Demon Sword Maiden

Volume 11 - Yamata no Orochi: Chapter 6 – Minamoto no Yoshitsune’s Death

Volume 11 - Yamata no Orochi: Chapter 6 – Minamoto no Yoshitsune’s Death

Minamoto no Yoshitsune, renowned as the world’s greatest hero, had a well-known saga that didn’t necessitate retelling. His rise to prominence and the tales of his encounters with Shizuka Gozen, culminating in their sorrowful parting, were familiar to most experts in Ashihara, succinctly summarized by Shizuka herself.

The circumstances leading to Yoshitsune’s untimely demise remained unclear, with only inconsistent rumors circulating. “In reality, Yoshitsune was tasked by his elder brother Yoritomo and the Cloistered Emperor to embark on a crusade across the world, to defend imperial authority, to annihilate formidable monsters and rebels, and to lay the foundations for the Heian Dynasty’s peace and prosperity. Once the world had stabilized, political rifts between Yoshitsune and Yoritomo began to emerge,” she recounted.

“Particularly eighteen years ago, celestial patterns started to shift. While phenomena like extended nights occurred sporadically in the previous century, they became alarmingly regular after that year, influencing the world’s vitality, bolstering the eldritch aura, and empowering malevolent demons,” she continued.

“Yoshitsune championed a radical transformation in celestial affairs, enacting fresh internal policies, boldly confronting foreign adversaries, and initiating a formidable crusade to unearth a means of world salvation. Conversely, Yoritomo insisted that the populace adhere to the celestial currents and adapt accordingly. Inevitably, Yoshitsune found himself embroiled in a sweeping crusade against an unending tide of demons and possessed samurai. Despite the adversaries’ overwhelming numbers, the decade that followed was marked by relative tranquility, with Yoshitsune’s campaigns resulting in the defeat or significant weakening of numerous arch-demons.”

“His fame surged, winning the hearts of both court and commoner alike; such was his renown that even in Kanto, he surpassed the Shogun, Minamoto no Yoritomo, in prestige. With the demonic forces momentarily subdued, he envisioned a journey to the heavenly gate to seek counsel on altering the tumultuous celestial path. This quest was met with Yoritomo’s stark opposition, yet the Imperial Court, and notably the Cloistered Emperor, offered robust endorsement.”

“After receiving an edict, Yoshitsune led his eight hundred flying cavalry toward the formidable Ise’s Heavenly Gate. Despite his considerable strength as a septuple-soul big dipper, half-step celestial, he had not yet attained celestial status. Yoshitsune was aware that his ascension to the celestial realm was unpredictable and the turbulent world would not pause for him. In his attempt to cross through the Heavenly Gate, he met with failure. I stood by him, yet my spells and arts offered no solace against the overwhelming force of the gate.”

“Both Yoshitsune and I sustained heavy injuries, with his being the more severe. We had no choice but to retreat to Heian-kyo to heal. However, as we departed Ise, Yoritomo’s forces encircled us.”

“Minamoto no Yoritomo deployed his army without an edict? Is this a conspiracy?” Lily questioned.

“No! That old *******, the Cloistered Emperor Go-Shirakawa, betrayed us. He denied sending any edict to Yoshitsune and proclaimed it a forgery. He slandered Yoshitsune, accusing him of desecrating the Heavenly Gate with his ignorance and arrogance, and commanded Yoritomo to wage a crusade against him,” came the reply.

Shizuka shivered uncontrollably, her eyes brimming with hatred as she recounted the traumatic events of that year. “That Go-Shirakawa, he was the Daitengu! How many times had he deceived us, only to be the architect of Yoshitsune’s downfall! Who would have suspected him of being an arch-demon?”

“Had Yoshitsune not been grievously wounded by the tempestuous winds at the gate, not even Yoritomo with his hundreds of thousands could have rivaled him. At that time, only Tamamo-no-Mae was his equal.”

“Not just Yoshitsune suffered injuries. I, Musashibo Benkei, along with several of his stalwart allies, were also hurt. Yoritomo had laid a myriad of cruel traps and launched a surprise attack, leading to our defeat. Nonetheless, we mustered our strength, shattered their formations, and made our escape to the open seas.”

“Even after escaping, he could not fathom that the cloistered emperor had turned traitor, or that his own elder brother would wish him dead!”

“Sadly, our luck ran thin. We met a terrible storm at sea; our remaining troops and mounts were capsized, leaving few of us to escape the sinking ship to Kanto.”

“There, we found ourselves pursued by Yoritomo’s formidable army and some unknown, yet highly skilled experts.”

“Those unknown experts were mighty. We knew neither their identities nor their origins. We fled to Mount Yoshino. At that time, I was with child, torn between a desire to fight to the death or sacrifice myself for love. But as a mirror girl, my secret was too vital to be discovered by Yoritomo. Following the ancient mirror’s guidance, I entrusted it to Yoshitsune before we dispersed, fleeing in different directions.”

“In the end, I was captured by Yoritomo’s forces… and Yoshitsune escaped to Mutsu with the last of his men.”

“In Mutsu, Yoshitsune sought refuge with Lord Fujiwara no Hidehira, a man of such might that even Yoritomo hesitated to attack. But soon after, Hidehira died under mysterious circumstances, and his sons, fearing Yoritomo, violated their oaths, sending troops to assist in Yoshitsune’s downfall.”

