Dear Ex-wife Marry Me

Chapter 20

Chapter 20
Standing behind lan. Jeff was about to remind him about the forgotten meeting, but when he saw Maids face he swallowed his
Is this the woman last night? What’s going on between her and lan
As the elevator doors opened, Maya gestured for them to enter first.
Without hesitation, lan instructed Jeff to head to the company first and then stepped into the elevator himself.
The breakfast area on the first floor was already bustling with people. Maja and lan chose a spot by the window, and a waller
promptly brought each a glass of lemon water
Maja took a sip of the lemon water its tangtness awakening her taste buds and alleviating her dizziness. She figured she could
have breakfast first before going to the hospital. Fairiting from low blood sugar on the way would lie less than ideal
Setting down her glass, she asked lan, Mr. Raymond, what kind of books do you usually enjoy reading? I heard from Mr. Elston
that you took some art classes before?”
Understanding acients style preferences and daily habits could expedite the design process. She summised that lan might not
favor the American style–too busy and flashy in color. On the other hand, the Chinese style could be deemed too conservative
and dull. Art lovers often preferred something more daring
She hoped to gain insights into his preferences through this brief conversation, but lan said; “Just do your thing.
Maa dreaded clients like this–it felt like writing a school essay without a specific topic. Too many choices often led to confusion.
Conversely, having a precise issue simplified things as the scope was defined
“Just do my thing?” Maja mentally sketched out some basic design styles when a woman’s shrek cut through the air
Maatumed to see a young woman in a Chanel suit approaching, her eyes fixed on lan with her exquisite makeup.
Tve been hanging around here for days, hoping to run into you.”

The woman, Sandy, appeared thrilled. Her gaze flickered towards Maja, but her eyebrows slightly furrowed.
“And who might this be?”
Majawas about to mention that lan was her client, but before she could utter a word, Sandy had already seated hersell, acting
like Maja didn’t exist, and resumed conversing with lan. Theard your place in Greenfield Gardens is undergoing renovations?”
lan clearly didn’t wish to engage in conversation and responded with a curt Uh–huh.
Sandy smiled, a slight curl appearing on her lips. “I remember how much you loved the layout of Greenfield Gardens, happen to
know a fabulous designer
Evidently, she was attempting to win lan’s favor by offering to connect him with a designer.
But before she could finish, Maja smiled, “Apologies for interrupting, but Mr. Raymond is current Sandy’s gaze returned to Maja
her lips lightening. “You’re a designer as well?
‘re interested.
Her disdain was palpable as if she believed Maja was trying to get close to lan
Yes, and I must say my conversation with Mr. Raymond has been quite enjoyable.”
Enjoyable conversation? The fact that they were seen together at breakfast in the hotel raised qu sbons about what they might
have been up to the previous night. Sandy’s expression changed with that though assuming that Maja was boasting. How crude
Sandy had initially planned to ignore Maja hoping she would feel uncomfortable and leave alone. However it appeared that Maja
was more capable than expected.
Taking a deep breath, Sandy deliberately brought up lan’s marriage.
“Man must have his reasons for choosing you, so I hope you give it your all. Don’t disap
int him

lan’s brows furrowed. Over the years, Sandy pursued him despite knowing he was married, often using his marriage to deter
other women.
True to form, Sandy’s following words cut to the chase
“You are aware that lan is mamed, right?”
The implication was clear. Are you trying to be a homewrecker?

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