D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 32: Demonic Regeneration

Chapter 32: Demonic Regeneration

*Finally, whatever that shit in my throat was, it was killing me.* Kat's wounds across her body quickly closed and the remaining blood dried quickly before flacking off and falling to the floor leaving her completely cleaned of the foul stuff. Looking at the drying spots of blood Kat noticed something strange.

*Is my blood black? What does dry blood look like again? I don't think mines the shade a healthy human body should have. Though I guess I'm neither of those things right at this moment. Looks like my outfits in tatters as well. It hurts to see it like this, even though it should repair itself pretty quickly*. Kat continued to stare at her outfit for about ten seconds but noticed that it hadn't changed at all. *System ideas?*


*Just great.* Looking again Kat noticed a shivering Minor.

"What's wrong Minor?" asked Kat

"Um, I'm sorry mistress Kat, it's just that um, when you were um… recovering it was the most horrifying thing I've ever witnessed, and I've died once already. Your wings were broken and you blood was dripping down only to slide back up into your body and your eyes were glowing a deep purple that felt, wrong somehow, like it shouldn't be allowed to exist" said Minor

"It's ok Minor" said Kat instinctively moving in to hug the girl but Minor flinched back. Only for a moment but Kat's eyes easily caught the movement. Kat's arms fell to her side and wings drooped, even her tail was lying against the ground instead of hovering around her head like normal.

Minor was heartbroken by the scene, it was clear to her that Kat had noticed her flinching and was actually quite upset at the idea she could be scared of her. Making up her mind instantly she sprinted forward and jumped at Kat. The surprised demon reacted purely on instinct and caught the girl in her arms who then proceeded to wrap every available appendage around Kat.

"Don't look so heartbroken Kat. You looked really scary, bits of your face were falling off and the twitching was positively horrible. You saved me from the worst of the fall, and I only have a few bruises. I'm sorry I was scared of you" said Minor

Kat just sighed and stroked the girls hair with her tail. *I'm glad this was resolved so quickly. I don't know why it hurt so much to see her looking at me like that. I can hardly describe the feeling. It's like I'd somehow become everything I never wanted to be and it was reflecting in her eyes. But why? Why did that bother me so much? I didn't do anything wrong? Right?*

Kat was unable to discern why that scene of Minor flinching bothered her so. *It was only for an instant and she even came and hugged me immediately after realising that I'd seen her fear… *

"I'm ok Minor, I'm ok" said Kat

Minor looked up at Kat with tears in her eyes "No Kat, you aren't not really"

"Well I can't lie so I must be ok?" said Kat with a grin trying to disentangle herself from the girl. Minor only squeezed back harder "I won't let you go unless you admit you aren't ok or you can say 'it doesn't bother me at all Minor I really am fine'"

"It-" Kat started but she could go no further. She strained to get the words out, to assure Minor that she was fine, that she wasn't bothered by it but the words refused to come out. Kat strained against the compulsion and Minor was surprised to see Kat's purple eyes return but no further sound could escape Kat's mouth. Eventually Kat relaxed, eyes fading. Sighing Kat said "I will be fine Minor, your second reaction really helped. I just, I don't know why this is getting to me so much"

After thirty seconds past Kat wondered why she hadn't heard a response from the small fox in her arms, but when she looked down she found Minor sleeping soundly. *Ah, I guess its really time for a break huh Minor.*

Thought Kat as she brushed the girls hair back. Kat walked over to the wall and carefully slid down it. *I guess I should remake my clothes quickly before I sleep.* Dismissing Kat's outfit her skin crawled, she felt exposed, not just from the lack of clothing but something else, some inherent sense of wrongness at not wearing her Demonic Attire so she immediately resummoned the garment.

The discontent faded quickly but was replaced by a thick fog of fatigue. *Huh, some fatigue might follow, you dammed cheeky system.* Thought Kat as she passed out collapsing against the wall with Minor in her arms.

Kat woke up still groggy from sleep, waking Minor accidently in the process.

