Den of Vipers

: Chapter 28

I hear her behind me. She doesn’t know what she’s getting into, but she had a way out and didn’t take it. I’ve held back, trying to be good, but I’m done with that. Tonight, I’ll get the information we need and take the woman who’s mine.

My little bird.

I can hear the man already struggling in the chains, trying to get free. He’s an assassin, so he’ll be harder to break and all the more sweeter for it.

When I enter the room, he freezes, his eyes scanning me for weapons. He knows why he’s here, and he knows the likelihood of him surviving is low. He’s smart, I can see it in his eyes. I wonder if he’ll talk first or test how far I’m willing to go.

“Let’s begin, shall we?” I grin, and I hear my little bird enter the room, but she won’t be just watching this time, no, she’ll be helping.

She wants to be one of us? Then this is how it’ll happen.

“Little Bird, hand me the large knife,” I instruct.

I hear her hesitate, and I look over at her. “Now, Little Bird.”

She searches my blue eyes before sucking in a breath, grabbing the knife from the tray, and passing it over to me. Smirking, I lean down and kiss her hand. “Good girl.” I turn back to the guy and step closer. I know all his weapons have been removed, but you can never be too careful.

I make a few quick slices and rid him of his clothes until he’s hanging from my hooks naked—his shoulders have to be hurting by now. Roxy gasps, no doubt at his extensive scarring. He is an assassin, after all. “Now, is there anything you would like to tell me before I start?”

Please say no.

He purses his lips, his eyes darting to Roxy before he spits at me. Laughing, I flip the knife in the air. “Thank fuck. This is going to be fun.”

I toss it again, straight at him. He braces himself as it embeds in his shoulder. The only sound he releases is a hiss between his clenched teeth. “Little Bird, Little Bird, they always break so easily…but I don’t think this one will.”

“Is that a good thing?” she asks, and I feel her hand on my back.

I glance over at her and grin, and she swallows at the sight. “A very good thing,” I purr, and she hands over a scalpel without me even asking. Ah, now she’s getting into it.

Turning back to the man, I let him see the madness that lurks deep within me, the fire they started in me as a child that not even I can control.

Stepping closer, I stare into the assassin’s eyes as I drag the sharp edge of the blade across his skin, cutting through thick scar tissue until he hisses again, his eyes squinting. I do it again across his chest and arms before grabbing the knife in his shoulder and twisting. “Now, anything to say? How about we start simply—who do you work for?”

“Santa,” he sneers, making me laugh, so I dig the blade in deeper, watching the blood drip from the wound.

“As an assassin, I’m betting your trigger finger is important, correct?” I muse out loud.

He swallows, his Adam’s apple bobbing, and I suddenly yank the knife out, forcing a scream from his throat. The sound is sweet to my ears and makes me hard like nothing else can…other than my little bird.

Turning, I grab the saw, reach up, and start in on his finger, whistling to myself. He shouts and jerks, trying to fight. Blood squirts across the shackles and his hand until I hit the bone. Swearing, I work the blade harder. “Stupid saw, it’s so hard to find a good bone cutting one that doesn’t blunt too easily,” I tell him conversationally. “You wouldn’t believe the amount of times I’ve had to replace it.” I sigh as I rip his finger off and toss it away. Dropping the saw to the floor, I grab my lighter and, grinning inches away from his face, press it to the wound to stop him from bleeding.

He screams again, and as the scent of burning flesh hits me, I groan. Flicking the lighter shut, I step back with a nod, looking him over. “Shall we try again?”

“Fuck you.” He spits at me, snot dripping from his nose and saliva dribbling down his chin.

“Very well.” Grabbing the scalpel again, I begin to stab and slice, my movements random and chaotic so he can’t brace.

But his screams ring in my ears, echoing around me, drawing up other screams from the past, mixing with the scent of burnt flesh. I cut faster and faster, stabbing.

I keep slashing with screams, laughing in between. I can’t stop. Fire flickers around me, my mother’s shrieks ringing in my head until a hand pierces the flames. Coming straight to me.

“D, look at me,” the voice demands. It’s low, sultry.


