Deflected Hearts: A Surprise Pregnancy Hockey Romance (Wyncote Wolves Book 2)

Deflected Hearts: Chapter 19

“I wanted to talk to you about Poppy and I,” I tell Claudia as we step into the den and she shuts the French doors behind us to give us some privacy. “I know this is all sudden and new, but I want you to know that she is safe with me.”

Claudia smiles at me as she stands in the center of the room. “You’re right, it is very sudden. I know Poppy didn’t tell you about the baby right away and she hasn’t told me much about your relationship prior to that, but I respect my daughter’s privacy. I’m just glad you two are together now, but I’m sure you can understand my reservations.”

Shifting my weight nervously on my feet, I tuck my hands into the front pocket of my hoodie and nod. “I completely understand. Had I known about it, I would have been with her from the very start. We started things out as casual and I was honestly being stupid at the time. I was afraid Poppy would be a distraction from hockey and I wasn’t ready to attempt to balance that so I pushed her away.”

“I understand that, August. You’re working hard to build a career that will support you and your family in the years to come. Trust me, my husband is a lawyer, so I understand the commitment your career demands. But, there is also a difference between being dedicated to your career and being married to it.” She pauses for a moment, her eyes searching mine. “Your life is going to change with a baby. I need to know you understand that.”

Swallowing hard over the knives in my throat, I nod, my hands growing clammy under her scrutinizing gaze. “I do. And I know Poppy and the baby will have to come first. I just need to figure out how to balance it all.”

The sound of the doorbell echoes through the house, the sound dim as it reaches the closed-off den. I glance behind me, before looking back at Claudia who appears unaffected by the sound.

“I hope you do, because I don’t want to see this baby grow up with its parents not together.” She pauses for a second, her expression falling as a sad smile forms on her lips. “Poppy and her sister grew up being shuffled back and forth between two homes. Their father and I separated and he got remarried and ended up building a new family. When Evie died, Poppy and her father lost their relationship. It was devastating, but she managed to get through life without him dragging her down.”

My heart is in my throat and I’m not sure how to process what she’s telling me. Poppy never mentioned a sister before and given that Claudia just said that she passed away, I’m assuming that’s why. She must sense the confusion and shock in my expression as her lips purse and her eyebrows draw together.

“Poppy didn’t tell you about Evie, did she?”

I shake my head. “She mentioned you and your ex-husband not being together before, but that was it.”

Claudia nods, her face solemn. “Poppy was there the night Evie died and I know it still pains her to talk about it. I just thought maybe she had talked to you about her. I’m sure she will when she’s ready.” She pauses for a moment, her eyes burning holes through mine. “I just need you to know that Poppy is strong and if she has to do this without you, she will.”

Her words are like a punch to the gut, even though there is nothing menacing behind them. She’s not saying it as a threat or a warning, just the cold hard truth. Poppy has endured enough heartache in life and still she pushes past it all. “She won’t have to do it without me, Mrs. Vance–I mean, Claudia,” I add as she cuts her eyes at me. “I want you to know that my intentions with your daughter come from a good place and I have nothing but her and the baby’s best interests in mind.”

“I hope so, August. Promises can be empty, but I hope yours are full.” Her lips turn back into a smile and it isn’t forced, it’s genuine, even if she’s still skeptical of me. I’ll prove her wrong, though. Poppy and our child are the most important part of my life now. “That must be your parents. I need to be a good hostess, so why don’t we go so you can introduce me to them?”

“Yes, of course,” I smile, following after her as she pulls open the French doors and we step back into the hall. We enter the kitchen as Isla is introducing our parents to Poppy and her stepfather.

My mother’s eyes meet mine from across the room and her face lights up as she strides over to me. “August,” she says softly, wrapping her arms around me for a hug. “It’s so nice to see you.” She pauses, lowering her voice for just me to hear. “Poppy seems so lovely.”

She steps away from me and I shake my father’s hand as he steps up beside her. “Mom, Dad, this is Claudia, Poppy’s mom.” I turn toward her, motioning to my parents. “Claudia, my parents, Anna and Dennis.”

They all smile at one another, hugging and shaking hands as they say their pleasantries. There’s an immediate comfortableness that settles in the air as my mom and Claudia fall into an easy conversation and Benjamin and my father do the same. I walk deeper into the kitchen, joining Poppy, Isla, and Logan where they all finish the work that Claudia laid out for them.

“Hey, Claudia,” Isla calls out to her as she grabs a bottle of wine and begins to pour some into glasses. “I think the food is done. Did you want us to start bringing it out to the table?”

Claudia glances over at the four of us, eagerly nodding. “That would be so sweet of you guys. I already have the table set, so we just need the food and we’re good to go.”

Isla and Logan each grab a different dish and I watch Poppy as she goes to grab one before I stop her. She looks up at me, her eyes meeting mine in confusion as I pull her hands away from the plate.

“Let me get it, baby,” I murmur, my fingers stroking her arms. “You go sit down and save a seat for me next to you.”

Poppy smiles up at me, nodding as she lets me direct her away from the counter. I watch her as she disappears into the dining room, unable to take my eyes off my girl. I’m so lost in her already, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t afraid. Developing attachments and getting close to someone like this is not my norm.

But I never had a choice with Poppy.

The choice was already made for us…

Just like the way we were made for each other.

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