Den of Thieves

Chapter Chapter #2

The long-detailed story brings them to Hal’s home in the village of Ahn.

Always intrigued with Carr’s adventures Effim utters. “Wow I wish I could come with you.”

Carr informs him, “keep in mind it’s not as fun as it sounds. Especially when death is calling your name.”

“That’s true.” Hal advises his boy. “You have got a lot to learn about this world, before you go running around in it.” He hands Effim the other three animals, “now do your old man a favor and take these to your mother.”

“Sure thing Pa.” Effim gladly struggles with both weighted sticks, ambling to the house.

“So, you think you’ll be back through in a couple weeks?” Hal considerately offers. “If you’d like I could check on your mother.”

“Could you?” Carr looks up at him, “I would certainly appreciate it.”

Hal grins, “happy too. I was going to make a trip to the city for supplies too. I was going to…”

“Borrow the skiff?” Carr finishes Hal’s thought, “you can, but you might want to take the new boat. I’m sure Effim and your wife would enjoy it.”

“Thanks,” Hal says, “I’d like that. The wife and boy would certainly enjoy the trip. A minor adventure for the boy and a shopping excursion for the wife.” Winking at Carr, “and we’ve always a place to stay there.”

They both utter at the same time, “the Slaughtered Lamb, rum and fun.”

Chuckling Car continues on with the prior offer to visit Mother. “Maybe that way she won’t think I sent you just to check on her.”

Knowing her well Hal comments, “ah, she’ll still think that.”

“Probably, but thanks anyway. I better keep moving.” Carr gets on top of the horse, “I’ll stop in on the way back through, with another tale to tell.”

Hal waves once good-bye, “stay spry.”

“Stay good,” Carr returns the simple wave.

The village is fairly active with the nice weather. Carr scans the village for Sonja and Doris. The villagers take notice of him, unsure of whom it is. He waves to people allowing a few to recognize him. However, the girls are nowhere to be seen. Making a slow pass by Sonja’s house, Carr sees only her mother sitting inside sewing.

Taking the eastern road out of town they cross a high arched stone bridge. Glancing down the Jays River he notices the village kids playing. With no Sonja sightings Carr sighs coaxing Ebony to pick up her pace.

Reaching the town of Ingleside as the sunsets Carr nears Violetta’s home.

A woman screaming in anguish catches his attention. The scream comes from Violetta’s place. Carr quickly jumps down and hastily ties up Ebony.

The main door to Violetta’s is open slightly. Sounding like Violetta another loud pain filled scream rings out.

Concerned for his healer Carr calls out, “Violetta?”

Answered by a suffering woman’s cry Carr draws his sword and rushes inside.

Throwing open the door to the healing room he sees Violetta trying to deliver a woman’s baby. The expected mother has two ladies standing with her. All look at Carr with shock and worry at his intrusion.

Violetta turns to see its’ Carr. Scowling while giving Carr the evil eye, she silently dismisses him.

Red faced and apologetic Carr drops his head backing out of the room, “sorry ladies.” Closing the door, “I thought…”

“Ah men,” Violetta speaks to the women, “always rushing in without thinking.”

The women giggle as Carr slinks back outside to wait.

With prolonged cries of labor Carr takes Ebony to the stable for water.

Watered and fed Carr still hears the woman in labor pain.

Bidding time Carr leads Ebony around the town.

Taking the center southern road back to Violetta’s the woman’s screams stop and a moment later a newborn cry out. Carr notices a few of the older women are hanging out their windows. Listening with smiles to the sound of Ingleside’s newest citizen.

Retying Ebony out front of Violetta’s Carr waits until the women leave.

Leaning against Ebony, Carr begins to nod off after an hour of standing.

Exiting the house Violetta escorts two of the women, “thank you for your help. Come back in the morning and see how the baby is doing. I’m sure our new mother will be sleeping shortly herself.”

The ladies reply while walking north, “thank-you Violetta. We were glad to have helped. Maybe by morning she’ll have decided on a name. G’night.”

“We’re lucky to have you Violetta. You’ll need some sleep too, good night.” They walk away talking about the birth and their own experiences.

With arms crossed Violetta turns to Carr speaking soft and firm, “I was involved in a difficult delivery. Which you just about made worse.”

“I’m sorry,” humbly Carr apologizes, “I was…”

“Just trying to protect me,” she finishes his thought. “Which is why I’m not going to beat a lesson into you.” She can sense Carr is truly sorry, “Now what are you after so late at night?”

“Is the baby and mother okay?”

“Yes. Our new mother has a healthy baby boy.” Still agitated she continues, “and just like a male, starting his life the hard way. What’s with the new armor? You’re not hurt, so what is it you want from me?”

Attempting to calm her Carr answers, “I’m glad to hear they’re okay. I hope the new boy isn’t going to be a wild one. But I’m sure with your guidance he could be a responsible man.”

