Deflected Hearts: A Surprise Pregnancy Hockey Romance (Wyncote Wolves Book 2)

Deflected Hearts: Chapter 21

The day literally fucking drags and I can’t stop checking my phone. In college, they don’t really have a strict policy about them because we’re the ones that are here paying for our education. If we want to take that for granted, it’s ultimately up to the students. But this is the first time I’ve actually been called out for having mine out, probably because of how goddamn excessive it’s been.

I haven’t necessarily been waiting for her to text me or call me or anything. Poppy is just as busy with her own classes. More than anything, I’ve been checking the time and counting down the minutes until I get to see my girl. I can’t get enough of her and if I could have it my way, she would never leave my side.

She’s gone above and beyond to make sure she’s taking proper care of her health and keeping our baby healthy. In a way, it makes me feel useless. I’m watching it all happen from the outside. I just want to take care of her myself, to provide for her and make sure she’s taken care of.

The first step I need to take is convince her to move in with me so I can take care of her.

We wouldn’t have to live in the same apartment as Logan and Isla. They have their own shit going on and I’m sure they would like the privacy too. I think it’s time for me to move out and get my own place. We don’t have to live together forever and I’m in the process of starting my own family.

Poppy and our baby deserve the fucking world and that’s exactly what I’m going to give them—nothing less.

As I pull up to our apartment building, I see Poppy’s car already in the lot and my heart pounds erratically in my chest. I’ve been waiting all goddamn day for this moment, to walk in to see her. And knowing she’s already here has my brain moving in fast forward. I barely put the car in park before I’m opening my door.

Pausing for a moment with one foot out the door, I kill the engine and leave my book bag in the car before climbing out. Shutting my door in a haste, I press the button to lock the door before striding directly into the building. The elevator doors are already open and I rush into it, slamming the button to shut it before pressing the one for our floor.

Usually my patience isn’t running this thin, but the need to see her is driving me wild. The elevator stops at our floor and I’m sliding through the doors before they’re fully open. As I reach our apartment, I turn the knob in a haste, hoping it’s already unlocked, and much to my surprise, it is. I let myself in and the sound of laughter fills the air and I smile at the sound of my girl as the lilt of her laugh snakes its way around my eardrums.

Closing the door behind me softly, I walk through the kitchen, making sure to keep my footsteps light as I head into the dining room. The dining room opens up into the living room and I pause, watching the two of them on the couch laughing at some show they’re watching. Poppy is curled up, covered with a blanket, looking like she belongs here.

Like a permanent fucking fixture in my life.

“What are the two of you cackling about?” I ask loudly, walking into the living room as I catch them both by surprise. Poppy practically jumps out of her skin, her head turning to look at me, eyes wide. They soften as they meet mine and her smile matches my own.

Isla doesn’t bother looking at me, rolling her eyes instead as she turns down the volume on the remote. “If you must know, we’re watching the newest season of Big Mouth.”

“You started it without me?” I question her, the sarcasm and pain in my words mixing together as I round the couch and sit down next to my girl.

“Oh, piss off, August,” Isla scolds me, pausing the episode. “The entire season is on Netflix. Don’t act like we watch every episode together.”

Isla presses Play on it again as I laugh, wrapping an arm around Poppy’s shoulders. She relaxes against me, curling her body toward mine as she lifts her head and kisses my cheek.

Sliding my hand under her chin, I turn her face to mine and gently press my lips to hers. “I missed you, baby,” I murmur against her soft flesh. “So fucking much.”

“I missed you too,” she whispers, pulling away as her deep blue eyes search mine. “And I’ll rewatch these episodes with you, if you really want to see them.”

Her consideration and words send a warmth straight to my heart like an electrical current. A soft chuckle rumbles in my chest. “I’ve actually watched the entire season already. I just like fucking with Isla sometimes.”

Isla jerks her head to the side, glaring at me as she launches a pillow at my head. Logan walks into the room, fresh from a shower as he eyes us all skeptically. A smile curls on his lips and he shakes his head as he disappears into the kitchen instead of engaging.

Lifting my arms, I shield Poppy and block it from hitting both of us. “Hey. You hit my baby momma with a pillow and you’re gonna have hell to pay.”

“Pfft, you know damn well that I wouldn’t do anything to hurt Poppy or the baby,” Isla snarls at me as she rises to her feet. “You, on the other hand… you’re going to get it one of these days.”

“Okay, children, let’s stop fighting now,” Logan calls out to us as he walks back into the room. “Isla, are you ready to go or are you going to spend the entire evening fighting with your brother?”

She sticks her tongue out like a child as she walks past me. Lifting my hand, I give her the middle finger, and she smacks the back of my head. Poppy laughs lightly, her eyes shining brightly at the interaction between us, but there’s something else there. A shadow passes over her expression and a wave of pain washes over her blue irises.

