D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1368 1368 Bit Of Blue

--- Blue --- (Just before Lily found the race biome)

Blue was getting annoyed. She had all of this treasure following her around but no storage treasures… if you ignored the four storage rings, three storage bracelets and a single storage tiara that she'd found. Of course, with Blue not bothering to check most of the items, especially the rings, she was stuck believing that she hadn't found anyway to store all of her shit. The tiara was actually more than large enough to store the massive cloud of stuff twice over and still have some space spare.

Currently, Blue was using the two carpets, a curtain set, and a particularly large vase to store things and help reduce the mana cost. But that in and of itself was the issue. Reduce the cost, not eliminate it. Even with all the tricks she could make use of with water surrounding her on all sides her mana regeneration was not up to the task. Carting all of this around was not going to be possible forever.

Blue was reasonably sure that the final hour hadn't started yet. She'd actually seen the net a few times just because her search spell pushed her in that direction fairly often. It seemed that Thyme left a whole bunch of treasure chests right at the edge that you needed to get in the first two hours or be left without… or perhaps in the case of the ones that Blue had found attached to the net itself, they were meant to be dragged along until the arena shrunk giving the contestants something to fight over.

Whatever the case, it was clear that Blue needed a change in plans. *So what do I do? I'm certain I have more treasure then anyone else… but what does that actually mean for me if I can't properly defend it. I'm sure that once we get into the finals people will be trying to snatch my treasures… and I'm not certain I can stop them.

As annoying as it is to admit March might be too strong for my spells to hold her. That and contrary to what a lot of people think, quite a few water spells are hard to do underwater like the classic water sphere or water bullet. The energy dissipates way too fast underwater as you struggle to hold it together. I'm mostly limited to crushing attacks and March… I just get the feeling she can ignore those if she wants by flexing or something dumb like that.

Which isn't even covering Marigold. I could break all the bones in her body and I'm still not sure that would be enough to properly take her out of the fight. Normally you can rely on something like that to be painful enough that it takes them out of the fight… unless you're crazy like Marigold and enjoy the pain for some reason. Can I make it painful enough that the pleasure causes her to black out? God what a sentence… but it might still be the most efficient way of dealing with her.

Romilda… she's dangerous in some ways but weak in others. She can attack me at range… but I can easily put up my own magical defences. Really all I need to do is force her to use more mana then I'm using. That shouldn't be too bad. Though perhaps looking through my cloud of treasures for a weapon might be a good idea? I think I saw a crossbow in there somewhere and that could be good against March as well. Hmm… might need to think on that a bit more.

Last up is Lily… and she doesn't seem to dangerous on the surface. I'm certain I could take her in a straight up fight… but she's probably going to slant more towards stealth. I mean, she's a black cat. If Lily finds a good place near the centre to hide she can probably use any fights I get into as a chance to snatch things from my cloud of stuff… which is annoying. I could try and use magic to search for her… but those sorts of spells are always weird about people.

Which is doubly annoying because I can't use the standard trick of searching not for the person, but something they have on them… but Lily has built in protection from that if she's sticking to her Memphis form. Which… I suppose isn't a certainty but considering how much time she spends as a cat on most days I'd be willing to be she's more comfortable in that form and is participating as a cat instead of as a human. Besides. What would I search for? Her clothing? That tends to have the same issues as searching people. Weapons are much better but Lily doesn't carry any! Though… nobody actually brought weapons along for this come to think of it. Unless you can't Romilda's metal. Which… eeeh. Not sure if it counts or not.*contemporary romance

Blue let out a sigh as she backtrack slightly to a cave she'd looted. It wasn't hard to find and once she did, Blue shoved her big cloud of treasures inside. It didn't quite fit at this point, the cave, that was really more of a large hole in the rock, was too small to fit everything. Still, by pushing it in and then casting a spell to keep it roughly contained in the area Blue was actually saving mana for once. Sure she was near the net and she wasn't making any progress but it was letting her regenerate some of her missing mana.

*Well it's something at least. I just don't know what the best thing to do here is. I've got my treasures, and the only reason I still want more is to ensure that I get somewhere to store everything… so should I just head for the centre and try to find a way to fortify a nice spot? The main issue with that is making myself a target. If the others realise just how many treasures I have it'd be a simple way to make an alliance. Just 'hey let's take out Blue and split her treasures'.

Deepest seas. I could see all four of them teaming up against me if they're as far behind on treasures as I think they are. I did try to stay away from areas that looked like someone had moved through… but not that hard. So I'm a bit shocked I haven't seen everyone at least once.*

Blue let out a sigh and casually cast the search spell again just to see if there was a nice collection of chests nearby that would justify moving once she had her mana back. Blue frowned at the spells results. "That… that can't be right," Blue mumbled as she cast the spell again. Sure enough, she got the same result. Dozens of chests all unopened and stacked together in a spot right at the edge of her range. "What… why is there so many over there? Is there like a chest shop or something?"

Blue had seen a few little events that Thyme had set up around the place. A race, a dance contest, and an archery range. She'd ignored all of them in favour of picking up hidden treasures. For someone with a search spell it was just faster. However… that was a LOT of chests all in one place. Even though her own cloud of treasures certainly included more points… it was still a tempting target. Assuming it was something Blue could take advantage of.

So Blue pulled all of the treasure out of the cave with her magic. Even going so far as to peak back in and double check to ensure that she'd left nothing behind. Once she had everything Blue started to propel herself towards the chests, interested to see what she'd find. In the distance she could make out a structure of some kind… that quickly became clear enough to distinguish itself as a coliseum with some chests peaking out over the top.

*Prizes?* Pondered Blue as she got closer and closer. The coliseum was clearer now. It had a few major entrances and a bunch of 'windows' at the top. You could see chests peaking through from a number of them as well and Blue knew that this had potential to be a big pay day. She was certain that any fair fight Thyme might have set up could be won by her if she got into the arena. Even if the water was kept outside, just the ability to take in a bunch with her would be enough.

That was, until Blue crested over the top of the stadium and saw a large imposing figure moving around, opening the chests. Yes, they were prizes, but not ones Blue could earn. It seemed that someone had gotten here first. The figure was obviously March… despite the strange collection of clothing she was wearing. Blue almost wanted to laugh… but any notion of amusement died a swift death when Blue noticed that March was staring up at her. March, had realised she was there first. While underwater. Suddenly, this felt like a much more dangerous decision.

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