Death & Dreams Book 1

Chapter 25

Going into the ballroom, I saw that we were late but Fantasy wasn't anywhere in the room. Sara tells me then walks up the stairs, "I'll go see if she's ready."

I looked around the room full of hypocrites who only want their own personal gain and sighed when they looked at us like we were pathetic.

This was going to be a long night.

Seb put his hand on my shoulder, "relax Thantos, all we have to do is wait until midnight and then poof we all get to leave."

I looked at the huge clock at the side and saw that it was only 9 o'clock.

This was going to be a really long night

A waiter was walking by me with a tray of champagne, I took one and was about to drink it but then I saw Fantasy.

She was walking down the stairs with Sara.

She was wearing a green dress that showed off her body with a slit going up her leg and her hair was pulled back and up.

She looked beautiful, no gorgeous

She looked like a goddess.

I didn't realize she was walking towards me for the fact that I was lost in her smile and eyes.

I stood there for minute like an idiot until Seb elbowed me and I finally got my voice back.

"You look breathtaking Fantasy"

Fantasy blushed a little and said thank you.

I stared into her grey eyes and she stared into my green eyes, that's when I realized what she did to make us match.

Chuckling, "you did our outfits based off our eyes"

She giggled, "yep, I figured it'll be something you and me can have a laugh about"

I grabbed her waist and pulled her to me gently, to whisper in her ear, "I have two surprises for you, birthday girl but you won't be to see them until midnight."

She pouted, "then why tell me now?"

I kissed her pout away before saying, "that way when midnight comes there's no reason for us to stay here"

She whispered, "ok"

I smiled at her and took her hand while gently pulling her to the dance floor, once there, "Can I have this dance my bella Neve Bianco?"

"Perche si puo, il mio principe"

My smile got bigger and we started dancing.

"Your Italian is getting better, my princess"

"Well I have an excellent teacher"

Dipping Fantasy, "Damn right you do"

She giggled and looked above my head

Putting her back on her feet, "Thantos we're under the mistletoe"

Smirking, I pulled her closer, chest to chest, I kissed her deeply.

Forgetting about everything around us, we did nothing but dance and kiss until midnight hit.



I moved me and Fantasy off the dance floor to an empty hallway. On the way we saw Nicky and the others smiling and saying a quick Happy Birthday to Fantasy but didn't stop us.

Seb was in the hallway and smiled, "Happy Birthday, Fantasy"

"Thank you Seb"

He turned towards me and gave me Fantasy's suitcase, "Everything's ready and her parents also know about this little trip you two are having."

"Thanks Seb"

"no problem"

He walked back in the ballroom to tell the others that they can finally leave.

Taking off my jacket I put it on Fantasy's shoulders and waited for her to stick her arms through the sleeves before asking, "Neve Bianco, you ready to leave?"

She wrapped her arms around me, "yes"

I held the suitcase and her tightly, "then hold on tight and close your eyes"

I took a deep breath and blinked us to Germany as I was letting the air out slowly.

Look around I did a quick check to see if everything was in place.

We're in the orchid

The picnic with the food had a few snowflakes on it but that was fine.

The lights were slightly dimmed and were set to turn off at exactly midnight.

I patted my pockets to make sure the rings were there.

I breathe a sigh of relief, "keep your eyes closed, love"

She nodded her head and I kissed Fantasy forehead then I gently pulled her towards the blanket and sat her on it.

Sitting beside her I tell her to open her eyes and she gasped at the garden and the lights.

"Its beautiful"

"Not as beautiful as you"

She blushes, "Whose garden is this?"

I shrugged, "Some couple that owns the property"

She rolls her eyes while opening the basket and starts to eat some of the things in there while feeding some to me.

Looking at my watch, we have 30 seconds before the show happens. The lights around us starts to go off one by one.

"why are the lights going off?"

"because of the sky"

"whats in the-"

She looks up and gets hypnotized by the meteor shower happening before her eyes.

While she's distracted, I get on to one knee and pull the rings out.

She turned towards me to say something but then she sees me and the rings and her eyes get big.

Taking a nervous breath I start, "Fantasy Marie Cruz, just to let you know this isn't me asking you to marry me, that'll happen later when we're older."

She chuckled a little but still didn't say anything

"I told you when we first started dating that I wanted to make you my queen when I fell in love with you. Only reason it took so long for me to make you my queen was because I didn't know that I had already made you queen. I realized I was in love with you when Shaw came into the picture but Seb and the others made me realize I fell in love with you on the day we first met. So I think its time that I say I'm in love with you Fantasy Marie Cruz. I'm in love with not only your beauty but with your kind, loving heart and your wise, gentle soul. I love how you're willing to take me as I am with no thoughts of trying to change me. I know that you need a kingdom to be queen but we can always make one as time goes on. Knowing Seb and everyone they'll probably end up moving in with us." I rolled my eyes while she giggled.

