Demon (BoyxBoy) Book 1

Chapter 14

Seth’s POV

″So... she asked why we are hanging out with her?″ Jaxon asked me. We were on our way to the gym, we surprisingly had gym class together. We didn’t have one single class together... I kind of missed him. Jaxon had to explain to me what gym class is... I guess it’s just physical activity, which would DEFINITELY be appreciated. I hate how in this dimension teenagers are forced to sit in one spot for hours and are forced to learn things they most likely don’t care about... If I’m being honest, I like my dimension better. I know this one is more technologically advanced and has less war... but this place stresses me out.

″Yeah. The people here are so rude...″ I muttered.

″So stereotypical... there are these things called ‘movies’ in this dimension, and that’s how the girls act in it sometimes. I watched this one with Jayce one day... It was called ‘Mean Girls’-″

″Are they like plays? The people of my kingdom used to entertain us with plays... they aren’t amazing actors but I appreciated the thought...″ I muttered. I watched as a smile lingered on his lips, nodding his head.

We walked into the gym, and my eyes instantly were fixed on the large basketball hoops on each of the walls. That was something that was also in my dimension... when I was younger, Jules and I would play it together. I wonder how Jules is doing... God, I wonder how my kingdom is doing. Jayce told me that they are safe. There are various vampires and warlocks watching over the kingdom. Jayce also said that Jules is too scared to do anything. He’s scared of me, what I could do.

I need to get my kingdom back.

We walked into the gym, the sound of teenagers filling my ears. Most of them weren’t doing anything... they were sitting on the floor doing nothing... on those bombs. Phones... whatever the hell they were. I’m so used to doing so much physical activity... we need to do something.

″I feel like I’m going to explode. My bones are aching.″ I mumbled to Jaxon. He couldn’t help but laugh, looking in my direction.

″We could do something, come on.″ He replied. Before I could reply, I heard a loud holler from the teacher.

″ALL OF YOU GET OFF YOUR ASSES! GET IN LINE! TIME FOR SOME WORK!″ He yelled to all of us, causing all of the other kids to groan. I heard a few curses here and there... but they obeyed.

We walked up to the teacher, his gaze was staring down at his clipboard. He was an older man, maybe about forty years old. He had lighter skin and his hair was a dark brown color. He had a ton of wrinkles... Another thing I could thank my dad for. Immortality.

″Excuse me, sir?″ Jaxon said, breaking his daze from his clipboard. His eyes widened in surprise, looking over to Jaxon.

″Darn, none of these fucks have ever addressed me like that. Usually, It’s Mr. D, Davis... some of them even fucking my first name!″ He yelled. ″What can I do for you, son?″

″My friend and I are new students here.″ He said, motioning to me. The teacher looked in my direction, his eyes widening. I figured he was surprised by my appearance...

He glanced back down at his clipboard, taking a pen out of his pocket. He asked for Jaxon’s name, writing it down on the clipboard. He didn’t have our names on the paper yet obviously.

″And you?″ He asked me.

″Seth Lenior,″ I replied.


″...Seth Lenior, sir.″

He wrote down my name, his body shaking with laughter. He went on about how he couldn’t understand me through my accent... My accent wasn’t even that bad. Jaxon has an Italian accent but he could understand him? Americans are obsessed with accents...

He explained to Jaxon and I that he usually lets people do what they want... but he’s sick of watching the kids sit on the gym floor on their phones. He wants them to get some physical activity in.

We agreed greatly.

″ALRIGHT EVERYBODY, YOU’RE GONNA BE RUNNING A MILE TODAY! 6 TIMES AROUND THIS GYM! IF YOU WON’T DO IT, YOU DROP DOWN A LETTER GRADE!″ He yelled. He went on to speak, but his sentence was cut short. He glanced over to the corner of the gym, his eyebrows furrowing.

″AY, DARKMORE! DO YOU WANT TO GET PUNCHED?″ He yelled. My heart stopped, whipping my head to the boy. Jayce’s last name was Darkmore...

″Yeah I’m coming... I’m coming Mr. D... can’t start the party without me, right?″ He said sarcastically. He was definitely Jayce’s son. Though he was skinnier than him, Jayce was more built and muscular. I wasn’t surprised... our dimension is OBVIOUSLY more active. He had a tan look to his skin, his hair was dark brown and wavy. I couldn’t help but notice the bright blue look to his eyes. They were almost as bright as Jayce’s. He wasn’t that close, but I could tell by his eyes he was Asian. He’s definitely his son.

