Den of Vipers

: Chapter 31

It’s early when I wake up, I don’t know why. Flipping onto my back, I sigh. I’m so used to waking up in the afternoon, that even though it’s only ten am, I feel like a whole new person. Getting up, I don a dress, not bothering with shoes, but I do stop as I pass the mirror before going back and adding the earrings and the rings Ryder bought me.

They look good and cause me to smile as I head outside, already hearing them arguing at the breakfast table. It’s a habit now, eating with them, and it’s probably why I woke up. How my life has changed. When I sit down, they all give me a smile before doing a double-take at the jewellery. Ryder looks smug, Kenzo grins at me softly, Garrett just grunts his approval, and Diesel leans forward.

“Yes, one of us, one of us!” he chants, banging his knife and fork on the table, making me laugh. “Oh, you wanna see something?” he asks me, wiggling his eyebrows.

“I don’t know…do I? If it’s your cock, babe, I’ve seen it, and as nice as it is, I would rather just eat the sausage on my plate,” I quip, as I accept the mug from Ryder with a gentle smile at him. His lips quirk up at that, bigger than normal. Maybe that ice is finally cracking.

“No…that will be later. Once you see this, you are bound to jump me.” He laughs as he gets to his feet. I look over just in time to see him rip off his shirt.

“D, your abs are nice—” I start, but freeze at the new ink on his chest. I don’t even get distracted by the muscular torso of the crazy man like normal. He stands there proudly, puffing up, with that insane smile on his lips, while all I can do is gawk.

There, on his chest, right over his heart, is a bird.

The bird sits on his pec, perched on a coiled viper. They both look so lifelike, I ache to touch them to see if they’re real. The bird is standing there, so brave and unafraid of the snake, its beak held high, and the snake? It’s wrapped around it, not restraining it…keeping it.

Me and him.

The crazy bastard got a tattoo of us over his heart.

“Like it, Little Bird?” he asks, and he suddenly seems nervous.

I glance around, and Garrett widens his eyes, jerking his head towards Diesel to prompt me. Swallowing, I look back at D and lick my lips. “I’m guessing that’s me…and you?”

“Course.” He grins. “My little bird, right over my heart.”

“I—” I swallow again. “I love it.”

And I do. It’s magnificent, clearly Garrett’s work again, but what does it mean? A small part of me knows, and fear and excitement fill me. Does Diesel…love me?

To be loved by him would be both dangerous and an adventure. It might kill me, it might consume me, but I would die smiling. Except he can’t love me. Can he? And is that how he sees me? Standing so strong, capturing them?

“It’s beautiful,” I murmur, and he rounds the table, crouching before me.

“So are you, Little Bird.” He winks before leaning in and kissing me hard, not seeming to realise I’m frozen. He pulls back, looking way too happy. “I told you, you’re ours, Little Bird, and you’re never getting away from us. This is just to show people. You wear our marks, we wear yours.”

My eyes widen at that. Did everyone else get this too? The thought overwhelms me. “Just D,” Garrett comments, like he knows my thoughts, and I deflate. Thank fuck. D is crazy, and his emotions are different than everyone else’s. He wants me, he takes me. He loves me and hurts me. It’s simple for him. For the others to get it would be another reason why, and I don’t know if I’m ready for that.

But Diesel?

It doesn’t matter if I don’t say it back or if I’m unsure how I feel, he knows. He always does. He kisses me again, and this time I return it. He laughs, happy as he returns to his seat, but I’m quiet the whole meal. I can feel Ryder’s eyes on me the entire time.

Is this my life now?

Falling in love with the Vipers? Lust and accepting my new life is one thing…but can I really love them? We started out rough, and part of me still hates them.

Somewhere along the line, did the ‘hate yous’ really start to mean something else? I don’t know, and that scares me. Ryder is terrified I’ll destroy his family…what if he’s right?

But what if I don’t? What if I find happiness here? I suck in a breath, deciding I have to try. I might be afraid to love someone…more than someone, but I don’t want to give this up yet, so I won’t let them know just how hard it is for me to love, or how messed up I am that when people say they love me, I wait for the pain to come. Because it always does.

