Deja Vu

Chapter 2

~Year 2013~


No one had ever heard the wind blow like that before. There was no mercy in the way the rough wind het the trees in the last remaining days of September.

It was odd that the weather experts had predicted the evening to be a warm and windless one, yet for some unknown reason, that cold atmosphere was the state in Dallas that night.

Almost everyone was shocked because of the weather. Everyone, except for a certain boy.

A big fight with his girlfriend which lead to a heartbreaking breakup was not how Adam Peterson wanted to spend his evening.

Thus, he couldn't careless about the damn weather, which no one had any clue that what was going on with it.

"Adam, you have to forgive me-"

"Forgive you? What for? What did you do to deserve my forgiveness!?" Adam shouted at Sarah, feeling a heat throughout his pulse.

"I'm sorry! Okay!? I'm sorry that you weren't the one for me! But that's not my fault!"

"Then who's fault is it? Mine? Was it my fault that you fell for someone else!? I don't deserve this, Sarah. I loved you... But you did every possible thing to break me! And guess what!? You succeeded!"

As silence filled the space between the two, Adam waited for her to say something.

But when she didn't, he decided to speak instead. "This has to end. You and I... It has to end between us."

Sarah nodded, pursing her lips together. "Perhaps you're right."

Adam took aback and his broken heart broke again, if that's even possible. Maybe, deep down, he was hopping that Sarah would disagree.

But she didn't. And it hurt him.

"So this is your final decision?" Adam whispered, not looking at his girlfriend's teary face.

"Yes." Sarah answered certainly, yet in a feeble and trembling voice. "That's my final decision."

Adam nodded and without any further word, left Sarah's house, trying to leave every single memory they had together behind in there as he shut the door.

He fought his way through the storm and went over his car, opening it quickly and getting in. He took the car's wheel in his hands and rested his forehead on it, inhaling and exhaling to calm down his messed-up nerves.

Perhaps if it wasn't on his twenty-first's birthday, it wouldn't have had felt as bad as it did right then.

Afterwards, shaking his head, he started car and drove away through the dead of the dark.

The storm and the winds were deadly, yet no sign of rain could be sighted.

But Adam didn't care about the storm and the dark. He just drove fast, adding to his speed by the second.

"Damn it! Damn it! DAMN IT! He cursed aloud, gritting his teeth and robbing them against each other.

As soon as he thought that nothing could get any worse, the universe decided to prove him wrong; so something happened that changed his mind completely.

Just in a split second, as the wind blowed and the darkness reigned the night, he saw a white figure in the middle of the road.

He tried to stop the car, but it was too late.

He had het and threw the person who was standing in the middle of the road, away.

When the car finally stopped, he froze on his seat and sat back, sweats of shock starting to run against his skin.

"Oh, no. No." He whispered under his rapid and nervous breaths.

Blinking a fair few times, he finally got himself to get out of the car abruptly and run toward the person who was laying on the road a bit further.

When he reached the woman, he bent down next to her.

But he saw that she wasn't hurt the smallest bit.

The woman was laying on her back, her face facing the sky, and her eyes closed. For some odd reason, her hair was completely wet, and so was her white dress, which looked more like a robe.

Her ghostly skin shone slightly under the moonlight and her lips were so red that he thought they were wounded and blood covered them, and her golden hair had the waves of an ocean and were as pale as her pallid skin.

Adam called out to the woman countless times, but that didn't show any effect on her.

He tried to shake her to see if she would have awoken, so he raised his hand to gently touch her cheek.

But before his fingers could even brush her skin, the woman's eyes shut open in a split second and her hand jerked up and quickly got ahold of Adam's wrist, making him jump out of his skin from shock.

At first, the woman's green eyes which had the moon reflected in them, was facing the sky. But then, they slowly wandered and got locked with Adam's eyes.

Adam lost his words way down his throat and his saliva got dry in his mouth. He couldn't even get himself to speak.

At last, the woman muttered something very slowly under her lips before she closed her big eyes again;

"Help me." She whispered.

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