Demon’s Little Lamb (Shadow Demons 2): A Bones MC Romance

Demon’s Little Lamb: Chapter 8

Azriel had been right. Lamb was practically jumping out of her skin by the end of the day. He hadn’t done anything overt, but the sexual innuendo and heated looks had been enough to heat Lamb’s blood to near boiling. Add the gentle touches and the brush of his lips over her cheek and mouth occasionally, and Lamb was, indeed, on fire for him. The bastard knew it, too.

Merrily had giggled with her off to the side, as if they were sharing a joke they didn’t want the men to know about. In reality, the two women were making friends. Lamb loved Merrily’s wicked sense of humor and her keen mind. She was one of the few women outside of her college clique she’d ever been able to converse with about code and computer geeky stuff. Though Lamb was more of a mechanical engineer than a computer engineer, she still loved the language. Occasionally, she poked her head inside the world of a computer nerd, but she was nowhere near the level that Merrily was. Which seemed to be perfect, because Merrily told her about all kinds of tech she was dreaming up.

“With your help, I bet we can give Giovanni a run for his money in the cave.” Apparently, “the cave” was a workshop the men played in beneath their house. Merrily jokingly referred to it as the Bat Cave and had assured Lamb she wasn’t exaggerating. It was in the back of Lamb’s mind that Merrily probably shouldn’t be telling her this, but she’d had more than a couple Captain and Cokes and was past censuring the other woman. As far as she knew, the facility Merrily referred to wasn’t part of Argent’s campus and, therefore, a private workshop for the three Argent executives.

“I don’t know about that. I’m still learning stuff every single day. But you’ve got some very interesting ideas. I’d love to explore them.” The fact was, some of what Merrily had shown her and described Lamb found eerily similar to a few of the projects she was working on. Was this some kind of test? If so, Lamb wasn’t biting. She’d hedged her responses, claiming to be too drunk to see straight let alone think tech speak. Lamb found the thought that Merrily’s friendship might not be genuine disturbed her nearly as much as the thought of Azriel’s interest being feigned. Lamb liked both people. Azriel in ways she probably shouldn’t.

Which brought her to the current situation. Azriel stood, holding out his hand to her. “It’s time, little Lamb.” That velvety soft voice he normally used like a third hand to caress her was gruff. A husky whisper. His erection was prominent behind his swim trunks, but it didn’t seem to bother him.

All the play of the day rushed through Lamb’s buzzed head. The muscles bulging beneath Azriel’s skin. The various scars over his smooth, naked chest. Heated looks passing between them all day made Lamb want to throw herself into his arms and fuck him six ways to Sunday. God, the man was sexy in every possible way! What got to her the most, however, was the singular way he focused on her. It didn’t matter where she was or what she was doing, Azriel always had her in sight. Like he was afraid she’d somehow escape their island paradise and leave him before he could sample her. There was no doubt what he’d had on his mind the entire day. He stayed hard and she stayed wet, the attraction mutual.

He led to her room, taking care to shut and lock the door. Lamb was nervous but so turned on she was almost beyond caring that Alex and Merrily were on the other side of the bungalow in their own room.

“Won’t the others hear us?”

Azriel shrugged. “Possibly. Do you really care? It’s not like they’re not going to be fucking, too.”

That made her giggle. “I guess not.”

“Neither are going to judge you, Lamb. You’re a grown woman invited here by me. Under some duress, I might add.” He grinned. “You made quite an impression on both Alex and Merrily. I think they like you better than me.”

“I doubt that. But I really like Merrily. Maybe she and I can get together for a girls’ night out sometime.”

“You wouldn’t like working with her?”

“I think she’s a little beyond my skill level. Maybe one day I’ll get there.”

Azriel smiled at her, a predatory grin if ever she saw one. “You’ll get there. Right now, I want you naked so I can get you there.”

“That’s not exactly what I meant.” She laughed, genuinely happy. Then Azriel took her in his arms and kissed her. And she didn’t care what she meant.

All her life, Lamb had wondered why people loved to kiss. Or have sex. She’d never really understood it. No one she knew had ever confirmed the overwhelming orgasms she’d read about in books. Part of her had disbelieved such a thing ever happened at all. She’d had some pleasant times with a couple of men — James included — but no man had ever turned her insides to mush the way Azriel Ivanovich did with only a single kiss.

