D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 15: Breaking Into Your Best Friend’s House… For Real This Time

contemporary romance

Chapter 15: Breaking Into Your Best Friend’s House… For Real This Time

Kat and Sylvie shared a look before Kat motioned for her to follow behind. Kat helped Sylvie as the ladder was a bit large for her small frame and Vivian lifted her down once she reached the top. Quickly following behind, Kat made it into Lily's backyard with ease before glancing back at the ladder.

"Should we perhaps do something about the ladder?" asked Kat.

"It's fine, it's my ladder in my yard what could possibly go wrong?" replied Vivian, still hugging Sylvie.

I guess Vivian didn't help Sylvie down. She just used it as a chance to keep hugging her. Shrugging the thought, Kat walked up to Lily's window and tapped on it a few times. Lily looked up from her desk to find her friend standing at her window… along with Sylvie and a woman who looked vaguely familiar. As she opened the window, she gave Kat a look as if asking for an explanation to which Kat returned something resembling a hold off for now motion. The three trespassers swiftly climbed through the window to stand awkwardly in Lily's bedroom. She turned and faced the group. "S-so can you give me an explanation of what's going on? Please?"

At this Vivian put down Sylvie so that she could raise her hand. Lily gave Kat a look to try and convey the immense amount of confusion she was experiencing. Kat answered with a shrug. "Ok, um I don't know your name, but I guess go for it?" said Lily.

Retracting her hand and bouncing slightly, Vivian paused for a moment before bringing her hand up to her chin, resting her chin in the crook of her hand while tilting her head slightly as if trying to give weight to how deeply she was considering the question.

"Ok, so your friend, the tall one," Vivian said pointing at Sylvie, "knocked on my door and asked me to use my backyard for sinister purposes. After I begrudgingly agreed, the two went out back trying to decide how to break into your house before I decided the best way to swiftly remove them from my property was to give them a ladder to send them on my way. Well turns out they weren't content with just that and while the redhead demanded answers from me, the pale haired one stared at my side and convinced me to spill my deepest secrets. After having myself so exposed I thought it only right to do the same, so I attacked them both with a question upsetting the pale one which caused redhead to wrap her up in a hug… and so now I'm here to make amends for making the pale one sad," said Vivian wiggling her eyebrows.

Silence filled the room as Lily stared at Vivian wondering what to make of the story."Honestly Lily she's pretty much correct -- as shady as her interpretation sounds," said Kat.

"I still don't really understand how that ends up with her in my bedroom Kat. What's so bad about you giving Sylvie a hug? You do that all the time. You've hardly let her go for the last few weeks," said Lily.

Kat gave Lily a long hard look. *Come on Lily you pretty much worked it out just a little more.* Lily's eyes darted from her friend to Vivian and back, gears turning in her mind as she tried to figure out what the two were talking about. She was about to give up until she noticed Vivian slowing bringing her hands together into an upside down hear… or a spade. Eyes widening she looked from Kat to Vivian and back before looking down at Sylvie hoping to find some denial that she was wrong, but Sylvie simply nodded.

"So… she, knows then?" said Lily as slowly as possible.

"Yup," said Kat and Vivian at the same time.

"So what are we going to do about this then?" said Lily.

"I dunno, she seems nice so I brought her along. What am I supposed to do? Oh, and I can't lie anymore so that path is a no go," said Kat.

"You're right Kat, lying to your friends is bad, you should be more honest from now on," said Vivian sticking out her tongue while Sylvie giggled.

Lily and Kat frowned slightly at the comment, but Vivian just picked up Sylvie and said, "I have the most important individual in the room here who approves of me. So no more lying." She smiled a cheeky grin.

"Do we really need to tell her Kat? She can't take anything seriously and we don't know her," said Lily. Vivian just pouted in response and pulled Sylvie in closer.

Kat shrugged and started unwinding her tail, "She's already seen my tail, and I don't mind it so much Lily. Besides, Sylvie already used her eyes on Vivian once today."

"Don't under-rest-im-imate me Kat, I can use my powers whenever eye want," said Sylvie from Vivian's grasp.

Lily just sighed and shook her head, "Fine, fine, your right she already knows so we might as well explain properly."

"So Vivian, I don't really know how to explain this properly so, just ask your questions I guess and I'll try to answer them," said Kat.

"Weeellll," said Vivian dragging the word out, "If I get open floor then I might as well start with the elephant in the room. How did you get your skin so nice and smooth?"

"Demonic powers," Kat answered without hesitation. Vivian nodded seriously like that answer was perfectly reasonable.

"I'd probably sell my soul as well for skin like that so no shame," said Vivian.

Now it was Kat's turn to grin, "I'm the demon in this arrangement."

Vivian seemed to pause at this. A moment passed before she shrugged and said, "it's a shame you won't reveal that to me. So what's with the tail?"

"No seriously I'm a demon. A specific type of Succubus but I don't know what kind. I get summoned once a week and I guess I can't lie anymore," said Kat swishing her tail about in various patterns.

Vivian seemed to not have an answer for that one, so Lily took the chance to jump in."So, nice skin? Is that all you got from this week? I guess it was only eyes last time but you got attire as well,"

"Kat's hair got longer as well, can't you tell?" asked Sylvie with an innocent smile on her face.

"Wait what, Kat can you untie your hair for a moment?" asked Lily. Kat did as command except decided to show off a little and sent away her hair sticks allowing it to flow down. Lily's eyes went wide and Vivian seemed impressed as well.

"That's a lot of hair Kat, I don't think you can pass that off as normal at school. How did I not notice?" asked Lily.

"Nothing I can do, I tried cutting it this morning and it's really strong, oh and for some reason water bounces off both my hair and skin now. so that's a thing," said Kat.

"That's so cool, you can step out of the shower instantly dry," said Lily.

"Yeah sounds great except I'm not sure if it actually cleans me or not anymore, because when I say it bounces off, I don't just mean it doesn't cling to me, the water really does seem to jump of my skin," said Kat.

"Ooh," said Lily.

"I'd take that trade," said Vivian.

"Vivian," said Kat turning to face the smiling woman, "I don't mean to be rude but you seem to be taking this very well."

"Don't worry about that sweetie. I've got great practice at internalising my screaming," said Vivian still smiling but with a faint shadow in her eyes. *No, no. Vivian please don't look at me like that.*

Panicking internally as well, Kat suddenly had a vague feeling. Her eyes flashed purple and a wave seemed to extend out from Kat. As that wave touched Vivian the darkness in her eyes seemed to leave and she seemed to melt into the cushion she had commandeered.

Smiling, a lazy smile Vivian said, "Kat, whatever that was, it was beautiful I feel so relaxed. It's kind of strange too, I'm still worried a bit, but I'm so calm and I can think, and, well thanks actually." Kat looked at Vivian slightly taken aback. Whatever she did was not entirely intentional.


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