Den of Vipers

: Chapter 57

Washing blood away is harder than it sounds. I woke up a few hours later, hot and sticky and way too itchy from the blood in places it shouldn’t be, despite how hard Diesel had tried to remove it, not to mention my hair is now red and not silver. So leaving Garrett and Kenzo to cuddle, I head to my old room to shower. I’m only in my bra and knickers, so I drop them to the floor, knowing I will never wear them again, and step into my bathroom.

It’s strange how it all started in this room. When I woke up here, I thought it was going to be the end of my life, that this was where I would finally die. Now? It’s my home, and I have never felt more alive or loved, even when it hurts or it’s scary.

It’s strange how things turn out.

Flicking on the water, I step into the spray, shivering when it’s cold and waiting for it to warm up. I close my eyes, still tired, but also too wound up to sleep. My dreams are haunted from not reaching Garrett in time, and I see snippets of him dying under that blade while I’m screaming and trying to get to him, waking me over and over.

I jump when an arm slides around my throat from behind. When the scent of fire and smoke reaches me, I relax back into it with a smile as steam starts to fill the room. “Hey, hot stuff.”

“Hello, Little Bird,” he murmurs, licking my ear. “I’ve been busy, and now I need you.”

Turning in his embrace, I see the blood covering his naked body. I don’t ask whose, but there is something about a naked Diesel coated in blood that has my pussy clenching. His blond hair is sticky and matted with it, his lips tipped up in that cocky, crazy smile.

Maybe it’s the fact that I almost lost them. Maybe it’s the fact that I need to feel alive, to feel them in my arms. Replace that blood on my hands with their skin and love. Or maybe I’m just fucked up and constantly want to screw their brains out. But I fling myself at him, and he catches me with a laugh, his hands going to my arse and squeezing as he walks us backwards until my back hits the wall, hard. I gasp as my breath is pushed from me, my ribs still weak, as he smashes his lips to mine.

I taste cigarettes and blood on his lips and groan, searching for more as our tongues tangle. Our bodies become slippery with the spray cascading down on us, washing us free of our sins for just a moment.

I can’t even begin to tell him how much it meant to me when he looked after me last night. He was so soft and sweet. Yes, Diesel might be crazy, he might be obsessive and blood crazed, but he’s loving. He’s kind and passionate, and when you become his, you become his for life.

He moans into my mouth as his fingers snake between our bodies, slip down my wet pussy, and dip inside me with a quick, hard thrust. “So fucking wet, Little Bird,” he murmurs against my lips.

“Always,” I reply, rubbing against his hand. “Going to fuck me or tease?”

He growls, leaning down to bite my neck hard, making me whimper, even as I clench around his fingers, the pain and pleasure chasing away all the uncertainness, fear, anger, and helplessness from the last two days.

Diesel always knows how to make me feel alive.

“Fuck me,” I snarl against his lips.

Chuckling, he pulls his fingers free, drops me to the slippery floor, and quickly turns me, smashing my injured cheek into the tiles as I groan from the pain. He rubs his hard cock along my arse, licking and biting my ear. “Do you remember our first time?”

I nod breathlessly as I eagerly part my legs, letting him rub his cock along my pussy.

“I remember the first time I saw you. So beautiful, so dangerous. I fell a little bit in love with you that day, when those big, fierce eyes locked on me. I haven’t stopped thinking about you ever since. You’re my fucking obsession, Little Bird. Always will be,” he growls, as he lines up and slams into me, making me scream in both pain and pleasure.

He presses me hard against the wall, his hand on my neck to keep me there. “This will be quick and fast. It’s been too long. Later, I’m going to fill your ass with my cum as they watch, but for now…now I get you all to myself.”

Pressing my hands against the wall, blood dripping from our bodies and mingling by our feet at the drain, I moan his name. He tugs my head back with his hand in my hair, his cock slipping in and out of me, harder and faster as my hands splay across the tiles.

“D, please,” I beg.

He snarls and slams in and out of me with no rhythm. I’m helpless against him as he drags my pleasure from me. “I love you so fucking much, Little Bird, you are my everything. I would kill anyone for you. I would do anything for you. I would crawl on my fucking knees to be at your side.”

