Den of Vipers

: Chapter 67

“Darling?” I perk up and look over from the contracts and job applications for the new bars I’m in charge of to see Kenzo. He’s dressed up in a purple silk shirt, his hair is swept back, his black jacket is unbuttoned, and his dice are rolling across his knuckles. His lips curl into a grin as he leans closer. “Want to go for a drive?”

“Always.” I smile, leaping over the sofa and dropping a kiss on his lips. “Let me grab some shoes, any dress code?” I peer down at the loose shirt I’m lounging around in.

“One of those sexy as hell dresses.” He smirks.

“Yeah? Going somewhere nice?” I laugh.

“No, I just love those dresses and having easy access.” He winks, and I flip him the bird as I head down the hallway to my room.

I quickly slip into a dark purple, spaghetti strap satin dress and some heels before adding some lipstick and fluffing my hair. When I’m done, he’s waiting in the living room on his phone, but when he sees me, he pockets it and whistles. “In fact, let’s not go out.” He starts towards me with a hungry expression, making me laugh and push him away.

“Later,” I promise.

He crowds behind me, kissing my neck. “Later, you will have your legs around my head and you’ll be screaming my name,” he vows, before taking my hand and, ignoring my breathy moan, leading me down in the elevator. When we get to the garage, I figure he’s driving, so I head to his car, but he tugs me over to mine instead.

“You’re driving, darling.” He smirks and tosses me the keys.

I squeal and slip inside. I haven’t had a lot of time to drive the car they bought me, and I have to admit, I’ve been wanting to take it out and see how fast it can really go. I rev the engine as he gets in, and he laughs. “Head to Chinatown.”

I nod and pull from the garage, peeling away as soon as I can, laughing as the car purrs and bursts with speed. “Holy fucking shit, I love this.” When I glance over, I spot Kenzo watching me with a loving smile, so I wink and grab his hand and place it on my thigh as I change gears. He chuckles and strokes across my bare skin as I weave in and out of traffic.

Usually, I would be worried about a speeding fine, but honestly, the guys never get one. I don’t ask how, but I’m guessing that extends to me now. He points out shortcuts and directions when I need them, until we pull up behind a bar. Slipping out of the car, I meet him around front, where he takes my hand and leads me to a door at the back.

He opens it without knocking and guides me down some steps to another metal door. This time he has to knock, and a sliding slot opens and eyes peer out. When they see us, it quickly slams shut and the door is ripped open, revealing a tall, skinny, beautiful Chinese woman. She bows to Kenzo and steps back, admitting us.

The room is smoky and dark with low level lighting all around, giving it a cosy feel. It’s one big room and looks like how I imagined a casino would…just a back-door version. There are men in suits dotted around all the tables and at the bar. Women are here too, and I even spot one in a suit, which makes me grin. The servers move through the crowd with trays and dispense drinks.

Music and laughter fill the room, and it makes my shoulders settle. I much prefer this over the rich bastard’s house we went to. This feels like here, we can be anything. We get a few looks, but everyone seems respectful and actually leaves us to it.

Kenzo slips his hand down my back to my ass and leads me through the tables to a booth at the back, which is cordoned off by a golden rope. It’s darker back here, and after we slide in, drinks instantly appear. He nods as he scans the crowd, grasping the tumbler and taking a sip as I lean into his side.

“Is this one of yours?” I finally ask, and he turns to me, his arm going around the back of my shoulders, his legs crossing as he peers down at me where I’m lounging next to him.

“It is, one of the very first actually. I used to come here to gamble when we initially started buying up the city. I doubled our money every night, and eventually, I earned so much that the owner got suspicious and he pulled me aside. He taught me everything he knew once he realised who I was. I guess he always knew what we would become, and he wanted to retire. He gifted me this place.” He runs his eyes around it. “It’s my favourite, the very first place I found my talent.”

“Gambling,” I tease.

“Strategy,” he murmurs, looking back at me. “It’s all about strategy and reading people, darling, just like I read you that first day and every day since.”

