Den of Vipers

: Chapter 34

“Diesel, what the fuck, man?” I hear Garrett mutter.

“Well, someone kept us all awake all night, so I figured if I came and cock-blocked I could sleep,” Diesel murmurs. Groaning, I bury my head further into the pillow.

Wait, Diesel?

My eyes flare open, and I roll onto my back to see him grinning down at me, Garrett still on my other side. “You know, you have an issue with watching me sleep. It’s creepy, dude.”

His grin widens. “That isn’t all I do when you sleep.”

I blink. “It’s too fucking early for your crazy,” I grumble as I stretch, and then wince when my body protests. My thighs are sore and so is my pussy, both well and truly used. Garrett doesn’t exactly have a small cock, and all the sex I’ve been having has taken its toll.

“Diesel, my pussy hurts,” I complain, and he and Garrett laugh.


“Assholes, both of you,” I snap. “Don’t even care that you and your big cocks have hurt my little vaj-jay-jay.”

“Uh-uh, didn’t you want it each and every time and beg for it?” He smirks.

I narrow my eyes. “I don’t like you anymore.”

“You liked me before?” He perks up.

“Crazy bastard,” I mutter. “I’m going to find Kenzo. He’ll care and look after me.”

They both laugh. “Probably, soppy bastard.”

I go to move, but Garrett hooks an arm around my waist, drags me back to his side, and closes his eyes. Diesel snuggles closer behind me, his cock hard against my naked ass. “Don’t even fucking think about it. You bring your little snake near me, and I’ll cut it off,” I snarl, as I close my eyes again.

He chuckles in my ear. “Little snake? Do I need to remind you how big it is?”

Garrett growls, “Shut the fuck up and sleep.”

“He started it,” I mutter, and wiggle closer to Garrett and away from Diesel, but two seconds later, he’s plastered against my back again, like a fucking Viper sandwich.

“I hate you all,” I grouse, and Diesel bites my shoulder, making me yelp.

Somehow along the way, my ‘I hate yous’ have started to mean something else, but I’m too tired to think on that, so I fall back asleep between my Vipers, and when I wake up, they’re still there.

“Don’t you have work?” I ask as I stretch again.

Garrett’s eyes flicker open, watching me as I do, his gaze heating, and I glare at him. “No, bad Viper,” I snap, smacking his nose. Diesel laughs while Garrett snorts and flips onto his back, stretching himself.

“Not today, it’s Kenzo’s and Ryder’s turn,” Diesel answers, as he pulls me back until I end up lying across his chest, my back to his front. Weirdo.

He hugs me like a teddy, and I try to wiggle free, but I stop when he groans. Dirty bastard. “So what are we doing today?” I inquire, hopeful it’s something fun.

“We can’t leave here, they took most of the guards. Sorry, Little Bird. We can find something to do though,” he offers, so I roll from him and the bed, landing on my knees and getting to my feet.

“Nope, I’m going to shower.” I turn and glare at them. “Alone, no dick time, go make me food and coffee.”

As I turn and strut away, I hear Garrett laugh. “She was a lot less demanding when she hated us.”

“I still hate you,” I call, as I flip him off over my shoulder. “I just like your dicks!”

After I’ve showered and feel more human, still on a self-imposed dick ban, which is harder than it sounds with two horny, hot as hell men around, I find them in the kitchen. They are busy cooking, but Garrett hands me a mug and turns back to carry on, but he hesitates before spinning on his heel, leaning over the counter, and kissing me hard.

My pussy actually clenches as he pulls away, grinning to himself. Fuck, ban? Maybe I should rethink that. He winks like he can hear my thoughts, and Diesel laughs. “Cure his dick, and now he’s fucking Sir Charming.”

“You’re just jealous.” Garrett snorts and Diesel narrows his eyes.

“Oh yeah? You call that a kiss?”

Oh fuck.

I try to get away, but he leaps over the island and grabs me, dipping me as he kisses me hard, his hands twinning in my hair. It’s over quickly, and he helps me stand as I pant. Screw the dick ban.

They can fuck me right here and now if they want.

He laughs and saunters away, asshole. “That’s a kiss,” he tells Garrett.

“I hate you both,” I mutter, as I sip my coffee. “Fucking Vipers, more like fucking children.”

They both laugh and ignore me. Finally, the food is ready and we sit at the island today, but I miss us all eating together. It twinges in me, but I push it away, knowing they are busy. They have a lot to do, it makes sense they can’t do that every day.

After I’ve finished eating, I sit back. “So what now?”

“I could tattoo you,” Garrett suggests, and I freeze.

“Really?” I grin, perking up.

He shrugs. “If you want. Didn’t you say you had one that needed to be finished?”

Diesel grins. “Fuck yes, let’s do that.”

“Why are you so happy?” I snort.

He grins, running his eyes down my body. “I remember our conversation, don’t you, Little Bird?”

I frown for a moment before it clicks. I gulp, fuck, I do. He found out I got wet during tattoos, that I enjoyed the pain…maybe this isn’t a good idea.

“What conversation?” Garrett queries, confused.

“Nothing!” I blurt, as Diesel laughs.

“You’ll find out. Go on, get your shit, I’ll get it set up down here,” Diesel tells him, as he downs some coffee.

They both rush off and leave me in the kitchen. Fuck, I didn’t think this through. Hot as hell Garrett tattooing me while Diesel watches?

This dick ban is going out the window, I can feel it. Stupid vagina and its dick obsession.

