Den of Thieves

Chapter Chapter #37

Using his free right-hand Carr gouges out Vis’s left eye. As the eye pops out Vis squawks loosening his beaks’ vice like grip on Carr’s shoulder.

Carr drops getting out of the Owlbear’s beak but is still caught in Vis’s hand.

Seeing the Hobgoblin backing away the mace wielding male steps up, looking for an opening to whack Carr.

Squirming about Carr reaches up to take the short-sword from his snagged left hand.

A great opportunity the male swings his mace hard and fast for Carr’s head. In pain, disoriented and angry Vis tosses Carr out of the way of the mace and into the Halfling.

Thudding into the sod hut the mace makes a deep impression. Colliding with the Halfling Carr stumbles and slips about trying to stay upright. Bounced back a couple paces the small bandit lands butt first in the mud.

Getting too close to Trai he swings his flail. Carr’s legs are taken out from under, as flail bashes the back of the calves.

Landing on his back, Carr is whacked again across the torso by the flail.

Slowly the Halfling bandit gets up. Ready to punish Carr more the Hobgoblin recovers his long-sword from the hut.

Carr rolls out of Trai’s reach but right into the path of the man with the mace. Rapidly the man brings the mace down on Carr’s chest breaking two more ribs.

Gasping for air Carr rolls to his knees and attempts to push himself off the ground. Lining up a hit the man bashes Carr in the ass, sending him face first into the mud.

Some of the teens in the town dare to venture out to watch the fight. One runs off to tell a few others of the night’s excitement.

Shaking the mud off, the Halfling walks over. Rearmed the Hobgoblin turns and makes a couple quick long strides ready to chop Carr into pieces.

Foiling the Hobgoblin’s plan Vis grabs onto Carr’s leg with his own talon leg and flings Carr back into the hut.

Watching Carr sliding to a stop the Hobgoblin yells at Vis, “Stop! Throwing! Him away!”

Aching more than ever before Carr crumbles to the ground wishing for unconsciousness.

Soaked covered in blood and mud Carr starts to pick him self up. “Crack!” the mace smashes into his jaw flipping Carr onto his back. Sadly, not getting his wish.

Down dazed and double vision Carr sees six grinning males and two Owlbears gathering around him. Figuring he’s done for whips the short-sword chest height at a blurry male.

Amazingly the short-sword finds a mark, plunging to its’ hilt into the Hobgoblin’s chest, killing him.

All hesitate watching the Hobgoblin collapse.

Enraged Vis loudly screeches out with his beak pointed high in the air, scaring the rest of the town awake.

Upset as well Trai yells, “I don’t care what Glar wants! Kill the little bastard!”

Scrambling to back away Carr just can’t get to his feet.

Swinging the mace for the side of the young rogue’s head, Carr blocks it with his left arm.

“Snap!” The mace connects breaking Carr’s forearm and slaps him self in the head. A shock-wave of pain brings Carr back to reality, as Vis jumps at him.

As Vis comes down Carr rolls aside over the broken arm and behind the Owlbear. Landing hard on the ground Vis sends mud flying.

Still tumbling to get some distance and adrenaline driven Carr avoids repeated swings from the mace and the Halfling’s sword.

Shakily Carr gets to his feet. Vis rushes him. Quickly Carr drops to one knee and folds over. Vis collides with Carr and wipes out, the Owlbear skids to a stop on his huge beak, leaving a noticeable rut.

Picking himself up again Carr sees the man swinging the mace for him. Ready for it, Carr jerks back taking the mace to the stomach and grabbing onto it with his good right hand.

Carr attempts to kick the man in the groin. The man jumps out of the way and pulls hard on his weapon. Carr releases the mace letting the man stumble backwards, tripping on uneven ground and landing on his ass.

Hit in the upper right arm covering from the Halfling’s dull sword, Carr eyes the small man. Swinging a leg out Carr knocks the Halfling to the ground.

Pulling the jeweled dagger from his sheath Carr drives it into the bandit’s chest. Twisting the blade, the Halfling convulses as he dies.

With great force Vis kicks Carr in the head, knocking him off the Halfling, leaving the dagger behind.

Skidding on his back Carr is stopped by the body of the Hobgoblin.

Righting himself Carr feels the Hobgoblin’s long-sword and picks it up, using it to first help him stand.

Charging at Carr, Vis tries to run him down. Simply Carr steps to the side allowing Vis to race by.

Not alert anymore Carr gets hit on the back of the left shoulder by the mace.

Braving a closer look, the towns’ teens start moving nearer to the action ignoring the warnings and advise of their parents and elders.