Those who love us have the opportunity to hurt us the worst, and in my experience, they always do.

After breakfast, I rush to my room to have a moment to myself. I end up falling asleep, and when I wake up, I feel better. I can’t let this freak me out.

I can hide away, cut this off, and let it control me…and maybe lose the guys—the best thing to ever happen to me

Or I keep living, despite the fear, and keep accepting them. I know my choice, so I put on my warpaint, feeling better, stronger with my makeup on. My eyes are lined and dark, my lips are a deep red like blood, and I add the necklace they bought me, the choker, before slipping into another dress. It’s a black one with lace sleeves that gape. It’s a bit dressy, clinging to my body, but it makes me feel good. Lastly, I do my hair, straightening it.

I head out, but only Kenzo is there, his hair slicked back, wearing a white shirt with the sleeves rolled back to expose his thick forearms, a grey waistcoat, and trousers. He looks amazing. When he looks up with a soft smile and sees me, his mouth falls open, making me feel sexy, so I strut over to him and, being brave, straddle his lap. His tablet falls to the side forgotten as he grips my ass and drags me closer.

“You look good enough to eat, darling,” he growls.

“That a promise?” I grin down at him, slicking my hand through his hair so some of it falls to the side.

He groans. “I wish, I have to go soon.”

“Where to?” I ask, feeling his hard cock pressing against me.

His eyes are dark with lust. “A game,” he murmurs. “There is someone who will be playing that I need information on.”

“About the hits?” I press.

He shakes his head. “About the leak. An old player of mine, someone who used to run bets for me.”

I perk up. “Can I go?”

“You want to go?” he queries slowly, and I snort.

“Hell yes, I’m bored as fuck, let me help. Plus, booze, gambling, and you? Sounds like fun.”

He groans, licking his lips. “That’s ridiculously hot.” He runs his eyes down my body, making me shiver. “You can come, but just know that your dress will be on my floor before the end of the night. You’re my winnings.”

Leaning down, I kiss him softly. “Promises, promises,” I murmur, as I get up and saunter away, stopping at the door to glance back at him. His eyes are closed, lips pursed. “Coming?”

He scrambles to his feet, smirking at me as he straightens his waistcoat and grabs his phone before pocketing it. His hand twists his dice as he heads over, draping an arm around my shoulder. “Can’t wait, darling.”

We head downstairs, his hand stroking down my back to my ass in the elevator. I grin as the door opens, and he guides me out, under his arm, and over to a red Ferrari. He opens the door, and I slip in, watching as he rounds the hood and slides into the driver’s seat. He winks over at me. “Hold on,” he warns, and the engine revs as he peels from the spot.

I scream in ecstasy as we break free of the building and race out into the streets. It’s getting dark now, the city coming to life as he weaves through traffic. We leave the city and head onto an open stretch of road. With one hand on the wheel, the other on the stick shift, he speeds up before reaching over and laying his hand on my bare thigh, squeezing it as he drives.

My hair blows back, my heart hammers from the speed, and a grin curves my lips. This is amazing. I open my legs farther for him, and his hand slips higher, stopping when his thumb brushes my pussy, just staying there as he steers. The way he handles the machine, and how fast we are going, still climbing, turns me on.

Why is that so hot?

It takes barely any time before we turn and head down a private driveway on the wealthiest side of town. “Why don’t you guys have a house here?” I ask.

“We do. We hate it.” He grins over at me as we pull up at a black, ornate fence with a crest on the front. “We hate rich people, stuffy bastards.”

“You are a rich person.” I laugh.

“True, and aren’t I a stuffy bastard?”

The gate cranks open, and he speeds through it, driving down a lit cobbled lane to a circular driveway with a fountain in the middle, situated before a giant mansion. He pulls up right outside the door and throws his keys at the valet there as he gets out, rounding to open my door for me. He offers me his hand, and I accept it, then he helps me up and wraps his arm around my waist as we head up the steps to the entrance.

