Deflected Hearts: A Surprise Pregnancy Hockey Romance (Wyncote Wolves Book 2)

Deflected Hearts: Chapter 27

Poppy offered me the guest room more than once, but I’m more than happy with sleeping on the bed made out of blankets on the floor. It’s actually pretty fucking uncomfortable, but the thought of being away from her feels much worse. I hear the mattress next to me shift and I turn my head, glancing over as Poppy scoots to the edge.

With just the soft glow of the TV in her room, I’m able to make out the delicate features of her face as she stares down at me. Wavy strands of black hair hang around her face, resting against her olive-colored skin.

“Is everything okay?” I question her as I roll onto my side and prop my elbow, resting my head against my hand. Poppy didn’t have any more episodes like she did earlier, but she has seemed a little off and said she just doesn’t feel normal.

Her oceanic blue eyes stare through me as she nods. “You don’t look comfortable down there.”

A soft chuckle falls from my lips as she tilts her head to the side. “I told you, as long as I’m in the same room as you right now, I’m fine.”

She’s silent for a moment, drawing her bottom lip in between her teeth as she bites down. Her throat bobs as she swallows, releasing her flesh from her grip before she drags her tongue over her lips. “Do you want to sleep up here instead?”

My eyes widen and I raise an eyebrow at her. “In your bed with you?”

She shrugs, a pink tint spreading across her cheeks. “Since you’re refusing to sleep anywhere but in my room, I thought it might be more comfortable for you.”

Her offer throws me off guard, especially because I still need to prove myself to her. But even with the unknown between us, she’s still selflessly thinking about me, putting all of that to the side to make sure I’m okay. That’s the way things are supposed to be in a relationship, I just need to prove to her I’m worthy of her love.

Climbing to my feet, Poppy moves over to the other side of the bed, pulling the blankets back for me as I slide in with her. She lies on her side and I can feel her gaze on the side of my face as I stare up at the ceiling. My head falls to the side in her direction and I get lost for a moment in the waves that crash against the shore in her irises.

“I know we’re not together…” she starts, her voice trailing off for a moment. “I—God, I feel awkward asking this. Can we cuddle?”

A soft chuckle falls from my lips and I slide my arm across the bed, slipping it under the back of her neck as I pull her closer to me. Poppy doesn’t object as she moves to me, wrapping her arm around my abdomen as she rests her head against my chest.

Feeling her warmth, I press my face to the top of her head as I breathe in her scent. I love this girl so much it fucking hurts. Holding her like this, with her in my arms again, just feels right. This is where she’s supposed to be and I’m going to make sure she knows that.

It isn’t long before her breathing slows down and she falls asleep against me, a soft snore coming from her. I press my lips to her head, holding her tightly against me as I feel the baby move in her belly, pressing against my side.

This is the life I want to live.

I’m so close to losing Poppy, but I’m going to do everything in my power to get her back.

Even if it ends up costing me everything in the end…

“How are you feeling this morning?” I ask Poppy as she comes back from the bathroom, dressed and ready to get to her first class.

“Better, honestly,” she says with a shrug as she pulls her long hair back into a ponytail. “I might call because I still feel kind of weird, but I don’t have any more pain or anything.”

Sitting on the edge of her bed, I stare at her, the panic still coursing through my veins. I don’t like this shit at all and I don’t fucking like leaving her. We have our first game for regionals tonight and I hate the thought of not being with her.

“What’s wrong?” Poppy questions me as she slips her feet into her boots. “You look like you’re going to get sick or something.”

“Tonight’s the first game of our tournament and I don’t want to leave you, knowing you’re not feeling well.”

Poppy tilts her head to the side, a smile playing on her lips. “I appreciate the sentiment, August, but you know you can’t miss the game.”

I hate the conflicted feeling that rages inside me right now. Poppy is right and she does seem a little better than she did last night. I still don’t like the thought of it all and if I miss the game, I’m definitely benched for the championship, if we make it there.

“I promise I will be fine and will let you know as soon as I hear from the doctor today.”

Rising to my feet, I step closer to her, tucking my hands into my front pockets to refrain from reaching out to her. Poppy letting me in her bed last night doesn’t have to complicate things. I have a lot to prove before I can expect us to be back at that point again.

“At least let me drive you to class,” I tell her, following behind her as we abandon her bedroom and head downstairs.

Poppy glances over her shoulder at me, shaking her head. “Now you’re just being a helicopter friend,” she adds the last word awkwardly. “You have your own class you need to get to. I’ll call you, okay?”

As much as I don’t want to agree, I have to follow her lead since the ball is officially in her court. Sighing, I nod as I follow her to the front door and she pulls it open for me. “Call me as soon as you know.”

“I will.” She smiles at me as I step out onto the front porch. “And good luck at your game tonight.”

I pause just outside the door, turning back to look at her once more. “Are you sure you don’t want to come?”

I had asked her earlier this morning, but she politely declined. I didn’t push her for a reason behind it, instead accepting her answer for what it was. I don’t think it would be that enjoyable for her anyway when she needs to be resting.

“If you get to the championship game, I’ll consider coming then,” she says with a wink as she begins to close the door. “Now go, before you’re late.”

A chuckle falls from my lips and I throw my hands up in defeat as I begin to back away. “Okay, okay,” I laugh at her, shaking my head. Poppy waves before she disappears back into the house and I turn around to head to my car.

This girl…

She’s got me all fucked up and she doesn’t even know it.

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