Demon (BoyxBoy) Book 1

Chapter 3

I approached the castle, holding my jacket closer to me. The night air was painful against my skin... It was stupid of me to mindlessly walk into the forest by myself, unarmed. That warlock could have killed me easily with his magic.

I walked up the large flight of stairs, opening the doors to the large castle. I made my way into the dining room, straightening out my shirt in the process. I knew that my mother and the King and Queen would be sitting there, so I must look somewhat presentable.

I do not like these people, nor do I like their daughter. They are stuck up, and claim to know everything. Though, they do favors for us sometimes so we have to be nice.

I walked into the dining room, the sound of my mother talking filled my ears. The King and Queen, along with my grandfather looked over to me. He gave me a warm smile, motioning me to sit by him.

″I apologize for being late, ma’am. I hope you can forgive me.″ I said to the Queen. She flashed me a fake smile, looking over to my mother.

″Now that we are all here... why don’t we get this started?″ She declared. My mother nodded, looking over to Valentin. He left the dining room, fetching our dinner for the night.

Her black hair was pulled back in a tight bun, her crown resting on her head. The crown was shining a bright gold, diamonds lining the outlining of it. Her eyes were shining a fierce blue- she looked angelic but I knew deep down she was far from it. She wore a black dress, the sleeves hanging at her arms loosely. Her husband seemed to be the opposite, he had blonde curls resting on the top of his head with brown eyes. He wore a bigger crown than her, but it was also gold.

″Seth, I have to speak to you after this.″ My grandfather said to me, breaking me out of my daze. I nodded to him, flashing him a smile. He smiled back at me, the wrinkles on his face coming more clear to me... He really was starting to grow old.

Valentin and the other servants brought the food to us, placing the large plates down in front of us. My mother requested that we would have steak and potatoes, though I hate it. She said we need to please the King and Queen no matter what- And I knew deep down she just wanted to please the Queen. There’s something wrong with her, I can’t really figure it out.

″So what has been troubling you, Queen Eva?″ My grandfather asked her, picking up his fork and knife. I didn’t bother to touch my food, I knew well it was disgusting. I don’t care if this old hag has a problem with me.

″We decided to pay a visit to speak of your grandchild, actually.″ She said to him. He raised an eyebrow, looking over to me.

″What is it?″ My mother asked. A smirk laid on her lips, placing down her fork and knife.

″Seth will be the king soon, and he needs a Queen. We would like to have our daughter marry him, or you will hold a ball with all of the princesses who would be interested.″

My mother looked over to me, her eyes widened. I looked over to the Queen, my eyebrows furrowing.

″Queen Eva, I will do just fine loving my kingdom without a Queen. I do not need anyone helping me.″ I declared. Her smirk grew wider, and I couldn’t help but cringe.

″You don’t have a choice, child.″

I looked over to my mother, waiting for her to say something. She had to, of course, she would be on my side... she’s running the kingdom by herself, of course I could do it by myself. I don’t know why I’m so against marriage or finding someone to love... I just don’t find it necessary.

″She’s right, Seth. You need to find a wife.″ She said silently. My grandfather furrowed his eyebrows, looking over to her.

″Ella, you can’t force him into marriage. That’s not fair to him, darling... I didn’t make you-″

″Look where that got me, father. I’m alone. We will have a ball tomorrow, and that is final.″ My mother said. I do not want to marry anyone, and I don’t think I ever will. Seeing what my mother has gone through, trying to forget about my father... I do not want any woman in my life. I do not want to love anyone. I thought my mother would disagree with the Queen, but for some reason... she agrees. Why would she do this to me?

I looked up at Valentin, and a terrified expression rested on his face. I knew he wanted to defend me... but he couldn’t. My grandfather wanted to defend me too... he tried his best.

″I know one thing for certain... I will not be marrying that thing you call your daughter.″ I said viciously to the queen, watching her mouth drop.

I watched as her eyes flared a bright red, grinding her teeth. They were almost a fire color... was I seeing things?

″Seth Lenior, you apologize right now!″ My mother demanded, breaking me out of the Queen’s gaze. I felt the smirk lingering on my lips, pulling myself up out of the chair.

″I apologize greatly, your royal highness. Perhaps next time I’ll be more kind towards the brat.″ I said sweetly.

″You are just like your father.″

The words flooded out of her mouth, covering her mouth afterward. My mother’s eyes widened, looking over to the Queen. The red in her eyes faded, and I watched as she gained her composure.

″Forgive me everyone, I’m having a hard day today... We will see you all at the ball tomorrow.″ She said softly.

I walked out of the dining room, the sound of my mother’s yelling filling my ears. I didn’t want to hear her. I don’t know why she’s changed so much in the matter of a week... ever since my birthday, she’s been acting like an asshole...

I felt the sound of my grandfather’s shoes behind me, his voice filling my ears.

″Seth, talk to me my boy...″ He said softly. I turned around, and I was met with his fierce blue eyes. He smiled at me, holding his arms open.