“Little Bird?” I murmur, freezing.

She grabs my hand and the blade. Panting, I blink, and the room comes back into focus. She’s standing before the bloodied, gagging man. Her hand is gripping the blade, cutting her own skin to stop me from using it again. When she sees me back, she smiles. “You left me.”

“Never,” I murmur, looking into those eyes.

“You can’t kill him, not yet, you haven’t got your information,” she cautions.

“You weren’t trying to save him?” I inquire with a frown, a sudden burst of jealousy pouring through me. How dare he? She’s mine!

She leans into the blade to draw my gaze back to her, and only then do I realise I had started growling like an animal. She gasps in pain, her eyes dilating as her blood drips down the knife’s edge and across my hand, making me groan. “No. Trying to help you,” she whispers, her voice pained.

Covering her hand, I dig the blade in deeper, and she whimpers but lets me. I groan and pull her hand away, tossing the blade before pulling her into my arms. Her hands come up to my face, framing it. I can feel her blood on her hand, coating my cheeks, and my cock jerks at the sensation as she desperately reaches up, but she’s small.

Grinning, I lift her from the floor until our lips meet. It’s a raw, painfilled kiss, and brings me back from the brink like nothing else can. Replacing the impression of flames licking at my skin with her softness. The taste of smoke with her sweetness. The sound of my mum’s screams with her moan which I swallow.

Pulling away, I place her feet back down on the floor, and she wobbles slightly, unbalanced, so I hold her up.

“I need to sit down,” she murmurs, panting.

“My face is available,” I retort, and a laugh tumbles from her swollen lips.

Grinning, I carry her over to the toolbox and sit her upon it. I unpeel her curled in, injured fist, and I take a look at the cut—it’s not too deep. Leaning down, eyes on hers, I kiss it, her blood coating my mouth. I straighten and lick my lips, tasting the metallic tang of her, and she shifts, licking her own lips.

Oh yes, my little bird likes me feral. Mean. A beast.


Feeling more like myself and in control, I turn back to the man and smile. “Sorry about that. Now, do you have anything to say?”

He pants heavily, his head drooping. “The Triad, they hired me.” Each word is rough, his voice undoubtedly damaged from the screams.

Gripping his hair, I lift his head and turn to grin at him. “Very good, but how?”

“How the fuck do you think?” he snaps, making me frown and him swallow. “Through acquaintances.”

“I thought they were struggling financially?” I ponder with a frown.

He shakes his head desperately. “No, it’s all a lie. Covering their true earnings. They have been dealing in other cities to earn back some money, they knew they would need it to come after you.”

“And how do you know this?” I ask casually.

“I do my research.” He laughs bitterly. “Clearly not good enough, I picked the wrong side.”

I grin then. “That you did.”

He turns his head and spits some blood on the ground. “I guess we better continue?” he suggests, seeming tired, so I tut.

“Oh, don’t give up so easily. You were so strong at the beginning,” I comment, as I look over at my tools. “How about a nice bit of waterboarding to wake you back up?”

He scoffs, “What? Nothing new? I’m disappointed, I have to say. The great Diesel, using old techniques. I thought you were more creative.”

I freeze. Oh, he wants to play this game? Fine. Grabbing my toy, I turn around with a smirk. “Something new? How about this? I made it myself. Took a few concepts from other devices of course.” I shrug as I step closer.

His bravado drops for a moment. “Yeah? What does it do?”

“This.” I smirk as I push the channel onto his cock and click the lock. He freezes, barely breathing, but when nothing happens, he relaxes. I watch his face until he realises it’s slowly clamping down on his cock. His eyes bug out as the tube closes, compressing tighter and tighter, and when he starts to scream, I know it’s cutting into the skin of his dick. “Hmm, how’s that for new?”

I step back and lean between Roxy’s legs as I watch the man scream. She drapes her arms across me, relaxing against my back as her chin props on my shoulder. “Does hurting people get your hard?” she questions randomly, making me blink before I smile.

Turning, I grab her hand and press it to my cock. “What do you think?”