I’m lying on one of the sun loungers from outside, which we pulled into the living room, in just my knickers and a crop top. My outside leg is exposed, with me positioned on my side, so he can look at the existing tattoo while I explain what I want. “I can do free hand if you trust me,” he murmurs.

“No dicks,” I snap, as he cleans the area. I’m shaved at least, so there’s no need for that.

He smirks but doesn’t respond. Diesel is behind me, his eyes locked on my ass. The dirty bastard. He’s watching for me to get all hot and bothered so he can tattle to Garrett.

“What about a snake?” he asks, and I freeze. He looks up. “You can say no, but I could put a viper in there.”

“Just do it.” Diesel grins.

The fact that he asks makes me sigh. Diesel’s right, they could have just done it. After all, they still class me as theirs. But the idea of having a viper on me is actually appealing. I imagine their eyes lighting up when they see it, and Ryder’s and Kenzo’s reactions…hell yes. Plus, it doesn’t mean anything, right? It’s just a snake, nothing else. “Sure.” I shrug. “I trust you.” And I mean it, I do. Garrett would never hurt me. He’s an enforcer for a living, but in here? His home? He’s a protector.

I lay my head on my arm as the buzz of the needle starts, and he draws closer, one hand braced on my thigh as the other presses the needle to my skin. He does a tiny line then stops and watches me, clearly expecting me to wimp out. “Babe, I’m covered in tattoos,” I remind him, and he smirks, starting back up again.

I watch him for the first part. The concentration on his face and the way he bites down on his lip is adorable. He seems relaxed, which is a first, comfortable. Is this what he does to escape? Like Kenzo’s mother’s grave and Diesel’s torture? Maybe, either way, I’m happy to help, and as the pain sinks into my bones with the humming of the needle, I try not to shift or give any indication that it’s getting to me.

Because, fuck, it is. Having him so close to my pussy, his scarred, tattooed knuckle touching my skin as he inks me? It’s hot as hell. Those same hands, capable of such death and destruction, are creating beautiful artwork on my skin, mixing with the pain. Yeah, I’m wet.

I’m betting Diesel knows as well, but Garrett seems oblivious as I shift awkwardly to try and relieve the pressure on my pussy. I close my eyes and imagine anything else, but with each swipe of the cloth and each buzz of the needle, I’m aware of how close he is. How near his hand is to my pussy. Of the pleasure he can bring, even now as it hurts. I bite my lip to stop my gasp from escaping, restraining myself from tilting my hips as my pussy clenches, my knickers dampening with need.

“Okay there, Little Bird?” Diesel questions, and I can hear the amusement and desire in his tone. The asshole is probably getting a kick out of this. Wait, of course he is—this is torture for me, he would love that. I’m surprised he’s not bloody stroking his cock, though Garrett might hit him if he did.

“Fine,” I reply breathlessly.

The buzzing stops, and Garrett lifts his head, frowning at me. “You sure?” he asks, obviously thinking I’m in pain.

Fuck me.

“Yes, Little Bird, you sure?” Diesel laughs.

Garrett seems confused, and I sigh. “Dude, I’m fine, Diesel is just teasing me because I like the pain of tattoos.”

Garrett frowns harder, watching me, and then it seems to click, and his eyes widen and his mouth drops open, making me grin. “I bet you don’t get that with this lot, do you?” I tease.

He actually blushes, which causes me to laugh harder. “I don’t—fuck, baby,” he rasps, looking from my face back to my tattoo. “Now I’m going to be hard while I try to do this.”

“Well then, we’re both struggling.” I snigger.

He takes a deep breath, but then groans again. “Fuck,” I hear him mutter, and then the buzzing starts up. I stop trying to hide my reaction, because honestly, watching him struggle is fun.

When he covers a particularly sore patch, a moan slips free, and he swears, his head whipping up as he glares at me while Diesel laughs. “I swear to God, you do that again, and I’ll screw the tattoo and just fuck you instead.”

“Nope, tattoo first, big guy,” I counter, as he moves my leg around to get another angle and starts again, but every now and then, his gaze drifts up to my eyes, and when he turns to dip the needle in the ink, he stares at me knowingly.

Diesel shuffles closer, and his breath wafts over my ear as the buzzing begins. I don’t look at the tattoo, wanting it to be a surprise when it’s all done. “I wonder if he will let you come after, or if you will by the time he finishes,” he whispers loudly, so Garrett can hear. “I think he’s imagining all the ways he can fuck you on this chair. I know I am, Little Bird.”

“Diesel,” Garrett snaps, before sighing as he stops again. “Behave, both of you.”

We both laugh, and Diesel strokes up my arm and around to my chest, cupping my unbound breast through my shirt. I didn’t bother to put a bra on, sometimes your tatas just have to go free. But that means he grabs my bare breast, tweaks my nipple, and makes me moan again. Garrett swears. Licking my ear, Diesel chuckles as he twists and flicks it until I jerk in the chair and Garrett snaps away. “Fuck,” he growls. “I’ve only been at it two hours, and I have at least another thirty minutes to go.”

“Thirty minutes?” I laugh, as Diesel plucks and twists my nipples. “Yeah, I won’t last that long.”

Garrett appears pained as he watches Diesel touch me, his hand still on my thigh as he tries to calm himself enough to return to inking me. “I have an idea, Little Bird.” Diesel grins and then looks to Garrett. “I can keep her distracted. She can sit on my cock while you finish up.”

“How will that fucking help? You think I can work with her moaning and screaming?” he growls.

