Death & Dreams Book 1

Chapter 1

James Adam

Age: 76

Dies of Cardiac Arrest

Room 778

Make sure it's done right, Mr. Roberts

I scuffed, the old man should know by now that I always did things right. Guess he's waiting for me to mess up, like everyone else.

Walking into Washington's Hospital, I make sure that no one can see me by turning invisible. I could just walk in and the humans won't pay a slight attention to me but I have to follow the rules or Old Man Grim will chew my ass up then spit it out.

The elevator doors open, its empty, I walked in and pressed on the seventh floor. The seventh floor was only for the wealthy or people in the government, no one else. I can't stand how even hospitals give special treatment to politicians and the rich. They have their floor and most of the doctors that have been doing this for years, instead of the new doctors; afraid that they won't look the same if the let them touch them. It's stupidity.

The doors opened again but on the 5th floor and in walked a female nurse that was talking on the phone.

"Yeah but I can't babe....Because I have to take care of some chick in a coma....I don't know why she's in a coma, only that her parents never pulled the plug because they can't ruin their reputation......yeah they're in the supreme court and never visit her, I almost feel sorry for the girl.....Ok bye babe"

She got off of the elevator the same time I did and we're going in the same direction but she went into the room on the right and I in the left. Just outside the room I closed my eyes and go into the man's body to get his soul. But that's when I realized that I'm in the wrong room because I don't think James Adam is a girl.

The girl was sitting cross-legged and had her back to me. When I took a step towards her, she turned around and I saw light grey or silver eyes look at me with wonder.

That's when I felt the pull towards her, everything felt right when I looked into her eyes, it felt as if I was always meant to be here.

"Hello" she says softly and sweetly

"Hey" I should leave and find the target, not talk to some girl.

She tilts her head, "What's your name?"

Before I could stop myself, "Thantos"

"Like death?"

"Yeah, like death"

"So you're here to take me away from this darkness?" She says happily

I blinked a few times, little shocked, "No, it's not your time yet"

"Oh" she looked so disappointed to hear that, so much so that I decided to stay for a few more minutes

"Don't look upset, Neve Bianco" Why am I giving this girl a nickname?

She giggled, "My name isn't Neve Bianco, its Fantasy" I like her laugh, it sounds like music

"Oh, that's not what it means"

"Then what does it mean?" she tilts her head again

"Neve Bianco means Snow White in Italian"

"O, but my name isn't Snow White, its Fantasy" confused

"I know, Neve Bianco is a nickname, I would like to call you. If you like?" what the hell am I doing?

"Well I never had a nickname before, so I guess its okay"

For the first time, since going in this girl's head, I finally noticed her appearance. Along with her grey eyes she has long, un-kept, curly black hair. Her hair, from what I can tell which isn't much since she's still sitting, is knees length. She's pale, extremely pale, like she never saw sunlight and has the reddest lips I have ever seen. No wonder I called her Snow White. This girl named Fantasy is absolutely beautiful but she's human.

"Why are you looking at me like that, Thantos?" She says so innocently

Without thinking, "You're so pretty"

She blushed. This only made her all the more beautiful.

"I like your hair." she whispers softly

I grabbed a piece of my chin length, wavy, white hair, "Really?" raising my eyebrows.

"Yes, it's unique. And makes your eyes really pretty." she blushed even harder

I smiled a little, "No one else seems to think so. They all think I'm a freak"

She shrugged her shoulders, saying, "The ones to call you a freak, is the ones to prove that you're unique. That no one could ever be you. They probably envy you from a distance but to cover that they try to make you feel bad about yourself and they can be proud that they were able to make you doubt yourself. So when they call you a freak, say thanks and hold your head up high."

A little shocked by that reply, I say, "where did you get that from?"

She look thoughtful "my grandfather told me that when I was younger. It's the only thing that I really remember about him that's nice."

