Dear Ex-wife Marry Me by Twin Bridge

Chapter 132

Enzo’s POV
There was a painful expression on Lila’s face.
She looked between Bethany and me, trying to figure out whether I was serious. I knew there was a part
of her that wanted to leave. If she stayed any longer it would only hurt her that much worse, and my
wolf wasn’t able to handle feeling her pain.
“Okay,” she finally said in a soft tone.
Bethany rose her brows at Lila as if silently asking her to leave; this irked me.
Lila turned and left us to be alone.
“I knew you would see things from my view,” Bethany said, batting her long lashes at me. “We are going
to make an incredible team. Now, let’s discuss marriage.”
“We won’t be discussing anything of the sort,” I said, turning my eyes in her direction.
She frowned, seemingly stunned.
“Excuse me?” She asked, raising her brows once again.
“You can’t just come to my workplace and talk about this nonsense in front of my students. It was
incredibly unprofessional, and my personal business is not to be displayed as it was.”
“I apologize for being so careless and erupt but—”
“As for your idea of becoming a team, I don’t work with anyone. I got to where I am today because of
my dedication and my willingness to put in 100 percent of the work. Not because I used someone else
to get ahead.”
“That isn’t what I meant...”
“I know your intentions and I’ve already told your father I’m not interested.”
“I thought if I came to see you myself that—”
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“That I would instantly fall for you? If you had really done your research, you would know that I am not
that easy. I prefer to work alone and be alone. I don’t have time for women and mates. Anybody who
truly knows me would know that. I’m sorry you came all this way only to be disappointed. However, I’m
going to ask you to leave this academy and don’t return here like this again.”
I turned my back to her and went to the combat equipment that I left across the arena. She stood in
place, staring at my back with her mouth hanging open. I knew she was stunned, and I had nothing
more to say to her.

She eventually left without another word.
Third Person POV
That didn’t go as planned at all. There was something seriously off with this situation. Not to mention
there was something off with that girl who brought Bethany to see Enzo.
Lila was her name.
When Enzo asked her to leave, it was like she had seen a ghost. She was making Bethany feel rather
Enzo had looked at Bethany like she was nothing but gutter trash; Bethany was anything but gutter
trash. She had never been looked at in such a heinous way before and she wasn’t sure how to react to
She clenched her fists in a fit of rage; it was taking everything she had not to punch something as she
stalked out of the building.
She paused when she saw that odd girl, Lila, standing nearby, leaning against the wall with her head
hanging low.
“Oh, my goddess!!” A cheerful girl said from a short distance. She was with a couple of other girls who
were staring at Bethany with wide eyes and gaping mouths. In the mix of all the excitement, Bethany
forgot to put her disguise back on before leaving the building. “You’re Bethany Rochelle!!”
“The one and only,” Bethany said coolly, flashing them her award-winning smile.
The girls rushed over to her.
“Can we get your autograph?!” They all asked at once.
They scrambled through their bags to find notebooks and pens.
“I suppose so,” Bethany said, sounding a little bored, but that was her natural attitude when it came to
her fans.
Don’t get her wrong, she adored her fans. Without fans, she wouldn’t be where she was. However, she
didn’t want them to know how much she adored them. So, she played it off as they bored her. It was
what kept her so cool and collected; her fans usually looked up to her attitude and aspired to be that
calm during their daily lives.
Lila had noticed Bethany at that point, and they locked eyes for a moment.
Bethany wondered what this girl was thinking and why she looked so down.
She wondered if it had anything to do with the handsome Enzo.
The thought caused a flicker of a smile to tug at Bethany’s perfectly formed lips before she pulled her

gaze away from Lila and addressed her fans.
They were shoving books and pens in her face; Bethany signed each book and added a little heart to
her signature and kissed each one with her ruby-red lip gloss.
The girls all cooed and screamed.
Bethany’s bodyguard was by her side quickly, forcing the girls away from her so Bethany could make
her way back to her car.
But not before she turned back in the direction of Lila and noticed that she was gone.
How interesting.
Upon returning home, her father was sitting in his office and getting some work done. Bethany barged
in like she was the one in charge.
Her father glanced up from his computer with a frown.
“Beth darling, I’m glad you’re home but must you barge in like that? What if I had a conference?” He
asked, sounding annoyed by his daughter.
“I would hope that you would pause the conference for your daughter,” she said, sitting down in one of
the chairs in front of his desk.
She crossed her leg over the other and folded her arms across her busty chest.
“Of course,” her father said with a sigh. “What’s the matter?” He finally asked after searching her
distraught face.
“I went to see Alpha Enzo and he turned me away,” she muttered.
Her father rose his brows and narrowed his eyes at her.
“I told you that would happen,” her father said, shaking his head with dismay written all over his face.
“Enzo is already spoken for...”
“That’s a lie,” she said firmly. “He told me himself that he doesn’t have any interest in women or mates.”
“Is that right?”
“Perhaps he’s gay,” she said almost thoughtfully.
“I don’t think so,” he said in return.
“Well, clearly you don’t know much of anything about him then,” she snapped.
“Watch your tone, Beth. You might be a famous singer and my daughter, but I’m still the Alpha,” her
father said in a deep and threatening tone.
“As an Alpha, you should know more about the other Alphas.”
“I know what I need to know, and their relationship history isn’t something I need to know,” he

informed her. “It is odd, however, that he remains unmated and unwed. He can’t run a pack properly if
there’s no Luna. It’s shameful really. I tried my best to make him see that but clearly, he is unwilling to
“You don’t have a luna,” Bethany reminded him.
“Your mother was killed. That’s different than never having one.”
“Mother wasn’t your fated mate. She was your chosen mate. If I remember correctly, she wasn’t
interested in a mate either. What made her fall in love with you?”
“I had her live in the packhouse while she was in town for business. There was no other place for her to
stay and I knew I loved her the moment I saw her,” her father explained. “It’s true, she didn’t love me,
but she needed a place to stay for a while and took me up on my offer. Once she saw all the things I
could do and how true to my word that I was, she eventually started to open up to me. She later
confessed to falling in love with me.”
“So, Mother living in the packhouse is what made her fall in love with you?”
“No,” her father said, shaking his head. “But it brought her close enough to me where she eventually fell
in love.”
An idea surfaced in Bethany’s mind, causing her to stand to her feet quickly.
“That’s it!” She breathed. “That’s how I’ll get him to fall in love with me. I’ll move into his packhouse!”

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