Den of Thieves

Chapter Chapter #7

“Kryston,” taking her hand back she wipes the tears aside, “he and I have an understanding. We don’t agree on most things and his mate is oddly jealous of me. The Dragon,” naming it she utters something guttural then says, “to you and I she prefers the title, Abby. We have been looking out for each other for well over forty years.”

“Forty years?” He compliments, “you only look a decade older then me.”

Starting to see Carr as a sweetheart she smiles, “thank you for that. Abby can’t go where the anklet is and I lose strength in deep caverns.”

“Caverns?” Carr hopes she doesn’t expect him to travel to some plane in Hell. “Where is this anklet?”

Jasmine points northeast, “two days ride there’s a thieves guild.”

Carr knows the place, “Marten’s Den.”

“I kind of figured you’d know it.”

“My Pa took me there a couple times to sell obscure items. I haven’t been there in years. I see why your friends can’t help. His den is an old mine. There’s no way a Dragon as big as Abby is going to fit into the main tunnels.”

Hopeful for help she queries. “So, you’ll do it?”

“Ah,” thinking of his chances, “your cause is a worthy one. Ah.”

Hearing hesitation she reaches into her leathers to retrieve a pouch. “I can pay you. I’ve collected quite a few of these over the years.” She hands him the pouch.

He peeks inside the pouch containing many pearls, “well this, this is more than enough.” Poking a finger into the bag Carr attempts to count them, “you’ve got more than a hundred in here.”

“Two hundred ninety-one,” she points out, “different sizes, some black ones and a bunch of pink pearls.”

Debating on taking the job he inquires, “you haven’t employed many males, have you?”

“No,” she looks at him questionably, “I haven’t needed to, why?”

Carr tries to warn her. “Some males may keep this bag. Saying they are going to do it and just disappear. Some may kill you where you stand.”

Surprised by his comment her hand eases towards her sword’s hilt, “I see.”

Noticing the appearance of concern causes Carr hands the pouch back. “Lucky for you I’m not one of those males. I’ll do it.”

Relieved Jasmine relaxes her sword arm, “you will?”

“Answer something for me first,” curious about her Dragon friend he has to ask, “is it true Dragons sleep on a pile of treasure?”

The query causes her brow to furl, “you know what’s nice about Dragons. You can tell if they can be trusted, by their coloring. But to answer your question they find the coins comfortable to lay on.”

“Really.” Carr pictures diving into a pile of coins like a pool of water. “I’ll take on your task. I’m just not sure it can be retrieved so easily.” Resting his chin on folded fingers considers the outcome and time it may take. “Come back here in five days. If I don’t show it’s because I need more time or I’m dead. Try back in another week, if I haven’t shown up by then I will surely be dead. Do me a favor if that’s the case. Let my mother know where I ended up. Maybe not exactly, but if you can get some kind of word to her to let her know I’m not coming back.”

She looks at him strangely, “that’s sweet of you to want to leave word with your mother. I can do that. Are you sure you can handle yourself?”

“Yeah,” he replies starting to regret offering to take on the task, “I’ve just never tried to infiltrate a den of thieves, thugs, conmen and assassins. It’s also underground I only know one way in and out. I’m sure there are probably secret exits. Being a mine, I wonder how far I’ll have to search. I take it Marten himself posses the anklet?”

She grumbles, “yes.”

Trying to be reassuring he adds, “I also wouldn’t want you to hang around waiting for me longer than necessary.”

“Oh, that’s good of you,” she smiles, “I thank you for doing this for me. I will honor your request. Even though Kryston and I differ I’ve always thought he had a very good judge of character.”

He thinks aloud. “So that must be why he helped me. What did you mean by trusting a Dragon by its’ color?”

“I was surprised to hear Kryston helped you too. He doesn’t care for most two-legged creatures.” Though young Carr’s candidness eases her concerns, “Dragons of metallic colors, brass like Abby, gold and silver are good in nature. Dragons like your armor, black, red, yellow are to be avoided and you can not trust them.”

“Wow,” Carr never knew there were so many different Dragons, “they’re so big and yet go unnoticed. Like most other people, I always figured they were just horrible creatures out to eat anything that moved. And burned up what didn’t. Oh, and shoot lightning too.”

Jasmine provides some knowledge, “each type has their own breath weapon. You know of two.” She points to his armor, “that one would have spit out acid or a toxic cloud. Some can blast out cold, ice, or fog.” Hoping this information will open his mind, “I’ll tell you something else. They are very smart. And you should be aware they can cast spells like a wizard.”

“Really?” Carr wonders if it’s possible.

She gets serious, “someday you’ll get the urge to take one on…”

“I doubt it.”