"Sorry about that Minor" said Kat

"Shmall riight" said Minor still only half awake. It was at this point Kat began to take proper stock of their surroundings and noticed something extremely odd. The walls were no longer smooth stone, and were not even carved brick, but instead they were tiled in a dazzling white.

*Rather strange choice of décor considering it's pitch black, there a no lights and the pure white does nothing to help this fact.*

"Hey Minor, what's with the tiles on the walls?" asked Kat

"Um, hmm, they look strange, white tiles? Oh hang on" said Minor escaping from Kat's lap

she stood up and clapped her hands together loudly. Seconds past but nothing appeared to change.

"What was the point in that?" asked Kat

"The enchantment told me to" said Minor

"You can't just use that as an excuse to go crazy" said Kat. Minor just held up her hand in a wait just a moment gesture, and it was but a moment before bright lights started to beam out of the top row of tiles.

*I stand corrected it seems, there are in fact lights, and apparently the tiles themselves do help this fact. Sorry tiles, guess I owe you an apology*

Kat got up as well and tried to stretch and found her muscles surprisingly stiff, especially in her back region. They twinged and ached as she tried to stretch her body. Trying on just her arms she found that they were mostly fine, but still not quite perfect. *It seems that my body isn't quite as repaired as I thought it was. I thought I was completely healed yesterday before I took a nap, but I guess not. Hey system, how good is my regeneration anyway*


*Energy, what kind of energy? I don't feel hungry yet*


*Well I guess that's fair then system. Hopefully I can find out more soonish because regenerating damage seems really useful.*

"So Minor, what's the plan?" asked Kat

"We continue on of course, there is only one way forward and while I don't recognise this place specifically I think I might have a few guesses as to where we are" said Minor

"Well don't just leave it at that, what are the details" said Kat

"I think, we might be under my Grandmother's house. That doesn't quite make perfect sense because I'm pretty sure we haven't been traveling long enough but I don't know anyone else who'd be able to afford tiled walls in a secret underground passage" said Minor

"Didn't you say you your Great Great Grandfather worked on these tunnels, couldn't he have made the tiles" said Kat

"I mean, yeah I guess so but then why bother tiling just this section and not the one at the castle. On top of that from what I know of Grandfather he didn't really care for elaborate designs unless he was making something specifically to be showy and I doubt secret tunnels are a good way to show off to your friends" said Minor

"I dunno Minor, I'd love to have an ancient network of tunnels to show off to my friends" said Kat

"Well now you do Kat" whispered Minor quietly as she started walking.


Meanwhile, back on Earth, Wednesday 9:00 am day 5 of Kat's disappearance

Sylvie and Vivian sat opposite each other with a shogi board in the middle, both of them were now wearing plain yukata's and sitting in seiza position. Lily sat off to the side legs cross with a tori drum sitting next to her beating it steadily in rhythm. Gramps' desk was now buried in paperwork and even the floor nearby wasn't spared from the stacks of paper encroaching on Gramps' territory.

In the corner of the room the man there to witness to signing was tucked away with his blanket, nightcap and face mask, complimented by his blue pyjamas covered in teddy bears. Gramps said something to the girls, but the sound was muffled by the papers. Knocking a bunch away from his face he tried again.

"What is the latest news on Kat's whereabouts" said Gramps

The drumming stopped and Sylvie and Vivian turned to look at Lily who was in turn looking at Gramps.

"My parents have assigned Kat twelve labours she needs to complete before they are willing to accept, she might, potentially, almost, not be a horrible influence on me. She has already slain a Lion with her bare hands and managed to strike a deal with Learnie the hydra for one of his heads as proof for my mother, I think she's doing something with a boar? I can't quite remember" said Lily

"Right well, how pray tell did you get the message this time" said Gramps.

"Heard it straight from Hermes himself of course" said Lily

Gramps just nodded and shook his head. He had too much paperwork to do to be worrying about Kat. She could take care of herself. He did however, hope that she would return soon.


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