Demon (BoyxBoy) Book 1

Chapter 12

The Queen sat with her son in the felid of sunflowers, watching as he made a flower crown in his smaller hands. He was about nine years old now, a little too old for the Queen’s liking. She missed the small boy she once had, the one who depended on her for everything.

″Mommy, I made this for you.″ He said to her, looking up at her with big green eyes. The Queen smiled brightly, taking the flower crown from her son’s hands.

″Thank you, Seth. It’s beautiful, just like those eyes of yours.″ She said softly, bringing a hand to his cheek. He wriggled away from her touch in embarrassment, causing the Queen to break into laughter.

″Darling, could I speak to you about something?″ She asked. He nodded his head, gazing up into her blue eyes.

″When I’m dead and no longer with you, I don’t want you to be sad. I want you to be happy for me.″ She stated. He furrowed his eyebrows, confused by what she said. Why would she bring this up suddenly? The deep concept wasn’t hard for him to understand. He is a rather smart boy for his age.

″Why bring this up?″ He asked her.

″You never know when you’re going to lose someone you love. You never know when God says it’s your time to go... so cherish every moment. Make every moment last, my darling.″


One week later

Jaxon’s POV

″Ah, there you are,″ Jayce said as I walked into his office, closing the book he had in his hands. I walked over to the desk, sitting opposite of him.

″I’m sorry we haven’t spoken in a while, I’ve been taking care of Seth... and I definitely needed some rest after that adventure,″ I muttered. I watched as he stood up, making his way over to the shelf of alcohol he had. He clicked his fingers and two glasses appeared on the table.

″Understandable, don’t apologize... We must speak of what happened though.″ He said. I nodded my head slowly, watching as he poured wine into the glasses. He handed one to me with a smile before he took his, sitting down behind his desk once more.

″Thank you for being so patient, Jayce,″ I said. He took a sip of his wine before speaking.

″I’m about four hundred years old Jaxon, I’m all about patience.″ He replied.

″Have you heard anything about what happened?″

He nodded his head slowly, gazing at me with a frown on his lips. I figured he would know about Seth’s mother, sometimes the vampires that tend to Seth’s needs talk to him. The vampires must have told him.

″We were too late. I suppose I could have cut her down from the rope, but Seth and I were both in shock... I felt frozen in place until they forced Seth down in front of the stage as she died, that’s when I acted.″ I said. I brought my glass of wine up to my lips, gazing at his confused expression.

″I also heard that he pulled the sword... out of his chest? How did he instantly heal?″ He said in almost a whisper. I nodded my head slowly, placing the glass of wine on the table.

″He’s the son of Lucifer, Jayce. I’m not surprised...″

We sat in silence for a few moments. I watched as he had a look of amazement on his face, his eyes looked deep in thought. I couldn’t help but think of Seth... he’s been in bed for the past week, hardly eating. He’s been taking his mother’s death pretty hard. He feels as if his grandfather’s and mother’s death is because of him. I keep telling him that’s far from the truth... but he won’t listen.

″Tell me about the mark.″

I felt my face heat up, looking up into Jayce’s curious eyes. I knew that he would be curious about it... the mark.

″... it’s a mating mark, Jayce.″

Most of the time, only werewolves have mating marks. They are destined to be with one certain person. There was a myth that other mythical creatures have a soul mate also or a mate. It would come in the form of marks, and whenever the creature is with that person... their marks glow. Whenever one is hurt, the mark would help them. The reason it’s a myth is that there hasn’t been a sight of soulmates or warlock mates in centuries. I studied it years ago because I love reading of myths... but now that I know it’s true... it scares me.

″You mean... like the werewolf sort of thing?″

I shook my head, feeling the smirk linger on my lips. I picked up my wine glass, gazing over at Jayce.

″Similar, but it’s a more powerful kind of thing... here, let me show you,″ I said, standing up. We walked out of his office and into the library next to it. I clicked my fingers together, and a book appeared in my hands. The book title read ‘Myths of the enchanted kingdom.’

I flipped through the book, my eyes scanning for the mark. I finally found it, handing the book to Jayce. He looked at me questionably before looking through the book.

″So you’re telling me this isn’t a myth?″ He asked.


He shook his head, reading through the pages of the book. He suddenly looked up at me, his eyes widened.

″Aren’t you going to tell him what it means, Jaxon?″

I shook my head slowly, feeling the frown on my lips. I don’t want him to feel like he has to be with me. He has never been in a relationship... and since we are basically ‘mates,’ we are bound together forever. We could do without each other, but each relationship will never feel the same. That must of been why things didn’t work out with Elena, or any other man or women I’ve been with. I had a mate out there somewhere. And that must be why Seth was so hostile towards dating or marriage.

″Not now, he should rest,″ I replied. He nodded his head, closing the book and placing it on the table beside us.

″I have one more thing I must speak to you about.″ He said nervously. I rolled my eyes, sensing it was another trip or adventure he wanted Seth and I to venture on.