I whimper at his words, the pleasure building inside me, drawn from my very toes. I’m desperate, pushing back into his hands and cock, needing to come so badly. My head is going dizzy, my eyes closing and ears ringing, and I know it’s just going to explode out of me at any minute.

“I fucking love you,” he roars, his other hand reaching around and grabbing my pussy in a possessive, hard grip that has me slipping over the edge.

I scream my release, helplessly fighting it, clenching around him, my hips moving and voice cracking as I shake and writhe. I feel his head meet my back as he pants, his cum slipping from my pussy as I breathe heavily against the shower wall.

He presses his body along the length of mine until there isn’t an inch of space between us, both of us shivering from aftershocks. His voice comes out gravelly and low. “I knew you had it in you, Little Bird, to become ours…to become a Viper. Now look at you—our very own fucking queen.”


It has a nice ring to it.

Life with them will never be boring.

Garrett is healing slowly, as is Kenzo. They are big babies, though, and I have to tell them to man the fuck up and stop moping after two days. Ryder has taken some time off work, and honestly, it’s nice to have him around. Diesel disappears for a whole day, but when he comes back, he vows never to leave my side again.

And then he gives me a hand.

In a box.

Honestly…it’s romantic as fuck. Turns out it was the mohawk—Andrew—guy’s hand. What a softie.

Though I don’t really know what to do to preserve a hand, so I leave that up to Diesel. I even catch him high-fiving Garrett with it once, to which the big guy punches him in the face and knocks him out cold. When he comes around, he’s laughing his head off.

Crazy bastard.

Ryder returns to work, but he’s started doing it from the dining room table. I hear a lot of swearing on the other end of the phone. Turns out, he’s destroying everything that is left of the Triad.

One day, when I’m feeling annoying, I prop myself on his lap while he’s on a call—okay, so I’m hoping for a repeat of the office incident, but it doesn’t happen. He seems nervous suddenly and holds me closer. His nose goes to my neck, and he sucks in a breath before he straightens and starts the call.

It’s a woman’s voice on the other end, a husky one that even has me wiggling, not that Ryder seems to notice. No, there is respect on his face for this woman, whoever she is. Jealousy shoots through me, and he must notice, because he drags up my shirt and grips my bare pussy under the table. Just holds it. All possessive like.

Yeah, it kinda helps.

Though I want to take a bat to the sexy phone voice woman.

“Mr. Viper, how lovely to hear from you. I understand you had a little trouble recently—”

Ryder smiles, a mean one. “Nothing I couldn’t handle.”

“Of course.” She laughs, it’s a smoky sound. “We, too, had a small issue with them, but they seemed to have focused all their efforts on you. You can rest assured we have no quarrel with you or your city, we have our own to deal with.”

I look at him at that. Who is this? “I never asked, did I?”

She laughs again. “Let’s not play games, we are too smart for that. I know why you’re ringing, and yes, we are still allies. You have your city, us Petrovs have ours.”

Ryder relaxes a bit, and I realise he was worried he was going to have to go to war with the Russian family he told me about. “That’s good, please let me know if I can help your…quarrel, in any way.”

“Your kindness is appreciated. I hear you have found yourself a woman finally. Do I need to buy a dress for a wedding?”

I freeze, my eyes wide. Wedding? Oh fuck no! I try to run, but Ryder chuckles and wraps his arm around me tighter, obviously knowing what my reaction would be. “In the future, yes, she is very…slippery.”

Slippery? Oh, I’ll give this bastard slippery. Yanking my elbow back, I drive it into his stomach, and he gasps and releases me. Standing, I narrow my eyes on him. “Slippery? I wouldn’t marry you fuckers even if you held a gun to my head,” I hiss, before storming away.

I hear their laughter trailing after me. “I like her, bring her to visit. Goodbye, Mr. Viper.”

“Roxxane,” I hear him call after me, his voice cool and demanding. Ah shit, I’m going to pay for that. Looking over my shoulder, I see him stripping off his shirt, those eyes locked on me and heating fast.

Shit, shit, shit.

I do the only thing I can—run.

He laughs as he chases me. I should have known he will always catch me…and when he does, well, I’m screaming for good reasons, not bad.

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