Laughing, I take a sip of my drink and look around again. I get it, it’s like Roxers. This is where he’s comfortable and happy, where he found his future. When I look back, though, he’s staring at me. “You’re the best bet I ever won, darling,” he murmurs, his fingers tracing my shoulder. “And this is now your empire too.”

“Yeah?” I grin, leaning in. “What if I decided I didn’t like the way some of your clients looked at me…could I kill them?”

He snorts. “Darling, you could do whatever the fuck you wanted in this city and get away with it. Everyone knows who you are now, and no one, no fucking one, no cops, no judges, gangsters, or criminals, would dare question you. You’re our girl, it comes with privileges.”

“What other kind?” I query, trailing my hand down his chest to cover his cock and squeeze until he groans. His eyes flash dangerously. “What if I yanked up my dress and decided to ride you right here and now?”

He licks his lips, those dark eyes tracing my own lips hungrily as he watches me like I’m the only one in the room. “Then I would say what are you waiting for? This city is yours, and so am I.”

I feel someone close to the table, but I don’t turn my head and neither does Kenzo. No, we make them wait. I’m beginning to realise what this power offers me. If they want our attention, they will wait there silently for hours, not daring to disturb us until we are ready to speak to them. The power is heady, we are fucking untouchable.

Leaning in, I lick Kenzo’s lips. “Why don’t you prove it to me? You say you’re mine…but that makes me yours, darling.” I kiss him hard and fast before pulling back and looking at the man waiting, his eyes dropped to the floor out of respect.

“What?” I snap.

He swallows hard and shifts, but still doesn’t raise his eyes. “So sorry to disturb you, sir and madam. We have a problem, and since you’re here, I figured you would want to deal with it.”

“What kind?” I question, leaning back.

“Erm, someone has been stealing all night,” he answers quickly, making Kenzo snort.

“Idiot.” He laughs.

“Yup.” I grin, and watching the guy, I turn to Kenzo. “We can’t have that, can we?” I purr.

“Call the guys, let’s have some fun,” Kenzo orders, downing his drink. “Tie him up in the kitchen and make him wait,” he instructs the man, who nods and rushes off to do just that.

Laughing, I send out a group text, and we wait, both of us teasing each other as we watch the room. The man returns to guard our booth and wait for further instructions as we flirt.

The Vipers will never settle down, this is their world, and right now, I’m all the way in. He’s right, this is going to be fun. I’m going to see my guys in action again, and we all know how wet that gets me.

Not twenty minutes later, they stroll into the club, and every eye turns to them including mine. The power they hold, it flows from them, it’s addictive. Even if it was my first time seeing them, I would see that authority surrounding them in the way they hold their heads up, their eyes flickering across the room and dismissing what they see until they land on me—all three sets hungry.

All three mine.

I’m a lucky fucking bitch.

Ryder is in a suit and looks as perfect as always—cold eyes and too perfect face and body, untouchable. Except for me, I can touch him all I want. Which sounds dirty…but I guess it’s true. His lips kick up in a familiar, arrogant smirk as he moves through the crowd like a snake, all smooth, coiled tension and power. I see the flash of a gun at his hip, and it makes me lick my lips as my eyes flick to Diesel next to him.

He has on his leather jacket and nothing underneath, showing his built chest and framing the bird and snake over his heart perfectly. There’s a knife sticking up from his black jeans with rips down the front. He has a cigarette held between his lips, his blue eyes grinning as he watches me. His blond hair is pulled back behind his head, making the sharp angles of his beautiful face stand out. I can’t help but wink as I look to Garrett next. God, when I first saw this man…I thought he was a fucking giant.

I’m right. He’s huge. Towering over everyone here. His body screams danger, killer. The tattoos covering every inch of his skin are like intricate works of art, and with him wearing all black and weapons, he looks like an assassin. His hair is pushed back, his piercings shining, and his stern gaze scanning the crowd for threats until they land on me. He smiles, making the rest of the room disappear.

Yes, I’m a lucky fucking bitch. All three are gods, untouchable Vipers, and all mine.

Kenzo licks my ear. “Ready, darling?”

It’s time to play.