″If you want us to get something dangerous and valuable, we can’t. Seth needs his rest-″

″I’m alright. What do you need?″

I heard his deep voice fill the room, and I felt a tingling feeling at my wrist. I looked down and saw the mark on my wrist glowing. I didn’t particularly know what the glowing meant... all I knew is that Seth needed me when it glowed. I know it meant other meanings too.

He wore black pajama pants... and that’s about it. His black raven hair was laid messily on his head.

I looked over to Jayce and saw the smirk on his lips. He was gazing down at the mark on my wrist.

″Now that you’re both here, I suppose this will be easier.″ He said suddenly, breaking the silence of the room. He walked out of the library, Seth and I following him. He brought us back into his office, walking over to the small shelf of books. He took a picture frame off of it, placing it in my hands.

It was a picture of Jayce holding a baby in his hands. He had the biggest smile on his face, tears welling up in his eyes. I raised an eyebrow, looking up at him.

″Who is that baby?″ I asked. I watched as he ran his tongue over his bottom lip before speaking.

″That is my son, Jaxon.″

I felt my eyes widen, looking back down at the picture. Why would he tell us this, and why now? How old is the child now?

″How long ago was this?″

″Seventeen years ago.″

I looked over in Seth’s direction, and couldn’t help but notice his emotionless glance at the ground. I made a note to myself to attempt to cheer him up later. His son was around Seth’s age, but Seth was a year older.

″Why haven’t you told me?″ I asked him. I watched as the smirk formed on his lips, glancing over at the picture.

″I haven’t been able to be in contact with him. His mother is... not very fond of me, so I haven’t seen him in a while.″ He muttered. I couldn’t help but feel the smile form on my lips. He was never good with women...

″So what do you want us to do?″ Seth asked him.

″His eighteenth birthday is coming soon, and that’s when I’ll be allowed to speak with him. The mission I have for us isn’t a dangerous one, it’s going to be kind of a vacation. For the three of us.″

″I want you two to enroll into the high school he goes to. Make friends with him, perhaps see what another dimension is like...″

First of all... I would never step foot into a high school. Second of all, Seth probably doesn’t even know that term. He was homeschooled... and third of all. Why was he in a different dimension impregnating women?

″Dimension?...″ Seth asked.

″A Dimension is another form of our reality, sort of. There are four different ones in our own world. For other planets, there are thousands. The Dimension that we are in now is not as technically advanced as the one my son is in... so you’ll have to learn.″ He explained. Seth nodded his head slowly, and that’s when I knew he didn’t know a single thing he was talking about.

″Another thing is... the dimension does not know of warlock, vampire, or any of that sort activity. So we can’t blow our cover, okay? That’s kind of the reason why I must speak to him...″ He muttered. He looked up at us with hope in our eyes. It would be a good thing for Seth to get a break from everything... His kingdom is being looked after by warlocks and vampires. If anything too drastic happens, they will alert us. I also realized that war isn’t going to be happening any time soon. Jules saw that Seth is basically invincible, so he will not declare war. He knows that they would lose.

″Of course, Jayce. We’d love to meet your son.″ I said. Seth looked over to me and flashed me a soft smile. I haven’t seen him smile all week... I suppose he is getting better. His smile looks lovely on him.

″I have nothing else to do... plus it would be nice to be in a place where we aren’t scared of war, or murder every five seconds...″ Seth muttered.

″So what’s the plan? How are we going to enroll in his high school?″ I asked.

″... We are going to be playing family for a bit. Seth, you’ll be my son. Jaxon... you’re the friend who is living with us for some reason.″ He said nonchalantly. I furrowed my eyebrows, listening to the laughter of Seth.

Jayce clicked his fingers together, and our packed bags appeared at our feet. I watched as Seth quickly dug into his bag, pulling out a black shirt. He pulled it over his torso and also pulled out his crown, placing it on his head. Jayce looked over to me, furrowing his eyebrows.

″Angel, in the dimension we are going, there really isn’t Kings and Queens... besides in Britain,″ I mumbled. I watched as he slowly brought his hand up to his head, pulling the crown down. He placed it into his bag, crossing his arms. I really hope he doesn’t blow our cover... that would be bad. I can’t imagine him trying to figure out what a laptop is... Oh god.

Jayce clasped his hands together, his eyes shining a neon blue. He created a portal in front of us with a smile. He reached down, grabbing his bag. I watched as he walked through the portal, leaving just Seth and I.

″You sure you’re up for this, Angel?″ I asked him. He flashed me a soft smile, his green eyes glistening.

″I laid around long enough. Plus... my mother told me not to be sad when she passes. I’m going to try to do that. Another thing... I do need a break. I hope this dimension is what Jayce described it to be.″

I watched him as he walked through the portal, shaking my head. We really need to have a long talk with Seth about the modern age... Even I still have trouble with it. Laptops, phones... it’s a strange concept.

I picked up my bags, walking into the portal with a smile on my lips.

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