She tilts her head, her lips caught between her teeth as I release her hand, but she doesn’t move it away, no, she rubs me through my trousers, making me grunt. Leaning into her, fists on either side of her thighs, I lick her lips. “Do not tease, Little Bird, unless you want me to fuck you right here.”

She sucks in a breath. “Would you like to hurt me?”

“Yes,” I admit without shame. “I want to carve up your skin, watch the blood drip as I pound into you.”

She sucks in a shaky breath, her hand pressing harder against me. “Would I survive it?”

“Would you care?”

She shakes her head. “Maybe, but I seem to want to find out.”

I grin. “I knew you would, Little Bird, you are so brave. Thinking you can control me…stop me before I kill you. Tell me, can you turn that bloodlust into just lust?”

She leans into me, biting down on my lip. “I want to try.”

A particularly loud scream comes from behind me. “Hold those thoughts, I don’t want him dying just yet.”

It’s hard to pull away from her exploring hand, but I do. I spin and flick off the clamp and pull it from his cock, wincing for him when I see the bloody, cut up mess. “Dayum, hope you didn’t want kids.” I laugh. “I’ll give you a moment to get yourself together. I just have a few more questions, and then we’re done.”

Tossing my contraption to the side, I turn and lock my gaze back on Roxy as he passes out behind me. I prowl towards her, and she smiles, not the least bit afraid. Maybe I was wrong, maybe she isn’t a bird. Maybe she’s a snake.

Like me.

She watches me with desire in her eyes. My little bird is freeing herself from her cage with every day, every action. I want it. Her freedom, her pleasure, her pain. I should be focused on the assassin, but with her here, all I can think about is bending her over that toolbox and slamming into her pussy, watching her cunt take my cock as bloodshed and torture surround us.

She licks her lips like she knows what I’m thinking. “Are you going to fuck me?” she inquires nonchalantly. I circle around her, trailing my fingers across her shoulders and hair as I take in a lungful of the sweet scent that is Roxy. It settles into my bones, making my cock jerk, and the only way it could get better would be with her blood.

“I’m thinking about it,” I reply.

“In front of him, or will you kill him first?” she asks, arching to give me better access.

Stopping behind her, I push her hair to the side, and she stills as I lick and kiss along her neck, feeling her pounding pulse against my lips. She’s so fragile and so strong at the same time. “I think I’ll kill him first, then, with his blood still on my hands, I’ll rip this dress from your body and fuck you, leaving handprints across this perfect pale skin.”

She gasps and shivers, leaning against me. Little dirty bird, she loves it. Humming, I nibble on her neck before biting down. She gasps in pain but pushes into my teeth, daring me to go further. I know what she’s doing, testing her control on me and challenging herself.

She thinks if she can take me, have me, she can survive this world.

We’ll see.

“And what if I use some of my toys on you, Little Bird? Would you still come so prettily with my knife in your skin and my cock in your pussy?” She moans, her hand reaching back and circling my head, dragging me closer as she rocks on the toolbox.

Running my hands across her shoulders and down, I cup her heaving breasts and squeeze, hard, making her whimper. “I saw you take Kenzo’s cock. You liked the fight, the pain, but how much pain can you handle?” I whisper against her skin.

“All of it,” she replies, as I trace down her stomach and to her pussy before cupping it, letting her rock against me as I nip and lick at her neck.

“I guess we will see. The others won’t save you now. You came down here, and you won’t be leaving until I’m satisfied with your cum on my dick and your blood on my hands. Brave little birdy, walking right into the Viper’s den,” I murmur, as the assassin starts to wake up.

Pressing my hand harder against her soaking cunt, I roll my eyes up to meet his as he blinks and lifts his head. He meets my gaze, and his eyes widen in fear as I play with my girl. Tracing back up her body, I caress her breasts before biting her neck hard, making her scream. Laughing, I pull away. “He’s awake, Little Bird, so you will have to wait for me to play with you. Feel free to play with yourself while you wait, though, as long as you don’t come and he doesn’t see an inch of your skin.”

He closes his eyes. “I didn’t see anything,” he rushes out, as I stalk around her.