The door is opened for us. Music pours out, and when we step inside, my mouth almost drops. Fuck, this is a how the other half lives. Chandeliers hang everywhere, with old-style, gold framed art hanging on every wall alongside family portraits. Two curving staircases lead up to the first floor from the lobby we’re in.

Music and laughter and the clinking of glasses reaches us. Women walk around in tight dresses and jewels, decked to the nines on the arms of men in suits. It all screams money, and I’m sure as shit out of place. But Kenzo doesn’t care, he leans down to murmur, “Fake it, baby, they all are, all of them hiding their own, dark little secrets. See the one with the moustache?”

I nod as the man in question walks past. “He’s sleeping with his stepdaughter, the one laughing in the giant group of rich douches. He’s going broke. It’s all a game, darling, a dangerous one, but a game nonetheless. Here, they use words, not fists, but it’s still the same. You know how to play, so do I. They aren’t better than us, no, they are nothing. Just pawns, all wanting power and money, doing anything for it.” He kisses my neck and straightens as a man heads over to greet us. He doesn’t even look at me as he shakes Kenzo’s hand.

“Good to see you. You owe me a hand later to try and earn back my money.” He feigns a laugh.

“Of course.” Kenzo grins, but it’s a mask, I can see it. “Please allow me to introduce my date, Roxy.”

The man finally looks at me, running his eyes up and down my body, his own beady ones heating. “Nice to meet you…Roxy,” he greets, taking my hand and kissing the back of it.

“I wish I could say the same, but since you didn’t introduce yourself before staring at my breasts, I can’t exactly meet you, can I?” I smirk.

He laughs and seems more interested now, perking up like he, himself, was playing a game. “Of course not. I apologise, I am used to the dumb arm candy who only care about the colour of your credit card. I am Stefan, it is a pleasure, Roxy.” He nods, seeming respectful now.

“Sorry, but we have others to meet, money to take,” Kenzo remarks, and pulls me away with Stefan watching after us. “Charming men already, darling?” he murmurs to me. “Be careful, baby, they are all snakes here.”

“None as much as you,” I offer, looking up at him as we stop in a doorway. “And yet, I am on your arm, asshole.”

“You love it.” He winks as two drinks are delivered to us. He passes me the scotch and downs the champagne before passing it back to the server. “Another scotch for me.”

I almost laugh that he knew I wouldn’t drink that bubbly shit as I sip the drink, letting the warmth wash through me as I survey the room. Tables are set up around the space, like a casino but in a mansion, and there is a bar and tables. It’s impressive and filled with the city’s rich and powerful, all gambling their money away.

The same money they steal from the poor.

“Who runs this? You?”

“No, the gentleman we are here to see. He is past city limits, which is why I don’t own him, plus he’s an old acquaintance,” Kenzo answers quietly, smiling and nodding to people as they pass.

“Not a friend?” I inquire, scanning the crowd.

“I don’t have friends, darling. I have brothers and you,” he offers distractedly, before pulling me through the crowd. “There he is. Don’t hold back on my account, these rich pricks could do with your attitude, baby, so shake them up and call them on their shit. Fuck knows I do.”

“Yet they love you,” I comment, as I see them all greeting him.

“They love my money and the power I hold. They don’t know how to take you, but you’re with me, so they will laugh with you and they won’t fight back. Do as you wish, be as mean as you want, be you.”

Well, he gave me permission. He will regret that.

We stop at a full table, and suddenly, a seat becomes available at his presence. Kenzo sits and pulls me into his lap. There are four men, the dealer a female in a short cocktail dress. “Danny.” Kenzo nods at the man opposite us.

He’s a ginger with a thick beard, piercing blue eyes, and pale skin in a half unbuttoned shirt. He looks menacing as he watches us. “Kenzo, don’t remember inviting you.”

“When does that ever stop me?” He laughs as he squeezes me tighter.

Danny’s eyes go to me, taking me in and flicking away in disinterest. Fucker. “I don’t know, baby, he looks like nothing to me,” I remark, leaning into Kenzo who kisses my shoulder, his hand stroking my thigh under the table as he accepts his cards.

Danny looks back at me, his eyes alight with annoyance, nostrils flaring. “What did you say, girl?”