Controlling the annoyance of avoiding the questions Violetta’s left eyebrow raises and foot starts tapping, “that’s nice of you to say.”

Realizing she’s not amused Carr cuts to the chase, “I’m about to take on one more job. I was wondering if you had sent a woman, perhaps a ranger, to seek me out?”

Curious but not showing it, she replies, “no, no one has come to me about you since the last time.”

“I see,” figuring he’s really annoyed her, “I’m truly sorry for causing you so much grief. Do I always?”

“Not always,” she takes a deep calming breath, “but a real social visit at a reasonable time would be appreciated. I suppose you’re looking for a place to bed down?”

Humorously Carr states. “I could, but I’m use to sleeping under the stars.”

Finally cracking a controlled smile, “I bet you are.” She drops her arms, “my beds are taken. Bring your horse, I’ve got a place you can stay for the night.”

“Oh yeah?” Carr unties Ebony.

Violetta explains. “There’s a hut on the edge of town. The owner passed away a few days ago.”

Taking the reins Carr follows her, “if you’re sure it’ll be okay.”

Thinking of what the owner was like she states, “he was an old lone male,” looking at Carr with a knowing eye, “he kept to himself and had no family to speak of.”

Carr has only one concern, “as long as he didn’t die in his bed.”

Shaking her head no, “he was found at the river. So, tell me about this job.”

“Well, I’m not sure what the job is.” Carr digs out the letter and map handing it to her, “I’m on my way to find out and who sent it. As far as the ranger thing. While collecting herbs down at the Great Swamp, Ma met some woman. She was dressed in light colored armor with no boots on.”

Violetta stops to read the letter.

Carr babbles on, “while in Halford’s city waiting for this suit to be made I found out that my Father, Ma, Elija and King Halford had all worked together. Did you know? Where you ever with them?”

Not fully listening to him, Violetta answers, “yes.”

Intrigued Carr inquires, “how many times?”

“Once,” she hands him back the parchments. “You’re headed for an old ruins on the Cirran River. I’d say from the handwriting that letter was written by a female. But why would a ranger need your help?”

“I know,” Carr replies, “I’m just curious to find out what this is all about.”

Violetta resumes walking, “sounds like another adventure that’s going to involve you showing up at my door again.”

Carr points out. “Ma made sure I had the two vials of healing and the bandages you left me. And I got this new healing ring,” he shows her the ring.

Caught off guard Violetta stumbles, “what? You told your mother this time? And she helped you pack?”

“Yeah,” Carr notes, “I was surprised she let me go and without an argument.”

Sharing her opinion and concern, “you know there’s usually a good reason for someone seeking the help of another. Like, one of great evil looking for an item that could be protected by a good or holy shroud.”

“That did cross my mind,” Carr tells her, “but I won’t let that happen again. The curiosity has just gotten the better of me. It sounds like someone requires my help.”

“Requires?” Shaking her head adds, “and the farm life is TOO quiet.”

Knowing she doesn’t approve Carr attempts to defend, “you yourself said it’s going to be a long winter. I’ve got plenty of supplies stocked up. So much I’ll have to get rid of some before it spoils beyond animal food.” Carr drifts off wondering if the goats could cope with blackened and fuzzy fruit.

“Ah, you can think ahead.” Violetta brings him back airing her concern, “what about your mother? Don’t you worry about her? By herself in the middle of the woods.”

“I do worry,” Carr states, “I can’t even get her to go to Ahn for a night. Besides when I pass through Ahn I stop and ask Hal to visit, if he can. Plus, I’ve always let Hal know where I’m going and when I’ll be back.”

Hal’s creamy gray eyes alter Violetta’s mood to a point a grin forms, “Hal eh? He’s a good man. How’s Effim?”

For a long time has Carr wondered if there was something serious between them, why Hal married his current wife. Tonight he sees it for sure in Violetta’s eyes.

Seeing she’s content Carr speaks lightly, “Effim, he’s growing like a weed and is now learning to hunt.”

“Better hunting than fighting.” She stops outside a small sod hut, “this place should do you for the night. Just don’t burn it down.”

“A sod hut?” Carr looks at it, “the roof might burn. But I’ll just be sleeping, anyway.” He gives her a hug, “thanks, again I’m sorry for earlier. I’ll stop back in a couple weeks.”

She breaks the hug, “just use your better judgment.”

“Good night Violetta,” knowing she’s still not happy with him, “someday I’ll make it so you can be proud to know me.”

She mutters, “men?” Shaking her head at his ignorance, “taking care of your mother makes me proud to know you.” She notices his aura has changed slightly for the better. Lightly touching his jaw to get his full attention she says, “for now just keep yourself alive.” Turning to leave, “G’night Carr.”

Watching her walk away he thinks, “Well you mucked that up didn’t ya?” Sighing Carr enters the dark hut pulling Ebony inside too.

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