“No, you didn’t,” I growl possessively. “Can you smell her arousal?” I suck in a deep breath. “I can. She likes watching me work, likes the blood. The pain. My dirty little bird.”

He shakes his head, purposely trying not to breathe, but his breathing stutters, and he inhales. Darting forward, I cover his mouth and nose and get into his face. “You do not get to smell her,” I snarl, and his eyes widen as he attempts not to take another breath.

We watch each other as he struggles, no doubt his lungs are closing. “D, be nice,” she calls from behind me.

Laughing, I pull away, and he sucks in a deep breath and coughs. “Say thank you to my little bird for letting you live.”

He coughs again, his eyes watering as he raises his gaze and looks at her. “Thank you, Little Bird.”

I freeze, and she swears. “Did you just call her ‘Little Bird’?”

He swings his eyes to me and realises his mistake. “No-no, I was just—”

“D,” she murmurs, but I ignore her as I get into his face.

“Choose your words carefully. Is there anything else you can tell me?” I ask, holding back for now, trying to do my job, even though I want to rip him to pieces.

“They have hired others, kids, to kill you. They won’t stop until you’re dead, and they have someone who knows things about you,” he rushes out.

“A mole?” I demand.

He shakes his head harder. “No-no, some of the intel was old, I’m guessing an ex-employee.”

I slap his face lightly. “You did good.”

I’m beyond pissed someone we gave a job to has betrayed us. I’ll have to tell Ryder and let him search through them. We tend to monitor old employees to make sure they don’t need anything, but this? This is betrayal.

Turning away, I smirk at my little bird as I palm my small knife from my waist. She gasps as I spin and slice his neck. His eyes widen in shock, and he sputters as blood squirts and pumps from the wound. He can’t stop it, and I put my face directly in his as he dies, seeing the light dim from his eyes. “She is mine. Mine!” I roar.

I watch him die, and then, still feeling that need roaring through me, I turn to face my woman. She’s watching me with fear and desire warring in her eyes as I step closer. Good, she should fear me. I could burn her as easily as she could consume me.

She knows I’m dangerous, knows that maybe being in my arms means her death, but she steps forward willingly. We are just two people who found each other in this dark, brutal world. She’s fucked up, but I am too. Together, we could be something amazing, or we could explode.

I want to find out.

I won’t be her saviour, I’ll be her sinner.

But she’s okay with that—more than okay as she presses herself against my chest and tilts her head back to grin up at me. I can hear the blood dripping to the floor behind me, but she ignores him as much as I do. We have been dancing around these flames since she first got here, and it’s time for us to ignite.

“Diesel.” The way she says my name sends a pulse of lust straight to my already hard cock. Her lips are parted in desire, the crests of her breasts almost tumbling from her top as she breathes heavily.

“Little Bird,” I reply, lowering my head slowly, giving her a chance to pull back. I wouldn’t let her escape, but it would set the tone for how this is going to end. Does she want a fight like with Kenzo, or does she want to surrender to me and the pain and pleasure I wield?

She meets me halfway. I tangle my fingers in her hair and drag her closer, forcing her onto her toes as I kiss her. She calls to that feral part in me, beckons it out to cover her skin in it. “Please,” she begs against my lips.

It’s her plea that does it, and she knows it. Her eyes are alight with mischief, my little bird knows exactly what to say to play this game. She’s willing to do anything to get what she wants, and right now, that’s me.

Deep inside of her.

Her cheeks are flushed with desire, and her eyes sparkling. Even down here in the basement, she shines like a jewel. Her hand trails down my chest, and I let her. She deftly unfastens my jeans and frees my cock, her eyes dropping to it.

She takes in the tattoo on my dick and the flames that lead up across my hips, and licks her lips. “Flames?”

“A reminder of how easily we can all fall,” I murmur.

She nods in understanding as she circles my length before flicking my piercing on the end. Growling, having had enough of her playing, I grab her hands and drag them over her head until she’s stretched. “That’s not how it’s going to be, Little Bird.”

“No?” she challenges with a grin flirting on her lips.

“You want soft, go to the others, you come here, and you get pain. But you already know that, Little Bird. You came here to punish yourself with me, for wanting us, for giving in. I will gladly oblige.”

