Dear Ex-Wife, You Are MINE!

Chapter 6

Allowed for everything
I chewed on the beef steak before me, trying to focus on dinner and keep thoughts of Victoria out of my mind. However,
nothing seemed as good as it used to be. Even my meal tasted wrong. It wasn’t the worst steak I’d ever eaten, but I
wasn’t feeling any satisfaction.
Already in a foul mood, the inadequate food made it worse. When I tasted the mashed potatoes, I became enraged
enough to throw my plate on the floor.
My head housekeeper, Sofia, rushed to me in horror with two maids trailing her. She’d been our housekeeper since
childhood, so she knew everything that went on in the mansion. “Young master, what happened?” she asked with wide
“What happened?” I yelled. “The food is what happened. Is there a new chef? Didn’t you check his credentials?”
Sofia peered at the mess on the floor and ordered the maids to clean it, then looked up at me and shook her head.
“Young master, there’s been no change. Martin is the chef, as always. And his cooking hasn’t changed, either.”
“If it’s the same chef, why has the food changed?”
Sofia looked at me with concern. “Young master, for the last three years, the young mistress has cooked for you.”
“What?” I stared at her in disbelief.
“Since you got married, the young mistress has been preparing your meals. And she hasn’t just been taking care of your food,
but she never let the maids do any work either. She used to do everything herself.”
I continued staring, trying to process her words through my shock.
“I might not be good as the mistress, young master, but I can try to make something else for you.”
Through my shock and disbelief, a question crossed my mind and slipped from my tongue. “Did you know that Victoria’s allergic
to shrimp?”

Sofia knitted her brows, then nodded firmly. “Yes, young mistress is allergic to shrimp. She once ate dumplings delivered by
Camilla and suffered a severe allergic reaction.” Her eyes took on a distant quality, as though recalling the incident. “It was
terrible. Mrs. Devonte almost lost her life. Later, we learned the dumplings were filled with shrimp.”
After a slow blink, I said, “She almost lost her life? Where was I when that happened?”
Sofia lowered her head, averting her eyes. “Young master, you were busy with work. You wouldn’t pick up Madam’s call.”
I had never felt so inadequate, so idiotic, before. My wife had a life-threatening event, and I hadn’t even known? On top of it, it
had been Camilla’s fault—Camilla who was my family’s favorite.
What had I been doing for three years that everyone around me, including my assistant, knew about my wife’s shrimp allergy
while I didn’t? And I had thought she insulted me by rejecting me? Fuck!
“Young master, are you all right?” Sofia pulled me from my thoughts, her eyes wrinkled in concern. “Do you want me to make
something for you, sir?”
I shook my head and stood. “I’m no longer hungry.” I left the dining room disappointed in myself. Everything seemed so
frustrating, and the more I looked around the mansion, the more I could sense the ghost of Victoria’s presence.
Without even being present, she haunted me, driving me insane. I just wanted some peace. I went to my home office. It was the
only place that came to mind where I might be able to get away from reminders of her, since I had strictly prohibited her from
entering the office when she lived there.
Soon, I drowned myself in my work. After some time, a knock came at the door. I assumed it was Calvin. No one else would dare
to interrupt me at my home office. However, a fleeting thought crossed my mind that I would love for it to be Victoria, despite that
I had banned her from the office before. Now, I felt I’d allow her anything.
No luck. It was Calvin, as I had expected.
“What is it?” I asked.
“E. Shine is having a jewelry launch dinner tomorrow, and you’re cordially invited, sir.” he said.

My mobile phone rang. I looked at it and saw it was Victoria calling. My spirits lifted, excitement rushing through me. I raised my
hand for Calvin to wait as I answered the call. “Are you finally regretting your decision and wanting to come back? You don’t even
have to say you’re sorry for your behavior. I’ll allow it.”
Silence met my ear. Maybe she hadn’t thought my forgiveness would be so easily won. But I hadn’t lied. I’d allow her to
come back without question.
She sighed heavily, then said, “I just wanted to know if you have time tomorrow morning to go through the divorce
I gaped at the phone. That’s why she called? She couldn’t be serious? “I’m busy,” I snapped. “I don’t have time.” My
jaw clenched.
“When are you available then?” she asked, sounding perfectly calm, which irritated me to the point of seeing red.
My entire body shook with anger. “Whenever I’m free, Calvin will let you know,” I said, my voice raised. “Don’t dare to
disturb me before then!” I hung up, then slammed the phone on the desk without a care if it broke.
“You want to divorce me and find another man?” I uselessly yelled at the phone. “Dream on! Because I’ll never let that
happen. Not while I’m alive!”
“Uh...umm... sir, may I leave?” Calvin asked with trepidation. “I’ll let you know if there is anything further.”
I waved his words away. “She’s crazy, isn’t she?” I said, still yelling. “How dare she talk to me like that? How dare she
ask for a divorce?”
“If you don’t want a divorce, sir, shouldn’t you be nicer to madam?” Calvin ventured delicately. “I mean, maybe some
She was the one who decided to divorce me, and my assistant was advising me to be nicer?
I glared at him. “You talk too much, you know that? Who told you I don’t want a divorce? Get out of my office!”

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