Demon Sword Maiden

Volume 10 - Dream Eater: Chapter 14 – Asuka’s Warriors

Volume 10 - Dream Eater: Chapter 14 – Asuka’s Warriors

“Certainly, we’ve come in response to Princess Asuka of Himeji City’s call for more experts,” Lily affirmed, producing Reika’s medallion. “Takamine Reika has referred us.”

The handsome man’s demeanor shifted to one of gravity as he examined the medallion, proclaiming, “This is unmistakably a medallion bestowed by the Princess. If Reika has recommended you, then follow me, please!” He turned noticeably more courteous and deferential.

“What? They were admitted just like that?” the Martial Monk exclaimed in vexation.

“Yes, when we got here, we were made to wait an entire day! Hmph, it seems looks truly does carry weight!” remarked the tall vagrant.

“What did the woman hand over to the man? Was it a bribe?” the short fellow wondered aloud, adding, “The world is going to ruin!”

Guided by the handsome ninja, Lily and her companions journeyed along a mountainous path, with precipitous cliffs below and successive layers of buildings and workshops surrounding them. The sounds of industry filled the night, from the grinding of machinery to the intermittent sparks of metal being forged.

Lily couldn’t suppress a sigh of admiration at the sight of Asuka Kingdom’s advanced metallurgy. The Heian Dynasty had nothing to compare to these extensive workshops and smelters, all working in perfect harmony.

Their guide led them to a hall within a hollowed-out cavern, introducing himself, “My name is Nankai Kiryu, and I’m here to assist adepts from around the world. Should you have any questions or require anything, please come to me. May I have your names? Or nicknames, if you prefer, for registration.”

“Mr. Kiryu,” the trio greeted, bowing.

Given that they were on Iyo Island, far removed from the Heian Dynasty and seldom interacting with it, Lily felt certain their identities would remain anonymous. contemporary romance




They withheld their family names, aware that mentioning the Minamoto or Fujiwara Clans could complicate matters.

“Very well!” Kiryu said, jotting down their names as he sat on the ground. “Ladies, since Reika has recommended you, I shall confer upon you the rank of Rookie Mercenary. You may advance in rank with proper contributions.”

“Rookie Mercenary?” Ayaka inquired.

“Yes, to serve Princess Asuka, you will be categorized based on your strengths and achievements into Rookie, Intermediate, and Senior. Each rank comes with varying compensation. By serving the princess and fulfilling specific tasks, such as slaying demons, you will receive rewards, along with a basic monthly salary. Rest assured, you will be treated well,” Kiryu explained.

Lily nodded in understanding.

Shimizu then posed the question, “What exactly differentiates the treatment according to rank?”

Kiryu began to explain, “Unranked experts must live together in a barracks and receive a minimum salary of one Flame Gold per month. Rookie Mercenaries, on the other hand, enjoy the luxury of a single room and a minimum salary of ten Flame Gold per month, in addition to one Kingdom Share. Intermediate Mercenaries reside in individual houses, with a minimum salary of thirty Flame Gold and three Kingdom Shares. Senior Mercenaries are given a private manor complete with ten servants, earning at least a hundred Flame Gold and ten Kingdom Shares each month.”

Lily listened intently but could only manage a faint, “Oh…” in response.

“What exactly are Flame Gold and Kingdom Share?” Ayaka asked, curiosity in her voice.

Kiryu elucidated, “Flame Gold is a unique metal used exclusively by the Asuka Clan, serving as the kingdom’s currency. It’s needed for purchasing treasures from the state armory, and we don’t accept any other currency. Kingdom Shares, on the other hand, are a sort of intangible currency, handed only to the Princess’ loyal servants. These can be used to purchase treasures directly from the Princess herself, or even be exchanged for government positions and land once she takes the throne.”

The realization that treasures available directly from Princess Asuka must be extraordinary artifacts, preserved by the Royal family through generations, dawned on Lily. These treasures represented not only riches but also investments in the Princess’ future rule, allowing holders to exchange them for influential positions and land. Lily couldn’t help but be impressed by Princess Asuka’s savvy. Yet, she also saw the risk—if Princess Asuka’s influence waned or she failed to ascend the throne, the Kingdom Shares would become worthless.

“Well… I heard Princess Asuka made a vow that sent all the experts into a frenzy?” Shimizu asked, her smile laden with curiosity.

The handsome ninja’s face turned pale at the mention of it.

“Sister Shimizu, now is not the time for such questions,” Lily chided gently.

“It’s fine, since it’s the truth,” the ninja said, his voice tinged with disappointment. “The Princess promised that if she could defeat all demons and bring peace to Iyo Island, she would marry the person holding the most Kingdom Shares.”

The words seemed to sadden him, prompting Lily to steer the conversation in a different direction. “So, what’s next for us? Can we meet the Princess?”

“Well… The Princess is preoccupied with her duties. Only Senior Mercenaries may meet her privately. Others must wait to be summoned or for her public speeches before battles,” he explained.