Her knees buckle so I hold her up—no, this won’t work. I need my hands free.

Keeping her hands in mine, I trap them under my arm as I quickly undo the ties on the assassin’s chains and toss his corpse into a corner. I drag her behind the pool of his spilled blood, and I chain her one hand at a time, forcing the chains down until they circle her wrists and she can barely touch the floor. I make sure to wrench her shoulders back until she gasps, the pain constant and unsparing. Keeping her on edge.

Pleasure is just another form of torture, and I am a master.

Her eyes are wide, her chest heaving as she watches me. She wants this, she entered this place willingly. Now I’m going to take her, again and again, until I’m satisfied, and if she survives it, then she is one of us.

Using the same small knife I wielded to slit the man’s throat, I slice down her top, cutting it off her. It falls away to reveal her breasts, which are tumbling from a see-through, black lace bra. I make sure to carefully remove her boots, knowing she’s fond of them. When her creamy skin is exposed to me, I wipe the blade and disinfect it, needing it to be clean for what I have planned.

She watches me with a gulp, eyes wild. Her blush stains her chest now as I trace my eyes down her tattoos and curves. She is delicious, all temptation. Thick thighs, tattoos, and a crazy attitude that has me rock-hard all the time.

“I’m going to run this knife across your skin, not cutting, not yet, just dragging. Leaving delicious pink marks for my mouth to follow,” I tell her, letting the blade catch in the light and glisten.

Stepping closer, I brush my lips against hers. “Right to your sweet little wet pussy that I can smell.” As I talk, I slice downwards, cutting off her bra. Tossing it away, I slide the knife edge between the skin of her hip and the string of her thong, making her still as I slash upwards quickly. I toss that away as well. She’s fucking stunning. Her skin is marred by some scars and ink—she’s mouth-watering.


My favourite new obsession.

“Then do it, stop talking,” she snaps.

“Or maybe I’m just not done playing with you? Maybe I’m waiting to see that fire in your eyes.” Grinning, I step around her, trailing my finger across her plump ass and around her hip to her stomach, stopping at her belly ring. Eyes locked on hers, I tug on it. She stays quiet at first until I pull harder, then a whimper escapes her, making me groan. And there it is, that fire. “There, that’s better,” I murmur.

“Asshole,” she spits, trying to lean back, the chains rattling.

I lunge forward, pressing the knife to her neck where, not minutes before, I had slit a man’s throat. She swallows and tilts her head back, and when her eyes meet mine, she presses into the blade, testing me. Seeing how far I’ll go. When it breaks the skin and her blood touches the blade, I pull away, and she laughs.

“So not to kill me then? Then why not fuck me?” she taunts, and spreads her creamy thighs, flashing me her glistening pussy and trying to get me to rush.

Tutting, I trace the blade down the valley of her breasts before circling around her nipples. I make that loop repeatedly, pressing harder each time. “You can’t rush me, Little Bird. I’ve been imagining all the ways I could fuck you, hurt you, and make you bleed and scream since I saw you.”

Raising the blade, I smirk at the pink marks I have left behind, and like I promised, I lower my head and follow the path with my tongue. She gasps, arching forward to try and press a nipple into my mouth. Greedy little bird.

Lifting my head once again, I trace my blade from her breasts to her stomach and around her navel before dropping to my knees and following that path. Rolling my eyes up, I flick my tongue across her belly jewel, and her head falls forward, her eyes meeting mine. Her lip is trapped between her teeth as she shivers from my touch.

Rolling my tongue around her piercing, I pull on it a bit, making her moan before turning my head and biting down on her hip without warning. Her moan turns into a scream as she jerks in the chains, swinging away slightly, so I grab her hip and dig my teeth in deeper before releasing her skin and kissing it better. Licking and biting my way up her body, ignoring my aching cock, I trace the knife across her nipple. She moans at the dangerous edge of the knife across one of her most sensitive areas and tilts into it, so I do it again and again, before licking over the path. She moans my name again, my little bird trying to tempt me.