Diesel laughs. “Not fucking, not moving, just being inside her, teasing her. Torturing her.” Garrett’s eyes darken at that. “And when you’re done, I’ll make her scream for you.”

Fuck me. Literally.

Someone better fuck me right now.

My eyes nearly roll back into my head at the idea as I arch my chest into his hand, wanting that so badly. “You can fuck my mouth,” I offer Garrett, and he snaps.

He rips off his gloves and storms away. Two minutes later, he’s back and glaring at us. “This is going to be the longest half hour of my life,” he mutters. “Fine, while I wash my hands, do it.”

I suck in a breath, my body trembling at the thought. Diesel wants to torture me, have his cock in me while Garrett tattoos my flesh. This will be pure fucking hell, and I can’t wait. While Garrett stomps away, Diesel uses his knife to cut off my knickers before sliding in behind me on the chair. I have to inch forward, so I’m nearly falling off. He lifts my leg and drapes it over his, his cock against my soaked pussy.

“Fuck, Little Bird, you’re drenched,” he mumbles, as he reaches around me, dips a finger in my wetness, and smears it on my clit, rubbing it. Just as I’m moaning, writhing in his hold, he slams his cock into my sore pussy, making me scream. He stills and kisses along my shoulder as I settle. His arm wraps around me, keeping me immobile as he stays there, buried to the hilt, almost falling from the chair.

“Ready,” he calls.

Oh fuck.

Garrett comes back, and when he sees me, his fists clench, his dark eyes focusing on where Diesel is buried balls deep in my pussy. He sucks in a breath, his eyes closing for a moment before he snaps on his gloves and sits down, rolling closer.

“Okay,” he mutters, and grabs my leg, pulling it over his lap. “There, that’s better…at least I can’t fucking see your pussy anymore,” he grumbles, making Diesel laugh and me moan as he jiggles me on his cock.

When we settle down, Garrett begins tattooing, and I try to stay still and quiet to let him concentrate, but Diesel shifts every now and again, a slight move that drags over my interior nerves, mixing with the pain, and I whimper.

“Pretty little bird,” Diesel murmurs in my ear. “You should feel how wet she is,” he tells Garrett.

I narrow my eyes and reach back to slap him, but he grabs my hand and drags it up my body to cup my own breast. “She’s fucking soaked, and every time you hit a particularly painful patch—oh yeah, like that—she squeezes my cock.”

Garrett grunts, his hand clenching on my leg before he sucks in a deep breath. “Shut the fuck up, or I’ll draw a dick.”

Diesel laughs, so do I. “I don’t think he would, Little Bird. He would have to look at it then when he fucked you.”

I try to hold in my giggle and then my moan as he presses in deeper. Garrett drags over a sore patch, and then again, and I realise he’s doing it on purpose, the asshole. I glare down at him and his eyes rise for a moment, those lips curled into a smirk. “Bloody wanker,” I hiss.

“Don’t worry, D, I’m nearly done, then I’ll fuck her mouth so she can’t insult us anymore,” Garrett comments, as he lowers his head again.

“Nah, she does that when she’s turned on.” Diesel chuckles.

“Really?” Garrett mumbles. “That true, baby? ’Cause you insult me a lot.”

“Fuck off, both of—agh.” Diesel bites down on my shoulder, making me clench on his cock. I try not to move and close my eyes to stop myself from rocking back into him, needing more friction, needing to come. He’s right—this is torture.

The desire is muddling my brain, my whole body alight with it, and if Garrett doesn’t finish soon, I’m going to say to hell with the tattoo and drag him up my body. I keep still like that for another fifteen minutes, the longest fifteen minutes of my life. Then, a kiss comes on my thigh, farther down. “All done, baby.”

I feel him cleaning it as I open my eyes, and I go to lift my head to look, but he rips off his gloves and throws his needle away as his dark gaze locks on my mouth. “Look later. You can thank me now. Mouth open, you fucking tease.”

“I want to see—” I start, but then he’s there. He unbuckles his jeans swiftly and pulls his big cock free. It’s hard and dripping at the tip, and he presses it to my mouth, tapping my lips with it.

“And I want you to shut the fuck up and suck my dick so D can finally fuck you. I spent two hours with my head nearly in your pussy, staring at your fucking wet cunt and imagining my dick in there. Then another thirty minutes of seeing D’s cock actually inside you and you moaning above me. So. Open. Up. Now,” he growls, his fingers threading in my hair and yanking my head forward roughly.

Eyes narrowing, I do as I’m told. He shoves his cock into my mouth, almost making me choke. He grabs my chin and forces my lips closed around him while Diesel grips my thigh and starts to move in slow, measured thrusts, which have me reaching out and clutching Garrett’s thigh. He groans, and I roll my eyes up to meet his dark, desire-filled orbs as I suck him down.

Moaning around his cock, I dig my nails into his thigh, and he doesn’t freak out. Maybe because I’m restrained by Diesel, who’s licking and biting my neck, his hand dragging down my stomach to flick and tug at my clit piercing. The pain from that and my tattoo on my thigh flows through me, meeting that fire of pleasure low in my stomach.

This has been brewing for the last few hours, and now I’m wild with it, just a ball of desire. Needing more, needing everything. Needing the pleasure they can give me. Keeping my eyes open and locked on him, even though they want to close, I suck him down deeper. I feel spit dripping down my chin, but I don’t care. I push my ass back against Diesel, moaning around Garrett’s cock as he slams in and out of me.