He grunted, his body stiffening the second their lips made contact. Lamb shivered, and she could have sworn she felt Azriel do the same. It was only a pressing of their lips together for a few moments. Then he deepened the kiss, sweeping his tongue over the seam of her lips once before delving between them for a long lick.

Lamb whimpered when Azriel pulled back. He gazed down at her for a long, long moment. She leaned into his palm as he caressed her cheek, never looking away from him. The angles and planes of his face were starkly beautiful to her. Classically handsome, but a few thin, white scars that looked like they’d been surgically diminished gave him a slightly roguish appearance. As did the dark stubble on his cheeks. As perfect as James had seemed to her, Azriel was equally imperfect, but he had more substance. Like the surface was only part of what she was getting. There was a deeper side to Azriel she’d only scratched the surface of. She wanted more. Of everything.

Looking up into his eyes as he studied her made Lamb all the more hungry for him. His fingers dug into her back as he pulled her ever closer, holding her tighter. “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he whispered. “And more innocent than I normally like, but I’ll be damned if I’m letting you escape me, little Lamb.”

She was sure she should be offended that he just assumed he knew her experience level, but when he took her mouth again, she let it go. If he thought she didn’t know what she was doing, she’d just have to get him to teach her.

Vaguely, Lamb knew he’d pulled the string at her back, releasing her top. It fluttered to the floor, but all Lamb could process was that her breasts were now mashed against Azriel’s chest. She moaned and rubbed herself over him, unable to stop. Sweat from their time in the sun made their bodies glide together sensuously.

“Azriel,” she gasped.

His arm tightened around her back even as he slid down her body to take one nipple into his mouth. Lamb tunneled her fingers through his hair, gripping and loosening her hold almost spasmodically. The sensations overwhelming her weren’t foreign, but she hadn’t been prepared for the intensity. When he pulled strongly, then nipped the tip, there was no way she could contain her cries.

When Azriel tried to pull away from her, she whimpered and held him tighter. “No!”

He chuckled darkly. “Oh, my little Lamb. This is just the beginning. Before we leave here, you’re going to grow addicted to me.”

He freed himself, continuing down her body. Tugging at the little string that held the bottom of her bathing suit around her hips, he kissed the skin over her hip bones. First one, then the other. The material pooled at her feet with her top. Before she could register what he was about to do, Azriel leaned in and swiped her cunt with his tongue.

The jolt was wicked and sharp. Lamb gasped just before her knees buckled. Luckily, Azriel was very strong. He didn’t let her fall. She was lightheaded and weak as a newborn kitten, hyperventilating even as she gasped for air. Azriel picked her up and laid her on the bed before stripping off his shorts. Then he followed her, settling himself between her legs, his arms around her thighs to hold them open.

“You taste sweet, my little Lamb. I think I might be down here for a long, long time.” His smile was wicked, but his voice sounded strained. Sweat dripped from his chin to her leg as he lowered his head and latched his mouth onto her clit, never breaking eye contact with her.

The jolt of pleasure was so sharp, Lamb bucked her hips. Thrashing beneath the onslaught, Lamb cried out. Never had anything been so… overwhelming. The passion he created just with the flick of his tongue and the movement of his lips over her clit was beyond anything she’d ever experienced. Was this the passion and intensity she’d been looking for? Craving? When she felt Azriel probe her opening with two fingers, she suspected this might just be her answer. Sweat slickened her skin, making her legs slip against his forearms as he tried to hold her in place for him. The sensations were too much, and she fought him, trying to twist from his grasp as she cried out.

“T-too m-much! Azriel! Oh, God!”

He growled and smacked her inner thigh. The sting only added to the sensations already overwhelming her. An orgasm was eminent. And Lamb was certain it would be a doozy. Several times, he pumped his fingers into her, filling her cunt with the thick, blunt digits and spreading her open for him.

“Don’t you dare come, Lamb,” he growled. “Not until I’m snugly inside you. Gonna fuck you ‘til we both come.”

“C-can’t hold o-off! Can’t!”

Immediately, he withdrew in one swift motion. “You will, little Lamb. You’ll do exactly what I tell you and hold in your orgasm. Your pleasure is all mine.”