So, in punishment, I slash out quickly with the knife, drawing two thin cuts across the crests of her breasts. Leaning back, I watch the blood well in the slices as she whimpers, “D, please.”

Eyes locked on hers, I lick along the cuts, prodding the edges with my tongue until she grunts in pain but shivers in pleasure. “Did you know, Little Bird, an edge of pain can enhance your pleasure? Now, normal people like just a little, while others can handle a lot…I wonder how much you can tolerate?”

Licking up her neck, I stop at her lips. “We’re going to find out, keep pressing forward until your screams of agony mix with your shrieks of bliss.” She nips at my lips, making me grin. “What shall we start with, Little Bird? I can carry on with the knife… I have visions of it against your pierced clit as my tongue fucks your channel… Or maybe your tight little ass filled with my cock?”

She gasps, jerking against me. “Knife,” she whispers breathlessly.

“Very well.” Dropping to my knees, I spread her creamy thighs to expose her pussy to the room. She’s so wet, it’s dripping down her thighs, and when I part her lips and lap her pierced clit, she presses closer. I would die happily with my face buried in her pussy, tasting her on my tongue.

Running the knife up both thighs, leaving a stinging trail, I circle it around her pussy before wetting the blade with her cream. I lean back and meet those eyes, letting her watch as I lick the sharp edge clean of her juices. “Mmm, delicious.”

Her eyes close for a moment before blinking open. “Well, you going to fuck me or just sit and talk?”

Gripping her thigh, I dig my nails in as I press the flat of the blade against her clit, hard, holding it there as I dip my tongue inside her channel. She groans my name, jerking in the chains and pressing closer. But it’s not enough for me or her. Pulling away, I lick her clit and remove the knife before flipping it until the thick black handle is pressed to her entrance. Her eyes widen, and her breath stutters before she nods, pushing against it to try and take it into her body.

“This is the knife I killed him with. Did you see how prettily he died, choking on his own blood?” I murmur, as I press it into her before pulling it out and then pressing it back in an inch further.

“The blade easily slit open his skin, all that blood, the blood you’re standing in…” I trail off, licking my lips to keep the taste of her pussy in my mouth. “Next time, I’ll make you watch. I’ll fuck you with the blade to your throat as they die in front of us.” With that, I slam the handle inside her.

She screams from both pain and pleasure, and I chuckle before twisting the handle, the ribbed grip of it making her hips jerk forward as she tries to take more.

“Yes, more,” she screams, as I pull the knife free from her clinging body before slamming it back in, fucking her with it. She chants my name and words of encouragement as I watch the flush creep down her body, her thighs shaking as she reaches that peak. She’s so close, her head dangling back in bliss, her eyes closed and face slack.

So close.

I yank the blade free, and her eyes snap open. “What the fuck?” she screams.

Chuckling again, I lick the handle of the blade clean as she watches, chest heaving. “You don’t get to come yet. You’re going to ride that edge, again and again, until it’s so painful for you that you beg to come.”

“You fucking prick,” she snarls before she swings in the chains, kicking out at me. I grab her ankle mid-air and hold it to my lips as I scrape my teeth across the arch of her foot, making her gasp.

“That wasn’t nice, Little Bird,” I murmur, before dropping her leg and getting to my feet. Stepping away, I slowly pull off my trousers and she groans, her eyes dragging along my body, her thighs clenching together.

Grabbing a wooden pole I sometimes use to bind their arms, I trail it between her breasts and down to her pussy, giving it a light smack before walking around to her back. Her hair trails along her shoulders, and I push it away as I lay a kiss on her neck. “You want punishment? You got it.”

I bring the stick down on her back in quick succession, repeatedly. She writhes and screams. I don’t go gently, and as I pull away, I notice the welts across her skin, decorating it so prettily. “So beautiful, watching your skin mark up for me. Knowing you will have to walk around with them, the others wondering what I did to you… I wonder, Little Bird, do they know how twisted you really are?” I whisper against her skin. “Because, right now, I know if I reach between those silky thighs, you’ll be gushing from the pain. Do they know you like it as much as I do?”

She shakes her head, whimpers leaving her lips.