Garrett groans, his head dropping back as he starts to thrust into my mouth in quick, hard jabs as he chases his orgasm. Sucking him down, I bob my head, faster and faster, in time with Diesels thrusts, all of us locked in this loop of pleasure. Diesel groans dirty words in my ear, spurring me on, his fingers teasing and flicking my clit until I scream around Garrett’s cock, my orgasm rushing through me. I try to pull back, but his hand in my hair keeps me there, and he takes over.

Using my mouth, abusing it with hard thrusts which have him down my throat, he yells as his hips stutter before his seed fills my mouth. I have no choice but to swallow it, and only then do his fingers untangle from my hair.

Panting hard, my lips and cheeks hurting, I open my eyes to find him smirking down at me before he stumbles back into his chair. “My turn,” Diesel rumbles in my ear.

I yelp as I’m flipped and turned until I’m perched on his lap. Diesel is on his back beneath me with my ass towards his face as he lifts and drops me on his cock. I reach out desperately and grip either side of the chair as I roll my hips, that same pleasure building back up again.

Garrett watches me, watches me fuck and ride his brother. Grabbing my nipple, I twist and pluck it as I bounce on his dick, his thrusts mean and hard, unrelenting. “Fuck.” He groans. “Little Bird, I’m so close, make yourself come, now,” he demands.

Whimpering, I reach down and rub my oversensitive clit as he thrusts up so hard, I almost fall forward, but it does the trick. It rushes through me, pulled from every nerve until I can’t think or breathe. Pleasure rolls through me again and again as I clamp down on his cock.

He groans loudly and stills, keeping me locked on his cock as he comes. I tremble and shake, unable to help it, my pussy still pulsing, my stomach clenching and heart slamming in my ribcage. Holy hell.

He finally releases my hips and lifts me from his cock before pulling me back to his chest. I lie there, breathing heavily, and look over at Garrett to see him watching me with soft, dark eyes. He nods, then disappears for a moment. He returns with a bottle of water, which I gratefully sip as he cleans me up, softly and without a word, before handing me a large mirror. “Take a look, baby.”

I lift my heavy head as he holds the mirror, and I tilt down until I can see the tattoo. When I do, I gasp. It’s fucking beautiful, sore and bleeding a little bit, but absolutely amazing. It’s delicate, unlike their thick, heavy tattoos. Roses climb down my thigh with sharp thorns, dripping mandalas and beads, and curving around the stem of a rose is a tiny viper, its eyes peeking from the leaves. It’s stunning and so lifelike, its shading making it look like it’s alive.

“I love it,” I whisper, and meet his eyes. “You’re so talented. Thank you, Garrett.”

He shrugs and wipes it for me before leaning down and kissing my lips. “You’re welcome, baby,” he murmurs softly, and tries to pull away, but I grab the back of his head and keep him there, showing him with my kiss how much it means. When I pull away, he’s grinning.

“Ever thought about being a tattoo artist?” I ask curiously.

“Nah, my dad was, though, before he got himself killed by one of the families that used to run this town before us. I guess I just like how it reminds me of him, fighting was always my thing,” he explains, as he sits down again.

“You enjoy it?” I query, snuggling into Diesel’s chest.

“I used to.” He sighs. “A lot. Now? Now, it’s a release for me, of emotions, and one of the only places where I don’t have to worry about holding back. I can just hurt people, and that’s okay.”

Diesel snorts. “He used to be a professional boxer, and he was fucking good too, had some titles behind him.”

“Really?” I ask, eyes wide.

Garrett nods. “Was always too…restricting for me. I prefer fighting without rules. I like to hurt people, baby, always have, always will.”

I grin. “So? You don’t think I like it when I use my bat on people? Or when I kicked you in the balls?”

He laughs and so does Diesel. “I’m never going to live that down.”

“Nope, sorry, big guy.” I sigh and rest my head on Diesel. “Did they find who betrayed you?”

“Not yet, but we will, Little Bird, and when we do…” He groans. “The things I will do to them and then you.”

I shiver from the promise in his tone, and he laughs, slapping my thigh. “So what do you want to do now, Little Bird?”

I debate my options. “I want to see you work, not torturing. I saw Kenzo in his role…but what do you guys do every day?”

Garrett snorts. “It changes. We don’t tend to be in the boardrooms, that’s Kenzo and Ryder. We run the bars and casinos, and gather information on the streets and from vendors.”

“We could take her to The Lounge,” Diesel suggests.

Garrett raises an eyebrow. “The strip joint? Why?”

I perk up at that. “’Cause she wants to see us doing business, and we need to check in anyway, make sure that old Cherry bitch hasn’t been talking.”

Garrett looks at me, and I grin. “Naked women in glitter? I’m there.”

He blinks in astonishment, making me laugh. “Babe, you forget I run a dive bar, and just because I don’t like the salad doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate the aesthetic.”

“Salad,” Diesel wheezes, and then we all burst into laughter. When we get a hold of ourselves, he slaps me again. “Go get dressed. Wear something so I can see your new ink, Little Bird, and we’ll take you.”

After a whore’s wash—not wanting to expose my tattoo to the shower—and straightening my hair, I put on makeup and my viper jewellery before looking over my new clothes. Deciding on the black number Ryder bought me, I slip into it and some heels, looking in the mirror to make sure it shows off my ink, which it does. I freeze then, staring at myself.

I don’t look like me, but at the same time, I do. This Roxy is better dressed, surrounded by colours, but it’s the smile on my face that shocks me. When was the last time I just smiled? I actually can’t remember…am I happy here?