″Yeah... hurry up Ling-Ling...″ The boy standing next to me muttered, making the class erupt with laughter. I furrowed my eyebrows, glancing in his direction.

″That’s awful to say. That’s actually pretty racist, apologize to him.″ I said. He furrowed his eyes, glancing up at me.

″Who even are you?″ He said, mimicking my accent. I crossed my arms and turned my body towards him.

″You don’t need to know who I am. Apologize to him.″ I said. I felt a hand on my shoulder, patting it lightly.

I glanced over, and It was Jayce’s son. He had a big smile on his face.

″Don’t worry about it, buddy. I’m alright.″ He said. I looked back in the guy’s direction. He had a disgusted look on his face as he turned around, breaking our gaze.

″Thank you for standing up for me, nobody really does that around here... a bunch of snakes!″ He said. Jaxon couldn’t help but laugh, placing a hand over his mouth. This was definitely Jayce’s son... as I said before.

″Ah... no problem. I’m Seth and this is Jaxon, it’s nice to meet you.″ I said, extending my hand. His eyes widened, taking my hand gratefully. My hand was so much bigger than his... He’s small in general.

″I’m Jin. It’s nice to meet you, Seth!″ He exclaimed.

″ALRIGHT! YOU’RE BEING TIMED! GET RUNNING NOW!″ Mr. Davis hollered, making everyone let out an annoyed holler. I watched as the kids ran very slowly... I could finish this mile in about three minutes.

″Bet I could finish it before you,″ Jaxon said, walking up beside me. I couldn’t help but smirk at him, watching as Jin started running frantically down the side of the gym.

″If I win, we watch a movie together tonight,″ Jaxon said. I nodded my head slowly, feeling the smirk linger on my lips.

″And If I win... You have to do the dishes for the rest of the time we are in this dimension.″

″Good thing I have my magic.″

I rolled my eyes, turning towards the gym. We both got into the same formation, ready to lunge forward.

″On three.″ He said to me.




I lunged forward, my feet colliding with the hard tile of the gym floor. I easily ran in front of the rest of the class. I heard the distressing sound of the rest of the class, yelling about how Jaxon and I are ‘show offs.’

I was in front of Jaxon, but not by a lot. I was paranoid he was going to use his magic to stop me... I wouldn’t be surprised. Though it would be hard to use in front of these people. We can’t expose ourselves.

″LOOK AT THOSE TWO! WHY CAN’T YOU KIDS RUN LIKE THAT! I WANT THIS MILE DONE IN SEVEN MINUTES TOPS!″ Mr. Davis hollered, and I heard the collection of ″THANKS A LOT!″ being screamed at Jaxon and I.

I was on my fourth lap and I was still ahead of Jaxon. I really didn’t want to wash the dishes anymore... I didn’t know how to completely use my magic so I couldn’t do it in seconds as Jaxon and Jayce do. They make me do it to amuse themselves... one day I’ll learn how to use my powers to clean the dishes. I don’t know how, but they will see...

Suddenly, Jaxon caught up to me. We ran side by side... and I couldn’t help but notice the smirk on his lips.

“I was thinking of a romantic comedy... I know you wouldn’t like those... or maybe a horror film.” He said to me. I let out a disgusted sound, glaring at him.

“We won’t have the chance to. You’ll be doing the dishes tonight.” I snapped, increasing my pace. I ran into the fifth lap, realizing this was my chance. I needed to pick my pace up... he was right behind me. The other kids were only on their second or third lap... that’s just insane.

I heard laughter from Jaxon as we came closer to the finish. I knew he was planning something... is he really that desperate to watch a movie with me? Or is he just trying to prove a point?

I ran as fast as I could, feeling the smile on my lips. I was so close to the finish, I was going to beat him... he’s gonna love those-

I felt something hit my ankles, making me lose my balance. I fell face first onto the gym floor, hearing the laughter of Jaxon. The little bastard tripped me... oh god, I’m gonna kill him...

