Dear Soldier, Put Your Gun Down

Chapter 23 I’m the Only Person Who Can Bully You

As expected of General Snider, he would always make his speech sound indecent. She gave up on probing him for the truth, believing that time would reveal the answer. "Why didn't you call me the first thing when the incident happened?"

"Haha... Sharon and I have been at each other's throats for so many years. If I can't even tackle a small problem like this, then wouldn't it be a shame that she had addressed me as her sister?"

Even if Matt did not show up, she would have been able to sort out the problem perfectly. She was never one to trouble people with her problems.

"But you are my wife, and I would never let you bear any sort of humiliation. I'm the only person who can bully you!"

Winona felt a sense of warmth seeping into her heart. Even though he was an arrogant person, she would still sometimes find him to be quite adorable.

"From tomorrow onwards, you won't be coming here to work anymore. You'll be my personal doctor instead."

Winona opposed his idea instantly, "That won't do. I will never be a woman who has to rely on men."

She wanted to be a strong and independent woman. Someone worthy enough to stand beside him to face any obstacles or hardships.

Matt compromised as he looked at her putting up an unyielding yet adorable front. He made a call to the hospital and said, "Mrs. Stanley, I can accept your requests, but you must first cut off a few people's tongues for me."

"You called Mr. Stanley's wife?"

Matt smirked smugly, "She was begging for my help."

Winona finally understood the situation then. It explained why the news of her being framed in the hospital got to him at such lightning speed-it was the work of Mrs. Stanley.

The next day when she arrived at the hospital, Winona was notified that she got promoted as the chief of the thoracic surgery department. The one who told her of this news was none other than Mrs. Stanley, who was also the newly promoted director of the hospital starting that day.

"You have performed the highest number of thoracic surgeries and you are also the surgeon with the highest achievements. You deserve this position."

Winona responded with a slight smile. She never expected to land so easily on her dream job position that she had worked hard for years. But deep down inside, she knew that this was made possible largely because of Matt.

She shook hands with Mrs. Stanley.

"Don't worry. I've already demoted the person who framed you, Yvonne, to a janitor. It's only reasonable to let someone like her clean toilet bowls," said Mrs. Stanley.

Winona knew that Mrs. Stanley and Mr. Stanley were at odds with each other. Seeing how she dealt with Yvonne, Mr. Stanley would surely not end up being any better. Winona had a deep respect for Mrs. Stanley's high EQ as she knew how to observe and analyze every turn of events. But most importantly, she clearly understood when to strike her opponent at her best opportunity. Winona sighed as she thought, "One should never get on a woman's bad side, or they will bite you into shreds and pieces until you meet your end."

When Winona walked out of the office, she overheard two nurses from the gynecology department gossiping.

"How pitiful is that lady? She just had an abortion but no one from her family would come and visit her. Instead, they called her again and again just to bite her head off."

"Well, don't you see? It's not all sunshine and rainbows for those who get married into a rich family. Since she was willing to make this decision, she would have to bear the consequences of it."

Winona knew they were talking about Sharon, but she did not feel a tad bit sorry for her. The girl got what she deserved.

Just when Winona was about to step into the operating room, someone tugged at her arm. She turned around and saw Christopher's face that displayed a disgusting fawn.

"Winona, Sharon will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. Come home so we can have a meal together, remember to bring General Snider along too."

Winona laughed sardonically, "I know what you really want is to have Matt on your side so you can climb up the ladder. I'm terribly sorry, but I'm not going to offer to you the ladder."

He tightened his grasp but remained smiling and said, "Aileen misses you. Don't you want to see her?"

Winona curled up her fingers as her rage started to grow. He was using Aileen to threaten her.

Christopher continued, "Winona, I know you very well. You don't want to let Matt know of Aileen's existence, or you would've come and fetch her the first thing you came back. Am I right?"

There were only a few people in Bolwich who knew of the Winston family's third daughter who was intellectually challenged, Aileen. However, this girl became Winona's weakness. Before she saw through Matt and understood his motives, she would never let him know of Aileen's existence. She didn't want to drag Aileen into any mess that would happen.

Slowly, she relaxed her tensed fingers and helped realign Christopher's bow tie. "I'll bring him over, dad. I hope you will achieve what you had wished for."

Her voice was so gentle and soothing and her smile was ever more lovely, but it gave him chills instead. It was only after a while when he muttered, "You look just like your mother."

"Shut your mouth! You have no right to mention her!"

A sign of bitterness flashed on his face, but it was quickly replaced by his flattering smile. "Alright then. I will arrange a table of homecooked food together with your aunt. Remember to bring General Snider with you."

Winona bit her lips in fury as she watched him leave. Why would she have such a father, she couldn't help wondering.

Soon after her mother's death, he brought Elizabeth and her daughter into the Winston family. He even allowed the two of them to do as they please but was indifferent to Aileen and herself as if they have become non-existent in the family, left alone to suffer on their own. Sometimes she would wonder, if it wasn't for her engagement with Benjamin that was set up between both families since young, she would've been at death's door at least a hundred times. This was why she was always grateful towards Benjamin.

When her shift was almost over, Winona gave Matt a call. When he picked up the phone, she heard his flirtatious tone, "Miss me?"

His voice was oddly sexy and appealing. She could make out the sight of him picking up the phone as he raised his eyebrows in a flirty way. Was he starting to grow on her? She shook her head clear of the thought and tried to make her voice sound calm. "I'm going back to visit the Winston family tonight, can you come with me?"

He replied teasingly, "Just say it, how much did you sell me for this time?"

He knew Winona did not like interacting with the Winston family, but this time, she offered to go back herself. So, she must have come to some sort of an agreement with Christopher.

"Matt, being too smart may not be a great thing sometimes."

"How would a dumb man be able to capture my lady's heart then?" Matt chuckled.

"So, are you coming with me or not?"

"How could I ever reject a request from Mrs. Snider? Just remember to give me my reward when we go back home tonight. Since you sold me off, you must give me something in return."

He had switched to his flirty side again, so she ended the call with a hint of a smile on her lips.

On the other end, Matt gave Herman an instruction, "Clear my schedule for tonight and get Karen to fetch me a suit from the boutique."

Herman frowned at his words. "But the president arranged tonight's banquet just for you and there will be a lot of military and political leaders attending it."

Matt threw a cold glare at him, forcing him to shut his mouth in an instant. He finally understood then: General Snider would do anything for Mrs. Snider, even if it meant he would be going against the world. He wondered what on earth did Mrs. Snider do to gain the general's favor?

Matt had a private bedroom in his office. He checked the time, then pressed on a button to enter his bedroom. From his closet, he picked a white dress shirt and a pair of formal trousers for his attire.

He took off his military uniform and swiftly put on the dress shirt, followed by the trousers along with the belt. His shirt was still unbuttoned, revealing his tanned chest and refined abs.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of faint footsteps coming near his bedroom. He thought it was Herman reporting back to him and asked, "What did the president say?"

Instead of hearing a reply from Herman, he felt a soft body leaning against his back and a pair of hands clutching by his waist.

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