Den of Vipers

: Chapter 70

I watch them interact as I sip my coffee. It’s our morning routine now, and I love it. They know it, so they always make sure they are here every morning. Garrett laughs at something Diesel says, and Ryder shakes his head as Kenzo smirks.

If I look closely, I can see the change in them since the first time I sat in this very chair—hell, I can see the change in myself…all thanks to them.

“We have something to show you, love,” Ryder tells me, startling me from my thoughts.

“Yeah?” I ask, and down my coffee. “Something good?”

“Something amazing,” Kenzo corrects, just as I’m about to ask if it’s their cocks, and smacks my thigh. “Go get ready.”

I dress quickly, feeling excited, and they blindfold me when we get in the car.

“Kinky,” I mutter, making them laugh. We drive for a while, and I try to remember the turns, but I get bored and distracted when someone starts stroking my thigh, the bastards. When we finally stop, I’m wound up and annoyed. The doors open, and then a hand grabs mine and pulls me from the car to what feels like gravel under my feet. They step behind me. “Ready, baby?” It’s Garrett.

“Yes, fucking show me, you assholes,” I snap, making them laugh again as the blindfold is removed.

I stare in confusion at the house before me…well, it’s more like a fucking mansion. It’s black. A fucking black mansion. I glance around at the trees shading it from view. There is a garage to the left, one that’s massive. The double doors are open, and I frown harder. It’s stunning, absolutely stunning, and honestly, I’ve never seen a black house before, whoever it belongs to is a fucking genius.

“What-what is this?” I query, confused.

“Our home. We are a family now, and we need more than an apartment. This is for us to start our future right. It’s safe and we have security and no one knows where this is…” Ryder trails off nervously, so Kenzo steps up and carries on for him.

“It’s for you, darling, to show you we’re in this forever. This is our home.”

“Our future,” Diesel adds, and then winks. “It even has a basement for us to play in.”

“A gym,” Garrett murmurs.

“An office for us both,” Ryder inserts.

“Ours?” I whisper, looking back at it before I squeal. “Can I go in?”

They nod and laugh, and I rush through the doors like a child, just gawking. It’s beautiful. The walls are a deep grey, and the floors are a dark white and black gold marble. The stairs are split into two and curved up. It’s modern like the apartment, but I can feel the difference, the warmth and rightness of being here. It looks huge, and I can’t wait to explore. I never imagined a home for myself because it wasn’t an option I had, but now that I’m here…I can’t help but think it’s perfect.

It just needs the finishing touches, like lots of skulls everywhere…not real ones, though I wouldn’t put it past Diesel.

Ryder grabs my hand and links our fingers, leading me through a door to the left and into a living room with a huge TV, five leather sofas, a low coffee table, and a rug. Dark mahogany bookcases line the back of the room. It screams money, but also looks cosy and very me…us.

“Is this really ours?” I whisper.

He nods. “It’s not all finished, we wanted you to pick out some furniture, but there are ten bedrooms and nine baths, a pool out back, a gym, a garage, two offices, a library, a game room, a basement, and so much more. It’s home, love, however you want to make it that.”

“Home,” I murmur, as arms wrap around me from behind.

“Our home,” Kenzo whispers excitedly. “An opportunity to be nothing like our father. It will be filled with laughter and, hell, probably bloodshed, but I can’t wait, can you?” he offers wistfully.

I swallow as I look around again. I can feel them all watching me for a reaction. This couldn’t have been easy to do, but now that I’m here, they are right, it feels like home. I love the apartment, but it would be nice to have more space. I almost snort at that. Jesus, when did an apartment not become enough for me?

To think I was once a girl living in a flat situated above a bar. It feels like a fairy tale, only these boys aren’t the heroes. They are the villains…even in the bedroom.

It only makes me love them more.

With them next to me, I turn and take in their eyes. “You keep saying you don’t want to be like your father.” I look to Kenzo and Ryder. “Your mother.” I look to Diesel. “Your anger and hate.” I look at Garrett then. “But the question isn’t who you don’t want to be, but who you do want to be. I think you’ve finally decided,” I whisper, tears in my eyes. “And so have I. I want to be yours.”

When you find love, you hold on hard. It’s a fragile little thing, and once it’s gone, it leaves a hole and memories, we all know that. Ones you wish you could relive, but from every love, you learn something. Something important.

From my mother, I learned to be strong.

From my father, I learned to embrace pain.

From Rich, I learned to love while it lasts and that endings aren’t always a bad thing.

From my Vipers, I learned love is unconditional and can come at the strangest of times and places.

And from myself? I learned it’s okay to love yourself. Even the darkest parts of you. No matter the shape, size, or weirdness you came with. Embrace your scars and never be ashamed to be who you are, because there is only one of you.

And if you don’t love you, how can anyone else?

I am imperfectly perfect. I am a lover and a fighter. I am strong and weak. I can be cruel and a killer, but also kind and a healer. I am all of those things, and loving my weaknesses means I can embrace my strengths and be just whom I want to be.

With their arms around me and our new house over our heads, I have hope. Hope for a better future, and hope that, for the first time, the darkness might just be a good thing.

I am theirs.

They are mine.

And it’s time to start our lives together.

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