What does that mean?

I don’t want to leave, I know that, but I’m still…mad. I want my freedom, I want my own life and the right to choose, but I’m still…fucking happy. Because of them. My door opens just then, and Diesel comes in. He wraps himself around me from behind, his head resting on my shoulder, his blond hair loose and those baby blues alight with happiness.

He’s in a leather jacket, tight, black ripped jeans, and no shirt. His golden chest glistens, his new tattoo proudly displayed, and his abs catch my eye for a moment. We look good together, light and dark, all golden skin and golden hair for him, all pale skin and silver hair for me.

“So perfect, Little Bird,” he murmurs, kissing my neck as he meets my eyes in the mirror. “You’re perfect. Always. Come on, you want to see what the Vipers get up to? You want to see who we are when we’re out there, and we want to show you off. To let them know you’re our girl.”

“Vipers’ girl?” I smirk, and he grins against my skin.

“Forever,” he murmurs.

“You ready?” Garrett yells from down the corridor.

Diesel takes my hand and leads me from the room before rushing back in, then he stops me in the corridor and gets to his knees. Looking up at me, he grabs the edge of my dress and pulls it up slowly, revealing my thighs. Pulling something black from his pocket, he wraps it around my not freshly inked thigh and slips my blade into it, the one he gave me. “There.” He kisses my thigh and pulls down my dress before taking my hand again.

We meet Garrett in the hallway. He’s busy looking at his phone, but I can’t help but gasp at the sight of him. These men are too dangerously good-looking. His hair is slicked back, and he’s scowling, which only adds to the appeal. His thick, tall frame is encased in all black, his tattoos peeking out, his hands big and scarred.

When he realises I’m there, he pockets the phone and goes to smile before his eyes drop to the dress, and he groans instead. “I’m going to have to punch some people.”

“Won’t it be great?” Diesel laughs, twirling me across the floor until I stumble into Garrett’s chest, who catches me and holds me close. His big hands go to my ass and yank me closer as he massages my cheeks, his head tilting down to murmur against my lips.

“I will kill anyone who looks at you wrong. Stay by our sides, but show no fear, baby. This might be the Vipers’ den, but out there? It’s a fucking hornet’s nest.” He kisses me before ripping open the door and heading out first. Diesel takes my hand, but his other is on a knife at his side.

“Garrett has to keep his hands free for his guns,” he explains, and I nod.

Heading down to the garage, we take one of the bigger, still sporty, Audis. Garrett doesn’t let Diesel drive, and when I question it, he shakes his head. “Trust me.”

Diesel snorts but gets into the back while I climb into the passenger seat. “I wouldn’t have killed us with my little bird here.”

“Sure,” Garrett scoffs as he fires up the car and pulls up the barriers, which begin to rise. “Buckle up, baby.”

I do as I’m told, and as we race into the city, I look at the buildings and people going past. We’re in the rich part of town with designers, boutiques, sports cars everywhere, and women and men in no rush to get anywhere. Everything screams money. I feel less at home here than out on the street, so when we pass into the darker side of town, I actually relax. I know how to live here, to survive, but on the glittering streets lined with blood and money? Not so much.

We don’t head near my bar, but we’re on the other side, just past all the big banks and money places, which makes sense. We pull up right outside, and Garrett gets out first and rounds the car, keeping me from getting out as he looks around. Only when he’s happy does he open the door for me. Diesel takes my hand again and leads me to the club with Garrett behind us, watching our backs.

From the outside, it looks like what you would expect for a strip club—big, tacky neon sign, and dark, blacked out windows. I love it. Diesel doesn’t pay or even glance at the man at the door, just opens it and pulls me in.

Instantly, it’s dark, and the sensual music hits me, as does the scent of cigars, booze, and sweat. The wood floor in the hallway leads down to two, big double doors, which we open before slipping into the main area of the club.

The bar is behind us to the right, with the stage area taking up most of the room. There are floating platforms and cages in the air, and a VIP area upstairs. There are curtained off booths around each wall, which I have to squint to see. Everything is dark and moody with coloured lights. Poles are everywhere and small tables surround the stages.

It’s definitely a dive, so I feel right at home. There are neon signs across the walls—cherries, lips, you name it, they have it. The floor is a sticky wood, and my heels cling to as we walk. It’s busy, even at this time of day, with men in suits and leathers sitting around, and a few women too. Cocktail waitresses in slinky outfits wander through the crowd with trays, and there are two women behind the bar as well. A dancer is currently on stage in a jewelled bikini as she swings around the pole and writhes to the music. I tilt my head. “She’s good.” I nod, and Diesel smirks.

“You’re a strange one, Little Bird, I love it,” he murmurs, leaning down so I can hear him over the music.

“Hey, I took pole dancing, that shit is hard. These women are fucking athletes, and trying to get that glitter out? Not easy,” I scoff.

Just then, a woman approaches, and she smiles nervously at us, her eyes flickering between the guys. “Cherry is in back, honeys, want me to grab her? She’s in a meeting.”

“No, it’s fine, we can wait,” Garrett tells her, and then takes a table near one of the walls so he can see everyone. His hand is on his lap where his gun is resting, and his eyes are sharp, scanning everything. Diesel, on the other hand, grabs a chair and yanks me into his lap as we watch the woman on stage.

“Want a dance while you’re waiting?” the nervous waitress asks, clearly knowing who they are.

“No,” Garrett snarls.

“Sorry, I brought my own.” Diesel laughs.