Turning about Carr blocks a repeat swing from the mace and faces its wielder.

Letting the man swing at him again, Carr hops back a step allowing the mace to hit nothing but air. Instantly Carr hops forward swinging the long-sword hard and fast for the man’s neck.

Trai uselessly yells a warning, “look out!”

The razor-sharp blade easily slices through the man’s throat, decapitating him. With mouth and eyes wide open the man’s head falls to the ground. Blood sprays from the open neck as the body flops, twitching to the ground.

Aware that Carr has fighting skill Vis takes the flail from Trai and carefully approaches.

Striking a stance Carr faces Vis. They move back and forth looking for an opportunity to attack.

Not wanting to be left out of it, Trai draws his short-sword and fights to stand on his only good foot.

With an injured jaw and bleeding internally, Carr coughs up a mouthful of blood, spewing it aside.

Making a clicking sound with his beak Vis tears at the wet soil with talons.

Watching with curious excitement the teens have gathered beside a nearby hut. Their parents can be heard telling them to get away.

Ringing in Carr’s mind is. “I’m gonna tear you apart.” Looking into Vis’s eye knows whom he’s hearing but is in too much pain to care.

Leaping high Vis jumps over Carr swinging the flail as he passes. Carr ducks, the flail’s dangles rip out a lock of his long hair. The Owlbear lands hard causing the ground to tremble.

They both turn around quickly swinging weapons. Carr’s blade deflects the flail’s dangles. Aggressively Vis keeps whipping the flail at Carr, forcing him to back up and stay defensive.

Glancing back Carr realizes Vis is backing him into Trai’s reach.

As Trai slashes out, Carr dives forward between Vis’s legs. The flail grazes his back as he passes.

Vis turns to see Carr swinging the long-sword. The sharp blade severs Vis’s bird like leg at the knee.

Squealing out Vis topples over, his heavy body slaps onto the ground splattering mud.

Quickly Carr chops at Vis’s neck leaving a couple deep blood spurting wounds. Bringing the long-sword down again Vis catches it in his beak and twists hard snapping the blade.

In awe of the Owlbear’s strength Carr backs away as Vis thrashes about. The sword broken too badly is tossed aside.

Seeing Vis down Trai threatens. “you’re done for! The guild will track you down. Glar will have a hefty price on your head.”

Wanting to reply Carr winces trying to move his broken and dislocated jaw.

Seeing his own long-sword Carr picks it up, watching Vis crawl after him as blood pours out the wounds.

Keeping his distance from the Owlbear and its’ snapping beak Carr waits for the blood to drain out.

Making a last pitiful lunge for Carr Vis collapses in the mud. Losing strength Carr keeps an eye on Trai trying to stand.

Creating a wide circle around the fight, male villagers join the teens wondering who will be left standing.

Slowly moving towards his last foe Carr’s eyes are drawn to the sword in the Hobgoblin’s chest. Sheathing the long-sword he bends down to retrieve the poisoned short-sword.

Finally standing on one leg Trai can see Carr wavering from the loss of blood and thinks he’s going to out live the young rogue, “looks like Glar won’t have to wait long for your death. I’ll collect the bounty for myself.”

Showing Trai the poisoned sword, Carr shakes his head no. Then points the tip to Trai’s two wounds.

Taking a second to figure out what Carr’s showing him, a look of horror spreads across Trai’s face, realizing he’s been poisoned, “you dirty rat bastard, son of a bitch. I’ll get you yet.” Not wanting to leave the world before the young rogue he hops towards Carr.

Tired and sore Carr stands with the short-sword lowered and almost pulling him down.

Hopping towards Carr, Trai brandishes his sword.

The cold rain picks up washing some of the muddy blood from Carr’s face and armor. The villagers mumble among themselves about the goings on.

One of the older teens recognizes Carr. After telling his buddies who it is one of the younger ones rushes off to retrieve Violetta.

Getting closer Trai’s vision blurs, “we’re going to Hell together rat boy.”

Motioning with his head and sword Carr taunts him to keep coming.

The villagers get quiet as Trai hops within lunging distance. Carr struggles to raise the small sword.

Raising his short-sword to his opposite shoulder Trai hops once more swinging his blade for Carr. Carr’s vision goes black, as does his mind.

The poison takes over Trai and the old guard falls forward; his blade misses as Carr falls backwards. Trai splashes into the bloody mud face first. Toppled like a small tree in a hurricane Carr’s body lands on its’ back, his head bounces in the wet soil.

“Ooos,” are uttered from the watching villagers. They slowly move in to inspect the males and the never-before-seen Owlbear.

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