Demon (BoyxBoy) Book 1

Chapter 19

Ten hours later, 9:32 PM

Jaxon’s POV

″Jaxon, you need to rest... please,″ Jayce said to me, pressing me back down on the bed. The pain was getting worse and worse, and I was so awfully tired... but I needed to find Seth. He was in pain, he kept going on the brink of death and coming back... He needed me, the mark on my wrist wouldn’t stop glowing.

″Seth is in pain, Jayce. He’s in trouble, I NEED TO GO GET HIM.″ I screamed back at him, pulling myself out of the bed. I felt a pain instantly shoot up my leg as I walked across the floor, my legs instantly giving out.

″Jaxon. You just killed thousands of men in a matter of seconds and commanded Seth’s demon army back to hell. You must REST.″

″WHERE IS HE?″ I screamed, gazing up at the sky. The pain in my chest was getting worse. I promised myself I would let nobody hurt Seth again. I should have made him go back with Jin and Magdalene. I should have stood by him.

The men around us suddenly picked their swords back up, throwing nasty slurs at Elena and I. The Encanto seemed to wear off... I can’t fight like this. There was too many of them.

I couldn’t help but grow angry. These people are supposed to be loyal to Seth, and they are fighting against him. He has shown love for these people... and even after this, he would still love them. Seth has been through hell and back... and now this? Taken away by some sort of angel?

Humans. The race that discriminates the most. The race that has taken everything away from us. The race that is angry, rude, not forgiving... the race that thinks they are superior.

If they want war.

They could have it.

″BEGONE!″ I screamed, aiming my hand towards the sky. Yellow energy shot out of my hand, shaking the woods to its core. The ground began to shake, the sound of thousands of men screaming filling my ears. The sound of swords and shields filled the woods, falling abruptly to the ground. The demons looked at me in wonder, some of the undead looking at me with the greatest smile on their lips. They were proud of me, and I knew my father was proud of me. They wanted me to cause destruction.

″Sir-″ One of them began. I instantly held up my fingers, averting my eyes to the ground. I was, in fact, royalty too in the underworld... but I’m not proud of it.

″All of you... return to your home. Now.″ I declared. The demons and undead immediately fled back to the hole they leaked out of obediently, not aware of Seth’s absence. They were too caught up in the thrill of battling with the humans; they have probably been wanting to do that for centuries.

I immediately fell onto the ground in exhaustion, the thought of Seth on my mind.

″You... you don’t care, do you? Seth is out there being HURT REPEATEDLY AND YOU’RE JUST STANDING THERE!″ I screamed at him, feeling the tears well up in my eyes. He was definitely being tortured. I felt each time as he was slipping away from living, but of course, he came back each time. I wasn’t experiencing everything he was feeling, only a small part of it... if this was only a small part of it...


″THEN WHY THE FUCK AREN’T YOU LOOKING FOR HIM?″ I yelled back at him, pain shooting up my back. I wanted so desperately to stand up and look for him myself, but the pain was so awful I couldn’t move. I couldn’t do anything...

″We don’t know what we are up against, Jaxon. It could be one of the elder angels, it could simply be one of the Nephilim. Regardless we are outnumbered.″ He said sternly, kneeling down next to me on the floor.

I felt the tears leave my eyes, my body shaking with sadness. I couldn’t bear to look at Jayce. The only time he’s ever seen me cry was I found Elena in bed with someone else. I wasn’t crying because I was in pain, I was crying because I knew I failed Seth. I’m his soul mate, I’m supposed to protect him at all costs. Yeah, he doesn’t know that we are soul mates... but I do. He’s in such terrible pain right now and I can’t do anything...

I felt Jayce bring his hand to my head, patting my head gently. He would do this when I was a younger warlock... He’d do this to calm me down when my powers were out of control. It kind of reminds me of when I was training with Seth. His powers were going out of control and I was able to calm him down...

″I’m going to go look for him, okay? We are going to find him.″ Jayce said to me, pulling himself off of the floor. He wrapped his hands under my arms, pulling me up off of the ground. I would have told him to bring me with him... But the pain was getting worse. I don’t know what this man was doing to Seth... but it was definitely nothing anything good. He laid me down in the bed, pulling the blankets over my body.

Elena suddenly walked into the room, a bowl and rag in her hands. Her black hair laid freely at her shoulders, her eyes no longer the blood red color. She wore a simple grey dress... and there were no longer deep bags under her eyes. I figured she took a nap... she hasn’t slept in ages.

″I’ll take care of Jaxon, you go look for Seth.″ She demanded, looking in Jayce’s way. He flashed her a soft smile, heading in her direction.

″That’s new... you giving me orders rather than I.″ He mumbled. She rolled her eyes, motioning for him to leave the room. He left the room finally, closing the door behind him.

″You don’t look too well,″ Elena said finally, sitting down on the bed. She placed the rag into the hot water, ringing out the rag afterward.

″Ah... thank you for noticing,″ I replied, feeling as she placed the rag on my forehead. Her red painted lips turned into a frown, bringing her hand to my cheek.