Jasmine continues her thought, “I better not find out you’re killing them for their treasure. Especially metallic ones like Abby.”

“Can’t see me doing that,” Carr states, “not after tonight. Didn’t realize how big they were.”

“Big?” Jasmine lets him know, “Abby is an older dragon but she’s not done growing.”

Carr’s eyes widen, “they get bigger than that? I’m not going to be chasing Dragons.”

Still concerned about his intentions Jasmine says. “If it wasn’t for Kryston and my visit with your mother I’d be worried your next question might be where to find one.”

“Sorry for making you suspicious,” Carr explains himself, “I’ve only heard stories about Dragons. Abby was the first I’d ever encountered. I know I can’t believe everything the hunters and mercenaries say. I figured since you were friends with such a being you could enlighten me. You certainly have done that.”

Hoping she can actually trust him, “I see. Is there some other question I can answer for you?”

“Not about Dragons.” He points outside, “will Ebony be okay to ride in the morning?”

She reassures with a smile, “yes.”

“Great.” Carr grabs his rope, “now if you don’t mind, I best try and get some sleep.”

Truly finding the rogue odd she asks, “you’re sleeping up there?”

“Yup, my stuff is up there.” He pauses a moment, “ah, what do you think I should do about Ebony?”

Thinking for a second Jasmine offers, “I’ll keep an eye on her. You get some rest so when morning comes, you’ll both be ready to travel.”

“Oh, yeah? Well thank you,” Carr smiles, “good night Jasmine. I guess I’ll see you in the morning.”

“I probably won’t be here,” she quietly states, “but good night to you too and good luck.”

Nodding Carr hoists himself up the rope. She watches him climb into the tower wondering why he doesn’t use the steps.

The squawking of an unseen bird wakes Carr. Opening eyes to a gray day he yawns and stretches before gathering up his things.

Using the grappling hook Carr lowers his gear to the floor below.

With great care Carr descends from the tower using the steps. Each one creaks horribly as weight is placed on them. A lot of the steps are loose in the stonework. Nearing the bottom, a couple of the steps are missing.

Through the hall entrance Ebony is seen milling about the church.

Thinking the floor isn’t that far Carr jumps down. Landing hard on his feet sends a shock-wave of pain from his knees to his crotch.

Doubling over Carr grits out, “too high.” Slowly straightening up Carr looks to see the horse watching with cocked head.

After the morning ritual they set out, following the river northerly.

Checking his map hopes to make it to a bridge that crosses the Cirran River before dark. Trying to figure where Marten’s Den is on the map, recalls what he can of the mines from younger years. Only able to picture a cave entrance, camouflaged by the surrounding ravine. The interior only a long tunnel leading to a large cavern hall.

Talking to Ebony, “even if we find the place, I’ll be running blind.” His thought causes him to chuckle, “blind in dark mines.”

As they travel along Carr tries to think of excuses for showing up there. “I wish to join up. Nah ... I’m looking for someone. Too suspicious … I’m looking for work. Ah that might get me into more trouble … Hello I’m looking for a nice birthday present for my mother. Have you a platinum anklet with feathers on it? Yah that ought to get me killed for sure … What? This isn’t a working mine?”

On the river Carr observes a muskrat swimming quickly for the bank. Making the sandy bank the wet critter narrowly avoids being eaten. A large pike splashes out of the water making a final attempt to catch the muskrat. Disappearing inside a hole in the bank the muskrat lives for another day.

Inspiring a simple believable excuse, “Refuge from King Darvel’s men. Surely they have heard about the Monsteil caper in the guild by now.” Reminded of what the searching soldiers said to Violetta. “King Darvel did send horsemen to Marten’s Den in search of me. I’ve got the Lord’s dagger for proof. Perhaps a dose of truth will aid me.”

The clouds begin to break up as the sun sets creating a colorful sky. In the distance Carr makes out the high arching silhouette of the stone bridge.

As the sun slips away, turning the land dark, they near the bridge

Scanning the other side of the river Carr gets an uneasy feeling like there’s trouble ahead. Nothing to be seen, but in between Ebony’s steps the word, right, is faintly heard.

Getting closer to the bridge Ebony turns her head towards the other side. She sniffs the incoming air, giving Carr the impression that something is there. Sensing being watched he keeps moving forward like nothing is wrong.

Closing in on the bridge a branch breaks on the other side, making it certain to him something is over there.

Directing Ebony from the river up to the main road, Carr wonders how best to deal with the situation at hand.

Turning towards the bridge Carr can’t see over it. He’s sure who’s ever on the other side can’t see him either.

At the bridge edge they stop and Carr quietly gets down.

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