I opened my mouth to say something when my watch beeped telling me that I only had 15 more minutes before the target's soul becomes lost.

"I have to leave, Fantasy"

"Oh, will you come back tomorrow?" She sounded so sad that I couldn't help but say yes and watch her smile brighten on her face again.

Leaving her body, I walk through the door and the nurse from the elevator is there doing her job. Walking over to the edge of Fantasy's bed, I see that she looks just like she did in her mind but she was lying down with her eyes closed and her hair sprawled over the pillow, and her skin looked sickly pale. Picking up the clipboard, I decided then and there that I would visit her for as long as I can. She needs a friend more than I do.

Patient name: Fantasy Cruz

Age: 14

Parents: Lillian and Scott Cruz

Reason for being here: Unknown: Has been in coma for 5 years. Can't find a cure. Her body will give out any day now.

Doctor: Dr. Scar Canon

The nurse in the room scuffed, looking up I see her looking at the girl in disgust. "I bet you were a stuck up, know it all bitch before you came here, weren't you? Now, no one gives two fucks about you. I'll let you think about that for awhile."

When she left the room, I was livid. How dare she say that about a girl that she knows nothing about. I don't know why but I felt very protective of this girl and what that woman just said pissed me off.

Before she could get to the elevator, I put it out of service and she took the stairs. If karma and Payback are bitches then I'm a cruel motherfucker. I made her trip over her own fucking feet and watched her hit every single step going down until she hit the wall with her head so hard that you could hear a crack. I don't care if she dies; there'll be one less cruel person on this godforsaken earth.

Leaving the woman there, I walk to the room that was across the hall from Fantasy's. Making sure that it's the right room this time, 778, I look at her door which said 777, oh the irony.

Going into the right person's mind this time, I saw a huge mansion with exotic cars in the driveway. This human is going to waste my time or make me late, I just know it. There are naked women all over the place, when you walked through the door, along with all the damn useless stuff that humans seem to love. I have 10 minutes to get the guys soul and deliver him to wherever.

Walking down to the basement, which is stripped of anything rich, screams bounce off the walls and they can't be his...unless he screams like a woman.

In the room, I saw that one side of the room has a child's body with blood all around it. On the other side is a guy that's torturing his wife, who's chained to the wall.

Hmm, that must be James Adam. I know exactly where his going. Using my powers, I make the whip in his hand vanish but appear in mine. He looks around until he sees me and he look pissed, "Who the hell are you?" Too bad he didn't have fucking manners, oh well, just a worse ending for him.

"I'm Death and it's time for you to die" I feel my eyes turning red and a sinister smirk on my face.

He's face turns pale and you can smell his fear coming from him, "I-I can m-make you a v-very rich man, if you let me live."

"Now why would I want that?" he tried to speak but I'm on a time limit. "Let's get this over with shall we?"

I flick the whip and it wrapped around his neck tightly. I jump high in the air breaking though the roof, bringing him with me. Once high enough I dive back down towards the ground with speed that made me look like a bullet.

Hmm, should I take the short way or the long way? He acted like an ass to me when I first showed up...the long way it is.

We went through all of the level of the earth crust, the man was screaming his ass off but I don't care and if he thinks this is bad wait till he meets Jeff AKA the devil.

When I see the flames I go into a standing position so I won't land on my face, like last time. Once on my feet I hear James Adam land with a SPLAT and Jeff is standing in front of me in an Amari Suit, his brown hair cut short and black eyes held amusement in his eyes.

"Didn't think you would make, Than"

"When don't I make it on time?"

"You cutting it pretty close"

I check my watch "I still had 15 seconds left. Anyway, have fun with this bastard" giving him the whip that still attached to the fuckers neck.

"What am I dealing with?"

"He cheats on his wife, tortures on her, rape and killed their kid"

Jeff nods, "Alright see you later, Than"

"Bye Jeff"

I blinked and appeared in Mr. Grimm's office.

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