″You’re awfully pale...″ She murmured.

″Why are you doing this for me?″ I suddenly said, watching the blush come onto her face. I couldn’t help but ask... I was confused. She’s hated me for about one hundred years now... why would she change her mind?

″I just... I miss you, Jaxon. No, not in that way.″ She started, making my eyes widen.

″Why would you hate me in the first place anyway? You’re the one who-″

″And there you go again. That’s exactly why I haven’t spoken to you in forever, Jaxon! I was guilty okay? I felt awful for sleeping with that werewolf! I apologized, yeah it’s definitely not enough and it will never be enough... but you told everyone and brought it up every second you could. You never gave me a second to breathe...″ She said to me. I couldn’t help but notice the tears welling up in her eyes... She’s probably been waiting to tell me this for years. I suppose I have been kind of harsh on her... It’s been one hundred years.

″I’m sorry, Elena... I guess I was really hurt.″ I mumbled. She nodded her head, nervously tucking her hair behind her ear.

″I want you to know that I loved you. For the fifty years we were together I loved you with all of my heart... But when you proposed to me, I broke. I wanted to marry you... but I knew you didn’t love me the same.″ She said, sniffling afterward.

″Elena... I did love you, I wouldn’t propose to you if I didn’t-″

″Jaxon... I know you loved me, it just wasn’t enough. I know Seth is your soul mate okay? And it’s okay. You can’t control not loving me as much as you should... I want you to be happy. And what makes you happy is Seth... and we are going to get him back.″ She said, taking my hand. Her light red eyes were puffy... but full of determination.

I pulled myself out of the bed, every move I made sending sharp pains throughout my whole body. The adrenaline powered me through it... and Elena pulling me out of the bed.

″Let’s go find him.″


Location: Unknown

TW: torture scene

Seth’s POV

I couldn’t see anything. The room was dark. All I could hear was the sound of my whimpering, the sound of my blood hitting the floor. I wanted it to stop. I tried to fight against the chains that bound me... but the more I tugged at them the tighter they got.

The pain... It was unexplainable. I begged for him to just kill me... but he can’t. I’m immortal. But since I’m half human... I could feel everything. I could be on the brink of death... but It will pull me back slightly. Over and over again.

″Shall we begin once more, Prince Seth?″

The lights suddenly went on, my eyes instantly being met with the angel in front of me. He was far taller than me, about 6′5 in height. He had blond curly hair on top of his head... he was sculpted like a God. You could tell he was Greek.

″I... I am a prince. You will let me go now-″

He clicked his fingers, the vines on my neck growing tighter. I gasped out for breath... I couldn’t breathe.

″Let me do the talking.″

His shoes made a harsh click against the wooden tile, his pure white wings dragging against the floor. He had the biggest smirk on his lips as he approached me, kneeling down next to the bed.

″I’m sorry to keep you waiting, Prince Seth... I had to get some fun out of you first.″ He mumbled. He brought his finger up to my arm, tracing the area where it was once a loose limb. It connected itself in seconds... but I still felt it.

″Anyways... allow me to introduce myself. I’m Avel Argyros... You may have heard of me from the books your mother made you read. My father is the angel Ariel, the one who had gifted you previously.″ He said. I had almost forgotten about that... He’s the reason why I could also bring things back to life. I don’t know how to do it myself... I wish I knew how. Yes, I know how to raise the dead... but they will stay in that form. They won’t go back to their human body.

″What my father gifted you... such a beautiful trait, isn’t it? The gift of bringing people back to life... restoring their human or youthful appearance... or even that green grass you destroyed. He gave this trait to you at your birth you see... but it came at a price. He took it away from me... in order to give to you. The son of Lucifer.″ He whispered. He pulled himself up from the floor, walking over to the corner of the room. He was walking towards the ax... God, not again... I can’t handle it, I just can’t-

He picked up the axe by the handle, a twisted smirk on his lips. I screamed against the vines, them being silenced to muffles.

″You see, Seth... I’m going to get it out of you. Along with those black wings of yours... I think they would look lovely on my wall, don’t you think?″ He said, dragging the ax slowly against the floor towards me. I shook my head rapidly, trying to get the vines off of my mouth...

They finally slipped off, my screaming growing louder...

″JAXON! HELP ME! ANYONE OUT THERE PLEASE HELP ME!″ I screamed, feeling the tears run down my face... He pulled the ax up in his hands, his smirk somehow growing deeper...

″Ah... isn’t that your soulmate? Jaxon... a beautiful name. Italian, right? I suppose it doesn’t matter. What really matters is he’s experiencing all of the pain you’re feeling... how does that make you feel, Seth?″

″When I get out of these vines... I will rip those wings from your back. I will call every demon forth to destroy you, I will-″

The sound of the ax connecting with my leg filled the room... along with my desperate screams of pain. It swiftly cut my the calf of my leg off... but it already started to heal itself. The pain... I couldn’t describe the pain. I just wanted him to kill me... just make the pain stop, anything but this...


″I can’t... that’s the fun part, remember?″

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