Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen by Lopez family's

Chapter 6

Chapter 6
On the bus, Eileen sat at the front, resting Behind her Phyllis and Blythe sat together, while Josiah occupied a single seat Egbert
sat in the comer of the last row,
looking rather isolated from the gasup
Suddenly, the bus took a jolt, catching everyone’s attention
Eileen glanced over her shoulder initially just to make sure all the quests were okay, but when she caught sight of Egbert looking
sick she was a little womed.
Despite his health check yesterday, why did he still look so weak? He was like a glass figurine, ready to shatter at the slightest
Frowning. Eileen abruptly told the diver. Pull over somewhere”
The crew asked in confusion. What’s up?”
“I need a bathroom break” Eileen replied calmly.
The crew had no choice but to let the driver pull over. After all, bathroom breaks were a basic human need
Eileen hopped off the bus and when she came back, she was clutching a brown, transparent cup that looked like coffee
Seeing this, Phyllis blurted. I want coffee tool”
Eileen shot her a dirty lock, silencing Phyllis immediately.
Eileen got back on the bus and headed straight for the back seat Just as she did, the dover took off, causing her to stumble and
end up practically in Egberts lap
She quickly moved over, handing him the dunk. “This should make you feel better ”
Egbert looked at her his face already beaded with sweat, and took the hot drink from her slightly warm hand
“Drink it she urged him when he didn’t drink.

Egbert asked coldly. Are you a certified doctor?”
“Sure am. If something goes wrong, I’ll take responsibility, she replied impatiently, rudely grabbing his hand to check his pulse.
Her fingers were warm, in contrast to his icy cold hand
Egbert momentanly craved the warmth of her hand even curling his fingers slightly
But then she let go of his hand. It’s not too serious, just a slight fever Drink this and get some sleep, you’ll be fine once we arrive
It was a herbal concoction she picked up from a pharmacy when she got off the bus
Egbert merely looked at her silently
Eileen got annoyed. Do I have to spoon feed you?”
If you don’t mind, I won’t refuse he suddenly replied
Eileen just stared at him, “You still have the energy to joke around? Hurry up and drink your medicine. Traveling with a sick
person is a hassle With that, she got up
and went back to her own seat.
Only then did the other guests realize Egbert was sick. No wonder he seemed so aloof. They quickly got up to check on him
Eileen, now at the front, suddenly yelled, “Sit down and buckle up! In case of an accident, its people like you who don’t follow
safety rules that end up dead”
The quests glanced at each other and, fearing Eileen’s authenty, obediently sat back down and buckled their seat belts.
The crew members avoided the live camera and went to the back to check on Egbert. If anything happened to Egbert, they
wouldn’t be able to handle the responsibility
After hearing Egbert say he was fine and seeing him drink the medicine Eileen gave him, they were relieved. They assumed it
was a cold medicine and didn’t worry too much They said they would arrange for him to be sent to the hospital as soon as the
plane landed.
When the bus arrived at the airport, to everyone’s surprise, Hubery was already there.

Hubery spotted Eileen in the crowd and a cold glint flashed across his handsome face. He had realized that Eileen had replaced
Colin as the show’s Travel Concierge Although the title “Travel Concierge sounded nice, in reality, they were still doing the work
of a servant.
He thought to himself. How dare she, a mere servant, play pranks on him in the morning? He would make her pay for offending
While seething. Hubery suddenly noticed Egbert among the crew!
Egbert’s name was well known in the entertainment industry
Hubery was taken aback for a moment, then rushed over, “Why are you guys only arriving now? I thought you would have left
already. Oh, isn’t this Mr. Reed? I can’t believe you re here tool I’m so excited. I never thought I’d be on the same show as Mr.
Reed. I’m a huge fan, I’ve seen all your films at least ten times. Could you sign an autograph for me? I really admire you!”
As he rambled on, he started looking for a pen and paper
Egbert frowned slightly, his usually cold face locking even frostier
Eileen, who had been standing to the side, suddenly stepped in front of Egbert, blocking Hubery’s path
Egbert blinked, his gaze falling on the petite woman with long hair who only reached his chest.
“Do you still want his autograph even though he’s not feeling well? Eileen looked at Hubery with a mocking smile, “Why don’t you
ask him to do a somersault for you while hes here?”
Hubery was taken aback, the pen and paper in his hand suddenly seeming incredibly awkward. He quickly apologized to Egbert
Tm sorry, I didn’t know you! not feeling well’
Then he turned to Eileen, “But, you didn’t have to talk to me like that did you? By the way. I heard from the crew that the call time
was at why did you tell me it was seven thirty? You didn’t do it on purpose, did you?”
even this morning, but
Dier o

When Hubery asked this, he fully expected Eileen to be flustered. After all, if her schema was exposed on the show she would
be caught off guard
Instead, he heard Eileen laugh. You’re saying i targeted you””
The girt looked at him with deep eves, not holding ba “Why would I target you? You re not some important figure. Do i really need
to target you? Don’t be so
selt absorbed okay”
Huber was left speechless
He never expected that Eileen would dare to mock him in front of the crew and the live camera!
Was the of her mind?
Hubery s mouth fell open
is it now” Eileen shot back. “Can’t you talk like a normal person? You’re always stumbling ove your words Just so you know from
a medical point of vie speech is linked to the development of your left brain. With your lousy language ski have you ever
considered that there might be something off with your
“Eleen” Hubery lost his cool and yelled out loud
hat’s up? Eileen responded in a laid back one
Don’t you need your boarding pass?” Eileen didn’t want to argue with him. She glanced at the airport lobby clock. “The flight is at
eight sharp. If you aren’t taking the pass, were not waiting for you”

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