Slipping from the booth as the others reach me, I let them run their eyes across the dress. Diesel drops to his knees and kisses my hand dramatically. “Goddamn, Little Bird, please tell me you called so we can fuck.”

Laughing, I lean down and kiss him. “Later, baby.”

Ryder kisses me softly before nodding at Kenzo. Garrett nods but hesitates, so I slip past Diesel and press into his chest, letting him decide. He lowers his head slowly, and I kiss him softly. “Hey, baby,” he murmurs.

“Hey, big guy,” I whisper, before pulling away reluctantly. I grab my drink and toss it back. “Someone is stealing from us. He’s tied up in the back. I figured we could have some fun with him,” I offer, and then turn back to the man who tied him up and is currently patiently waiting. “Lead the way.”

He nods and hurries away, checking that we are following every few steps. All eyes are on us now, all scared, but they are safe for now. I keep my head held high as I stroll behind the man. Ryder’s hand lands on my back as he leans in. “Like a true fucking viper queen,” he murmurs, making me grin as the man opens a door and leads us through a hallway to swinging doors.

He pushes through and holds them for me, my heels clacking as the floor turns to tile. I step in and glance around. It looks like a rundown kitchen with most of the appliances pulled out apart from the counters, and in the middle under a swinging old light is a man tied to a metal chair. He’s struggling as we enter, with two men in black watching him from each wall. When they see us, they straighten. The man’s eyes widen as we fill the room, and he tries to talk, but his lips are covered in duct tape.

“Leave,” I demand, and the guards quickly and quietly do just that, leaving just us Vipers.

Strolling closer, I run my fingers up his tied arm and across his shoulder until I’m behind him, then I lean down and whisper loudly, “Did you really think you could steal from us?”

The guys watch me, their eyes hard and angry, all apart from Diesel, who looks like he can’t decide between fucking me or killing this guy. Probably both if he had his way. Instead, he hops up on a counter and swings his legs, smoking as he watches me.

“Did you think you could dupe the snakes?” I whisper, and lick his ear, my eyes on my guys as I do. I feel the man shiver, but it’s from fear, not lust. “No one takes what is ours. You are going to wish you were dead before we’re through.”

I straighten and trail my hand down his other shoulder, circling him as he struggles, his muffled voice coming from behind the tape. Dropping myself into his lap, I press my finger to his lips over the tape. “Shush, I didn’t say you could talk,” I snap, and lean in, balancing on his lap, but then there’s a hand in my hair, yanking my head back as I grin. The man stops struggling, stilling, his face pale and eyes wide and scared.

“Do not fucking touch him, darling,” comes a low, deadly voice next to my head as lips meet my cheek. “Or I will have to kill him before we have our fun.”

Grinning, I wink at the man. “Possessive.”

He swallows, so I quickly grab the duct tape and rip it free. When he screams, I punch him, snapping his head to the side. “I said not to talk,” I snarl, before getting up and turning to Kenzo. I run my hand down to his cock and cup it, feeling him hard and heavy against my palm. “Then I will just have to direct from the side, Viper.”

His eyes darken, and then he grabs my hand in a mean grip and squeezes, making me pant as his lips quirk up. He grabs my hips suddenly, and holding me up effortlessly, he plops me down on the counter next to Diesel, pushing his way between my thighs. “Tell us what you want us to do to him, darling, and we will, let’s not get your pretty dress dirty.”

He kisses me and steps back as I feel my hand picked up, and when I turn my head, Diesel is licking at the blood on my knuckles, making me laugh. He winks and guides my hand to his hard cock as he leans in. “Watching you work is hot as hell, Little Bird. We are going to have to do this more often.”

“It’s a date,” I promise, as I turn back to see Garrett stripping from his shirt and cracking his knuckles. Ryder comes over and leans next to me, straightening the cuff links on his suit as he watches the man. Kenzo is standing next to him, his body vibrating with anger. Diesel kisses my cheek and hops down, stripping from his leather jacket and laying it on my lap as he rolls his shoulders and starts to prowl towards the man.

“So, love, what do you want us to do to him?” Ryder looks over at me, handing me his control.

Vipers’ fucking girl.

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