“I am a woman, not a girl,” I retort, and then turn away, ignoring him. “I don’t think he’s the one we need.”

Danny narrows his eyes on me. I can feel it as I caress Kenzo’s shoulder while he plays a hand. “We can find someone else, the money is good enough.”

Kenzo smirks when he wins, and a new hand is dealt. Another man at the table glares at me, and I glare back. “Problem, asshole? Need a Viagra to get it up, or just a flash of my tits?”

He recoils in shock, and I laugh. “Don’t worry, your wife won’t care, she’ll be just as disgusted in her pearls as you are to have your boring ass vanilla sex while dust escapes your old bones.”

He sputters, and Kenzo laughs, but doesn’t stop me. I look around at the other man, he’s middle-aged and a little chubby. “Let me guess, daddy’s money? You spend it on whores, which is why you’re scratching your balls. Too many STIs, am I right?”

Danny laughs loudly as the other two leave the table. It’s just Kenzo and him now. “I like her, where did you find her?”

“Nowhere you would go.” Kenzo smirks as he lays down his cards and takes his winnings, making Danny swear as they deal another hand. “I need information.”

“Nice for you.” Danny snorts.

“He’s a pussy.” I laugh. “Would rather play with cards than real money.”

Kenzo slips his hand higher, uncaring about the others, and cups my pussy. I groan into his ear as I nip the lobe, his focus on his cards and winning, even as he caresses me, and I let him. My pussy pulses and aches, wanting him. Seeing this side of him, the control, the power…it’s doing things to me.

I’m wet as hell.

He must feel it, because he groans, making me grin as I lick his ear again. “I’m imagining you fucking me in front of all these old, rich bastards, and showing them what being alive is really like,” I purr into his ear.

He swears and loses the next hand, which causes Danny to laugh. “Info, you say? Fine, whatcha want?”

But Kenzo stands, pulling me with him. “Later,” he barks.

He drags me up and, gripping my hand, winks at Danny, making me wonder what he’s playing at, but he drags me from the room, seeming desperate. He ignores everyone who’s trying to speak to him, his eyes darting around until he yanks open a door and pushes me inside. I go flying into the wall, grunting. It’s a cleaning cupboard. I turn to watch him as he shuts the door and flicks the lock before he turns to me. His eyes are dark and hungry.

“I’m going to fuck you, darling. Better scream loudly so they can hear you, and you can really shock these old, rich bastards.” He smirks as he steps closer. “You shouldn’t tease me, darling.”

“Who said I was teasing?” I grin, grabbing my dress and pulling it higher, exposing my knickers. “Well, are you going to fuck me?”

He undoes his belt and pulls down his zipper as his eyes run over me. Then, he moves fast. Too much pent-up desire, too much need. Last time, I fought him, but this time, I don’t. I want this, him. I want his cock inside me, in the mansion surrounded by the rich fuckers I always hated.

I want them to hear what he does to me, to know they might own money and people, but they will never have what we do. Realness. Raw fucking desire and need. Another person.

He slams me into the wall and hoists me up. “This is going to be hard and fast, you fucking tease.”

I groan, tilting my head back as he pushes my underwear aside, lines up with my wet pussy, and slams into me. I scream then, from pain but also pleasure. He doesn’t stop, he pulls back and thrusts into me as I wrap my legs around his waist.

The door handle jiggles, and I laugh and he chuckles. “Busy fucking my girl, be out soon,” he calls, before slamming into me again.

“They probably had a heart attack.” I groan, my eyes slipping closed.

“Probably. Wouldn’t that be great?” he mutters, as he licks down the valley of my breasts.

I dig my heels into his ass, urging him on. His hand presses to the wall, the other on my hip as he fucks me. He groans my name. The way he said it, the syllables rolling from his lips while his thick cock drives into me, spearing me, sends a spike of desire through me. He’s panting, our hearts hammering in unison as he shoves me into the wall from the force of his thrusts.

Hands digging into his shoulder, I yank him closer, my release rushing through, drawn by his hands and cock. He bites down on my chest, and I scream my release. It rushes through me while I shake and shiver, and he grunts into my chest as I feel his release fill me.

