Demon (BoyxBoy) Book 1

Chapter 1

''Jayce, it keeps happening... I don't know what to do with anymore, I know it's not his fault, but...'' My mother cried out, her face buried in her shaking hands. I looked over to the man, his facial expression was twisted in an expression that clearly read a few things; he was tired, and he didn’t find it amusing.

“Queen Ella... I've said to you countless times, my magic will fade. As he grows older, all of these memories will flood back to him. It’s enviable.'' The man said. My mother looked up at him, her sad eyes slowly growing to anger in response.

“I thought I could trust you! You told me you were the head warlock, whatever that means! I should have never associated with your kind!'' She said with a shaky voice, standing up and walking over to the door with her fists clenched at her sides. The man suddenly rose his hand, a bright blue color leaking from his palm as he twisted his fingers gently. My mother suddenly froze in place, struggling to break free from the warlock's spell.

“Let me go, I demand you.''

The warlock placed his whiskey on the table beside him. He slowly walked towards her, his eyes now radiating an intense bright blue that were now filled with resentment.

''Let's get one thing straight, Queen Ella.'' He said softly, placing his hand firmly against the door that she had previously tried to escape to. She let out a shaky sigh at his words, trying to thrash around in the warlocks grip- but of course, it was no use. No human can escape the magic of a warlock, especially Jayce Darkmore’s magic.

“The whole demon world and anyone who is not human is looking for your son right now. Yes, I am indeed the head warlock, my magic is very in fact powerful... I can put a spell on your son to keep the demons away from him, I can erase his memories, but I cannot do anything when my magic fades. Your son is far more powerful than you think, I think it's silly you're suppressing his powers...''

''The kingdom will MURDER him if they find out-''

The warlock put a finger to his own lips, motioning for her to stay quiet. She immediately cut herself off, her eyes furrowing in surprise. He was a powerful warlock, to say the least.

''That silly little war we had with your kind... we let you win. You have no idea what we are capable of. We were stripped from everything we had and still built ourselves from the ground up with nothing...” he went on.

“You took away an empire. We built one from sticks and bones... and trust me, we had plenty of time to convince ourselves not to burn down yours with everyone inside.”

''Prince Seth, It’s time to rise for the day.''

The voice awoke me from the dream, snapping up from my bed abruptly. Valentin looked at me curiously, the list of activities I must do today in his hands.

''I'm sorry my prince, did I scare you?'' He asked me. I pulled myself out of bed, shaking my head in disagreement.

''Far from it, Valentin. I just had a strange dream, that’s all.'' I replied. A frown appeared on his thin lips before opening the long scroll in his hands.

''You seem to have a lot of nightmares lately, is anything bothering you?'' He asked me again.

''I'm okay, thank you for caring so much.'' I said to him. He smiled at me with a toothless grin, closing the scroll before nodding his head in response.

“It’s what I’m here for.”

He went over the list of activities I have to do for the day. The list consisted of hand-hand combat practices, visiting the kingdom, and handing out food and money to the poor. My mother and I also had dinner tonight with the King and Queen of the Breogadel Empire, unfortunately.

I never liked either of them. I always remember growing up, they would tell my mother she needed to find a King, that she can’t rule a kingdom on her own. She’d always reply with a smile saying, ‘It hasn’t fallen and the poor have things to call their own, I didn’t need a man to help me with that.’

They never liked that response.

Valentin handed me my clothes once he was finished, along with my crown. It was freshly polished and the gold glistened in my hands. The red rubies lining the outside of the crown shined proudly, as they always did. He was great at doing little things like this.

''You take care of me well, Valentin”. I praised. He smiled in response, the wrinkles on his face curling up on his forehead and eyes. He was an older man, about fifty-five years old- although he did look much older than that. He had sickly pale skin and a white beard, along with a small pair of glasses resting above his nose.

He's been my servant for as long as I could remember, and his complexion has never changed.

I made my way into the bathroom to change. The outfit Valentin chose was a black-button down, along with dress pants that tucked in the shirt well.

My eyes found their way to the mirror that stood in front of me, my reflection gazing back with a smile.

I always found it impossible how I'm related to my mother, since we had little to no similarities. My mother has long flowing red hair, along with those blue eyes of hers. She has freckles covering her face, along with a tanner skin tone to compliment them. As for me, I had raven black hair that was far more curly than my mother's straight hair. I also didn't have any freckles or dimples on my skin, including any blemishes. As for skin tone... I was definitely pale, a lot paler than my mother.

The eyes didn’t make sense to me. Mom never wanted to talk about them when the commoners asked.

I made my way out of the bathroom after placing the crown on my head, and was immediately greeted by the servants. A few ‘good mornings’ were sent my way as I walked down the halls, some of them giving me a nod as they did their duties.

