Death’s New Pet: Love after Life

Death’s New Pet: Chapter 24

“Give me their names, little mortal. Let us torture those who hurt you and then destroy any evidence of them on your beautiful body. Let’s get you your revenge.”

I’m such a cunt for even mentioning that what I want to do to her is worse. Isn’t the human way full of compassion and empathy?

‘We are not human, and we will never pretend to be. She knows exactly what we are and she will have to learn to love it.’

“I’ve got my revenge against most of the others that hurt me, and I killed Leonardo on the bus, but it doesn’t feel enough.”

“He’s already dead?” I’m stunned by this realisation. “What’s his last name? What does he look like?”

“Leonardo Gownes. He was an ugly man; tall I guess and stocky but the thing that distinguishes him from the rest is—” She hesitates as though remembering it brings her pain. “His hair. He was completely bald except for this blonde mohawk—”

A blonde mohawk? Why does that sound familiar?

“But in killing him I killed myself so I could never get revenge on the man who deserves it most.”

“Wait, you died on the same day as him?” I say quickly as the dots slowly connect. I distinctly remember the burning in my hand whilst trapped in the office, being scolded by my father. I remember returning to sort the troublesome soul, only to be interrupted by my mother and I sent him to a random hell loop so I could sort him at a later date.

“Yes. Have you seen him?”

“Yes,” the wicked smile that coats my lips is wicked. “And what is far better news, my little mortal, is that he hasn’t been sorted yet. That pleasure can be all yours.”

Her face twists into something inscrutable. I can’t tell if she’s excited or terrified at this opportunity. Then, her eyes dart down at her naked body, and she hides herself instantly, the thoughts horrifying her.

I click my fingers and suddenly my beautiful little mortal wears the most stunning dress of nails, shimmering in different shades of black and grey. The nail heads rest against her soft skin to not pierce her skin, but they stick out threateningly. I long to yank her against my naked body and cause myself pain but I know that I won’t be able to control myself after that.

“Death, this is beautiful!” It completely takes her by surprise and thankfully distracts her self-loathing thoughts.

Within the blink of an eye, I redress myself before clicking my fingers. Beside me, a stunning, scarlet-coloured seat emerges from the depths of hell. It has deep cracks in it and is severely broken but that’s exactly what I want. A broken throne for my broken queen.

“Take a seat, little mortal,” I smirk, offering a hand to help her sit. She takes it quickly with a newfound confidence. I purposely created a design that was both beautiful and threatening but also showed off her perky breasts and long slender arms.

I can’t wait to see her coated in blood.

“Leonardo Gownes, monster!” I bark out the demand before reaching over to my little mortal. I mean to pat the throne, but her smaller hand quickly slips into mine. I bristle. Suddenly, I snatch my hand away from her.

“Listen here, little mortal, the only time I’ll ever hold your hand is to get the angle right when I fuck you.” Even as I spit the spiteful words, I almost don’t mean them. Her open fingers remain in the same position as when they were wrapped around my larger hand. I eye them up angrily. “I won’t hold your hand, but you can squeeze mine. Give me your pain, dead girl.”

She instantly grabs at me. I feel my fingers click as she clamps down. It takes everything within my evil nature not to pull her towards me and fuck the anger out of us both.

Before I can do anything, the atmosphere changes as a body is dragged out from the hole in the floor, kicking and screaming. The soul looks worse for wear with various shades of black and blue staining his skin. What’s even better, he’s completely naked, bearing all to us. Beside me, my little mortal stiffens. I can’t tell if she wants to cry or attack.

‘Hopefully both,’ the beast coos.

“Please! Let me go! Please! I’ll do anything—” he blubbers as my monster leans over him, demon claw at the ready. However, just as my monster can disembowel Leonardo, Scarlet shoots out of her chair.

“Wait!” she cries out. Both the monster and Leonardo’s head snaps in her direction. It brings me so much pleasure to hear the way Leonardo’s stomach drops in his stomach and the fear suddenly increases.

“Sc—Scarlet?” He is fucking mortified.

She slowly saunters closer to the stage, and I can’t take my eyes away from the way her hips sway beautifully in that dress.

“Scarlet! What the fuck is happening? What are you doing here?”

She says nothing as she takes the steps one by one. Her eyes are glued to the scene, but her face remains inscrutable.