As he spoke, Azriel reached up to the nightstand and pulled out a condom box. He sat up, licking her juice off his fingers before breaking the seal on the box and pulling out a little foil packet. He tore it open and rolled it down his thick, impressive shaft, giving himself a few pumps as he surveyed her body. Lamb felt the inspection like a caress. Like he’d actually touched her. Her nipples hardened even more, aching for his mouth on them once again. Without him covering her, blanketing her with his larger frame, Lamb actually felt bereft. She wanted his touch and possession like she wanted to breathe.

“Please, Azriel,” she sobbed. “Oh, God, please fuck me!”

He grunted, his eyes narrow as he lowered himself to her, his cock still in his hand. “You’re dripping wet for me, aren’t you, my lovely little Lamb?”

“Yes,” she breathed. “All for you.”

“Show me.” The demand in his voice was as much a turn-on as his big, muscular body blanketing hers. Lamb managed to get her hand between them, dragging her fingers through her pussy. When she pulled back, she wiggled her fingers in front of his face. Sure enough, they were wet, practically dripping with her desire. “Suck them, baby,” he told her. “Taste yourself and what I do to you.”

Lamb didn’t hesitate but licked her fingers, then sucked them into her mouth, humming as she did so. On some level, she realized she was following his orders easily, without question. This wasn’t who she thought she was. She’d always had her wits about her during sex. Had always made sure she kept herself out of trouble. She remembered watching Azriel put on that condom, but in that moment, she realized that, even if he hadn’t, she’d still beg him to fuck her. She was that far gone.

“That’s my girl,” he praised her, taking her wrist in his hand and sucking her fingers into his mouth as he lay fully on top of her. His cock poked at her entrance, the head tucked against her pussy just waiting to thrust home. “Are you ready for me?”

“Azriel!” Lamb knew she was nearly screeching now, but really, the man was making her suffer needlessly. She clawed at him, scoring his shoulders with her nails until, finally, with a mighty heave, Azriel surged into her.

“Fuck!” he shouted at the same time she screamed.

Lamb’s world imploded. The only thing she was able to process was Azriel looking fiercely into her eyes and his cock wedged so tightly inside her. He made her stretch and burn with his size and length. He hit something deep inside her that caused her both pleasure and pain. For several seconds, Lamb lost the ability to breath. When he started to move slowly inside her, she sucked in a breath before a long, loud scream escaped her. The orgasm that followed blindsided her. There was no way to prepare for the intensity or duration. Her body seemed to contract over and over, never letting her get her bearings.

Finally, Lamb just let go. She went limp in Azriel’s arms, her own wrapping around his neck to hold on loosely. Her body finally calmed, small contractions gripping her every few seconds but not building again. It was then she realized Azriel had stopped moving. And that her eyes were closed. The roaring in her ears finally subsided, and she heard Azriel call her name. His hand stroked her damp hair away from her face gently, but it shook slightly.

“Talk to me, Lamb. I need to know you’re good.”

“I –” Lamb squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head a little to clear it. When she opened them, Azriel was staring into them intently. She nodded her head. “I’m good.” Her throat was raw from her screams. God, how loud had she gotten?

“You’re sure? I don’t want to hurt you, baby.”

“I’ve never felt anything like that.” The confession slipped from her lips before she could censor herself. It was too much information for him to have and she knew it. He could use her body against her if she let him. And she knew she’d let him. Willingly. If he kept making her feel this level of pleasure, Lamb knew she’d become a slave in his arms without a fight.

* * *

The drive to fuck rode Azriel hard. It was nearly a compulsion, as if his base nature had taken over. A demon with his chosen mate. Sex was pleasant, a necessary pastime to relieve tension that sometimes coiled itself inside his body. This was altogether different. Everything about Lamb called to him on a purely primitive level. She was necessary. The woman he’d been looking for all his life. And it had taken that one, cataclysmic orgasm from her for Azriel to understand just how much he needed her.