"But love, you need to know that the council will, if they haven't already, find out about us and if you're willing to go through that hell with me then I'll put this ring on your finger and you'll be my queen. So I ask my lovely dream will you be my queen, even through all the hell we face, for the rest of eternity?"

She grabbed my face and kissed me so hard that it knocked the breath out of me. She pulled away after a minute to catch her breath.

"So was that a yes?"

She smiled widely, "yes"

I smiled back and put her ring on her finger.

"I love it, Thantos but what about the second ring?"

I held her gaze, "The second ring is for when you fall in love with me and wish to make me your king"

She kissed me softly and put the ring on my finger, "I've always saw you as my king"

"Good, are you ready to see your next surprise?"

I stood up and held my hand out for her to take

She took it, "there's more?"

"yes, I did say there was two surprises"

We walked hand in hand down the path towards the house. The lights by the path turned on we were near and turned off when we were away.

Once we were close I threw her bag onto my shoulder and covered Fantasy's eyes then slowly walked her the few short steps out the orchids.

I let my hands fall to her waist and put my head on her shoulder while I whispered, "open your eyes"

When she did, she gasped again and stared at the stone and red oak two story house.

I kissed her neck, "What do you think about our new home, love?"

She turned around in my arms with happiness in her eyes, "We're the couple that owns the property?"

"yes love, we are"

She clapped her hand together and started pulling me towards the door.

I chuckled and let her while adjusting her bag.

She opened the door and stop in front of the living room, looking around. The room was decorated to have little bits of the world in the room. There was Rio de Janeiro, Paris, Berlin, New York, Singapore, and Huairou.

I closed the door behind me and went to the kitchen to leave the picnic basket on the table. The kitchen is fall theme with all the colors and designs.

Now I'm glad that I let the girls decorated the house.

Leaving the kitchen, I quickly walk up stairs to our bedroom and left Fantasy's bag on the bed. Headed back to Fantasy, I see her walking towards the doors with paining of a stained glass image of an enchanted rose in between two old looking fingers.

Jogging to her I grab hold of her hand and smile at her, "Now love you're not trying to ditch me are you?"

She blushed and whispers, "you were taking too long."

I kissed her forehead and open the door to find a library.

She gasped and lets go of my hand to run to the center of the room with a smile on her face. I took a few steps into the room and watched her twirl around the room with nothing but laughter in the air.

I stood in the center of the room as she twirled in a circle around me until I caught her hand and pulled her towards me.

I slowly started to move us together and we just danced around in the library while looking into each other's eyes.


I carried Fantasy up to our room when she said that her feet hurt. The room has two white walls and two black walls with little designs on them. The carpet is a grey color and the California King Bed has black sheets with white pillows and a little curtain thing surrounding the bed that's grey.

Fantasy went to her suitcase when I got a text from Seb saying he was in the living room.

I left her in the room to see Seb, Rick, Chris and Mack in the living room.

"What the hell are ya'll doing here?"

Chris shrugged, "we came to be noisy"

Rick elbowed him, "and to tell you that we just got the fish and frogs in the lake but by the time you guys go look at it in the morning it may be frozen."

"ok thanks you guys"

"no problem"

I turn to leave when Seb grabs my shoulder quickly, "wait"

I raised an eyebrow, "what is it?"

He looked nervous "um, well how's it going so far?"

Mack nods his head, "yeah man, tell us what happened so far?"

Chris quickly agrees while Rick rolls his eyes


"Why not"

Just as I was about to answer Nicky walks from behind me and nods her head to the guys, while saying a quick bye to me. The guys breathe a sigh of relief and quickly follow Nicky out the door.

I shook my head at their weirdness and walked back upstairs to Fantasy, only to see the lights in the room has dimmed and Fantasy on her knees in the middle of the bed in sexy lingerie.

I slowly walked to the end of the bed and watched though the curtain as she crawled to me seductively.

I loosened my tie a little and tried to breathe right but I don't think I was successful with the way she was looking at me with love, lust, and determination.

She stood on her knees and pulled the curtain away a little bit then undid my tie. All while looking me in the eyes and biting her lip. She kissed me and I grabbed her barely covered waist.

She unbuttoned my shirt and I pulled away slightly, "are you sure?"

She grabbed both ends of the tie and leaned back, she whispered, "yes"

Pulling me on the bed, Fantasy pushes my shirt on the floor and starts back kissing me. I kicked off my shoes and crawled on top of her and kissed her like there was no tomorrow.

She moans and slides her hands down my chest to my pants and unbuttons them as well. She tries to put her hands in my pants, my voice is husky when I grabbed her hand and held them above her head, "Can't have the fun end so soon, now can my queen?"

She pouted and I kissed her saying, "Just sit back and relax, love"

For the rest of the night and into the early morning I made love to my queen until we were both exhausted and fell asleep.

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