The waitress scurries away as fast as she can, and I spot the others in the bar glancing back at us nervously. Some clearly know who we are, because they get up and leave, while the others stay. They might not know who Diesel and Garrett are, but they can sense what they are, even if they don’t know them personally.




The mood dampens as men straighten and sober up.

Every eye is on us, even if it’s quick glances so they don’t get caught. Drinks are dropped off instantly, we are checked on every second, and waited on hand and foot. This is the reaction the Vipers get from people—fear and awe. Like royalty.

“I’m going to the bathroom,” I murmur to Diesel as I get up. Garrett catches my hand and narrows his eyes on me, communicating without a word. “It’s right there, big guy, you can see into the door from here. I’ll be right back.” I lean down and kiss him, and I can tell I’ve surprised him when he lets go of my hand.

“Be quick, baby, or I’ll come after you,” he growls, as I pull back.

I wave that away and stroll through the crowd to the toilet, feeling every eye on me, all of them wondering who and what I am to the Vipers. I slip into the bathroom and do my business before washing my hands.

I open the door and the music hits me again. Just as I’m stepping back into the main club, a man blocks my path. He’s big, double my height, wearing an ill-fitting suit and a fake watch on his wrist. He’s trying to look richer than he is, unlike my guys, who don’t even flaunt their wealth.

The man’s eyes are glazed, so he’s high or drunk or maybe both, as he stumbles over to me. “Hey, darlin’, here’s fifty for a blowy.” He throws the cash at me.

Snorting, I roll my eyes before kicking out and slamming my heel into his crotch. He goes down with a squeal, dropping to his knees and wheezing.

“What the fuck, bitch?” he yells, as Garrett comes up behind him.

Pulling back my fist, I punched him in the face. “Finders keepers, honey.” I laugh as I pocket the notes and step over his prone, whimpering form.

“Stupid slut,” he snaps, and Garrett hears it, but so do I.

Nobody gets to insult me. Spinning, I grab my knife from my thigh and yank his greasy hair back, holding the blade to his throat. “You ever insult me again, and it will be the last thing you do. Is that understood, shit for brains?” I snap.

He freezes, the scent of alcohol wrapping around me, and I feel his body tremble.

“When I let go, you’re going to apologise. You will say, ‘I’m sorry, almighty Roxy, I’m a meat-headed idiot with a small cock,’ and then you will pay for all our drinks tonight, won’t you?”

He nods, and I laugh as I slide my blade away and step back in case he tries anything. He stumbles to his feet and turns, his face pale as he looks at me.

“Say it.” I grin, tapping the blade on my thigh.

“I-I’m sorry, almighty Roxy, I’m a meat-headed idiot with a small cock—” He stumbles, his eyes flaring in panic.

“You will pay for all our drinks,” I prompt, and he nods rapidly.

“All your drinks, so sorry,” he calls again, as I turn with a grin to see Garrett smirking at me.

“Baby, where were you even keeping that blade?” he asks, his eyes dark with hunger as he runs his gaze down my body and my extremely tight dress. Grabbing his hand, I drag it up my thigh until he feels the sheath. He groans, his eyes closing for a moment. “Shit, Rox.”

I pull away, giggling. “Don’t hurt him, I took care of it.” Keeping his hand in mine, I tug him back to the table, where Diesel is watching me with a grin.

“Little Bird, that was so hot,” he murmurs, running his eyes to my knife. “You’re using that on me later.”

Laughing, I drop into his lap, knowing Garrett needs to keep his hands free. We watch the next girl as another bottle is dropped at our table. It’s champagne. I pop the cork and take a swig, toasting the guy I threatened at the corner table with it. He nods and looks away in fear.

Just then, a bouncer stops at our table. He takes a look at me and snorts. “Get backstage, girl.” He turns to my guys. “She’s ready to see you, follow me.”

Diesel stiffens against me. Oh fuck. I throw myself harder against him before he can kill this idiot, but then Garrett’s there in a flash. He’s so quick, I didn’t even see him get up. His fists move rapidly, and then the bouncer is on his knees, his nose and lip bleeding, both busted, and Garrett is standing over him angrily.

“What did you say about her?” he snarls, his voice low and rumbling.

I watch the bouncer’s gaze widen as he realises he royally fucked up. He tries to look over at me, but Garrett steps into his path, blocking his view. “Do not look at her, ever.”

“I’m sorry, sir, I thought she was a dancer. I’m really fucking sorry,” the man rushes out. A minute ago, he was a big, burly fucker who even I would have hesitated to take down. Now he looks like a scared, little boy when faced with Garrett. “Please, please, I’m so sorry,” he begs.

“You insulted her,” Garrett grinds out, and he smashes his fist into the guy’s face again.

I sip my champagne while I watch. He kinda deserved it, plus Diesel is still trying to get up, and if he joins in, the guy will die, which wouldn’t be good.

The bouncer falls to his stomach, and he tries to crawl away, but Garrett is there, pressing his boots to the guy’s hand and stomping down. The bouncer’s scream rings out loudly. The music cuts out, and the whole club freezes. Garrett doesn’t care, they’re untouchable.

“You insulted her,” he snarls again, as he stomps on his other hand before kicking him. “Get up.”

Shit. The bouncer stumbles to his feet, his hands held against his chest and tears tracking down his face. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, please,” he beseeches with snot dripping from his nose.

Alright, he’s had his fun. I get up and, grabbing my knife, I press it to Diesel’s throat for a second. “Do not fucking move, or I swear I’ll never play with you again.”

