Den of Thieves

Chapter Chapter #24

Carr steps back towards the secret door, in case a hasty retreat is needed, “you’re prepared to pay me twenty thousand platinum?”

Unsure what Carr is up to Marten scowls, knowing none would pay that or half for his capture or demise.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!” With a club Crete pounds on Marten’s chamber door having been alerted by the splitting wood and smashing bust. “Hey Marten! Are you alright?” The loud banging wakes Glar and causes two of the level’s guards to come running.

Trying to draw Carr out and keep him in the room Marten yells. “Hold on!”

Barely making out the shape of the bed Carr knows Marten is on the other side and steps towards the end of the bed.

Out in the hall Glar opens his silvery door as the two guards rush by. Casually Glar picks up an iron club and exits his chambers.

Not thinking Carr is ready to deal, Marten still asks. “So, what say you?”

Close enough to touch the bed Carr makes out its outline. Stepping further to the left replying, “actually I must confess that’s not why I’m here.”

Watching the young rogue Marten thinks it’s personal, “I had nothing to do with the death of your father.”

At the end of the bed Carr begins to make out Marten. “The bitch paid me.”

Thinking of several females that would gladly pay to have him killed Marten queries, “which bitch, son?”

Taking a step Carr calmly explains. “It’s all about a platinum anklet.”

Reaching into a pocket on his magic cloak Marten almost finds the boy amusing, “I’m sorry an anklet?”

Glar bangs hard on the door, “Marten, what’s up?” Motioning to Crete to wake his comrade.

Pulling a gritty stone like object from his pocket Marten answers Glar in Hobgoblin, “white, swan, bitch. And son of.” Then tosses the object hard at the floor.

The object hits producing a bright white flash and pop, momentarily blinding Carr. Allowing Marten to slip through another secret passage.

Glar runs to his room for lock picks, unaware of the passage Carr found.

Ducking and spinning in fear of attack Carr moves behind the bed with sword up. Blinking his eyes can still see the flash even though the room is still dark.

The pop sound created, aids Marten in slipping away. Listening Carr can hear metal hitting stone.

Feeling his way back to the first secret passage Carr hears the sounds of feet running in the main corridor.

Crete kicks hard on his comrade’s door, “Marten’s in trouble! Jim! Get up! You lazy Bastard!”

Jim wakes with blurry vision and thoughts. He panics unable to swing his legs out of the bed, “I’m trapped!”

The two young guards in the corridor hear that and stop. They watch Crete back up and rush the door.

Slamming his shoulder into the door, Crete breaks the inner locking bolt from the wood doorframe.

Trying to stay upright Crete stumbles into the bedchambers. Inspired by Crete the two young guards feebly attempt to break down Marten’s heavy stone door.

Inside his personal treasury Marten removes the magical cloak. Knowing his aging fighting skills are no match for Carr, finds a suit of Elvin chain mail to get into.

Uncertain of what’s going on Carr stumbles into the tall cabinet. Feeling behind it, touches the still open secret passage.

As the young guards slam into the stone door Carr looks over. The stone door unaffected, the men foolishly try again.

Carr’s eyes begin to readjust to the dark as they hit the door again. Scanning the bedroom surmises Marten must have a second passage.

Crete sees Jim’s foot strapped to the bed rail. Drawing a knife Crete runs over to cut Jim free, “come on!”

“Thanks,” Jim hops out of the bed looking about, “my weapons and boots are gone.”

“Forget the boots,” sighing Crete turns to run to his room and retrieve a weapon for Jim.

Nearly knocked over by Crete running by, Glar waves a fist, “hey!”

Approaching Marten’s door Glar watches the guards’ useless attempts, “get out of the way, fools.”

One guard stops, pulling the other aside while pointing out Glar with lock picks in hand.

Returning to where Marten was last seen Carr scans the area cautiously feeling out the chamber walls.

Grabbing the arm of the closest guard Glar orders, “alert the men. Have pairs sent to watch all exits.” Then he pushes the young man on his way, “hurry!”

Crete runs back into the hall nearly colliding with the young guard, “hey!”

Kneeling in front of the heavy stone door Glar looks at the other guard, “you guys thought you were strong enough to knock down this door?” Shaking his head at their attempt examines the door’s lock.

Returning to Jim’s room Crete tosses him a wooden club, “here.”

“Thanks,” catching it Jim sets it down to finish strapping up armor.

“Hurry man!” States Crete leaving to join Glar.

Using time wisely Marten searches a trunk of footwear for a specific pair of boots.

Determined, Carr continues to seek out another passage.

It’s been some time since Glar has picked a lock and Marten’s door isn’t an easy one. He fumbles with the picks and the lock as Crete hovers over.

Jim joins them, Crete and the other guard try to relay what’s going on.

Distracted and annoyed by their chatter Glar snaps, “shut up! Damn yous! It’s Carr. He’s here because of that Swanmay bitch.” Turning back to the lock, Glar is disappointed there is no backpack of treasure and grumbles, “he better be getting paid well.”