“Let me in, little mortal. Give me your deliciously sinful thoughts.” I tell her telepathically, but she doesn’t respond. Instead, she sticks her hand out and snatches the demon bone from my creature. He bobs his head and gives her distance, recognising what ought to be done. My little mortal circles the whimpering man in the middle of the stage. She throws the weapon into each hand to familiarise herself with it.

“Scarlet!” he shrieks. “Scarlet! No!”

Suddenly, he scrambles away but my beautiful little predator is much faster. She sinks the weapon deeply into his thigh until his cries ripple through the room. His blood squirts out and coats her bare feet. I quickly flash a bottle of whisky into the room with me and gulp at it, fascinated by the show.

“You,” she spits poison at him. “I killed your body and now I will kill your soul.”

She pulls the weapon from his thigh, and he snaps in half in agony as the jagged weapon causes him suffering. However, she plunges it straight back into his hand which clutches the wound. A howl escapes his lips.

He flails around in fear. “Please, have mercy! I never did this to you!”

“You did torture me, Leonardo. Don’t lie to a woman with a weapon.” Again, she strikes him in the flesh until there is a pool of blood around them. She works with such ease and such precision; it is as though she was made for this life.

With one stab to the stomach, she drops the weapon and uses her fingers to pry the flesh apart. Leonardo shrieks in agony and desperately tries to fight her off but he is quickly drained of energy as he pours out onto my marble floor. He cannot die a bodily death like before, so he is forced to endure constant suffering until she decides to sort him. This thought makes me fully erect.

How long will you torture him, little mortal? What wicked things do you have in store for this sinner?

She forces her hand into his stomach and yanks out his intestines. Then, she wraps it around his neck and chokes him. Her creativity of torture has me falling forward in my seat. I can’t even remember the last time I blinked, nor do I want to. My only focus is on the wicked woman on the stage.

“Choke,” she smiles as she says the word. “Feel what I endured for twenty-two years straight and know that even once I’m done with you and I move onto Maximo, you will suffer for eternity, and I will not.”

“Please!” he hollers and it’s like music to her ears. For a second, her eyes flutter shut, and she soaks up the experience.

Fucking Hell, she is perfect.

When her eyes reopen, they are dark and full of anger. She scoops up the blood on the floor and pours it over Leonardo’s face. On top of choking on his intestines tightly wrapped around his neck, he is now waterboarded with his own blood. She rips at his mohawk as she stains the blonde hair red.

“This is what I’m used to looking at.” She loses herself in some memory and it takes everything in me to stay seated. What I really want to do is flash over to her and remind her of where she is, and who she’s with. That she is safe by my side because nobody will ever lay another fucking finger on her again.

“Does that hurt, Leonardo?” her words ooze sarcasm. “Do you want me to stop? To give you mercy?”

The most beautiful laugh tumbles from her lips. My knuckles turn white as I grip my bottle of alcohol. I want to fist my cock and cum as she plunges her weapon into her abuser’s heart.

“Do it, little mortal.” I find myself hollering like an excited audience member and not the overseer of the punishment. Her head snaps towards me and when that hatred is directed at me, my body is alive.

‘Come over here and use the demon claw on me, little mortal.’

But just as quickly as she looks at me, her attention snaps back to the writhing man in her fingers. She continues to punish him until his shrieks have her wincing and clutching her pounding head. Only then, does she fall back onto the floor and smile. Blood coats her toes and splatters up her body and she looks fucking delicious. I long to fuck her over her abuser’s dying body.

“Send him to a Hell loop that has me torturing him for eternity,” she says without ever looking at me. My cock bobs in my trousers and I find myself eagerly responding. “Yes, ma’am.”

Then, she plunges the claw into his heart and his soul leaps from his mutilated body. It bursts into pixels with a roar of agony before vanishing before her eyes. Even though his soul has been sorted, the mangled body remains behind, much to her delight. She slowly rises to her feet. She doesn’t even fucking shake when she turns to face me.

“Can you bring alive people down to Hell?”

Speechless, I shake my head no. She ponders on this thought for a second. “Okay, am I able to return to Earth to drag them back to Hell?”

Fucking Hell, you devious and delicious woman.

My lips curve into a twisted grimace. “I thought you’d never ask.”

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