He pouts but nods, taking the champagne from me as I slide my knife away and turn to Garrett just as he’s cocking back his fist again. I can see the fury vibrating through his body. He won’t stop, like when he’s in the ring, but we came here for a reason, not to beat up idiots.

I lay my hand on his back, and he stills, his head swinging to look at me with those dark eyes. “Let it go, big guy,” I murmur.

Just then, a female voice sounds near us. “What the fuck is happening here?”

We all turn to see the person it came from. She’s a tall woman, over six feet, with giant breasts. Seriously, what the fuck? They are huge and escaping her tight pink dress, which clings to her thick stomach and thighs. Her hair is red and puffed up like back in high school. Her lips are red, her eyes brown, and her face is covered in heavy makeup. She narrows her eyes but seems to hesitate when looking at both Vipers before she shakes it off.

This woman has big balls. I’ll give her that. She tosses her hair over her shoulder. “Cher, what are you doing to my staff?”

Garrett straightens and glares at the man once more. “Go, before I change my mind.”

The bouncer doesn’t hesitate, he runs away quickly, and Diesel gets to his feet. They stand on either side of me. Her eyes run across them in more than a clinical sense, which makes me bristle, before they land on me. She purses her lips like she doesn’t like what she sees and tosses her hair again. “Nice to see you two, come back to my office.”

Wow, that bitch just ignored me. How fucking rude.

Diesel leans in closer. “Want me to kill her? Or hold her and you can?”

Laughing, I push him away, but he wraps his arm around me and follows after her as Garrett trails behind us again, always in protection mode. The woman leads us down a corridor next to the bar and into a door at the end which opens to an office. She perches on the desk, parting her thighs so we can all see up her dress.

Diesel guides me over to the sofa, leaning against the back wall, and yanks me down next to him. His hand plays with my hair while Garrett shuts the door and stands against it, his arms crossed. Laughing and still ignoring me, she walks over to him, shaking her hips and ass.

She reaches out to touch him, and I leap up, grabbing it before it can drag down his chest. Tightening my hand around her fingers, I narrow my eyes as she gasps in pain. “Do not touch him,” I warn, knowing he hates it, and yes, I’m a little bit jealous.

I push her away, and she shakes it off with a nervous giggle as she sits back on the desk. I tug Garrett to the sofa and drag him down next to me until I’m bracketed between them again. He leans in and kisses my cheek. “Thank you, baby,” he murmurs quietly.

“So, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit? I’m guessing since Ryder isn’t here, it’s not about the business?” she asks with a grin, her legs still parted. She drags her hand up her thigh to try and draw their eyes, but they don’t even twitch, which settles me.

“Yes,” Garrett snaps, obviously tired of her already. It makes sense, since she’s a woman using her sexuality and she almost touched him. He probably hates her. Diesel is too busy playing with my hair to notice, but he does snort at her actions.

Her hand trails along her ample chest, trying again to draw their gazes as she leans forward to spill more of her breasts. “What kind of business?” she murmurs suggestively, her voice low.

That’s when I realise she wields her body like a weapon, using her sexuality to distract. She isn’t the biggest or the strongest, but she’s survived this long by knowing how to play men and play the game. I respect her for that, and when I recognise it, I relax. “Cherry, we aren’t here to hurt you, you can lose the act.”

Her eyes flare and then harden as she drops her hand from her chest, the real Cherry coming out, even her face slackens. Suddenly, she looks a lot older. “Thank you.” She grins, giving me a friendly smile. “Sorry, it’s a habit.”

“I bet. I do the same, usually with my tough ass bitch routine and my bat.” I shrug.

“I like you, so why are you here?” she queries, only looking at me now, which makes me tilt my head curiously. “Come on, they’re rich and powerful, but they’re not in charge here, you are. So why are you here?”

I’m in charge? I wait for them to correct her, but they don’t, so I sit up taller. Fine, we are playing this game. “We need to know if anyone here would betray us. If anyone has been asking questions or acting suspicious.”

She purses her lips again. “How would I know?

“Don’t play dumb, Cherry, it doesn’t suit you. You’re too smart for that. You make it your business to know, and your girls? I saw them collecting information like they collect money. People talk freely around them. We just need to know if you heard anything. It would mean a great deal to the Vipers, to us, and you would certainly be owed a favour.”

I’m taking liberties here, but the guys don’t stop me. Let’s hope Ryder doesn’t kill me after.

She smiles, a full genuine one. “Shit, you’re good. Okay, fine. Yes, I know information. I know about the hits on you guys, but I’m not stupid enough to be involved, I know your power. You will always win, as for the betrayal?” She sighs and sits behind her desk. “I’ve heard there’s a silent player feeding information, but I can’t figure out who. I’ve been trying so I could sell you the information. I had a few of the Triad’s men in here the other day, and I put my best girls on them, but all we got was it’s an old friend. I heard they are coming back after a run next week. I can let you know when they are here if you wish…and you could speak to them.” She grins. “I could, of course, provide a private room for that…conversation.”

“I would appreciate that.” I quickly write down my number. “Text me, and we’ll be here. In the meantime, if you find out anything, we’ll gladly reimburse you for your time and effort.” Standing, I reach out and shake her hand, making her laugh.

“Girl, I’ve heard of you. Roxy, isn’t it? Rich’s daughter?” she asks knowingly, and I smirk. If she knew me, why did she give me all that shit? She must see the question in my eyes. “I had to make sure you were the girl he spoke about. Gave no shit, did whatever and whoever she wanted. Wasn’t afraid of anything. Fearless. Brave and too fucking smart.”