“Oh, I see,” Lily acknowledged, absorbing the information. The ninja then offered to have their rooms prepared, suggesting they rest after their long journey. Lily was quick to refuse. “No need to rest. We’re not weary. Please prepare our accommodations and show us around first.”

“I see, that’s wonderful! We’re in dire need of help!” Nankai Kiryu responded with joy, leading Lily and her companions across the suspension bridge and into Tenshu Castle, a majestic fortress perched on the mountain cliffs.

Upon entering, they were greeted by an intimidating sight: powerful warriors in diverse attire, their intense auras apparent as they stood on wooden platforms in the hollowed-out caverns below.

“Kiryu!” A fearsome ninja, his face obscured by a full beard and armor, shouted upon seeing Kiryu. “Have you found more help?”

“Master Yujin, I have. These three ladies are here to assist,” Kiryu replied confidently.

“Ladies?” The bearded man’s eyes widened as he took in Lily and her companions, his thick brows knitting in concern. “Can they… Handle it?”

“They’re recommended by Reika and have been given the rank of Mercenaries,” Kiryu assured.

“Huh? If Reika vouches for you, you must be capable! Ladies, this is a battlefield. I won’t treat you any differently, so please forgive me,” a gruff voice declared.

“If you have any tasks, just give us the order,” Lily responded.

“Yes,” he conceded, still a bit unsure but recognizing the urgency of the situation. With that, he led Lily and the others into Tenshu Castle, making their way to the second floor.

The ground floor of Tenshu Castle buzzed with activity, filled with an assortment of soldiers, ninjas, and unranked experts. Upon entering the second floor, a suffocating presence of powerful auras enveloped them. The bonfire inside the building blazed, casting shadows over various powerhouses, each with unique strengths and physiques. All were ranked Mercenaries, mostly at the Rookie level, though a few were Intermediate.

As the three women entered, many eyes lit up, the soldiers taking a moment to appreciate their beauty. They soon approached a wooden platform where a man was pointing at an ancient map displayed on a wooden stand. “We’ve received information that numerous demons have appeared in the deep mountains to the southwest. They must be targeting Himeji City! Fellow experts, who will join the fight?” he declared.

A surge of anticipation filled the room, but silence followed as everyone rubbed their fists, hesitant to step forward. Lily remained patient, not rushing to volunteer, wanting to gauge the situation first.

The man continued, raising the stakes, “Her Highness has decreed that in this battle, killing a Spirit Jade Stage demon will earn you one Flame Gold. Killing a Permanence Stage demon gets you a Kingdom Share or ten Flame Gold. Killing a Throned Sovereign demon could yield thirty to a thousand Flame Gold, or three to a hundred Shares! Greater accomplishments bring greater rewards!”

The room erupted in determined shouts:

“I’m going!”

“Me too!”

“I’ve been itching for a fight!”

“It’s our duty to protect the world!”

“We wish to serve the Princess! Let’s go!”

Lily had intended to join all along, but when she finally raised her hand, she felt a twinge of shame. It seemed as if she were motivated solely by the rewards. Yet, the man seemed unfazed and nodded, “Then, those willing to come, prepare and follow me!” A chorus of “Hyah! Hyah! Hoh!” echoed, and about sixty experts filed out of Tenshu Castle towards the cliffs.

“From here to the northwest, about thirty miles,” he informed the gathered crowd, instructing them to be ready for the imminent ride on one of the nearby lifts. The Asuka Kingdom was renowned for its engineering prowess, boasting incredible lifts constructed from wood and bronze that dotted the landscape, a testament to their durability and ingenuity.

He continued, his voice filled with urgency, “Everyone, the information we have indicates that the demons this time are extraordinarily powerful and savage. Only one out of every ten ninjas we sent to scout has returned. We must proceed with caution. Traveling together for mutual support would be wisest.”

As he finished speaking, several people moved toward Lily and her companions, extending invitations to join them. Lily declined each offer with grace, causing a brawny bald man to curse in frustration at being rejected.

At that moment, a group of five or six vagabonds approached, led by a young vagrant with wild red hair and an indifferent air. His shoulder bore his resting weapon, adorned with a myriad of tattoos.

“Ladies, it seems you’ve come from afar,” Nendou began, addressing the women. “This is your first time joining a battle like this, right? I strongly recommend grouping up with those you can rely on. It heightens everyone’s chances of survival. I’m not attempting to frighten you, but every time such a battle occurs, at least half the volunteers don’t return. Especially the newcomers; their losses are even greater.”

Nendou drew closer to Lily, his voice a blend of warning and persuasion. “For women like you, death may not be the worst outcome if defeated. I see that you’re strong, and you should grasp my meaning. The demons near Himeji City are unlike any others: dangerous, mighty! Ladies, would you consider joining my team? I can assure your safety, and the rewards will be fairly distributed. You won’t be deceived.”

Lily’s response was succinct and disinterested, “Thank you. But no thanks.” Her words were final, and she said no more.

Nendou’s face twisted into a scowl as he spat, “Hmph! Just you wait. When you’re there, you’ll be pleading for my help!” He stormed off, cursing under his breath. In his team were two female experts, but in terms of appearance, they couldn’t hold a candle to Lily.


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