everyone.

There was supposedly a rule that no one was allowed to use their phones at

a meeting. But Alaric was the boss.


Chapter 168 Looked Like Someone When He Was Young

If he insisted on doing that, who would dare reprimand him?




They could only pretend it never happened. The company was his, after all.

As was happening now, Terrance gave a light cough, then pretended

nothing had happened as he said, “Continue.”

In the next second, Alaric had already put away his phone nonchalantly

and clasped his hands together on the table as he put on a cold and stern


Everyone was speechless. They wished he could stare at the phone instead

of staring at them with a look as cold as this. At least they wouldn’t have to

be so nervous.

Hence, they began to regret it and hoped that Alaric would look at his

phone again. However, they were met with disappointment. The meeting

went on for another few hours before ending, and the man in the main seat

never once looked at his phone.

When they adjourned, many people were trembling as they almost passed

out in fatigue from maintaining their concentration for too long.

Alaric closed his folder and got up, walking expressionlessly out of the

Chapter 168 Looked Like Someone When He Was Young

meeting room. It was only then that everyone let out a huge sigh of relief.

“Goodness, he’s finally gone. God knows how torturous this meeting was.”

“Same, I felt like my bottom was on fire, but I didn’t dare to move. Why does

Alaric have such a strong aura?”

In truth, most of those in the meeting weren’t from the Cadogan Group. It

was an international meeting, so many of them were employees from other


However, as soon as Alaric appeared, everyone was instinctively fearful.

“He held a high position at a young age, and he always did things resolutely.

Who would have a strong aura but him?”

As they chatted, they began to gossip.

“Hey, tell you what, I heard that our president is going to send a woman to

his room tonight.”

When the people heard something unrelated to work, they instantly

switched to gossip mode as they scooted closer to ask for more details.


Chapter 168 Looked Like Someone When He Was Young

“What? Sending a woman to Mr. Cadogan’s room? Are you serious?”


“I heard that Mr. Cadogan has shocking self-control, and he keeps himself

pure. What is our president thinking?”

“What else? He’s just delusional and thinks that every man is like him, so

he wants to gain Mr. Cadogan’s favor by doing this.”

“Tch, he might fail miserably and make Mr. Cadogan angry instead.”

After dinner, Nathan moved the dishes into the kitchen. Nicole went to the

kitchen to fetch a clean cloth, then took off her shoes and tried to get on a

chair to help Victoria wipe the table.

“Nicole, let Mommy do it.”

Victoria took the cloth from Nicole’s hands, then carried Nicole onto the

floor with one arm.

Nicole, who didn’t get to wipe the table, pouted in dissatisfaction. “But I

want to help Mommy.”


Chapter 168 Looked Like Someone When He Was Young

“Be good, Nicole. I know you’re trying to help, but you’re still small. You can

help me when you’ve grown up, okay?”

With that, Victoria reached out and poked Nicole’s small nose.

When Nicole heard that, she stared at her with her large r***es. She

was wearing milky white pajamas, and she looked so soft and tender that

she looked like fresh mochi.

She seemed to be pondering Victoria’s words, and when she was done, she

nodded earnestly.

“All right, when I’ve grown up, I’ll help Mommy with lots of chores.”

“Okay, it’s a promise, then. Go and play, Nicole.”

“Mm-hmm. Mommy, kiss me.” Nicole pointed at her forehead.

Victoria couldn’t help smiling as she lowered her head and planted a kiss

on the child’s flawless forehead. It was only then that Nicole turned around

and left, satisfied.

Nathan witnessed this scene when he came out of the kitchen, and an

envious look flashed across his




Chapter 168 Looked Like Someone When He Was Young

He strode in his little steps up to Victoria, but he didn’t make any sounds.


Victoria was wiping the table, and when she lowered her head, she found

Nathan standing by her legs, looking at her with an expectant gaze. His lips

were tightly pursed, and he looked like a mini adult.

Victoria was stunned. After a while, she lowered her head and planted a

kiss on his forehead as well.

“Go play with your sister.”

Nathan, who was a little upset, turned visibly happy when he received

Victoria’s kiss. However, no matter how happy he was, he simply pursed his

lips tightly before leaving.

As Victoria watched his receding figure, she somehow thought of someone.

Nathan looked like a younger version of a certain someone.

That person also behaved like that when he was young. He wouldn’t openly

express his joy, so if one didn’t observe him closely, one couldn’t even

fathom his expressions.

Just as expected, the genes had a hand in this.

Chapter 168 Looked Like Someone When He Was Young

Victoria never thought that she would have twins at first. When she went

overseas later on, she finally went for another checkup with her father and

created a file.

After that, she heard from the doctor that she was having twins.

Then, she used up a lot of energy to give birth to Nathan and Nicole. Nathan

was reserved, and he didn’t like to talk. He also frowned very frequently,

just like his father.

Nicole, on the other hand, was cheerful and active. She was a glutton, and

she would eat more than anyone else since birth. Her eyes were bright, and

her cries were loud and clear.

Victoria even suspected that Nicole was the reason she became a glutton

when she was pregnant.

Even though the siblings were born one after the other, and there was only

a slight difference in the times they were born, Nathan became the older

brother while Nicole assumed the position of the younger sister.

After that, perhaps because of his position or because of his personality,

Nathan had always taken extra care of Nicole.



Chapter 168 Looked Like Someone When He Was Young

All in all, one of the two children never worried her, whereas the other

made her worry a lot. No matter what, their arrival brought warmth and

companionship into Victoria’s lonely life.

At that thought, Victoria curved her lips into a faint yet good-looking smile.

Her phone rang, and when she looked at it, she found that it was a call from

her bestie, Summer.

Victoria had to wash the dishes, so she put the call on hands-free mode,

then went into the kitchen as she talked to Summer.

“You’re finally free?”

Summer stretched and yawned, then said, “Nope.”

“You’re calling me even when you’re not free?”

“Come on. I just wanted to ask you something. What do you think of coming

back home?”

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