Holy fuck.

Both of us are breathing heavily as we lean against the wall, my legs weak and still wrapped around him. He lifts his head, his eyes dark and smirking. “Wonder if they heard that, or do we need to go again?”

“I don’t know,” I say breathlessly. “Maybe again?”

He grins wickedly and pulls from my clinging body. My legs hit the floor, they are weak and almost buckle, but then he’s there, holding me up with a hand around my waist as he kneels at my feet, his face burying in my pussy.

Moaning, I throw one leg over his shoulder, but he grabs the other and tosses it there too, lifting me effortlessly as he laps at my clit, uncaring about his release slipping from me.

He licks me from top to bottom, dipping into my pussy before focusing on my pierced clit, playing with it, tasting me. I force myself closer, almost suffocating him with my pussy as my thighs clamp around him.

He doesn’t care, his hands grip me tighter, like he can’t get enough of me. His tongue expertly presses and licks where I need him to. The door handle rattles again, but we both ignore it.

“Yes,” I groan, my head dropping back. “Kenzo, please,” I beg.

I need to come again so badly, my stomach clenches as lava flows through my veins from his talented mouth. He groans against my pussy, the sound vibrating through me as he tugs on my piercing. “God, yes,” I yell, dragging him closer, reaching down to grip his hair as I roll my hips, desperately fucking his mouth.

It’s building, I can feel it. I’m so close to the edge that when he yanks on my piercing again, it sends me over with a scream. He licks me through it with gentle, lapping strokes against my oversensitive clit as I pant and relax into the wall, my stomach still clenching and my thighs shaking around him.

He helps me stand, lowering my feet to the floor. He’s still kneeling, his chin and mouth covered in my release as he smirks up at me.

“Open the door, ya fucking prick, I got that info for you,” Danny yells, as Kenzo wipes his mouth and, with a wink at me, stuffs himself back into his trousers, does himself up, and checks that I’m okay before opening the door.

“You alright, mate? Need something?” Kenzo questions, blocking Danny’s view of me as I straighten myself and steady my breathing.

“You wanna know who betrayed you, right?” Danny snaps, voice low.

“Did I? I don’t know…” Kenzo grins.

“Shut the fuck up, you know I couldn’t talk out there. Going to let me in?” He barges past Kenzo, rolling his eyes at me. “It stinks of sex in here.”

“Does it?” I grin. “Must have been the card game, really got me going.” I wink.

Kenzo shuts the door, leaning against it, and grins over at me. “What can I say, I can’t help myself around her.”

“Yeah, yeah, I don’t fucking care about you getting your dick wet. I can’t be seen talking to you, they will kill me. You want the info or not?” Danny snarls, spinning away from me to stare at Kenzo’s face, which has darkened and turned serious.

“What do you know?” Kenzo demands.

“Enough to know being your friend is dangerous right now, even the rich pricks here know it, but they fear you more. Someone knows everything, man, and it ain’t an employee. They know details no one else does. It’s outdated, but it’s there,” Danny grumbles. “If I were you, I would look at your past and stay low.”

“Why?” Kenzo demands.

“’Cause there’s a hit coming, and I don’t think you will survive it. If you do, we’ll play again, maybe bring your girl so I can win some more.” Danny nods, and Kenzo nods back with a calm smile.

“Thanks, man.”

Kenzo lets him out and shuts the door. “That’s it? You are very calm.”

He laughs. “Darling, we already know there’s a hit, there always is, we live with that continuously. I have four guards here, blending with the crowds. Nobody is hurting you,” he growls, his eyes darkening again, “but us.”

“Romantic,” I tease, as I straighten my dress. “So, are we leaving now?”

“The night is young, let’s go win some money.” Kenzo winks, grabs my hand, and twines our fingers together. When we open the door, a man is passing, and his face reddens when he sees us, no doubt having heard what we were doing as he ducks and rushes away, making us both laugh.

This should be fun, and it’s been way too long since I’ve been out. Time to enjoy the rich life and take all their money. Did I mention I like to gamble?

Whoops, I guess I forgot to tell Kenzo.

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