“Yoshitsune sought sanctuary in the Takadachi temple, north of Mutsu, his injuries grave by then. When the ambush came, he was beyond fighting. Benkei led what few men remained into battle while Yoshitsune… took his own life there

1…” Shizuka’s voice broke into sobs, overwhelmed by the memory.

“Benkei did not survive,” Ayaka interjected, a somber note in her voice. “The Imperial Court claims he died protecting an ailing Yoshitsune from demonic assailants. But in truth, Yoritomo and his minions were his end.”

Lily was at a loss for words. The hero of an era, Minamoto no Yoshitsune, fell not in battle against countless foes, but by the treachery of his kin. It was a profound tragedy.

“Madam Shizuka, the world is ever-changing,” Lily spoke with a forward-looking gaze, her eyes reflecting a serious, detached confidence. “I owe much to Lord Yoshitsune, my first mentor. I will take up my teacher’s feud. Minamoto no Yoritomo, the Daitengu, all who played a part in his demise—I shall spare none!”

Without Yoshitsune’s guidance, Lily might never have escaped Takeshita. She was not blinded by notions of justice, nor was she inherently benevolent. But for Yoshitsune’s sake, she resolved to seek vengeance.

Lily was resolved not to be just a good person, but to be righteous. This injustice demanded retribution.

After Shizuka’s capture, she would have ended her own life, had it not been for her child. Yet, following the news of Yoshitsune’s death, her child was slain by Hojo Masako—surely on Yoritomo’s orders. She could scarcely bear to speak of such heartbreak.

Once Shizuka found her composure, Ayaka declared, “Madam. Whether for vengeance, for the sake of the world, or simply to survive, our final battle with Yoritomo is inevitable.”

“Madam Shizuka, forgive us for resurrecting such painful memories,” Lily apologized, her voice laden with guilt.

“No, if Yoshitsune could hear your words, he’d be heartened. You may not be an official disciple, but your loyalty and righteousness surpass that of many who claim the title.”

Lily regretted her promise to Yoshitsune’s spirit to keep silent about him remaining at the Heavenly Gate, still puzzled by the profound intent behind his last request.

Ayaka queried, “Madam mentioned leading the mirror girls, yet your ancient mirror is absent?”

“Yes, I passed my ancient mirror to Yoshitsune, and since his fall, it has vanished. Despite my efforts to ascertain whether Minamoto no Yoritomo or the Cloistered Emperor seized it, it remains lost. Yet, I sometimes feel its mysterious power guiding me,” Shizuka replied.

Lily contemplated, “As the leader of the mirror girls, her lost ancient mirror must be exceptional. And here I possess an extraordinary mirror myself—could it be the same? However, with senior sister Rinne’s spirit resting within, I dare not reveal it hastily.”

“Could it be?” The memory flashed in Lily’s mind, the cryptic warning from Yoshitsune’s spirit: if Shizuka called, she was to remain silent. Was the warning not to be taken literally? Did Yoshitsune perhaps know the true origins of her ancient mirror? A feeling of caution began to settle over her.

As she pondered, doubt crept in. If the mirror indeed once belonged to Shizuka, why would Yoshitsune, her husband, advise against its return to her? Could it be that Yoshitsune had unearthed some profound secret within the mirror? And there lay another worry: if either Yoshitsune or Shizuka were to handle her mirror, would they discover the slumbering spirit of senior sister Rinne?

Lily remained silent on the matter, choosing to wait until the situation became clearer. Kagura’s consciousness had only stirred upon her arrival in this world, so it was doubtful she had any insight into these recent developments. If the mirror truly belonged to Shizuka, then why hadn’t she learned the Lunar Blossom and Tsukuyomi Swordsmanship?

“It’s best to keep the mirror concealed until more is known,” Lily concluded to herself.

The group suggested that Shizuka take a moment to rest and gather herself. Once her composure returned, Shizuka shared her resolve, “I never envisioned the mirror girl’s ultimate task would be the ascension to Takamagahara. Driven by both personal and collective obligations, I must attempt it; it’s akin to fulfilling Yoshitsune’s legacy. His ambition was to safeguard the celestial path, and I cannot sit idly by as Yoritomo’s schemes unfold. Yoshitsune’s sacrifices shall not be in vain!”

Rei, moved by Shizuka’s fortitude, silently offered her respect.

“Lily,” Shizuka’s resolve hardened by the recollection of Yoshitsune’s fate, “I shall climb to Takamagahara, but I require your assistance. All will be revealed through the words of the heavens.”

“Madam, lead the way. I am bound by duty to assist,” Lily asserted with determination.

Shizuka mused aloud, “For years I pondered why the celestial decree revealed to me the method for ascension. Now, I understand its purpose.”

Ayaka, her attention rapt, inquired, “What is this method?”

“It was a vision,” Shizuka began, her voice reflecting the weight of the knowledge, “a depiction resembling Ashihara’s four continents. Within the vision, thirty-six points of light corresponded to Ashihara’s thirty-six realms, each bestowed with heavenly secrets. Upon these lands, we are to erect thirty-six altars and construct a Heavenly Treasure Ship. When the altars are complete, interconnected by the land’s spiritual ley lines, an ascending rainbow will manifest somewhere within Ashihara. By boarding the ship and navigating to the rainbow, one can ascend to Takamagahara.” She recited the instructions as if they were a sacred text, a path laid down by the divine.


contemporary romance

Robinxen: Wow this guys life is awful in almost every respect.

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