Den of Thieves

Chapter Chapter #35

Reaching the river Grandhog watches the young boar get a drink from the water’s edge, “the two-legged beings of this world are spreading out too far. Many areas of wild are slowly being inhabited and hunted out by them. That’s why all I ask of you, young human, is mainly a safer place for my kin to roam.”

Listening to the boar Carr also cases the riverbank looking for any horses. “What you ask for is agreeable. I can promise you at least that, for as long as I live there. I can even talk to a couple local hunters about leaving your kin and the canines alone.”

Paying more attention to the young boar splashing in the shallows of the river Grandhog responds with, “that would be good of you.”

Feeling the boar is done with them Jasmine asks. “Is there anything else?”

Enjoying simple amusement in the young boar, Grandhog barely hears her, “Hmm? Oh yes, that’s all. Just keep doing what you do.”

Bowing to the Deity, Jasmine smiles, “I will. And thank you ever so much for your help.”

“Yes, I thank you too,” Carr’s thrilled to have conversed with two Deities.

“Sure thing,” replies the boar meandering upriver, keeping an eye on the playful young hog.

Observing the two boars Carr quietly asks Jasmine, “is there something special about the young boar?”

She informs him. “I didn’t think I was going to be able to save that young animal. Nearly cleaved in two. Grandhog wanted her saved. Grandwolf didn’t think it was worth my energy. But being a descendant of the Deity, he insisted I at least try.”

After seeing and hearing the boar, Carr doesn’t see him as a sentimental being, “really? I guess in the end it is still family.”

“Distant niece,” Jasmine lets him know, “I do find it sweet though. Something for both of us to keep in mind. Gold is just a cold metal. Our loved ones are more valuable. They can warm us in times of need even when they’re not around. And when they go cold, they’ll never be replaced. Usually, the best things in life are the times enjoyed in the company of others we care about. Like sunsets and sunrises.”

“True,” Carr notices a far off look in her tired eyes. He wonders how many of the same sunrises and sunsets they’ve seen together but not known it.

Exhausted Jasmine stares blankly downriver recalling past good times with her Swanmay sisters.

Studying Jasmine for a moment Carr brings her back with a question, “ah, where did you see those horses?”

“What?” Jasmine snaps back, “horses? Oh.” She points to where they were tied, “right over there.”

“Looks like a long walk home for me,” he sighs.

Still lost in thought she rambles, “no horse bodies, so if any others had been there, they must’ve broke free. I guess it’ll take you four or five days to get home. It’ll take me a month to reach the flock. Gives lots of time to reflect on the year.”

Causing Carr to contemplate on his year, “I think the Gods will understand what happened here and get over it. Terrible things happen to the most innocent of beings. Besides aren’t us thieves just parasites on the world?”

Lightly chuckling at her words, “Oh, Carr. I will never see you as one of those thugs. Nor your God. Just don’t follow their path. Stay on the one you’ve chosen.”

Thinking of the long walk home Carr notices blood and bits of flesh on the ground, “yes paths. I guess I should follow a path towards home, since I don’t think I’ll be sleeping around here. What about you?”

Agreeing with Carr’s thoughts she answers, “I won’t be sleeping here either. I prefer to rest during the day. Plus I really should continue south.”

Boldly Carr suggests. “Well as neither of us will be sleeping here tonight and you are most likely to follow the river. Perhaps, we could travel together. Until we reach the path to Ingleside.”

Rarely traveling with a two-legged male Jasmine considers it. Finding Carr controllable and missing companionship, she hesitantly replies, “I don’t usually travel with males.” Seeing a look of disappointment in Carr’s eyes she gently touches his sparse facial hairs with the back of her fingers, “but since you’re cute enough to pass for a female, I’ll accept your invitation.”

Not sure how to take the compliment, for the second time Carr raises a brow, “okay, I’ll just get our things from the temple.”

“That would be nice of you.” Jasmine smiles, “I’ll fetch us a boat,” not really wanting to walk or reveal her animal form to him.

“That would be nice,” preferred over walking he hurries back to the church, thinking she has a boat nearby.

Approaching the trees and shrubs Jasmine searches for a specifically shaped leaf. Locating a perfect broad, bowl shaped leaf she gently plucks the stem from its’ branch.

Carefully placing the leaf on the river’s edge Jasmine pulls a parchment from her armor.

In the main entrance Carr quickly gathers their things.

As Jasmine reads an enchantment scribed on the parchment. The leaf grows in size, to a vessel big enough to carry two small beings. Though the writing disappears she returns the parchment back to her leathers.

Returning to the river Carr squints his eyes trying to figure out what kind of boat is there, “where’d you find that?”

