Deja Vu

Chapter 12

~Year 2013~

"Adam? What the hell happened?" Itsuki asked as he saw his friend's scared feature.

Adam's face had turned as pale as a ghost and sweats were now running wildly down his forehead. His breaths had become quick, heavy, and rapid, and he used all his strain to lie and say,

"Nothing. I'm fine."

"Yeah... If you say so." Itsuki nodded, being obvious that he didn't believe Adam the smallest bit. "By the way, Irene told me to tell you that she has gone to bring us all Hot Chocolate. A girl like that... You lucky dickhead." Itsuki grinned and nudged Adam with his elbow playfully.

"Yeah... Very lucky." Adam forced a smile, he's thoughts still on Irene's reaction.

But then, something grabbed Adam's attention.

If Irene was making hot chocolates, then what was she doing upstairs, while the kitchen was downstairs?

She just must've wanted to check on me, Adam tried to convince himself.

But still, nothing seemed right about the whole situation.

At least, nothing about that weird jar.

What was in it, anyway? Adam asked himself. And what caused that weird feeling that attracted Adam to it?

Finally, his thoughts were snapped apart as Adam and Itsuki sighted Irene, who was walking toward them with a smile and two cups of Hot Chocolate in her hands.

"Why two cups?" Itsuki asked as Irene sat down on the bench next to the two boys.

"I wasn't really feeling like drinking right now." Said Irene, smiling gently.

"Jesus!" Itsuki let out after taking a sip from his cup. "This is even more delicious than your Hot Chocolates, Adam! And that is definitely saying something. This woman can truly give you a run for your money, mate." And by that, he drank the rest in a heartbeat.

But Adam, on the other hand, couldn't get himself to even near the cup to his lips, for he was busy eyeing Irene.

"You okay?" He asked her hesitantly in a mere mutter.

"Yeah." Irene shrugged. "Why shouldn't I be?"

So there she did it again.

Acting like nothing had happened.

"Oh, fuck." Itsuki swore and broke the silence, making the Adam and Irene to look over at him.

He was looking down at his Phone's screen with a worried expression.

"What's wrong?" Adam asked.

Itsuki frowned and looked up from his phone.

"I just got a message from Dylan."

"What did he say?"

"Uh... Remember the assignment that Professor Dixon?"


"IT'S DUE TOMORROW!!" Itsuki shouted.

"Oh, fuck." Adam repeated his words.

"ADAM PETERSON!" Itsuki bellowed.


"Do you realize that you just swore in the present of a lady?" He asked dramatically, and then shook his head. "Shame on you... How many times did I tell you? Rule number one, don't swear in the present of a lady!"

"But you said–"

"–Don't bicker with me!"

Adam rolled his eyes.

"Shame on you. Anyway," Itsuki started with a snort. "I always laugh at Professor Dixon whenever he's mentioned. I mean... Come on! It literally brings Dickson to your head! What kind of a surname is that?"

"My grandmother's surname was Dixon." Adam said all of a sudden, removing the grin off Itsuki's face.


Itsuki said awkwardly, pursing his lips and looking down. He thought quickly of anything to change the subject.

"Anyway! Are you sure that you don't want to be my roommate, Irene? I mean... Com'n. Who can be the cooler homie between Adam and I?" Itsuki said with an arrogant grin.

"You're fun alright... But I have to admit," Irene rolled one arm around Adam's neck and smiled, "Adam's the best option in that matter."

Adam smiled proudly to himself and wiggled his brow at Itsuki and was about to give him a witty comment, but something happened that stopped him completely.


The three turned around as they heard someone calling, and they saw none other than Sarah Olsen; Adam's ex-girlfriend.

Sarah had a narrow face and her straight and dark brown hair reached down her waist. But what made her look nice the most besides her brown skin, was her hazel eyes.

"Sarah?" Adam muttered and stood up from the bench. "What are you doing here?"

"I– I just came here to apologize."

She then threw her head down and faced the ground, wetting her lips from disappointment.

"I wanted to ask you to the college's masquerade ball; as friends or whatever you preferred... But I guess my apology wouldn't make any difference anymore now."

By that sentence, she threw Irene one last dirty look before she turned on her heels and started to walk away.

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