Death & Dreams Book 1

Chapter 15

AN: Thantos is now 17 and will be 18 later on in the book but i'll tell you when. Enjoy.

Two years later

I was leaning against my black Yamaha outside of Fantasy's high school waiting.

The bell rung and students bulldozed their way out the door to their cars. Some students stopped and looked my way but one glare from me sent them on their way.

Just as the last few people walk out, Fantasy comes out with her nose in a book. My little nerd looks so beautiful wearing a long skirt and a pink shirt. She didn't look up from her book but was still able to pass people without bumping into anyone or tripping. That may be because of Max and Luna, demon shifters, running in between her legs making her follow them with Dracul, dragon demon, laying on her shoulders.

The three demons looked to be the size of a pup right now but it didn't matter because no one but Fantasy and me could see them.

Fantasy was about to walk around me and go to her bus because she still didn't look up. I stopped her by wrapping my arms around her and whispered in her ear, "you know right now I'm jealous at the book that has you ignoring me"

She giggled and looked up from her book at me, quietly, "Hi Thantos"

"Hello, Neve Bianco. Ready?"

She nodded and put her book in her bag. I got on the bike with Fantasy making sure her arms were wrapped around my waist and she was wearing her hamlet but I waited.

"Fantasy" looking over my shoulder at her


"you now the rule"

She sighed but whispered to Dracul to get off her shoulder and follow us with Max and Luna.

Once he was off, I drove across town to Fantasy's house and drove up the long empty driveway.

Walking into the house, hand and hand, I wait for the old bat to pop out of nowhere.

Fantasy sees me doing this and says, "Don't worry, Ms. Colly has the day off today."

I was looking around the room, not really believing that the bitch nanny from hell was gone for the day.

"Yeah, sure. What about Boozer?" I said slowly

Fantasy shrugged her shoulders, "She has a cold"

I looked back at her shocked; I don't have to deal with the bitchy nanny or the cook. This was too good to be true.

"Ah, Mr. Robert, I see that you're not in prison"

Damn, I knew it was too good to be true. I have to deal with a bitch that's worse than the cook and the nanny put together....Fantasy's Mother.

She looked at me with so much disdain on her face that just to annoy her I said, "Well right now the cops are looking for me but no one will ever think to look at my girlfriends house"

She narrowed her eyes at me and was about to say something before Fantasy said that we going to be in her room then dragged me up the stairs to her room.

Dracul was already there taking up half of Fantasy's queen size bed while Luna and Max were play fighting on the other side of the room.

Dracul lifted his big dark blue scaly head at the sound of the door but laid back down when he saw Fantasy.

Fantasy walked towards her bed and sat down

I kneeled in front of her and gently lifted her foot to take off her pink converse. I kiss the inside of her ankle while looking at her blushing face.

Chuckling I put her foot back down and do the same for her other foot.

I go in her walk-in closet and put her shoes on the floor then took off my black combat boot next to hers.

Walking back to my Neve Bianco, I take off my leather jacket and throw it on the back of her pink computer chair.

She looks like she was in deep thought and didn't notice me there in front of her. So I lifted up her head and kissed her softly before deepening the kiss.

With her hands holding my neck gently, I pushed her down on the bed slowly the kiss never broke.

I licked her lip asking for entrance but she kept her mouth closed with a smile.

I lifted her leg and wrapped them around my hips, rubbing my ever growing erection against her. She gasped and I invaded her mouth, dominating her mouth.

With her moaning and running her hands threw my hair, I couldn't help but start to grind on her.

Her moans got louder when I started to kiss her neck and shoulders.

But we had to stop when she started to grind back on me or I was going to lose control and take her innocence and not in a gently way.

I gripped her hips and kept my lips on her shoulder but didn't move.

Fantasy whispered, "Thantos..."


"how come we"

I lifted my head up and looked down at her blushing face

"you mean sex?"

She didn't look me in the eye but nodded

"because I don't want you to be hurt or regret anything and I want it to be special for you"

She pouted but didn't say anything

I kissed her but the white lion yanked me off the bed before anything else could happen. Fantasy was rolling around in laughter so she didn't see me kick Max in the face.

Getting up I glare at him and he glares back when the door opens and in walks Fantasy's mom.

"Dinners done, come eat" she said then walked out


I took off my shirt and gave it to Fantasy as she walked out the bathroom in a towel.

She put it on over the towel while I took off the rest of my clothes until I was in my boxers. Turing towards her, I caught her staring at my body, "would you like a closer view, princess?"

She blushed that gorgeous scarlet color and looked at the floor

Chuckling I walked towards her and wrapped my arms around her

"you can look at this all you like, baby. It is yours after all."

She grumbled softly and laid down on the bed. Chuckling, I followed her and pulled the covers over us.

I wait for Fantasy breathing to even out and her body to relax before I went to asleep too.

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