I pulled him in for an embrace, and I felt as he rubbed my back slowly. My grandfather was a nice man, but quiet. He was once the ruler of the kingdom, but my grandmother wasn’t a very nice person and bossed him around. Nobody really respected him besides my mother...

″I hope you know that I don’t agree with your mother...″ He said to me, pulling away from our embrace.

″I don’t want to get married, grandpa...″ I said to him. He nodded, taking my hands.

″I know, Seth. I will try to talk to your mother...″ He promised.

″Thank you, Grandpa.″

″You’re welcome, Seth.″


I heard knocking on my door, breaking me out of my daze. It was about twelve in the morning... I wanted to sleep, but I just didn’t want to have another nightmare. It was eating me alive...

″Come in,″ I said out loud, and the door opened slowly. I saw my mother poke her head through, smiling sheepishly.

″I knew you would be awake...″ She said to me. I rolled my eyes, breaking my gaze from her.

″I need to talk to you, Seth.″

″What will you do this time, yell at me or force me to get married to a stranger?″ I snapped, pulling myself up out of my bed. She furrowed her eyebrows, crossing her arms.

″Seth, she’s right. You need to find a girl to help you rule.″

″You run this kingdom ALL by yourself with no king. You don’t think I can do this by myself?″ I asked her. She shook her head rapidly, grabbing my arm.

″Darling, I think you’re more than capable of ruling by yourself... Seth I just don’t want you to be alone.″ She said to me, her eyes tearing up, and her lip quivering. I felt as the anger left my body, sighing deeply and looking down at the ground.

″What do you mean?″

She pulled me over to my bed, sitting down carefully. She wiped the tears from her eyes, glancing over to me.

″I remember when you were just a small boy. You were my little boy... You would help me bring food to the poor, and you’d bring a smile with you wherever you went. You were, and are the light of my world, Seth... But I always felt like I wasn’t giving you enough because your father isn’t here...″ She said, and I watched as a tear fell down her cheek. I raised my hand to her cheek, wiping it away.

″Mom... you’ve always been enough. I don’t need or want my father.″ I said to her.

″Darling, I am so lonely...″ Her voice cracked. I couldn’t help but feel bad for her... I have always known she was lonely, but she never admitted it.

″Your father took everything away from me. He took my confidence, my heart, my ability to love... he hurt me, and now I’m alone... and it hurts. Seth, I want to find you someone because I know you’re going to hurt... I know deep down inside you want to love and be loved. It’s such a beautiful feeling...″ She said.

″What was dad like?″ I asked her. I watched as her eyes widened, looking over to me. Her blue eyes were red and puffy from crying.

″Before he was... insane, oh he was amazing to me...″ She said, a small smile lingering on her lips.

″He would sneak me out of the castle at night, and bring me on the cutest dates. My dad never knew about it. He’d bring me out to the lake, and there would be candles lit up leading to our picnic blanket. He was so thoughtful... not to mention handsome.″ She murmured, and I felt myself smile.

She looked up at me, placing her hand on my cheek.

″You remind me so much of him... You have his raven black hair, those emerald green eyes... that smirk of his. It always made me mad, but you pull it off well... you’re also both very mischievous.″ She declared.

″I wish I looked more like your family.″ I stated. She frowned, bringing her hand down from my cheek.

″Darling, you’re absolutely stunning. You don’t need to have the red hair and blue eyes to be a Lenior...″

″It’s not that. I remind you of dad, and he abused you.″

She looked down, her eyes watering up once more. She shook her head, taking my hands.

″Seth, I think you’re handsome and wonderful just the way you are. I am trying to remember your father for the good times and not the bad times. I think I’m doing pretty well...″ She murmured to me.

We sat in silence for a few moments, the sound of rain tapping against the window. I can see why my mother wants me to get married... and it’s a good reason.

If that is what she wants, I will give it to her.

″I will not make a fuss tomorrow, mother. If finding a wife is what you want me to do... I shall.″

She smiled up at me, leaning in and pulling me in a tight embrace. I felt as her body began to shake with sadness once more, and her sobbing filled the room.

Oh, my sweet boy...″ She mumbled over and over again into my shoulder, breaking my heart. I wish I could help her with whatever she was going through, but... whatever she is dealing with... I don’t think she wants to tell me. And that’s okay.

Maybe marriage will make her happy...


South from the kingdom

″Elena...″ The warlock said to the vampire, a smile on her lips.

″Yes, Jayce?″ She asked him.

″His mother is trying to tie him down with a marriage to the kingdom...″ Jayce mumbled. Elena let out a long, drawn-out laugh.

″Why, she thinks his power will just go away with marriage? Who to?″ Elena asked him.

″They are having a ball tomorrow to find him a wife... they are not giving him a choice,″ Jayce said to her. She furrowed her eyebrows, leaning back in her chair.

″Jayce, when things come crashing down on him we need to help him...″ She said silently, her heart aching for the boy. Jayce smiled at her, taking her hand.

″I care a lot for the boy. He’s like a son to me, Elena.″ He stated.

″Good... because the time is coming for him to find out.″

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