They say that they enjoy working for my mother and I. Some of them worked for the other empire, and apparently were worked like slaves... we don’t believe in that. My mother and I are a small family to begin with, besides my grandfather.

The walls of the hallways were decorated with pictures of my ancestors. They all had red hair and the same blue eyes as my mom: It was a distinct factor of every Lenior up until me. As I made my way further down the hallway, the pictures of the most recent heirs were hung. There sat my picture, which was totally different from the rest.

It had the kingdom talking for ages about who my father might be.

I pushed the thought to the back of my mind as I walked out of the doors of the castle, the fresh air hitting me in the face. The smell of freshly baked bread and scones were intense as I walked down the stairs, my eyes finding their way to the group of women that sat at the end of the stairs. They stood there with all kinds of baked goods and treats... something that they know I love.

“Prince Seth! Good morning, how did you sleep?'' One of them asked, bringing a smile to my lips.

''I slept fine, darling. Is there anything I can do for you?'' I asked her. She smiled at me brightly, reaching into the pocket of her dress and pulled out a black beaded necklace.

''We just wanted to say happy birthday, and we decided to make you something! It's not much, but it comes from the heart.'' She said. I held out my hands, her face flushing red as our fingers touched briefly.

I put the necklace around my neck, watching the smiles grow bigger on their flushed faces.

''Thank you, It's beautiful.''

My mother was sobbing and I had no idea why. She did this every year on my birthday. I asked her every time why she's so upset about it, but she refuses to tell me. This year was the worst- She wouldn't even come out of her bedroom to the party that my grandfather put a ton of effort in throwing for me. It made me angry. It made me want to cancel the whole party...

''Mother, I get that you're upset that I'm growing and all of that, but can't you come to celebrate with me?'' I asked her. She shook her head in response, crying harder as she tried to get the words out.

''You're getting so old...''

I shook the thought from my head, walking into the kingdom after greeting all of the women who waited for me this morning. I took a few scones with me too.

The sound of music and laughter filled my ears as I walked deeper into the streets of the Kingdom. The festival must have been still going on, even after a few days.

''We really showed those warlocks, vampires... whatever they all are who is boss!'' I heard a man say, a howl of laughter leaving his lips. The other man nodded, taking a gulp of his beer.

It was 9 am.

“We had them begging for mercy all those years ago, they think they are all big and bad with their magic! Humans are the ultimate species!'' He yelled back at him.

''Prince Seth, my lord!''

My head snapped in the other direction, my gaze landing on a man next to his booth. He continued to call me over, his hands shaking as he wobbled over to me. I met him half way, watching as he nearly dropped to his knees trying to bow in front of me.

“Prince Seth, I'd like to say happy birthday! You're really starting to become a real man!'' He said at my feet. I held out a hand to him, his eyebrows furrowing as he placed his hand in mine.

“I am worth as much as you are. No need to bow for me.” I said as I helped him off of the ground. He nodded his head, although his eyes looked confused.

''Yes, yes...I apologize. Anyways, welcome to my booth! would you like to play a game?'' He asked me, motioning towards the booth. My gaze landed on the large dart board, which had the face of a green warlock on it.

“I call it ‘Warlock Hunt’ ! If you can get a dart right between the bastards eyes, you win!”

“Very peculiar. How long has this festival been going on?” I asked him out of curiosity.

''About a week, my lord! We can't help but celebrate the time your ancestors drove those idiots out of our territory!'' He said excitedly, throwing a dart into the warlocks forehead.

For centuries, the human world and the mythical world hated each other. The mythical world always had an advantage over humans. The vampires would kill the humans for blood, and the warlocks would cast spells on them for practice. the werewolves would turn them and eat them alive, regardless if they had animals to hunt. humans were nothing in this world, and it was a continuous struggle to stay alive. The mythical world saw humans as nothing but pets to play with.

Until one day, my ancestors declared war.

The war went on for three years. We lost many, many humans. The mythical world thought it would be done within a day... but the humans were much stronger, much angrier than they thought. Vampires had wooden steaks in their heart, fairies’s wings were ripped from their back with rage, and the warlocks were drained from all their power. The humans wanted nothing more than blood.

The humans miraculously won, and drove the mythical world out of our territory. There was an agreement that no warlock, vampire, werewolf, or any sort of demon or mythical creature step foot into our land.

Ever since then, there have been no human losses due to them.

''I hope you have a wonderful day, sir. Thank you for sharing this with me.'' I thanked him. He waved goodbye to me, yelling at the next person who would walk past his stand.

