D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1370 1370 A Steamy Scene

--- Blue ---

Blue kept her cool despite the taunts and set about doing something productive. She was carefully arranging the items in her treasure cloud to facilitate shooting a bunch of them at March. Feeling for the weapons with her water was somewhat difficult, but considering she only needed very general shapes it was perfectly doable. The real difficult was moving everything into position without making it seem like she was doing anything strange.

Silence wasn't the best cover for something like this, but Blue didn't really know what to say. She wasn't an expert in trash talking, or even just regular talking. That was usually Nell's job. As such Blue thought it best to just remain silent rather then risk March attacking early. For now the silence was enough…

Or so she thought. Perhaps she wasn't as stealthy as she thought. Perhaps she gave away something with her face. Blue didn't know… but between one blink and the next March was already halfway to her. Steam billowing from her feet and a hand cocked back to punch her right in the face.

*SHIT!* Blue panicked and started to reinforce the water ahead of her. Spinning it slightly and in small batches all in the same direction to try and throw March off. March just laughed when she felt the first minor roadblock and increased the amount of steam by a touch to mitigate the slowing effects.

Realising that this wasn't going to work, Blue launched herself downward, leaving the cloud of weapons behind. Blue was confident that she could get March to follow her for a bit and then, when the moment seemed right, she'd launch all of the pointy stuff she could at March. If a few things broke… well that was just the price of such a rushed attack, cobbled together more with vague ideas and a dream then proper technique.

Of course, as the saying goes. No plan survives contact with the enemy, and March was no exception to that rule. Instead of following Blue, March launched herself straight towards the cloud of treasures Blue had acquired. *Not good. Not good!* Blue was panicking a bit now. In a split second decision she created a sort of air bomb in the middle of the water and moments later the entire cloud of treasures had exploded sending various things all over the place.

Nothing travelled too far, there was plenty of space for the items to spread out… but in that same token most of them didn't do anything to March. A few weapons got somewhat close, but the only thing March would've needed to dodge was a painting that was easily battered aside. In the end the real damage come from the shockwave, travelling through the water and hitting March head on.contemporary romance

The issue with this attack was that… well it kept going. It hit Blue shortly after and despite having travelled nearly double the distance to get to her, Blue felt it everywhere. The air was forced from her lungs, she felt like throwing up and if asked, she'd say that her bones all felt like one big bruise. She was struggling to keep her eyes from tearing up… and March just casually spun around and shot back towards her.

*What the FUCK is she made of! She should be in so much more pain then I am. Sure the attack was a super dumb idea in hindsight and caused more problems then it solved… but dammit March should be at least somewhat point. She's just staring at me with a massive god damned smile on her face! What am I meant to do against that! How can I defeat her? Do I have to start breaking out the big stuff to keep her down?

That's might be my best bet… but I won't have much mana afterwards. It's a complete gamble that I'm only considering because of how desperate I feel… but if I use everything I suppose I can take some time to rest afterwards. Hopefully. I'll have to turn this entire place into one big blender and nudge things a bit to make sure that March takes some damage before I run out of mana. Urgh what a pain. Nothing else I've come up with works… so why not gamble it all?*

--- March ---

Contrary to what Blue seemed to think, March was struggling a bit. Sure the pain was easily ignored but the vibration really hit her hard, disrupting her steam technique a good deal and with the two combined doing a fair bit of internal damage. March wasn't entirely sure she could recover from this fight without a visit to Thyme. Additionally, from March's perspective Blue didn't seem all that panicked.

All of her reactions had been quick and decisive from March's perspective. In addition to that, March was used to fighting in melee, where it was important to watch your opponents body and not just their face, so she was missing all the various flashes of panic that Blue kept experiencing.

*Right. I might be on a timer now. Hard to tell how much damage that blast did while hopped up on adrenaline but at the very least I shouldn't let this drag out. I did want to break a few things in her treasure pile… but now they're all scattered. Honestly, Blue seems to know exactly how to counter what I've got in store. Does that mean I should start using the items I picked out?*

Of course, despite March's plan to test out said items she was already missing quite a few. Both of her hats had disappeared and the shoes she'd grabbed hadn't managed to stay on… mostly on account of the fact she shot high pressure steam from her feet, instead of what most mages would do and attach it to the bottom of their boots. Still, she had at least a few things to test out.

March pushed some mana into one of the rings in her brass knuckles and to her immense surprise she teleported a good ten metres forward, right next to Blue. This time the shock on Blue's face was evident. She was probably too shocked to see a mirrored expression on March's face.

March didn't hesitate to make use of this, frankly ridiculous chance and tried to punch Blue in the face. Just as the knuckles made contact with Blue's skin March felt an extreme pressure pushing down on her body, and soon she was shooting downwards towards the ground. March, not wanting to waste any mana simply let it happen. She braced her legs and slammed into the ground as the entire colosseum started to swirl. Blue was looking a little dazed, but it was hard to tell how much damage March had a chance to do before she was thrown away.

*Dammit. Should've had my steam going. Now she's all the way up there and it looks like she's done taking it easy on me. Shit I'm going to have to just ride this out somehow aren't I? I'm sure I could fly up to her right now… but she'd probably just smack me back down. Considering she's a water mage… I'm guessing it would take her a lot less mana then it'd take me.*

So March stood tall as the various items strewn about in the colosseum starting to get picked up in the water. Chests, random items, sand from the base of the colosseum. Anything around really. Blue even went and made things worse by throwing in what bladed weapons she could. March simply waited for a chest to come around and grabbed onto it. Slowing its rotation a bunch, but allowing her some movement to stay away from the swarm of knives.

*Now how am I going to get out of this.*

--- Blue ---

Meanwhile. Blue was freaking out. Massively. *FUCK! I think she broke my jaw with that. I might have a concussion, I accidentally went on autopilot and started to create the whirlpool but it's too big and I'm not sure if I can get it up to speed properly… oh and one minor issue. IN wasted like a quarter of my mana on slamming March into the ground. Which, despite the amount of mana I used and force that was supposed to impart, doesn't seem to have actually done any damage!*

Blue swallowed heavily as she watched March's disinterest in the growing whirlpool around her. She seemed completely unphased by it all and… and there she goes just casually grabbing onto a treasure chest.

*Is this even doing anything? She seems confident. Is… is she just going to wait it out? Shit she might be able to wait it out. If she can use a touch of steam here and there I could see her avoiding all of the dangerous items in the whirlpool without even using that much mana!Shit. What am I going to do? If I hadn't burnt all that mana on sending her down to the ground I might've been able to risk spinning this up quicker and damn the consequences but now I have to use my mana sparingly. Shit. Can I win this? I'm… not so sure now. Should I run? No, wait that's a bad idea March can definitely chase me with that fucking teleportation ring! I can't believe she saved that until she was close enough to land a hit in.*


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