Den of Vipers

: Chapter 53

I know instantly something is wrong, the bed under me is too soft to be my own. The smell is wrong, not to mention my arms are straining and my legs are in an uncomfortable angle. My head is fucking killing me, like I took one too many hits to it. I don’t let on to anyone who is watching, my breathing remains the same, even as my anger chases away the haziness moving sluggishly through my blood.

The hotel.

The roof…Kenzo.

Fuck, I hope he’s okay. If anyone can survive a stab wound, it’s that slippery bastard, but right now, I’m in trouble too. They came at me, it was a fucking trap, they wanted me, but why?

I twist my hands experimentally and find my wrists are bound, ankles too. I’m spread eagle, the cool air hitting me, then making me shiver. I try to push back the panic at being tied up again, flashes of the past sneaking into my mind. The room smells clean, like mint and bleach, but the bed feels unmade and mussed.

Where the fuck did they take me?

I’m going to fucking kill them all. I had plans, like to remind Roxy that she was mine and not to get her ass kidnapped…then I went and got my ass taken.

I don’t understand why they singled me out. The smarter move would have been to take Ryder or, hell, even Diesel so that he wouldn’t hunt them. No, this feels personal. Just as I think that, I hear a door open nearby. Keeping my eyes closed and my breathing even, I wait as I hear soft footsteps, muffled by carpeting, heading my way.

Her perfume hits me first. Even now, she still wears that same piss stinking Chanel, and I know why me. Her. She wanted me. It was probably her condition for working with them, the stupid cunt. I feel her long nail next, running down my chest, and I realise I’m naked, bound, and helpless to her once again.

Ain’t life a fucking bitch.

I survived this once, I can again, but I refuse to be that same, shocked, betrayed boy. I’m a goddamn Viper.

My eyes open and meet hers as she grins down at me, her face half burnt away. Finally, the rot inside of her shows on the outside. “You look fucking awful,” I sneer.

She frowns and narrows her eyes, digging her long nails into my chest. “And you look better? Poor, little damaged Garrett. I wonder, can you even still get it up for a woman, or does she have to be cutting you up?”

“So you’re working with the Triad? How many cocks did you have to suck to get them to even pay attention to you?” I taunt nastily.

She snarls and digs her hand in deeper, cutting my skin, but I don’t even react, which she hates. “None, they want you gone. We made a deal so I could have you. Right now, your little whore and brothers are being killed.”

“Doubtful,” I scoff. “You can never kill them, especially Rox, that bitch is too stubborn to die.”

At her name, Daphne snarls and drags her nails down my ruined chest, making me grunt in pain as she draws blood. “Yeah? Then she will live long enough to get your broken, bloody body back. You die tonight like you should have back then, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun first.” She flutters her lashes, her half-melted face pulling in what I’m guessing is supposed to be a seductive expression. Jesus, how did I used to fuck this woman?

“No, thanks, would rather stick my dick in a chainsaw, it would be more fun than your rank cunt.” I laugh.

She stabs her nails into my stomach, making me crunch inwards as I swear at her. Laughing, she pulls back and licks my blood from her nails, causing me to gag. “You’re fucked up in the head.”

“True, but I’m tired of talking. How about we recreate some old times?” She plucks a knife from the side and lets it shine in the light, showing me. “This is the very same knife I used on you last time. I kept it as a memento, but then you had to go and survive, didn’t you?”

I don’t reply, just grinding my jaw as I stop the flashes from coming back to me, of waking up in the hospital with tubes down my throat while I panicked. I refuse to let her see how much she’s affecting me, how the terror is flooding my system. I refuse to give her any more power over me than she already has.

Climbing up onto the bed next to me, she glides the knife down my face, but I twist away. She snarls and grabs my chin, pulling me back around, her lips crashing onto mine. Her taste makes me gag as I rip away and headbutt her for touching me. She falls away with a cry, but then she’s back in an instant, the knife held to my cock, her lip busted and bleeding, which makes me grin.

“I wonder, does your little Roxy know how you used to like to hurt me? That it got you off? That you liked watching me with others?” she whispers.

I can’t help but smirk. “It was the only way I could come with you. I didn’t even know that was messed up until her. I like to hurt her too, but she fucking loves it, she comes on my fingers and tongue from the pain while she also fucks my brothers.”

I throw it in her face, knowing she always wanted them as well, the power and money she would get from being their girl. But they hated her, could smell her fear and see the truth before even I could. She digs the knife into my thigh near my cock, and I freeze as she snarls, “She’s fucking dead anyway!” she screams, before sucking in deep breaths. “And soon you will be too, and I’ll be the queen, I’ll have money and power.”

I snort. “You’re fucking delusional. Once they are done with you, they will kill you. They can’t sell you, you’re too fucking ugly for that trade. Nah, they will make it quick. You are nothing. Just a withered, old, gold-digging bitch. You will never be anything more.”

With a shriek, she swings her legs over me and starts stabbing. Screams get trapped in my throat as I thrash to try and dislodge her, my blood covering her blade and splashing her hands and arms as she screeches wildly.


I can’t die here, I can’t…

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