I made my way down the road, the people of my kingdom greeting me warmly. The occasional child would walk up to me, rambling to me about random things like their family or their favorite toys. Their parents would sheepishly pull them away from me with apologizes, but I assured them I didn’t mind at all.

I was on my way to the stream down the road. At this time of day, the homeless women would be there washing their clothes. Every day I went to see them and tried to help them out with some chores they had to do.

One of them I had a soft spot for: Celeste. She was a feisty woman I’ve known for a few years now. She was pregnant with a bastards kid. She let him into her home with all the love she can offer, fed him and clothed him... then in return, he took everything from her and burned her home down.

I made sure he was in jail. I tried to give Celeste a new home, but she told me she’d rather live free with her friends. It was a good choice for her, I think.

“Prince Seth, It's wonderful to see you!'' Celeste said, greeting me from afar. I smiled at her, watching the heads of the other women turned at my arrival.

''Good morning, Celeste. How are you feeling?'' I asked her.

''Just waiting for the arrival... you know? I just want this kid out of me...'' She muttered. The group of women broke into laughter, walking up to the both of us with smiles lingering on their faces. For homeless women, they definitely are the most happy in the kingdom.

I took the clothes from her delicate hands, walking over to the stream and began washing them for her. The women sat down next to me as they dipped their scratched feet into the cold water, occasionally splashing each other... and me, of course.

“You ladies should let me at least bring some shoes for you all.” I said to them. They all scoffed at my words, shaking their heads in disagreement.

“I don’t need shoes, I’d say I’m doing just fine! We have lots of fun every day. Of course we have a few scratches, but at least we don’t have a man to put up with!”

“I’ll say Amen to that!”

They all chattered on and on about how various things. It brought a smile to my face, to say the least. Around them, I always felt like they didn’t treat me like royalty- which was what I wanted.

“Prince Seth, how was your birthday? I forgot to ask.” One of the women asked me.

Before I could reply, a wave of nausea hit me.

''Seth, look who I found wandering around the kingdom!'' Ella murmured to the boy, the five-year-old's curiosity peaking. She had a grey cat in her hands that looked awfully terrified of the boy in front of it.

''Is that a cat?'' The boy asked, the queen nodding in response. The boy's ability to speak always amazed her- at one year old he was speaking full sentences. French was the boys first language, English being his second.

She placed the cat down in front of the small boy, his eyes widening at the sight. She didn't notice the unusual neon green color of his eyes that were ready to burst at any second.

The cat let out a drawn out hiss, hiding behind the queen afterwards. The boy furrowed his eyebrows in response, standing up and pointing at the cat that cowered in fear.


“Why doesn't he like me?'' The boy asked, walking over to the cat with a gentle hand out. The cat immediately ran away from him, hisses and growls escaping its mouth. The Queen watched in horror as her son chased after the cat, wondering why the cat won't warm up to him... she immediately warmed up to her.

Suddenly, the boy finally caught up with the cat. He picked her up, her body instantly growing limp in his small hands.

''Mommy, why isn't she moving?'' He asked the Queen. He put down the cat with wide eyes, tears threatening to pour from them. He knew something was wrong.

The Queen tried her best to compose herself, reaching out for the boy with shaky hands.

‘’Come with me, we need to go somewhere.'' She said in a hurry, grabbing the boys hand. Tears threatened to escape his eyes as he looked back at the cat, wondering what he could have done to it.

''My Prince?''

I broke out of my daze, looking over to the woman next to me. She had a look of concern on her face as she placed a comforting hand on my back.

''Are you okay? I've been calling you for a few moments now...'' She murmured. I nodded my head slowly, my gaze falling back to to the stream as I began washing Celeste’s clothes again. I couldn’t find the words to speak.

What is wrong with me?


In a warlocks house, deep in the woods, south from the kingdom.

''So, the boy is eighteen now?'' The vampire asked the warlock. Her blood red lipstick shined against her porcelain skin, her raven black hair hanging in front of her pink eyes.

“Yes, I can sense it. My magic is beginning to wear off... his poor mother must be frantic.'' The warlock replied, bringing the whiskey up to his lips. The vampire picked up her own glass of wine, taking a sip herself before replying to the warlock.

''He will be fine, he's far more powerful than both of us combined.'' The vampire murmured. The warlock snapped his gaze up to the vampire, placing his whiskey down on the table before finding the words to speak.

''He does not know what he is capable of... Or how to use his abilities in the first place, darling. He's more destined to be hurt than an ant at this point, unless someone helps him.'' The warlock said.

''I hope he's okay... I heard he's extremely handsome.'' The vampire muttered. He shrugged his shoulders, pressing his back into the chair that he sat in afterward.

''He should be, I'm terrified for the people around him. He has no idea what he can do.''

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