The thought of her sister enters my mind and my heart instantly breaks for her. Poppy hasn’t shared that part of herself with me yet, but after what her mother told me, I can’t even imagine the pain she must feel on a daily basis. Isla might be a pain in my ass, but I can’t imagine losing her. To have to continue living after her death. She’s my sister and I can’t fathom what life would be like without her in it.

“We’ll be back later,” Logan tells me, nodding as Isla grabs her coat and walks past him. “We’re going to get dinner and figured we would give you guys some time alone.”

“Thanks, bro.” If there’s one person I can count on to read the room, it’s Logan. And he knows Poppy and I need the time alone, especially since we don’t see each other every day like he and Isla do.

They both leave, their voices hushed as the door is pulled closed behind them. Turning in my seat, I face Poppy and brush a stray hair away from her face. Her eyes bounce back and forth between mine, the waves crashing in her oceanic irises.

“So, there’s something I wanted to tell you earlier, but I wanted to wait until I saw you,” she says softly as she bites back the smile that threatens to take over her lips. “The doctor’s office called me this morning.”

My stomach climbs into my throat and an unusual sense of dread fills me. The ghost of a smile on her lips is contradicting. Usually when people say that the doctor’s office called them, it ends up being something bad. But she looks happy. I swallow back the anxious feeling and focus on her eyes as I wait for her to continue.

“You remember how we have the twenty-week anatomy scan and they said about doing a 3D ultrasound too? Well, they called to say they had an appointment available tomorrow at three o’clock.”

And just like that, the dread is completely gone and I’m consumed by an overwhelming feeling I can’t even put into words. It’s a combination of joy and happiness—I’m fucking elated and overcome with so much emotion. Swallowing hard over the lump in my throat, I gently cup the sides of her face.

“A 3D one? Like where we can see the baby’s face and everything?”

Poppy nods, the smile on her face so fucking infections, and she laughs lightly. “The anatomy scan is to make sure the baby is growing properly and we can find out what we’re having. After that, we get the 3D one where we get to see the baby literally in 3D.”

“Holy fucking shit,” I whisper, my eyes wide as I stare back at her. “We really get to see our baby tomorrow? Oh my god. Wait. Do you want to know what we’re having or do you want it to be a surprise?”

She laughs again, wrapping her arms around the back of my neck as my hands fall down to her hips. “I’m guessing you didn’t hear your sister’s plans?”

Shaking my head, I pull her closer until she’s situated on top of my lap. “What does Isla have planned?” I murmur as I move my hands to her stomach, cupping the bump with my palms.

“We’re not allowed to know what we’re having. We’re supposed to have the ultrasound tech write it on a piece of paper and put it in an envelope.” She pauses for a moment as I lift my eyes back to hers. “The envelope goes to Isla and she’s planning a gender reveal party for us.”

A groan slips from my lips and my head falls back in an exaggerated manner. “Of course she wants to plan something so fucking extra. Can’t we just find out and pretend we don’t know?”

Poppy laughs again, pulling my head back up to face her. “Nope. It’s going to be a surprise for us until the party.”

Laughing, I shake my head at Poppy. “You have no idea what you’ve gotten us into by letting her handle it.”

We both fall silent as Poppy stares directly through me, her eyes penetrating my soul. Swallowing hard over the lump in my throat, I get lost in the depths of her eyes, swimming in the waves that crash against the shore. Lifting her from my lap, I set her down on the couch, gently pushing her onto her back as I hover above her.

“What are you doing?” she croaks out, her voice nervous and an octave higher as she attempts to glance around.

Rocking back onto my shins, I stare down at her and slowly lift the bottom hem of her shirt up, stopping just before her breasts. I flatten my hands along her stomach, slowly stroking her swollen belly. Her eyes are on me, her throat bobbing as she swallows hard, and her eyes grow wet.

Leaning forward, I press my lips to her stomach, just above her belly button. “I still can’t fucking believe it,” I whisper against her skin as I kiss her again. “Our baby is growing inside of you right now.” Lifting my head, my eyes find hers. “You’re the most amazing person that I’ll ever meet. And there’s no one else that I would rather see carrying my child.”

Tears begin to fall from Poppy’s eyes and she swallows hard, her nose red as she stares up at me. Crawling over her, I wipe the droplets from the sides of her face, my eyes searching hers. “I love you, Poppy. And I’m not just saying that because you’re pregnant. I tried to stop it from happening, but it was never an option. I’m so fucking in love with you.”

Her eyes widen, rapidly searching mine. “Don’t say that if you don’t mean it, August.”

Tilting my head to the side, a smile tugs on the corners of my lips. “I wouldn’t be saying it to you if I didn’t mean it. You’re the only one and you will always be the only one for me.”

Poppy’s chest rises and falls with each shallow breath. I watch her face transform, her smile reaching her eyes as the tears begin to fall again. “I love you, August.”

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