Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen by Lopez family's

Chapter 9

Chapter 9
Eileen looked puzzled by his words, and the other three turned their heads towards Egbert. But Egbert had already averted his
gaze from everyone else, his expression normal, as if his question was just a casual remark
Phyllis asked next, “Should we let Hubery know?
Josiah stood up and said. Til go tell him, and get the rest of the money from him.”
Josiah was gone for a bit and soon returned with Hubery trailing behind. Hubery, who was previously too sick to get out of bed,
was now up and well. He took out the remaining twenty five euros and put it on the coffee table, shifting his gaze to Eileen, I
heard you’ve got a way to help us complete our mission
Eileen shot him a glance, a sudden smirk crossed her face. “Not only can I help you complete the mission, I can also ensure you
have a place to stay and food to eat. By the way weren’t you sick? I’ve got money for your meds too. And if you’re dead, I’ve got
extra money to buy flowers for you. Excited?”
What the hell, dead Hubery’s face instantly changed color. But thinking that Eileen was intentionally being self-deprecating to
boost his popularity, he suppressed his anger and forced a smile, “You sure have a sense of humor
The online comments, however, were all in favor of Eileen.
[That’s so cool!]
[Weird, Hubery didn’t really do anything, but why do I hate him so much? Is it because he seems so fake and pretentious?)
Eileen is so pretty and smart. I wasn’t really into her, but now I’m hooked]
“So what’s your plan?” Phyllis asked cautiously again, “Can twenty five euros really last us two days? How are we supposed to
go sightseeing today?”
Eileen reached out and casually picked up a hotel brochure from the coffee table. Someone noticed that Eileen had been
reading this brochure last night when they were discussing today’s travel plans.
Eileen pointed to one line in the brachute. Everyone else gathered around. It was written in French, which no one could

Only Egbert glanced at it and read, “The hotel offers free shuttle service.”
Eileen promptly pocketed the twenty-five euros
Lol, this is hilanous]
So, the hotel offers free rides.]
[Did anyone else notice, Eileen can read French?
Finally, Eileen headed downstairs, with everyone following her
At the front desk, Eileen conversed fluently in French with the receptionist, who kept smiling. After a while, the receptionist had
Eileen sign something and handed her a set of car keys
“Is this for real?”
Hubery frowned, he sarcastically said, ‘In France, you need a French driver’s license to drive. Do any of you have one?”
Eileen shot him a glance, “I have an international driving license, anything else?”
Hubery’s face soured.
Bblythe suddenly said, “Eileen, I’m hungry”
Phyllis chimed in right away, “Eileen, I’m hungry too.”
Josiah grinned, “Eileen, can we eat now?”
Eileen turned around to find everyone looking at her, including Egbert, his deep eyes focused on her.
Eileen said, “We’ll have to make do with breakfast, but I’ll take you to a nice place for lunch” She then went back to her room and
brought out a big bag of biscuits.
You said there wasn’t any!” Phyllis rushed over immediately, tearing open a packet and started cating
Everyone set off together, with Eileen driving. Eileen glanced at Egbert, who was sitting in the passenger seat, and drove in
silence. The car had a navigation system, but it was all in French, including the voice prompts. But Eileen understood it and
smoothly arrived at the first sightseeing spot.

Upon arrival, they took pictures for souvenirs before heading inside.
When it was almost lunchtime, Hubery deliberately asked, “Weren’t you going to take us to a good place to eat?”
Eileen looked at him impatiently. “Where do you think we are heading? Or do you want me to spoon feed you? I could, that’s how
I feed stray dogs”
Heaning this, Hubery was clearly upset. Phyllis breathed a sigh of relief, glad she didn’t say anything extra to Eileen, or she
would have been the one ruthlessly retorted
The restaurant they went to was a famous local buffet, quite large. Hubery sarcastically said, “I’ve been here before. It’s a buffet,
average consumption is thirty euros per person. Are you sure you want to eat here?”
“Anyone who doesn’t want to eat can leave Eileen responded mercilessly
Hubery scoffed, “Tm just worried you can’t afford the bill and we all get stuck here”
Eileen had already gone in. Bblythe and the others looked at each other, and finally, they all followed. Everyone was a bit
nervous, only Eileen and Egbert seemed unaffected. Phyllis whispered, “Mr. Reed, aren’t you worried we can’t afford the bill and
get stuck here?”
Egbert said, “She said it won’t happen”
That she was naturally referring to Eileen
Finally, after finishing their meal, Phyllis cautiously asked, “Should we settle the bil?’
Everyone’s faces changed drastically, only Egbert was still calmly sipping his water.
Hubery snickered, “So, you have no money, you’re expecting the crew to foot the bill? You can try, let’s see if they will.”
Before anyone could ask, a director following them immediately came out and said, “No””
Phyllis became anxious, “What should we do?”
Bblythe coughed looking at Eileen, “Eileen?”

Eileen put down her napkin, raised her hand, and called the waiter. They conversed in French for a while, and Eileen took out
two unknown things from her pocket and gave them to the waiter
Egbert understood what they were saying and couldn’t help but laugh. He put down his water glass and shook his head. This girl,
she’s really...
“What? What did they say?” Phyllis asked anxiously
At this moment, the waiter returned, said something to Eileen with a smile, and then left.
Eileen stood up. Let’s hit the road. We’ve got other places to check out this afternoon.”
Just like that? Phyllis was taken aback
And just like that, they all left the restaurant
Hubery was dumbfounded, What did you just do?”
Eileen frowned, she didn’t want to talk to Hubery, but seeing the cunous looks from the others, she continued. “The hotel we’re
staying at has a partnership with this restaurant if we show them the discount coupon from the hotel brochure and our hotel room
key, we can have a complimentary funch here, excluding expensive items. Our rooms are two triple rooms, so we can avail free
lunch for six. We need to hurry to the next attraction because we have to check out. It’s €50 per night, and we don’t have extra
money for a second night
Everyone stumbled after Eileen to the next spot
Coming back in the afternoon Phyllis asked womedly. “Where are we gonna crash after we check out?”
Hubery replied nonchalantly. After we check out, no more free lunch and wheels. I think I picked a pretty good hotel with all these
Eileen scoffed. “You don’t think all these freebies are thanks to you, do you?”
Egbert, sitting in the passenger seat leaned on the car door and chuckled lightly
Hubery felt a twinge of discomfort, but he didn’t let it show. Phyllis glanced around, feeling the atmosphere in the car getting

Soon, they were back at the hotel Eileen checked everyone out and they were all left homeless with their luggage.
“No more car, where are we going now? Phyllis asked shivering in the cold wind
“Follow me “Fileen led them to the subway station and bought tickets for everyone.
It was rush hour, the camage was packed
Josiah said, “Guys, let’s look after the girls, don’t let them get squished”
There were no seats left in the camage, so everyone had to stand Josiah was the first to move to Bblythe’s side, Bblythe held
onto Phyllis, and with Josiah blocking people couldn’t squeeze them
Eileen stood in a comer on the opposite side, looking at the route map above, when she suddenly smelled a refreshing cool
scent. She turned and saw Egbert, who had somehow ended up standing behind her. He was holding onto the subway door
handle, eyes slightly lowered, his arm at an angle to his body, as if he had her surrounded
Eileen instinctively wanted to keep some distance, but she was already cornered She said lowly, “Can you back off a little?”
The camage was noisy, and the man seemed not to hear clearly, he looked down at her
Eileen frowned and said. “I think you should.”
Before she could finish her sentence, the man suddenly leaned forward, his cold demeanor suddenly became more pronounced.
“What did you say?” he asked.

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