Deja Vu

Chapter 6

~Year 2013~


Adam sat on his bed, hands laced together, elbows on his knees, and his chin resting on it.

He couldn't get Irene out of his mind. Not her bright green eyes, not her ghostly skin, not her soft voice... Nothing about her left his mind. Specially not the fact that she had left out of the blue, without any practical reason.

That night the full moon shined against Adam's little lake house and had appeared pearls on the water. He always used to go outside and enjoy that view. But that night, his mind was too busy to even let him move, let alone walk.

When the next morning arrived, due to the lack of sleep, Adam could barely keep his eyes open in the class. In college, he was an art major; he wanted that since he was a kid.

Even though his father always disapproved, that didn't stop Adam from following his dreams.

In his dreams, he saw himself as a great artist in the future.

But only if he were aware of the destiny that awaited him...

It seemed that Irene's thoughts had followed Adam to class as well. Because he couldn't stop wondering whether he had said something to upset her. But he was sure he hadn't...

Or had he?

"Mr. Peterson!"

Adam finally snapped out of the world he had slid into in his thoughts and looked up at Professor Brown.

"Is something wrong? Because your face keeps changing into deep frowns–"

"No, sir. Nothing's wrong."

"Then please pay attention."

He nodded his head and Professor Brown continued talking.

Adam was about to slide into his thoughts again, but someone threw a crumpled paper at him and het his head.

Adam took the paper his his hand and opened it. It read:

I know you loved Sarah. But that doesn't mean you have to become a crybaby over your breakup!

Adam rolled his eyes at his friend's note and decided to ignore it. But he was tossed at by another paper.

P.S: You were being a Dickhead is the reason you two broke up!

Adam scoffed and ripped the paper apart.

But Itsuki Kobayashi wasn't one to give up easily.

Adam's phone vibrated next to him and on its screen read,


Adam looked up from his phone and glared at the boy seating two rows before him, who was grinning to himself.

Itsuki: Did u know you are saved as 'Dickhead' in my phone?

Adam finally lost it and texted back.


Itsuki: yeah... Right

Itsuki: Dickhead

Adam and Itsuki weren't ones to sit quiet next to each other. Either their laughters always shook the class, or they ended up beating the hell out of one another.

Which is why most of the Professors had bound them from sitting next to each other.

When the class ended, unlike every other day, Adam exited the classroom without waiting for Itsuki.

"Hey! Adam!" Adam turned around as he heard Itsuki calling him, while he was passing the campus's grounds.


"Trust me, mate. Sarah isn't worth that much."

"No, you don't understand... It's not Sarah..."

"Then what's got you so messed up?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Adam! Rule number one: tell your best-mate everything!"

"I thought you said rule number one was–"


"No! Forget it–"

"–No way! Look," Itsuki started, trying to act serious unlike always. "you have twenty-four hours to tell me what's wrong. Don't make it hard for yourself. Because even if I have to, I will drag you personally to Japan myself to get you talking–"

"–Japan!?" Adam took aback. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Seriously? Didn't you listen at all when I spoke to you on the phone last night?"

"No." Adam answered flatly.

Itsuki stared at him in disbelief before saying, "I truly appreciate your honesty," sarcasm floating off his tongue as he spoke.

"What were you saying last night on the phone, anyway?

Itsuki glared at him before he repeated his last night's words. "My cousin was born three days ago. So we're going to Japan for this weekend. Or maybe we'll stay there a bit longer– DON'T CHANGE THE SUBJECT! TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON!"

And so, Adam finally gave in, and told Itsuki every single thing that happened after he left Sarah's house.

Itsuki was growing very curious by every word that Adam spoke, so he dragged him to his house, where they could talk properly– seeing as his roommate wasn't home at the moment.

Itsuki, who was very fond of fantasy stories, claimed that Irene could've been an alien. But when Adam mentioned his last words to her –about the full moon– Itsuki finally discovered her secret.


Or at least, that was what he thought.

Adam rolled his eyes. "Why am I befriending you, again?"

"Uh... Have you met you? No one in their right mind would become your friend."

"Do you realize that you just confessed that you aren't in your right mind?"

"Cool! Right!?" Itsuki smirked proudly, and Adam sighed. "But, I mean, come on! She didn't get hurt when you het her with your car, she's beautiful, she was scared of the full moon... What other proof do you want!?"

"Well, werewolf or not, she's gone now."


The windows to his lake house was painted the color of night when Adam arrived home.

Itsuki's stupid ideas had filled his already messy mind, and he didn't know whether to laugh at his hypothesizes or not.

But just to make everything worse, as Adam was about to throw the key in and enter the house, he heard something.

Someone was singing...

A woman...

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