Indicating to be quiet Crete pulls the two men back, allowing Glar to work.

Hearing the men outside the door Carr figures time is running out.

Ready for action Jim and the young guard begin pacing. In the distance, sounds of shouting males, echoes through the mines.

“Ting!” One of Glar’s aging picks snaps trying to rotate the lock mechanism.

Frustrated Glar tosses the broken tool cursing in his native tongue. Retrieving a different tool mumbles to Crete, “I knew that young Human was up to something. Why would a rogue like that seek refuge in a guild?”

Nodding Crete calmly states, “I thought he was too willing to help.”

“Mm, hmm,” Glar agrees with the point continuing to work the lock, “the nicer the Human the bigger the liar.”

After pulling on a pair of Elvin boots Marten grabs two crossbows and a quiver of bolts. Taking a position behind a couple large chests with a clear view of the secret passage.

Setting the two crossbows Marten places them on top of some chests. Taking a metal vial from the quiver Marten carefully opens it and dips two bolts into the vial.

After easing the two now, poison tipped bolts into the crossbows Marten dips two more bolts into the vial. Setting those bolts aside, Marten reseals the vial and returns it to the quiver.

Finding a loose protruding stone Carr pushes on it releasing a short-concealed door. Standing to one side he swings open the door, seeing if Marten lies in wait.

Seeing the door open Marten aims a crossbow at the narrow passage waiting for Carr to enter.

Not wanting to get shot Carr steps over to the bed and takes a pillow for a shield. He calls out to Marten mainly to see if the man is actually in there, “all I want is the anklet.”

The anklet lies close to Marten but has his own intentions for it, “I don’t know anything about it.”

Carr moves towards the passage, “come on Marten. I know you’ve got it. Is it worth your life?”

“Is it worth yours?” Marten replies, “it’s not here. I’m still willing to take you in.”

Knowing not to trust him Carr recalls, “my father told me, you’d cut off fingers just to get copper rings.”

Remembering that past Marten answers, “I no longer do such things,” mumbling, “for copper.”

Out in the main corridor several men have gathered speaking loudly, distracting Glar. Crete gathers them together telling them to be quiet and what’s going on.

Carr points out to Marten, “you’ve got lackeys to do your dirty work now. There is no way I can join your guild if you’re not trying to trick me now, you’ll send me on a suicide mission later. Set me up or have me killed.”

Exactly what Marten was thinking, “you’re as smart as your father.”

The sound of the lock being picked reminds Carr to keep moving. Holding the pillow out front readies to tumble in.

Marten sees something starting to cover the doorway and knows the young rogue is about to rush in, with some sort of shield. Needing one good shot Marten waits for Carr to expose himself.

Taking a calming breath Carr pictures different ways to enter and what maybe on the other side.

Curious of Carr’s motives Marten comments, “I guess you’ve also learned, in life those with power will pursue to the end of their days before giving up. Does this mean you feel you have to kill me?”

“No,” Carr answers preparing to dive and roll in, “the lives of others mean little to people in our profession.”

Agreeing with Carr but unsure to what he means Marten responds with a lie, “no, Son. You’ve, g…”

Not giving Marten a chance to finish Carr dives in catching Marten off guard. Tucked in Carr rolls forward and tries to stand but hasn’t cleared the narrow passage.

Marten smiles seeing Carr hit his head and aims for it.

Once more Carr tumbles forward still holding the pillow out. Clearing the passage slides to the side putting his back against the wall.

Seeing what Carr is using as a shield Marten thinks it a good choice but wonders if the bolt can make it through.

Getting the long-sword at the ready Carr keeps the face and body shielded. Marten aims at Carr’s knee; exhaling squeezes the trigger. The crossbow springs forth letting the bolt fly.

Hearing it Carr tucks in tighter. The bolt strikes the pillow low, slowing the bolt only as it makes it through. The bolt is stopped by the right side, thigh covering, leaving a small mark on the scale.

Feeling it connect Carr looks down to see the bolt drop to the stone floor. Starting to move in further to the left figures he’s out in the open. Peering around the pillow can only see blackness.

Hearing the bolt hit the ground Marten sees some feathers floating around. Quickly sets down the crossbow to pick up the second.

Not wanting Marten to get in another shot Carr stands to rush forward with the pillow shielding his head.

Seeing Carr in motion Marten hastily aims the crossbow at Carr’s waist.

Glancing at a dark silhouette of a head Carr flips forward at it. Marten fires the crossbow as Carr’s feet leave the ground.

In the air Carr swings the sword for the silhouetted head as the poisoned bolt sails harmlessly past.

Cursing the missed shot Marten watches as the rogue finishes the flip. Carr’s shins connect with an iron box trying to land, tossing him further forward. The long-sword cleaves a marble nose off a bust on top of a pillar stand; One of many busts that encircle the master thief’s treasure.

Letting the crossbow fall Marten reaches for a short-sword seeing a great opportunity, as Carr crashes into the pile of treasure.

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