“Checking up on me?”

She laughs then, fully belly laughs. “A girl joining the Vipers? One I’ve heard has their utmost, undivided attention and loyalty? A lot of girls have tried, so yeah, I was interested. Rich was an old friend though, a good man.” She frowns. “I’m sorry about his death, the old bastard deserved better.”

I nod. “He did, he was one of the only good men I ever met. Took me in as a snot-nosed kid full of attitude.”

“Yeah, how did that turn out?” She smirks.

“I got a bigger attitude.” I wink. “And the skills to back it up.”

She grins then. “No doubt. He was the one who got me out of an abusive relationship when he found me crying in the toilet of Roxers.” She smiles sadly. “I owe that man my life. I never got to pay him back, so keep your money, Roxy. That debt now passes to you, and I will help you in any way I can. For Rich.” She nods.

I nod back. “Thank you, and feel free to bring your girls to Roxers anytime, free drinks.” I wink. “Fuck knows we could use the…appeal they’ll bring.” I laugh and turn to leave. At the door, I pause and look back at her. “You’re good at the game, Cherry, just make sure it doesn’t get you killed, it would be a fucking shame.”

Swinging the door open, I slip out, Diesel and Garrett following behind me. Garret leans down. “That was fucking beautifully done, baby.”

“Wait until we tell Ryder.” Diesel whoops. “I knew my Little Bird was going to be the shit.”

I shake my head with a laugh. We head through the club, winding through the tables, but just before we get to the door, we’re stopped. There’s a man there, one who was with the drunk guy from before, and he looks enraged. “Fucking whore, spending all his money. Can’t afford it yourself?”

Oh shit.

I feel the two men tense behind me, but the stupid fuck carries on. “You leave my brother alone. You got a problem, we’ll be in booth three. You can suck us off for that money you want.”

Welp, this stupid motherfucker is dead, and there ain’t no way I’m helping him.

“What did you just say?” Diesel growls, his face closing down. He slowly turns to the man. “You called my girl a whore?”

Where’s the popcorn when you need it?

He sheds his jacket, tossing it at me, and pulls back his hair, tying it at the base of his neck in a bobble. His chest glistens under the strobe lights as he prowls around the man, who now looks like he regrets his words.

“D—” I start, but he ignores me.

The swagger in the smooth way he walks has me licking my lips. He truly is fucking stunning, dangerous, dark, crazy, and fucking beautiful. He pulls his knife and holds it up for the man to see. “You didn’t think I would hear you insult our girl?”

Yeah, this guy is dead. I watch the stupid fuck who still looks like he might take Diesel on. It’s all false bravado of course, anyone can see how dangerous Diesel is. He’s a match waiting to be struck, and this guy? He fucking struck it.

“Run while you can, you daft sod,” I advise, but he spits in my direction. Well, I tried.

Instead, I grab a shot from the closest table and toss it back, leaning into Garrett to watch my crazy man at work. “This should be fun.”

“Baby, nothing is ever boring with you around.” He laughs, even though I feel him scanning the crowd in case anyone decides to get stupid and jump us or D.

“Fuck you,” the guy snarls. “You think you’re tough ’cause you’re here with your whore?” The guy laughs again, making me wince. Damn, this is going to be bad. “You are nothing, just two idiots being led around by your dicks by the same, low-rent whore.”

Diesel is done talking. He strikes with the precision of a man used to killing, who knows exactly where to hit. He’s unafraid and bold. His knife catches the man across the face, and the idiot stumbles back with a pained yell. His hand comes up to block Diesel’s next slice, which gets him across the chest, splitting his shirt and skin and spilling blood. But Diesel is a man possessed. He doesn’t torture or tease like normal. He spins and slices, enraged, his face locked in anger and death. His eyes hard.

He cuts the man’s wrists and the back of his knees, making him drop to the floor with a pained shriek. Everyone is watching, unsure whether or not to help as Diesel blows back his gold locks and steps behind the man. With narrowed, enraged eyes, he grabs his hair and yanks his head back. “That whore” —he spits the word— “tried to save you. Remember that when you’re in your coffin.” Diesel slices his neck from left to right, and it splits open like a gaping, bloody smile. Effortlessly, D tosses him to the floor to choke on his own blood, which is pouring from his wound.

Stepping over his body, Diesel prowls towards me, not stopping until he’s pressed to my front, and he hands me the knife like a present. “Want me to cut off his balls for you, Little Bird?”

Laughing, I take the knife and lay a kiss on his lips. “No, babe, that’s fine. Let’s go, I’m tired.”

He grins and pulls away, grabbing his jacket and tossing it over his shoulder. His other arm slides around my waist, taking me from Garrett. “Let’s go home.”

I look around. “I bet the police are coming.”

There are people on their phones, folks crying, and girls screaming, and then Cherry storms through their midst—calm, collected, and in control. She takes in the man then us and nods.

“I got this, go,” Cherry tells us, before turning to the clients and girls. “You saw fucking nothing! Now get back to work! Rick, pour free drinks for everyone!”

Nodding in gratitude, though I don’t think the guys would have much issue with the police, we leave while we can. They might have some sway, but I’m betting they would have to answer some questions and that wouldn’t be good with the violent mood they are both in.

Not to mention it would annoy Ryder. My first trip out with the terrible twosome, and we get arrested? Yeah, I would be punished all night…

On second thought…I should go back and get arrested.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.