Den of Vipers

: Chapter 3

I’m going over tomorrow’s calendar when I get the call. Placing the phone back on my desk, I lift my head and narrow my eyes at Garrett, who’s prodding his split knuckles in the seat across from me. “Your guys are in lock up.”

That gets his attention. He drops his dirty boots from my desk, leaving mud behind, making me frown. “What?” he snarls.

Leaning back in my chair, I steeple my hands. “It seems Rob’s daughter managed to get the drop on them, beat them pretty good, and got them arrested.”

He blinks, just staring for a moment. “You’re fucking kidding? A tiny girl beat up my guys? Four of my guys, for fuck’s sake?”

“Yes,” I retort, raising my eyebrow.


“Exactly.” I nod. “If you want things done right, you gotta do them yourself. Go get your men free, tomorrow afternoon, we’ll pay…” I lift the bit of paper with her information on it. “Roxxane a visit.”

Garrett nods, swearing as he stomps off to do just that. Leaning over, I brush off the dirt he left and go back to my calendar, but my thoughts are distracted by that call. She must have had help. No matter, we’ll get her ourselves. No one escapes our clutches.

My office door slams open again, making me sigh as I lean back. Why doesn’t anyone knock? Kenzo prowls my way, his thumbs gliding deftly across his phone for such a big man. “Just sent you the info on the girl, I gathered as much as I could. Also asked around a bit,” he murmurs as he looks up.

My phone dings, but I ignore it for now. “And?”

“It seems Rob’s daughter is quite the legend. Name’s Roxy, owns that dive joint across town like he said. Lot of bastards even seem scared of the girl, others respect her. She ain’t going to be an easy take.”

“Nothing worth having ever is.” I sigh as I pick up my phone and scroll through the information. Twenty-four, five foot six. Grey hair, brown eyes. Credit history is shocking, and there are some sealed documents from when she was seventeen. I’ll have to ask Garrett about them. I look over her bank information and everything else he’s gathered, thumbing through until I hit the end where her picture is.

My heart slams in my chest, my blood roaring straight to my cock, which twitches in my slacks. “Exactly.” Kenzo snorts. “Why do you think I didn’t just text it? I wanted to see your face. I’m betting you weren’t expecting Rob’s daughter to be so hot.”

“Not at all,” I mutter distractedly. Hot is an understatement. She’s fucking breathtaking. Dark eyes lined and smoky. Big, plump, red lips. High, arched cheekbones and eyebrows. Short, shoulder-length, unnatural silver hair, which suits her pale complexion. Her cleavage catches my eye in the AC/DC tank top she’s wearing when this was taken.


I actually can’t speak as I stare at the picture, but then I push it away. This makes it easier, since she’s easy to look at. Blinking, I meet Kenzo’s laughing eyes to see him discreetly rearranging himself. “I know, bro, first dibs.”

I narrow my gaze on him. “Eyes on the prize, baby brother.”

“Oh, they are, don’t you fucking worry, and Roxy is that prize,” he snaps, making me sigh. Whenever Kenzo sets his mind to something, he gets it. No need to bet on the odds on what he plans to do to Roxxane.

But she’s a means to an end, a message not to fuck with us. Some of us have to remain smart about this, and as usual, it’s me. “Tomorrow, Kenzo. Think with your head, not your dick, until we have her back here.”

“And then?” He snorts.

“Then you can do whatever you want with her. She’s ours, after all. Though I would suggest you try to keep her away from Diesel.” I laugh.

He grins too, not a nice one. “For sure, she’s exactly his type. Poor girl would be burnt to a crisp before she stepped through the door.”

I nod. “He would, though I suspect he might have his fun with her first.”

“I wonder if Garrett will,” Kenzo muses, darkening the mood.

“Maybe, if she has that damsel in distress act down. He’s a fool for them. Only this time, he might not let her almost ruin him.” I sigh.

Kenzo nods, his fists clenching at the reminder of how we had nearly lost our brother. It won’t happen again, that’s why I’ll remain smart even while the others think with their dicks. She might be attractive, but it’s not worth losing my family over. I can get pretty pussy anywhere, and I don’t have to buy it to get it in my bed.

“I’ll keep my eye on him,” I offer to mollify my brother. “Now, we have a meeting with the Triad in the morning about the treaty issues. I need you and Garrett with me.”

“Not Diesel?” Kenzo questions seriously.

“Not yet, I want to scare them, not kill them. I’m hoping we can resolve this quickly. They’re stopping our shipments at the moment, and it’s causing a ripple through the business. One I don’t like.”

“Got it, boss man.” Kenzo nods. “Don’t forget to try and get some sleep. You’re starting to look your age, old man,” he teases as he turns to leave.

“Watch your mouth, baby brother. I can still kick your ass,” I warn, only making him laugh.

Shaking my head, I turn back to the picture on my phone, my thumb caught just below her mouth. She’s going to be trouble, I can feel it. But a Viper never goes back on a deal, Roxxane is ours now. Let’s just hope she doesn’t cause too many issues, it would be a shame to kill such a beautiful woman.

Dropping my phone to my desk, I get up and stretch. Kenzo is right. I need sleep. It’s been two days, and I want to be sharp for tomorrow’s meeting. With business plans whirring in my head, I pocket my phone and leave my office. The pounding of Diesel’s music hits me out in the hallway, so I head to my bedroom instead of the living area.

Tomorrow is a new day. We’re coming for you, Roxxane.

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