Demi-Sin of Deceit: Part Two

Chapter Reni


The steady drain of powers as I kept Tatiana and the others in a slowed version of time was beginning to wear me out, Canin rubbing my feet in the small house we now stayed in while Tallila was brewing hot chocolate on the stove, her gentle singing filling the cottage.

He’d thrown a blanket over my legs hours ago, slowly massaging his way from my shoulders to my feet, and I smiled weakly at him.

Thanks to my parents heritage, I could keep my powers running for a considerable amount of time, but it had been weeks of constant drainage, and it was beginning to catch up to me. I hadn’t slept, eaten, drunk anything- nothing. I hadn’t even left the house. I’d sat down in this chair, with a single mission to do, and had done it.

I already knew the consequences of slipping up. Rather than focus on that, I turned my thoughts to what I knew: My mother was in Zeella’s hands, now being tortured in the Dome, which, while brutal, was necessary, and Zeella was preparing himself to send Adramelech and Asmodai to Demon’s Crest to fetch the very ring that Tatiana and the others now sought. To win the battle, they would need Cain, who was walking from the Forest of the Lost to the Lost Mill Inn, where a note would be waiting from me to redirect him to Demon’s Crest. Everything would have been fine had it not taken close to two weeks for them to walk to the Inn, and then another week from there to Demon’s Crest. So, in order to ensure everything ran smoothly, I slowed Tatiana and the others down. For them, time passed normally, but outside of their bubble, Cain had been walking for close to two weeks now. I’d even slowed down Zeella, somewhat. He was now travelling to Ordeallan to pick up some new bodies for the Demon Lords, as well as Adramelech and Asmodai- a trip that, had it gone normally, would have taken him a day at the most, had now taken six, although neither he nor Caliem would notice the difference.

I had a least another week of sitting in this chair before I could finally let go of their time and watch everything play out.

Letting it go early would result in Adramelech and Asmodai fighting Tatiana, Selphien and Myr- a battle that the Faeries would lose, thus allowing Zeella to gain the Demon’s Crest ring. That event would be a chain reaction, and eventually, Tatiana would lose the war.

“Are you sure you have to stay there?” Tallila questioned, handing me a cup of hot chocolate- the first thing I’d had in two weeks. Taking a long sip from it, I kept a careful grip on time while I nodded.

“This has to happen. If we want them to win the Immortal War, then this has to happen.”

“And you’ll be alright here alone?”

While I kept a steady hold of time, Canin and Tallila had to leave. We had finally caught up to the final Lord of Dela, and while I remained here, they had to head into his Palace to spy. Once they had enough information, they could return to me, or I to them, and we could plan the next few stages. It was going to take a long time, but it would be worth it.

“I’ll be fine,” I smiled, “trust me.”

“I do…” Canin sighed, “I just don’t want to come back and find you dead.”

“You won’t!” I promised, taking another sip of my hot chocolate. I could easily handle another week! Once it was over, I could take a bath, a nap, and then wolf down some food with the relaxing knowledge that I had done what I could to help my allies.

But if Canin and Tallila wanted to get into that Palace, they had to leave soon. Very soon. By the end of tonight, they had to be on their way.

“Finish your drinks, pack your bags, and then go. I’ll be fine here.”

Nodding, they sat down, Canin releasing my feet to scull his drink before rushing off into the room to pack…

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