Death’s New Pet: Love after Life

Death’s New Pet: Chapter 14

“Where is he?” The little mortal is fucking fuming. Her strides are long and purposeful. Her entire body tense and ready for the fight. I smell that deliciously familiar scent of longing to kill; it oozes through her as if it was stained into her soul when she was born, and I’m startled by the intense power of the desire.

She fought two things in her Hell-Loop, but they were shadows. We never got to see her demons, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they were mortal men. It pisses me the fuck off. Everything within me longs to figure out who the fuck haunts my little creature so that I can destroy them and make her fear completely mine.

Beside me, my father raises to his feet slowly, eyes fixed on the little mortal. All the blood is drained from his face, and for good reason too. The little mortal unknowingly just portal-hopped by herself, something that only Original Beings are capable of. That is the strongest possible creature in eternity. Yet here she is, the little five-foot-six mortal, portal hopping, full of murderous intent and ready to bring down Hell to find those fuckers haunting her memories. And I’d be fucking lying if I said it didn’t make me fully erect.

“What?” she spits, “Why are you looking at me like that?”

Even in front of the Hellish family, she doesn’t tremble or shake or show any type of fear. It’s as though those mortal men are her only threat and I fucking hate it. The ridiculous urge to remove them from existence pools inside of me. Greediness has me wanting her to tremble for me, no other man. Only I am allowed to fucking destroy the little mortal. Her body is mine. Her suffering is mine. Her death is mine.

Suddenly, my father flashes into the arena next to her, however, he has completely transformed into his huge threatening Being. The fire licks at his feet and the flames dance in his eyes. His fingers are now large claws, his body pulsing with dark throbbing red veins, and his dark hair has turned to snakes, all hissing their poison.

I feel it instantly. His desire for her death.

What the fuck?

He is quick, but I’m much fucking quicker, and before he can touch her, I’m there, throwing my fist into his chest. It all happens so quickly; I have no time to stop myself. The black mist seeps out, my eyes bleed in their monstrous way, and my fangs snap out.

Within seconds, I am in my beast form too, and my body screams warning signs at my father with the dark pulsing tattoos that now swim around angrily. My demon dagger flashes in my hand, and I swing it warningly. This is usually enough to deter my father, but something sends him into a frenzy, and he strikes again. At the same time, my sister lurches in Prey Ten’s direction.

What the fuck?

With one swipe of my black pixels, I counter my father’s attack and throw Misery across the room. She smacks into the arena wall with the loudest thud and sinks onto the floor. However, just as she hits the ground, she is back again in front of my face, thrusting a force field of power at me. Just like my father, a crazed look haunts her as she attacks full force, not giving me a moment to send an attack.

They both fight me in their ghastly forms and I’m stuck playing defence before a weak spot in my sister’s field lets me scorch her with never-ending fire. She, and the snakes in her hair, shriek in agony, and with her distracted, I focus on my father.

He shoots a bolt of fire in my direction but before I can defend, electricity zaps past my ear. Startled, I dodge the electricity that has come from my mother, but the fire scorches my cheek. A pained hiss escapes my lips, but I push it away and continue fighting my family, spinning to avoid their cheap shots.

Misery and Longing both team up and work their hardest to take me down with their spiteful curses, but I’m much faster and more experienced in fighting. It takes everything within me not to lose control and burn this whole fucking place to a crisp. It would be so easy to click my fingers and murder everybody, but for the first time in my life, restraint holds me back. The little mortal would die too, and I plan on dragging out her death in a more beautiful way.

The anger brims in my chest but instead of torturing my family, I work on disarming them. As much as I would love to bring each of them to their knees and beg for mercy, my father is right about keeping politics within the family. And right now, in front of thousands of spiteful beasts who want the downfall of the monarchy, killing my family would not be the smartest move.

However, as I work on knocking Misery and Longing over, I spot my father approaching Prey Ten out of the corner of my eye. Without hesitation, I throw my pixels out and they wrap around her arm and suddenly she is flying towards me with a squeal. She tries to fight the pull but it’s no use, and within seconds, I have her safely behind my back. Again, the confusion pulls through me at why I’m defending the little mortal when only last week I would have laughed and enjoyed a mortal’s death.

The Devil hisses and I smell the poison on his forked tongue, and I stiffen for a moment. I can feel him conjuring up the power to exile me back to my circle, and I panic. A dark, warning growl leaves my body as I conjure up a deadly fireball, one that would put my family into a deep coma for centuries. A temporary Death. The most feared curse bestowed unto me.

Suddenly realising my intentions, Misery howls in fear as the reds and blues throb in my hand. “Death, don’t you dare!”

“That’s too far—” my mother also tries to reason, abruptly snapping out of her furious frenzy.

‘Ignore her. They tried to kill your mortal. They tried to hurt us!’ The beast roars as I fix my fighting stance.

“Back off, father.” I send him one final warning, praying he takes it rather than forcing me to respond. However, he is the only one who doesn’t back down. Instead, he flashes his fangs, declaring war.

‘Fuck it.’ The beast slips free. ‘The cunts had it coming.’

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