“Didn’t think so. Big, tough Roxy, putty in my hands. Surrendering everything to me.” Bringing the pole down again, I watch it darken her skin. “Only to us. Everyone else gets the bitch, we get the softness…”

“Fuck you,” she whispers, almost groggily.

Laughing, I slap the pole across her ass, making her swing forward with a cry. “Not yet, Little Bird. I want to see what else you can take.”

“Everything. Anything. You think you can hurt me? You can’t. I’ve had so much worse done to me. So bring it, all your twisted desires, do it. I can handle it. I can handle you,” she snarls, her voice strong despite her naked, yielding body.

“I guess we’ll see.” I smirk, wondering if she actually can. Others have tried, thinking they could tame me. The guys have thrown women at me, and I have broken every single one. Will my bird be the same?

Not once did I want them as much as I do her. She sets me alight, while they didn’t even cause a spark. It’s a bad thing for her, she has to take the brunt of my obsession, but we can’t move forward unless she does. Unless I know she can survive the madness that hides within, or I could accidentally kill her and the others would be pissed.

Dropping the pole, I grab her neck in a vice. I won’t play nice anymore. I was trying to hold back, because I care for her, but she keeps on poking…

Now she gets the flames.

She gasps and arches back, rubbing her sore ass against my hard cock. Making sure to cut off her air supply, I grab my cock and kick open her thighs, slamming it inside her. She jolts from the force, unable to make a noise as I pull out and slam back in. The chains clang loudly. I keep her on the edge, forcing her body to its very limits of what she can take.

Her pussy clenches around me, her wetness letting me slam easily in and out of her body. She trembles again as I tighten my hands, and she starts to tug at the chain as I take the life from her before she suddenly stops and relaxes back into me. Good girl, don’t fight it. I let up the pressure a bit, and she sucks in a breath, pushing herself back to meet my thrusts at the same time.

Leaning down, I grab the blade again. As I sink deep into her core, I trace my blade across the swell of her breasts. She moans loudly, unafraid as she lets me do whatever I want with her body.

She might fight Kenzo, she might talk trash and be the bravest person I’ve ever met, but down here, with me, she lets go of that built-up control, her walls crumbling around her as I take her like an animal.

I slice between her breasts, down the valley between, and feel the blood flowing from the cut. Rubbing my hand in it, I press into the cut and make her scream in pain. Chuckling breathlessly, I trace that blood-covered hand down her stomach to her pussy and flick her pierced clit until she’s back on that precipice.

Then I stop, stilling, with my cock inside her body and my finger on her clit. She whimpers, trying to push back to get leverage to come. Bringing the knife back around, I dip the handle in her cream, coating it nice and good before slipping my cock from her clenching pussy. Grabbing her hips, I tilt her further back and part her cheeks. “Tell me, Little Bird, have you had anything back here before?”

I hear her gulp loudly. “Yes,” she whispers.

“Did you enjoy it?” I ask, genuinely curious, not that it will change what I’m about to do.

She shivers in my hold, trembling. “Yes.”

Chuckling, I press the handle of the knife to her hole. I manage to work it in an inch then back out again. It’s slow going until the handle of the small blade sits in her ass. Stepping back, I look at the sight—the red welts on her ass, a knife sticking from it, her cream coating her thighs. Fuck. I almost come from the sight alone. Grabbing my phone, I take a quick picture and send it to the guys, letting them know what they are missing before tossing it away and taking her hips again.

“Diesel,” she starts, as I line up with her pussy, the blade pressing to the fleshy skin above my hip. “You’ll hurt—”

With a roar, I slam back inside her, impaling myself on the knife. It slices through my skin, and it’s a good job I know where to cut so it’s not fatal, but it hurts like a son of a bitch. The pain surges through me, meeting the flames in my stomach and balls. I take it out on her, fucking her harder, faster, the knife slicing in and out of my body as she screams. Blood drips down from the wound onto our joined bodies, making the passage even slicker. I can’t move much, I don’t want to shred my insides even though the knife is small and just going below the skin.

She whimpers, her pussy clenching and wanting more, and I do as well. So even though I love the pain and the blood now coating our bodies and hands, I grab the knife between us, moving it away to give me room.