She points to the tree it was plucked from, “off that branch. Hop in I’ll push you out. Just be gentle it’s kinda fragile.”

“Alright.” Carr gingerly steps in realizing it is a big leaf, “this is going to hold both of us?”

Shrugging she pushes him into the river’s current, “I guess we’ll find out.”

Like an acrobat Jasmine hops into the leafy vessel. Landing so softly it doesn’t even rock.

As the current carries them downstream Jasmine lays back allowing her hand to drag in the water, “relax and enjoy the ride Carr.”

“Yeah, sure,” Carr nervously sits back afraid the leaf will tear apart and drop him into the river.

Using the leaf’s stem as a rudder Jasmine guides their journey along.

Aiding in calming himself, discusses Grandhog and wolf with her. Exchanging tales of fact and fiction of the Deities.

Aiding their voyage the winds change direction, blowing south. Slowly the dark skies lighten as dawn nears. With too many grey clouds filling the sky no sun will be seen.

Needing to recoup lost energy Jasmine takes her quiver removing a block of wood with thin string wrapped around it.

Curiously observing her Carr queries, “what do you have there?”

Showing a hook attached to the string, “thought I’d do a bit of fishing.”

“Oh,” Carr has to ask, “have anything for bait?”

“Sure do,” Slyly snickering she takes out a piece of material from the quiver.

Intently Carr watches her unwrap two small almond sized pieces of meat. Unable to identify what it is Carr inquires, “what is that? Some sort of bug or something?”

Quietly she replies, “gonad,” jabbing the hook into one. Setting the string aside to wrap up the other.

Content to see how well it works he’s unfamiliar with the word, “gonad?”

Dropping the hook into the water Jasmine lets out some string allowing the bait to trail behind them.

Passing time, they continue chatting, sharing stories of adventures and mishaps.

Eventually something takes Jasmine’s bait. With little struggle she winds in a fat, rock bass.

Taking out a knife Jasmine quickly removes the fish’s head tossing it back into the river.

Carr is in awe watching her remove the flesh from its’ sides. Finding Jasmine, a well-rounded, desirable woman Carr wishes they could share an enjoyable natural experience.

As she offers him a piece of the raw fish Carr can see she only sees him as a young male. Taking the meat, he wishes to be older.

Noticing the look of desire in Carr’s eyes Jasmine feels only slightly flattered and a tad nervous, “you know Carr, when you settle down, you’ll surely make some young woman very happy. This world needs many more beings like us.”

The remark is bitter sweet as she restates her lack of romantic interest. Carr sighs before taking a bite of the fish. He knows what’s happened between them is all that’s going to happen, yet it is still memorable. Swallowing he becomes content with the idea of all the males on the world he’s gotten to spend the most time with her. “I’ve got my eye on a pretty girl in Ahn. The only thing is her parents can’t stand me.”

Glad to hear he’s got other interests she advices, “parents just want a better and happier life for their children. One who puts themselves in constant danger isn’t the best choice for a mate and their family.” She picks out a couple choice organs to eat.

Having heard that before Carr sighs biting off another piece of flesh.

Jasmine continues her thought, “if you want her parents to accept you, you’ll have to prove to them that their daughter will be well looked after, respected and loved. Hard to do with the profession you’ve chosen.” She points to his wounds. “That’s what will be most concerning to a woman who loves you.” She pops the fish organs into her mouth.

“What’s that?” Carr only sees wounds that’ll heal.

After swallowing she inquires, “I noticed you can use pain as a tool. How many times have you been close to death?”

Being young Carr just thinks it’s a part of living and enjoying life, “I’ve been knocked out a few times. Close to death? Hmm. I don’t know at least once or twice.”

Figuring he’d answer something like that she explains. “A woman wants to go to sleep and wake knowing those she loves are healthy, happy and safe.”

Seeing her traveling alone Carr queries, “what about you? Wandering the continents and waterways alone.” Momentarily forgetting her recent loss.

Missing her companion Carr’s words poke at her heart. Jasmine takes a deep breath releasing the undesirable remains of the fish into the water, “I’m never truly alone, but I do wish Reseda was still here.”

Sensing he’s touched a nerve alters the subject, “are the names of flowers common for Swanmays?”

In reflective thought Jasmine answers him, “yes, or plants. Sometimes precious stones.”

Seeing her get distant in mind they quietly sit awhile finishing their meager meal.

Rinsing her hands off in the river Jasmine wants to think about something else, “so how did you get your skills?”

Easily coaxing Carr to ramble on about his childhood and all who helped. Occasionally getting a smile out of Jasmine as she listens to his upbringing. Most impressed to find he has actually been taught to read and write in a few languages.

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