“Hey dish boy, need some help?” He asked me. I slowly lifted my head off of the gym floor, gazing up at his extended hand. He had the biggest smirk on his lips, his hazel eyes were gazing down at me. I knew he had the contacts in... but I knew if he didn’t have them in, his eyes would be glowing the brightest yellow color.

I slapped his hand away, pulling myself off of the floor. I wanted to smack that smirk off his lips... he cheated. I’m faster than him and I know I am.

I sound like a five-year-old.


″I made some popcorn to cheer you up,″ Jaxon said, walking into the living room. I crossed my arms, turning my body away from him.

″You not only cheated, but you also embarrassed me in front of a ton of people,″ I mumbled to Jaxon. He sat down next to me, placing the bowl of popcorn in his lap.

″I’m sorry, Seth. How about I wash the dishes for you anyways? It will only take me a second...″ He said. I felt a smile lingering on my lips, gazing over at him. He already was looking at me with those brilliant hazel eyes of his.

″Thanks, Jaxon.″

He picked up the remote, aiming it at the TV... it was a huge version of those laptops. They all sort of look like each other... big bombs, little bombs...

He put his glasses on top of his head, bringing the remote close to his eyes. He obviously didn’t know how to use it either...

″I think this is the power button...″ He said to himself, aiming the remote at the tv once more. It turned on with an eruption of sound, making me jump in my seat. It’s a fucking bomb I tell you...

He stood up, walking over to the TV. On the table next to it there sat a small box. He opened it up easily in his hands, pulling out a small disk. He furrowed his eyebrows, opening up the small cabinet under where the TV sat on.

″Let me try to figure this out...″


We both sat on the couch, and the TV flashed with different scenes. After about an hour he finally figured out how to put on the movie... He went on about how it was more difficult than witchcraft.

He decided to put on a horror movie. I didn’t really like it... the girl in the movie was so stupid. The killer was in her bathroom and waiting for her. The girl knew that he was in there... and like an idiot, walked in there. She could have just called the police...

″Do you like it?″ He asked me, bringing my attention up to him. My head was laying on his shoulder, his arm was laid over the couch. I was getting tired.

″It’s kind of stupid... The girl in the movie is stupid.″ I mumbled. He smiled down at me, and I couldn’t help but notice his gaze wasn’t in my eyes. They were aiming lower.

″All of the horror movies in this dimension are kind of stupid...″ He admitted.

I saw something glowing in the corner of my eye, making me glance at his extended arm. A mark was glowing brightly on Jaxon’s arm... I’ve seen it on my arm also. I don’t know what it means... I never asked him. I made contact with Jaxon’s eyes again and noticed how his eyes were a bright yellow. There was a faint blush on his face.

″I missed those yellow eyes of yours,″ I mumbled to him, realizing how much closer we have gotten.

″I missed those neon green eyes of yours, Angel.″ He replied, mimicking my words.

I felt as a warm feeling ran through my body, and a burning sensation was at my wrist. I glanced down at my wrist, seeing the same mark as Jaxon’s. I don’ t know what it meant... but I knew it linked us somehow.

I watched as Jaxon took the TV remote, pressing a button. The movie paused automatically.

He placed the TV remote down at his side before placing his hand on my cheek, running his thumb over it gently. I didn’t mind it one bit... I liked it. He was very gentle with the way he handled me, besides tripping me earlier...

I couldn’t help but glance at his lips. They weren’t too small, and they weren’t too big. He had a bigger bottom lip. His lips had a pretty pink tint to them... He was pretty in general.

″Can I kiss you?″ He asked me suddenly, and I felt the blush coming onto my face. I never had my first kiss before, I didn’t know what to do... He knows that.

I’m immortal, I could make plenty of mistakes.

″Yes...″ I whispered back to him, feeling as his lips collided with mine.

He kissed me softly, his hands running down to my sides. I felt the mark on my wrist burning... but it didn’t hurt. There was a feeling coursing through my whole body, a satisfying feeling.

Our lips moved together perfectly, and I surprisingly felt like I knew what I was doing. I ran my hands up to his neck, deepening the kiss. He slowly pushed me down lower onto the couch, his lips still connected with mine as he loomed over me. His hands snaked up to my hair, intertwining them in the black locks.

The kisses were slow but passionate. I always thought I never needed somebody... I never wanted a Queen. I wanted to be by myself.

This feels right.

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