When she told him she’d never felt anything like it, he believed her. It was there in her eyes. In her lovely face. She’d come harder than he imagined any woman could. Hell, she’d nearly squeezed his dick off! He regretted two things about this encounter with Lamb. First, he hadn’t come clean with her. He needed information from her and was using their connection as a way to get it. He was doing the very same thing James had done, only it was worse. He did it after she’d told him how much it had hurt when James had done it. She would see it as the greatest betrayal, and Azriel wouldn’t blame her. Second, he’d promised to always use a condom when he fucked her. Azriel told her the truth when he’d said he’d never taken a woman without protection. He hadn’t. Had never wanted to. Now he wanted nothing more than to mark Lamb by filling her up with his come, making her pregnant so he’d always have a hold on her. Not for information or anything else. Just because he wanted her. The smart, funny, sexy woman he thought was betraying his company.

He had to finish this. Had to find out what the fuck was going on with James Luxemberry and fucking Rush Developments. He might still believe Luxemberry was trying to pump Lamb for information, but he no longer believed Lamb was willingly involved. Or involved at all, really. She was too smart to leak information she shouldn’t accidentally, and she’d never reveal it on purpose.

When she nodded that she was, indeed, OK, Azriel stroked her hair some more and smiled at her. “Good, baby. Good.”

“I need more.”

“With pleasure.”

Azriel began to move. Slowly at first, then with more vigor. He lay fully on top of her, letting his chest mash pleasantly against her breasts. Her hard little nipples stabbed into his chest as he kissed her, his hips thrusting slowly. He circled his pelvis, hitting inside her at a different angle and was rewarded with a little gasp from her. Taking full advantage, Azriel thrust his tongue inside her, mimicking what his cock was doing to her pussy.

Lamb gave as good as she got, locking her ankles around his waist and digging her heels into his ass. She urged him forward. Faster. Harder. Her nails scored down his back in a slow, deep scratch that made his body shiver and his cock twitch.

“Love the feel of you around me, Lamb. All that glorious heat tempting me to let go and just come inside you.” He watched her eyes widen and her breathing quicken, which just made him move faster. He was becoming close to desperate to come now. He needed it, craved it. The tension in him built with every single second. “Need to fuck you. Make you mine. Make you never want to leave me.”

“Don’t say things you don’t mean, Azriel.” She spoke softly, her eyes glistening now. Tears?

“Honey, I never do. I’ve never said that to anyone else. Man or woman. But I’m telling you now, I’m not letting you go. When this vacation is over, you’re coming home with me. We’ll figure out a way to work things out, but we’ll do it together.”

“You can’t say that! Don’t –”

“Don’t what? Don’t want you? Don’t want you for my own? I have no idea why other men let you slip through their fingers, but I’m too smart for that. You’re a shining beacon in a murky cave, Lamb. I see that, and I’m keeping you.”

Without another word, afraid he’d simply confess everything to her on the spot, Azriel began to move inside her faster. He surged forward, moving her up the bed with every stroke until she had to brace her hands on the headboard. The ride was teeth clattering, their bodies slapping together at a furious pace.

Finally, when Azriel felt her orgasm start to squeeze the life out of his dick, he let himself go. It took several strokes, but when his orgasm overtook him, when his cock swelled inside of her ready to burst, Azriel held himself as deep as he could, shouting to the rafters as he came in spurt after spurt of scalding come. Nothing in his life had ever come close. Nothing. The explosion was painful in its intensity. The sensitive head of his cock was too tender to move as he pulsed and ached and throbbed inside her.

Finally, when he could breathe again. Azriel’s body relaxed. He lay limp and weak as he’d ever been on top of Lamb. She clung to him, her little body still quivering in his arms.

He raised his head, trailing kisses over her cheek to her mouth. She sighed as he kissed her tenderly, tasting the sweat of her skin where it beaded on her upper lip.

“You OK?” Now his voice was as hoarse as hers had been. He was sure to take a ribbing from Alex tomorrow. Assuming they left the bed at all.

“Yes.” Her affirmation was drowsy, her eyelids heavy, but there was a contented smile on her face that was completely unguarded.

“Don’t move.”

Azriel rolled out of the bed, getting to his feet. He had to be careful as he strode to the bathroom so he didn’t fall on his ass. His legs were rubbery after that intense orgasm. For the first time ever, a woman had made him weak in the knees, and he couldn’t be happier about it.

He disposed of the condom and cleaned himself before returning with a wet cloth and cleaning her as well. After tossing the rag in the general direction of the bathroom, Azriel pulled a dozing Lamb into his arms, pulled the covers over them, and slept like the dead.

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