I twist the knife, causing her to groan and me to grunt in pain before I yank myself back and pull the knife free, tossing it away as I fuck her.

Blood runs freely from my wound, and I know if I leave it too long I’ll pass out. It needs to be stitched up at some point, but for now, I’ll survive. “You’re going to have to stitch me.”

“What—” She moans, barely able to talk.

“Once we’re done, stitch me or I might die,” I tease, but she gasps, thinking I mean it. Laughing, I grab her hips and slam into her again and again as I rub my blood-covered finger over her clit. My balls are drawing up, pleasure and pain roaring through me.

I’m too close, I want this to last forever and would happily die here, but I need to come. To see it dripping from her bloody, wet cunt. “Come,” I demand, and she screams as I yank on her clit piercing, her pussy clenching around me as she does. I grunt as I slam into her and still, filling her with my cum.

Panting, I lean against her, the chains swinging loudly before, with a groan, I slip free from her body. I reach up and wince at the pain that movement causes on my damaged skin as I free her and catch her before she falls. Even though it hurts, and I’m feeling a bit weak from the blood loss, I cradle her in my arms and head over to the crate, setting her down. Her eyes are still closed, her body shivering in aftershocks.

She survived it.

Brushing hair from her face, I kiss her gently. “Little Bird, Little Bird, I knew you would be the one. You will never escape us now, you are mine. Forever. Bound tighter than any ring or marriage ever could. You try to leave, and I will hunt you down.”

She grins, and I lean next to her with a groan. “Feel like stitching me, Little Bird? I hope your fingers are steady.”

She blinks open her eyes and locks onto the wound in shock, gasping. “Fuck, okay, yeah, I can stitch. I’ve had to do it a few times on myself. I learned quickly. You got a kit?”

Laughing, I point at the kit in the corner that I have stashed here just in case they try to bleed out. It’s coming in useful now. She stumbles from the crate and, on bare feet, pads over and grabs it, her blood-covered ass shaking enticingly. Closing my eyes, I wait for her.

I feel her close and open them again to find her kneeling at my feet, the pack open as she grabs what she needs. She cleans the wound, making me hiss, even as my cock hardens at the pain. She smirks and ignores it as she starts to stitch the cut together again. “It’s not too bad, just a bleeder is all. You crazy bastard.”

Once she’s done, she sits back, laughing at my hard cock. “Well, that was fun.” She falls onto her side and rests against me. Leaning down, I stroke her hair. “Mmm,” she hums, just relaxing. “I’m not helping you get rid of the body though. I think you broke me, I need sleep and food.”

Grinning, I kiss her, ignoring the pull of the stitches. “Next time. I’ll get you upstairs, I’m sure Kenzo will take care of you all sweetly.”

She glances up and pouts at me. “Especially if I make that face, I bet I could even make Ryder run me a bath.”

I laugh. “Evil little thing, you know exactly how tightly they are wrapped around your little finger.”

She doesn’t look the least bit ashamed. “More like my pussy.”

“That too.” I nod seriously, waiting for my strength to return before I move. “Next time, Little Bird, I will think of something even more daring.”

She groans at that. “I can’t wait, but seriously, I need to bathe, I’m hella sticky.”

“In a bit.” I nod and slide to the floor, pulling her into my arms, liking the thought of her covered in my blood and cum.

“Is your name really Diesel?” she inquires, curling into me, blood and sweat coating her body. It’s such a beautiful sight along with my marks.

“No,” I reply, and she lifts her head to peer at me. “What’s it worth to you, Little Bird?”

She kisses me, hungry and hard, before pulling away as I groan. I drop my head to the floor. “Good God, you’re trying to kill me. No, my real name is Kace. I took Diesel after that night. Kace died in that fire with my mum, and I was born.”

She searches my eyes before laying a gentle kiss on my lips. “I don’t know about anyone else, but I like Diesel. Even if he is a bit crazy and tends to watch me sleep.”

I laugh and pull her closer. “You haven’t seen anything yet, Little Bird, you are mine now. I can’t decide if I want to go on a murder spree or fuck you.”

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